water scarcity in morocco

Local DMFS are likely to be run by government agencies, emergency responders or even local communities. Climate change impact: In northern Morocco, medium confidence in an increase in drought tendency and consistent increase in the physical area of drought which is a key factor in water scarcity. The data set used to classify the hazard in this area is not publicly available to view or download due to licensing restrictions. Planted in hot zones of Morocco (Souss, Haouz) and expanded to other regions, hotter ones, like Zagora and Kalaat Mgouna. The identification of previous events occurring at a given location will clearly indicate the presence of a significant hazard. In 1995 they started building and growing deselanation plants. Ensure that staff are aware of the DMFS, understand how long they will have to respond to a warning, and are familiar with the response protocols. DMFS may vary from local scale procedures that already exist for your location, through to large scale DMFS. [1] Water scarcity (closely related to water stress or water crisis) is the lack of fresh water resources to meet the standard water demand. According to government records, the latter has been exposed to climate threats for some time and has had a severe rainfall deficiency since September 2021 and an alarming reduction in dam reserves of nearly 89% compared to the yearly average. According to Joint Resolution No. Download Table | Survey results in terms of farm number and volume from publication: Contribution of Seawater Desalination to Cope with Water Scarcity in Souss-Massa Region in Southern Morocco . Water availability in Morocco has dropped from 3,500 m3per person per year in 1960 to 1,000 m3in 2000, and forecasts are predicting it will further fall to 490 m3in 2020, below the United Nations' "absolute water scarcity" level. There was a problem submitting your report. Depending upon the sophistication of the DMFS, a range of protocols may be required to define actions for different warning levels. By contrast, water stress is a combination of water availability and water quality, such as in Flint, MI, where water was abundantbut poor infrastructure upkeep rendered it too toxic for use. Consider drought-resilient design if the asset provides a critical service. However, given the challenges of population growth, profligate use, growing pollution, and changes in weather patterns due to global warming, many . These studies are typically desk studies that will attempt to provide a generic assessment of water scarcity/drought risk by integrating available information, and perhaps undertaking some coarse scale modelling. -Establishing seawater desalination plants. -Providing drinking water for all citizens. They may have an intricate knowledge of water scarcity/drought hazard, as well as being able to identify key datasets and information that already exists in your project area. It should be noted that the cost of this strategic project amounts to 4.48 billion DH, including 2.7 billion DH for the part related to drinking water. Further detailed information should be obtained to adequately account for the level of hazard. Moroccans have access to just 600 cubic metres of water per person per year, far below the 2,600 cubic metres they enjoyed in the 1960s. Following its launch during the UNFCCC's COP 21 in Marrakech Morocco in November 2016, the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) has steadily received recognition and mandate to support countries in finding solutions to cope with climate change in agriculture in the face of climate change. The Moroccan Executive attributes this deficit to the lack of precipitation. -Diversification of drinking water sources. -Construction of dams with different capacities in multiple regions. It uses a computable general equilibrium model augmented with submodules that . Project planning decisions, project design, and construction methods should take into account the level of drought hazard. Results show that water scarcity and changes in crop yields induced by climate change could reduce the GDP of Morocco up to 6.7 billion US dollars per year at 2016 constant prices and eliminate many job opportunities, in particular in the rural areas of this country. The Ministry of Equipment and Water has just launched a call for tenders relating to the realization of an impact study on the natural and socio-economic environment and the economic profitability of the held project. While urban water demand is expected to rise by 60 percent to 100 percent in most large cities by 2050, climate projections suggest reduced precipitation and a sharp decline in water resources availability. [14] $37,500. June July and August all receive under 5 mm of rainfall Population distribution in Morocco Location of water sources in Morocco Earth is expected to add another 1.2 billion people to its population by 2030, meaning that the need for water will increase by 30 percent. -Communication and awareness raising to establish awareness of the importance of preserving water resources and rationalizing their use. Water Scarcity in Morocco. These sources of local knowledge should be used to further inform the likely water scarcity/drought hazard level at a given location. If there is one fact that Moroccans cant seem to get out of their heads, it is that their country has been severely affected by the worst drought in nearly four decades mostly because the country is agricultural by orientation according to the High Commission for Planning that said that agriculture is the sector that consumes the most water in Morocco with about 9 billion cubic meters annually, which represents 87.8% of the total water consumed. . There is not enough water in Morocco as it has 6.3 percent of our worlds population. Morocco is going through economic water scarcity as 56% of its population is in poverty. should be considered a first estimate of water scarcity. 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In Morocco, an estimated 400 percent increase in public expenditure commitments to enhance urban, peri-urban and rural water supply and sanitation was linked with an estimated 75 percent increase . They are also thinking about treating wastewater which means they will de-contaminate dirty water. Water scarcity will also affect exporting industries. A site specific DRA represents the most detailed appraisal of water scarcity/drought risk at a given location. