concept sentence examples

(1549) 1When that concept proved unworkable, Peck pushed Tesla to work on perfecting AC motors. Invented The Concept sentence examples: In fact, it was Sir James Dyson who invented the concept. (2032) That is a major advance in the concept of public service of which the Government are rightly proud. (2016) This article gives an annotation to the concept of buffoonery in terms of etymology and semantics. (1673) In shipping area, neither the Hague Rules nor the Hague - Visby Rules has this concept. (1752) They are shown here for illustrative purposes to illustrate the time value of money concept. (248) desmond tutu talks about the concept of ubuntu. 23.he was asked to define his Concept of cool. (1351) Liu Bailong: Thank you to kissing civilian the support of store management concept. (1529) You're feeling pity for a creature that would sneer at the concept if she understood it. (1451) At the core of the constitution of liberty, then, lies the concept of the rule of law. (855) However, this concept applies to areas of product management as well. (1888) Conventional accounting concept and method haven't adapted the request of modern management. (1708) This paper explores the linguistic representations of the cognitive concept of boundedness . (877) The book is highly schematic , structured by concept rather than story. (278) But Im just saying, on the concept of fairness. (866) In terms of architecture, the tangibility of this concept is palpable. (1617) As an ideologue, he wanted to institute his grandiose concept, said a former HUD official. (517) The concept of due process is rooted in English common law. The subject is the person or thing that does something or that is described in the sentence. (1031) The C Aileron first appeared in concept-guise at the 200Geneva Motor Show. (504) So churches should not shy away from the concept of elder. (1960) Philosophers such as Thomas Paine, John Stuart Mill, and Henry David Thoreau expanded the concept. (621) Who defines the concept of race in the United States Census? (1633) Scientists believed that the concept of matter did not change when what physics started? (975) Master of Stupidity: That supports the basis of lost-then-found concept. 12.the Concept of the rose continued to inform the poet's work. (1638) Surprisingly, there is no generally accepted concept of population that biologists use. For instance featuring only character conceptart, location conceptart, or vehicle conceptart. (1410) This paper describes DLL (Dynamic Linking Library), its basic concept and mechanism. (1216) But today I want to focus on this concept of composition for physical space. (2100) Supported by new concept and theory, EDT has advantaged superiority in solving undetectable problems. The analytical discussion of acousmatic music can benefit from being based on spatial concepts, and this article aims to provide a framework for investigation. - 20 examples of simple sentences "concept". (1694) As an ideologue, he wanted to institute his grandiose concept, said a former HUD official. (1179) The word was a term used in Greek when discussing the concept of aristocracy. (329) The concept of zero sprang from the Hindu culture. (715) I don't believe in smart homes. Examples of Concept in a sentence. (1082) Course content will desalinate inherent concept, carry out modular teaching. The food is very good and reminded us a great deal of a Fox concept's Zinburger. "concept" sentence examples (41) but the concept is identical. (659) Hart is, at his core, the concept of entropy in corporeal form. (624) Equal efficiency surface production function is a new concept. (1985) The concept of mutualism effect of hybrid control is proposed based on the biologic symbiosis. (315) Expounded the concept of the member regimentation. 24.but french school did not hold in esteem the Concept of world literature. What is an adverb of quantity? (151) A frightening concept occured to Jennifer. (928) The concept of Dasein is the core of Heidegger's existential philosophy. (778) The concept of fuzzy homomorphism between two near-ring was defined. (1574) The human capital concept is not new, even though it reached its apotheosis in the 1960s. (1223) With democracy militarised in Iraq it had undermined the concept she argues. (545) novelty is a concept of commerce, not an aesthetic concept. (688) Breakthrough artists always expand the very concept of freedom. (1157) Scientific interpretation is influenceed by the concept of logical positivism. (464) Selfness refers to the concept and knowledge of oneself. (196) Let me frame the concept in a different way. . (1776) That's a lot for a client to commit to before you actually see the fruition of the concept. (1144) The new concept of form reached its fullest expression in the work of Picasso. (1445) The Democrats are trying to belittle the concept of a Wall, calling it old fashioned. (1463) The concept of Packet Transport Network (PTN) came into being against this background. + improve definition (717) It is necessary to get the youth to have a high ethical concept. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word concept? (536) Our imagination can only reach as high as our self-concept. (837) So, the next concept that I want to define is that of arc length. (253) The concept is great, and it seems well made. (328) The concept is quite alien to our way of thinking. (648) Which doctrine denies the concept of a permanent self or soul. Moreover, these results indicate that they compare well with state-of-the-art evaluators based on considerably more complicated concepts. (180) Her concept album didnt work out that well. (1571) After so much success over such a long period, ambition is a nebulous concept for Clarke. (1139) Many people can imitate, but there are few who can originate a new concept. Qualifying adjectives accompany nouns and make them unique. (497) I will fund GAF escrow once an intial concept is selected. (1315) But Willadsen's cloned lamb was seminal nevertheless, in concept and in technique. (1420) In that context he also derives Bayes theorem from the concept of fuzzy subsethood. (864) Ecotourism is a new application for an age-old concept of stewardship. (728) A related concept in political science is the developmental state, (729) And I said if you let it run, that I hate the concept of abortion. Imagine a huge piece of marble in front of you. (1770) From this point we go on to an even more detailed examination of the concept of repression. (437) Many passages in Scripture allude to this concept . (1669) As an important concept in stylistics,foregrounding plays a key role in stylistic analysis. In neuroscience today two very different concepts exist of how the brain operates as a whole. (1973) So Phronesis as epistemological category is regarded as a mainly analytic tool about law concept. (1710) Then, the purpose and concept of Price Hearing System coincides with Deliberative Democracy. Local autonomy must be as great as possible. (1920) The rationalist tendency to take image and concept to be proportionate may explain the reduction. (741) Who is credited with the concept of separating church and state? (1124) Utilizing metadata to describe aspectual interfaces is a powerful concept. we were exploring the, and i was blown away, because i thought the whole, The poetical nature of the Chinese language is a as as a, This brief discussion of political subculture serves only to introduce the, either you 're willing to go with this claustrophobic, What aspects of a building were considered part of the larger, Additionally series borrows heavily from the Taoist, As an alternative to ROI measure , organizations adopt the residual income, 1, Especially the view of samsara has totally changed the death, Liu Bailong: Thank you to kissing civilian the support of store management, The requirement of trespass places a civil law, 1Invented in 195the rotary engine is a revolutionary, 2Invented in 195the rotary engine is a revolutionary, 2The world's first underwater airplane aircraft Water Wizard --- Necker, 1The poetical nature of the Chinese language is a as as a, In Rambunctious Garden Emma Marris outlines why the, let me explain when we all get a moment together the, To investigate mood congruency memory of depressed people in, So, without these wireless technologies, this, as a, Human resource accounting framework for the, 1. (958) The concept of area density can be useful when analysing accretion disks. Business Concept An early stage idea for a business. (552) We need a clear definition for the concept of human rights. (213) But this concept is quite alien to Scripture. (1509) The poetical nature of the Chinese language is a as as a concept to be interpreted. (935) It is a generalization of the concept of mechanical work in mechanics. (1627) The concept and the architectural parts of an intelligent tutoring system are defined. (215) 1. (1259) Macromanagement is a close concept to the economic concept of mechanism design. (676) A new design concept, luxury and beauty, pipeline ABS shell. (1907) The behavior of the machine is fascinating, but it has little to do with the concept of counting. (1022) 2This plan lets consumer learn the artistic concept of neoclassicism style. (1520) We pioneered the concept of women going back into the workforce after a career break. (1309) The squeeze mapping sets the stage for development of the concept of logarithms. - How to use "concept" in a sentence. (2136) What is the meaning of "concept" in a sentence. (1194) This concept is represented in a bar graph pictured in the students' workbooks . was aristotle who proved the world is round. (1804) He stood on basic pragmatism position to expound self concept with behaviorism viewpoints. If it is living, bares live young, has hair on its body, nurses its young with milk, and is warm blooded, then it is a mammal. Our guess is that through language experience, they adapt their preverbal concepts into the specific packages that are delineated by their own language. (532) The concept came out of the University's Ultrasonics Group. (896) You could argue that rock opera is a subcategory of the concept album. (1886) The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. (1969) At present railroad movement is breaking away from original concept, to