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA. From previous entries, it is clear that there are a number of threats to development in Morocco. Morocco is expected to be faced with a major water shortfall prompted by either expansion in demand for water or reduction in precipitation induced by climate change. On the August 5th, 2022, Ahmed Bakhri, an engineering expert in water and the environment, confirmed in this regard a statement to Barlamane.com that water periodically moves from third-world countries to rich countries, through the export of water-depleting vegetables and fruits such as watermelon, that is exported from countries in North Africa to the water-rich countries of Europe, and also avocados from South America, passing through Morocco to Europe and America. The current Finance Act had mentioned only one way related to water policy or dams policy to face water shortage. Identify if any local regulations exist concerning water scarcity & droughts. Barlaman Today 2021-2022 . Agriculture is by far the largest consumer of fresh water in Morocco, making it particularly vulnerable to water scarcity. The irrigation network is planned on a linear of about 115 km serving 5,000 hectares of arable farmland. North Africa has the most water scarcity in the world. Around 1.2 billion people, or almost one-fifth of the world's population, live in areas of physical scarcity, and 500 million people are approaching . Water stress is the ratio of water use relative to water availability ("demand-driven scarcity"). -Demand management and water valuation, especially in the agricultural sector. In this context of preservation of natural resources, Generation Green will also continue efforts to disseminate soil conservation techniques as the Department of Agriculture will have to mandate next September, and it will have to recruit more than 20 million dirhams, for technical assistance to support it in the implementation of this program. In Africa places don't have a lot of money to afford technology that will clean their water. Water periodically moves from third-world countries to rich countries. Based on this information, the impact of drought must be considered in . Indeed, critical levels of pollution have been observed in several sections of watercourses, and several water streams have high concentrations of phosphorus, ammonia, organic matter and high coliform counts. While urban water demand is expected to rise by 60% to 100% in most large cities by 2050, climate projections suggest reduced precipitation and a sharp decline in water resources availability. The Moroccan government signed new agreements related to avocado and watermelons with many countries such as Israel; European Union, and Gulf, however, such plantation is known to be water-consuming for dams and water tables. There is not enough water in Morocco as it has 6.3 percent of our worlds population. This paper examines the economywide impacts of these factors for Morocco. Generation Green 2020-2030 emphasizes its interest in two major development actors that are linked to each other, which are: Encouraging young people to take over in the agricultural field, creating opportunities for young people, and strengthening the attractiveness of the sector are major issues to ensure the continuity of agricultural development as well as digital agricultural services will be strengthened to enable 2 million farmers to connect to e-services. In Morocco water scarcity is caused by culture, technology and environment. The study aims to better understand material security while building a stronger understanding of cross-sector security issues, such as food, water, environment, and migration. This optimization of water resources will be accompanied by the promotion of renewable energies in this area via the support of the energy transition of farmers to renewable energy. Drought Monitoring and Forecasting Systems (DMFS) are key in reducing potential damages that results from a water scarcity/drought event. We welcome any suggestions for improvements to the tool, including suggestions of data, recommendations, or resources to include. Water in Morocco mubalq Uncategorized March 25, 2019 2 Minutes Rabat- Morocco is now among 45 countries facing water scarcity, according to World Resources Institute water scarcity map, which reveals Morocco's critical situation. A disruption in the supply of fresh products from agriculture can slow down the food processing and agro export industries. To face the shortage in rainfall and to manage water scarcity and the repercussions of drought years, Morocco has adopted several important measures, including: Improved indicators of access to drinking water. _______________________________________________________________, _____________________________________________________________. Causes of Water Scarcity in Africa. Only a portion of these negative impacts can be removed with improvements in . Local government officials may provide written records, observations or insight into previous water scarcity/drought events that have occurred. These systems are designed to provide communities with information on evolving drought conditions using information from (long-term seasonal) weather-forecasts, temperature records, measured rainfall and evapotranspiration, and data on the levels of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and groundwater. Within the same source, Morocco is 3rd world in the export of watermelon, with an amount of 160.8 million dollars, after Spain and Mexico in 2020. This catastrophe, which is expected, makes people fear that there will be a strong water shortage at least this year as a result of climate change as well as poor water resources. Praia, Cabo Verde, West Africa, 7-10 February 2023 Background. These urgent measures for the year 2022 were written through 3 main axes and supported by The Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development, upon the order of King Mohammed VI, will contribute three billion dirhams to this program, namely: As a response to water vulnerability threatening the most dynamic zones, economically speaking, and most populated regions out of 12 regions, the axis Rabat-Casa and part of the 2020-2050 National Water Plan, the project to interconnect the central basins Sebou, Bouregreg, Oum Er Rbia, and Tensift is entering the study phase knowing that it has been planned since 2012 by The Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water, and Environment. Physical water scarcity is when there is purely no water and when our earth can't produce enough water to meet demand. If your project provides a critical service, consider implementing basic measures to ensure the project can continue to function in case of a water scarcity/drought event such as having an alternative