change of movement system. (2061) Brentano's, in terms of a concept that needs further elucidation, the concept of intentionality. Read more. (1538) 2Does the concept of fideism have any coherent and legitimate use in a postmodern world? (1625) 1Therefore, you can trust the intentions of Park Road and the concept of WYSIWYG purchase. (1864) Dirty Computer arrived after two concept albums in which Mone's alter egos took center stage. (947) The concept of American cultural imperialism has entered the op-ed lists. A clear, They spent trillions of dollars more, so we have to deal with that whole, He saw it written down somewhere. (249) we've been working on this concept for months. (380) But with children, the concept is far more ambiguous. (1838) Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. (1744) In the Collins Review it's presented as a vague and ill-defined feel-good motherhood concept. (224) To me, social justice is a simple concept. (898) Self-actualisation is too vague a concept to usefully inform managers. (1738) The last thing I want to do is obfuscate the concept by trying to explain it too rapidly. If it floats in water, it is less dense than water. (295) In what concept is the MoD considered a leader? (2084) It introduces the concept of process to capture the idea of impermanence , dissolvability and change. (566) What theory did Whitehead prefer to the Cartesian concept? (1225) Eurocentrism has been a particularly important concept in development studies. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. (1980) Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. (175) He was asked to define his concept of cool. (652) Theory of collective security is a postwar concept of security. (457) This idealistic concept is at variance with reality. (1672) Understandability: User's effort for recognizing the logical concept and its applicability. (1322) Despite its roll in nostalgia, the Meatball Shop is a deceptively modern concept . (668) The Opposition have totally failed to grasp the banding concept. (463) Extrospection by a Platonic viewpoint: concept modeling. A clear concept trough all the work. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. Termos relacionados para from the concept- sinnimos, antnimos e frases com from the concept. (1429) This is a concept which I introduced to listen to complaints, listen to grievances. (549) Several concept cars have been shown at various motor shows, (550) This is a separate concept from the houses of the horoscope, (551) The term comes from the mathematical concept of a singleton. (908) Vegetarianism is not only a concept, but also an action on saving food. (1427) This is why they have that mentality and that attitude and they go by that concept. (109) For Lind, similarity is a key concept. (1389) There is only science concept learning effects research on senior high schools now . (1779) Objective To desacribe self concept and sub concept of rehabilitative schizophrenic patients. (580) From concept to reality, we work hard to deliver your needs. (1190) So churches should not shy away from the concept of elder. (1639) The pastor tried to teach us the concept of repentance and making amends for wrongdoing. (1341) So I've broadened the fitness concept to make it one of moderation and balance. (940) And I think it's a more useful concept than sustainability, as I said. Lot of example sentences with the word concept of a. arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share (1998) The generic label shareware covers a marketing concept rather than a particular brand of software. (1352) At any given moment we all have a mental concept of who we are, and usually several. (1318) Irradiating food to prevent illness from food-borne bacteria is not a new concept. This is what local autonomy means. 39.she won her freedom by realizing that it is only within limitations that the Concept of freedom is relevant. (1240) 1Human resource accounting framework for the concept of building their own views. (1655) The authors introduced the concept of oil sand, its reserves and distribution in the world. In some, the topic sentence appears in the middle or at the end. Examples of 'concept' in a sentence Go to the dictionary page of concept Examples from Collins dictionaries She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. They are also used to provide direction to work efforts as they act as a short and fundamental statement of what you are trying to achieve. (1924) Rotating law enforcement officers is a textbook concept straight out of police administration 10. (1068) The concept of a continuous spectrum is obviously unmanageable graphically. (657) Even then, the Hawthorne tunnel is at best a proof of concept . (1241) Propose concept of molecular test system of inherited disease for the first time. (1345) either you 're willing to go with this claustrophobic concept or you 're not. (1647) The word hygge has been sifted to the surface in recent years but the concept is not new. She found the whole concept faintly absurd. (1543) In his teens he had begun to fiddle with the concept of a substitute for direct current. Examples of concept in a Sentence; Examples of concept. (522) We have this concept that the opposite of play is work. (1972) All we require is a well-defined concept that makes R determinate and is consistent with symmetry. (1325) The Toshiba Libretto W10is a napkin-sketched concept unexpectedly brought to life. (1602) This video, I think, gets across the concept that I'm talking about quite dramatically. 21.many passages in scripture allude to this Concept. (1668) The concept of Fuzziness is used in selecting the firing first for engineering application. (299) Take for example the key concept loose coupling . (985) I love the concept of this and was excited to receive a new toaster oven. (1080) Now, the commodity exchange itself, that concept, is not new to the world. (1481) The king's peace is a core concept in early English law pertaining to the royal house. (874) However , this concept applies to areas of product management as well. Concept Sentence Examples. (132) The concept of this tool is excellent. (736) The concept of stereographic projection originated in 330 B.C. (466) A public that disagrees with the very concept of empire . (272) He formulated the concept of imaginary time. (1287) The concept and method of component technology is similar to the group technology. (1330) we were working together. (631) This work is great as a proof of concept , said Dr. Garrison. Conectar. (957) Apart from that everything is still according to the architects concept. (2078) The concept of image array and graphic control point, instead of traditional pinpoint control point. (1208) specifically about a concept that we've been developing over the last few years. (857) The concept is introduced in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince . As a concept album, it's remarkably low on conceptual tosh. (2124) What is another word for "concept"? (1504) The article describes the function, composition and operational concept of edger mills. (105) So that's the basic concept we use. (1273) Each work comes from a long thought process. (1825) Personhood is no doubt an open-ended concept that defies philosophic analysis in unclear cases. (337) Weird concept: I hired you; I should trust you. (1265) This is a great concept but my cat could easily paw it open while still on top. (771) I've come to realize that confidence is a concept you can choose. - The Word "concept" in Example Sentences. (1298) In conclusion, deducing the point of view that concept is culminating of behavior. (516) The concept of resistance is just as applicable in fluids. (1128) Points can be spent to unlock extras such as concept art and character bios. What are the implications for a business organization of adopting the marketing, These different explorations of 'identity' demonstrate how difficult a, Von Neumann acknowledged that the central, So as part of that, they were coming to us with a, The generic label shareware covers a marketing, Sexuality appears to be a protean , shifting, French wines and luxury brands are appreciated by connoisseurs (another French, But then again that may not be too surprising as daring is far from an alien, 1Philosophers such as Thomas Paine, John Stuart Mill, and Henry David Thoreau expanded the, All religions are created by man, including the, In the final analysis, all malversation can be related to the absence of correct, ANOLE Designing Company is characterized with international design, A consideration of the cultural context of such, Three theories groups had studied the development process of the ego unification, Along with the appearance of property right market, the, I'm in awe of their power in terms of imagination, in terms of technology, in terms of, The gist of this paper lies in the sex revealing of marriage contract, The client can have a full high-resolution mock up about two hours from receipt of the, What do some historians think made Wallace's, If you've ever seen Fiddler on the Roof, you are probably familiar with the, By October, a media agency had won a prestigious Australian media award for this innovative, Of course, this risks the subordination of personal freedom to some nebulous, Skoda will pull the wraps off their Fabia saloon, the Octavia 4Xhatchback and a mystery, I'm not a big fan of the close-up headshot of Brad Pitt (almost ala Apatow), but I love the, 2Most West European countries have embraced the, Niccolo Machiavelli?s political communication, Even on the issue of biblical interpretation, the, Most West European countries have embraced the, The existence of feedbacks between climatic and geologic deformational processes is a novel, This category actually draw together the one part in, Often the acts of artivists can be refererred to as part of the larger, [citation needed] He also pointed out the, When don't Jeffries and Ryan that the modern, I'm going to start with how I started with this, So, for those of you unfamiliar, Twitter is based around a very simple, seemingly trivial, The result is a digital rendering of each, In science, Newton's laws for falling objects were based on the, He had opposed the Second Boer War, and was likewise initially hostile to the, Dad entreated me to join forces with him, which was when I first explained my wait to worry, 1It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one, echoing the Incan, This dissertation makes an analysis of modern Chinese poetry based on the, Pauling thought resonance was a physical phenomenon, but Wheland thought it only a man-made, I've rarely seen IT groups talk about choosing a business service and doing a proof of, There is no doubt that the old rating system was based on the nebulous, Meanwhile, this ideology was deeply influenced by Darwinian social, Well, here is one for you, enfolding same, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". (1894) When do Jeffries and Ryan that the modern concept of separation of church and state dates from, (1895) Visi? (324) Continuing medical education is not a new concept. (785) Thus the baseball concept of a double play cannot occur in cricket. Musical notation is kept to a minimum, theoretical concepts are explained in simple terms, and prominent musicologists are given brief introductions. (996) I did not believe in any concept quite so formulaic, but I felt lightened. (983) 1Health is the pivot around which an absolute concept of poverty revolves. (1904) Even when converts appear genuine and sincere , it's still a difficult concept to take seriously. (1607) Exploitation movies are often criticized as trashy , but poor taste is an elitist concept. (849) 1. (317) Somehow, the concept of spontaneity didn't fit him. (1203) 1This general philosophic concept of art was supported by technical necessities. What are qualifying adjectives? (see phrases) Concepts are mental representations, abstract objects or abilities that make up the fundamental building blocks of thoughts and beliefs. (637) is i'm going to take that concept, i'm going to make something. A concept paper is an academic written discourse that explains a concept, often about something that the writer is thoroughly familiar with and passionate about. (830) The Editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking. (1826) 2Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. 1. (1797) The players, meanwhile, are doing a wonderful job of not overselling the new ballpark concept. y the concept of EMC and the relationship with medical electrical equipments. (745) The concept of evolution has been debated for hundreds of years. The idea derives from concepts of conflict in conversion disorder. (915) i'm going to start with how i started with this concept seven years ago. (447) the concept should win me a nobel in a couple of years. (1932) This paper proposes a trust-based concept model of governance mechanism for virtual corporation. (1200) In chapter one, the concept, intension and extension of the details are put out. (1440) To make sense as a concept, the Christ has to be an Everyman, a man without qualities. (2044) Niccolo Machiavelli?s political communication concept was set up on the basis of its humanity devel. (358) The very concept of free speech is unknown to them. (614) Well, consider by analogy, the concept of physical health. (357) The bright boy comprehended the concept of geometry. Such a selection of terms and concepts is indispensable as one prepares for an inquiry into the facts of a problematic situation. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Core concept meaning and usage. Another characteristic of the synonyms file is that the synonyms are very general phrases that may map to many different concepts. (1978) Describes brie ? (1827) Should we globalize aspects of a brand: its name, its creative concept and the product itself? (276) So the pride of lions is the proof of concept. " (new, original, modern) Used with verbs: " She doesn't have a concept of saving money. (1909) She figures the concept is elastic enough to accommodate the change she wants to make in herself. Based on the correlation factors, index terms are linked to relevant concepts from the ontology with a blind relationship. (1929) The concept and design principle of reconfigurable cipher coprocessor are proposed in this paper. (706) An overloaded subprogram is an important concept in Ada language. Great in concept, but obscure as all get-out to program and inconsistent on browsers. (747) Facts about Muslims: Muslims invented the concept of a hospital. (1905) But until you see it and hold it, it's merely a concept, a flaky idea, something that may happen. (1881) This paper proposes a trust-based concept model of governance mechanism for virtual corporation. (1577) Objective To desacribe self concept and concept of rehabilitative schizophrenic patients. (1688) It's the intellectual who transforms the concept of the world into the problem of meaning. (1476) In fact, we didn't develop the app to make it available, just as a proof of concept. (1822) What kind of philosophical and theological account does the concept of divine reality call for? (1594) In trying to learn about inflatable technology, I came across the solar sail concept. (474) The presumption of innocence is a crucial legal concept. (529) So let's look at the concept of traditional anthropology.
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