energy supply system (wind/solar/batteries). Obtain evidence of previous events, if available. In the early 20s, the alarm bell of water scarcity was rung, AgriMaroc, a farmers e-magazine, news, files, interviews, analyses, and agricultural surveys in Morocco, announced in 2020: In Souss-Massa, there is not a drop of water in the water table, the dams are dry and we suffer from the intrusion of seawater. The level of professional guidance will depend largely on the vulnerability of the project and/or identified hazard level. Consider if measures need to be taken to mitigate risks, such as planting more drought resilient crops, or considering agricultural insurance. Keep the soil moist until the fruit reaches its maximum size, then stop watering while the fruit ripens. This action has contributed to: The National Water Strategy for the year 2009, which focused on: Adopting the governance system based on the unit of the water basin to manage the water resource and remedy the large spatial differences. making Morocco a water-scarce region. For critical or networked assets, protocols should warn of possible service interruption and highlight that backup assets service(s) may be required imminently. People are having to manually collect water by walking long distances twice a day to a well, but recently they're collecting water with fog nets. Water scarcity is an escalating crisis around the globe, and Morocco's regional neighbors are among the worst affected. The impacts that water scarcity is creating are really big, it's stopping children from going to school and to be healthy and safe. The desalination plant will be located in the town of Bir Anzarane at a distance of 1,000 m from the coastline and about 130 km north of Dakhla. Feb. 15, 2018 2:55 p.m. Rabat- Morocco is now among 45 countries facing water scarcity, according to World Resources Institute water scarcity map, which reveals Morocco's critical. Morocco currently only treats about 25 percent of wastewater, which means that its "water productivity," or level of economic efficiency with which it uses water, is quite low compared to its neighbors. Evaluate the vulnerability of your project to the disturbance of public services, like transportation, communication, sanitation, fresh water supply, electricity supply etc. According to CMIs study, however, Morocco still needs to redouble its efforts when it comes to water management and sustainable agriculture. -Reuse treated wastewater for watering green spaces. Only a portion of these negative impacts can be removed with improvements in water use efficiency. As the clock ticks, no further information has been disclosed, the thing that raises the question about why neither the Akhannouch government , nor the Islamists government did not make this plan a priority in their investment program for 2022, despite the fact that the situation had been known for several years in the water highway plan, and all experts believe that time to take actions relating to the project must imperatively start in September 2022 in hopes to accomplish the target between April and May 2023, a date on which they foresee the exhaustion of the water reaching Morocco. According to the CESE, the water supply in Morocco is below 650 cubic meters per person annually, compared to 2,500 in 1960. All Rights Reserved. According to World Top Exports, an independent educational website designed to inspire researchers around the globe, Morocco takes 11th place in the world ranking of the export of avocado in 2021 with an amount of 89.4 million dollars, being the 3rd African state in the field, after Kenya which comes 8th worldwide, and South Africa. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Chiles Agroberries Invests 40 million in Blueberry Farming in Morocco, Moroccos OBarrels Creates Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Furniture, World Bank: Morocco Needs to Invest $78 Billion by 2050s For Low-Carbon Future, Morocco Allocates $2 Million for Study of Tangier Desalination Plant, Moroccan Think Tank: Stimulating Innovation Is Key to Resilient Agriculture, Spanish Lenium to Launch Green Water Capture Project in Morocco, Morocco to Optimize Agriculture Irrigation Grids Amid Water Scarcity, Water Desalination: Saudi Arabias ACWA Power to Enter Moroccan Market, 2022 Morocco World News, All Rights Reserved. Is an agricultural policy planned since 2008, to develop the agricultural sector by having a large part of the annual GDP, as well as to make Morocco a leader in the agricultural field in the continent, by opting for a solid and productive agricultural strategy, and making the international market in the head of the priorities, by planting for export, which means looking for the needs of the international market. In Morocco water scarcity is caused by culture, technology and environment. Agriculture is the number one user of water worldwide. A water scarcity/drought risk appraisal will provide a more localised view of water scarcity/drought risk (than provided by the ThinkHazard! In the WANDEL project, the researchers examined four different energy scenarios and their impact on water resources: a coal-fired power plant with water cooling on the Weser River, a chain of six run-of-river power plants on the Danube, a solar thermal power plant in Morocco, and the use of sugarcane biomass to generate electricity in Brazil. (This system has known several obstacles, represented in the immaturity of the powers of every institutional actor related to water, which resulted in major imbalances). Morocco, according to the World Resources Institute (WRI), would experience significant water stress by 2040. Likewise, local residents may have a good understanding of the local behaviour of the hydro-economic system, particularly if they have resided within the project region over a significant period of time. We can add that those plantations impact negatively the dams too, apart from climate change and the deterioration of rainy seasons, especially in Mansour Dahbis dam, which moved from 163.8 Million meter cubes in 2019 to only 58.1 Million meter cubes in 2022, and the global capacity of that dam Zagouras region, can hold 445 Million m3, that means that the dam moved of a fill-in-the-blank of 36.8% to 13%. Climate change seems to have driven the new measures. Documentation of previous events, through local news reports, can also provide a useful insight into previous events, and help to define to risk of water scarce conditions at a more local scale. As a reminder, we experience water stress when we receive less than 1,000 cubic meters of fresh water per person per year. This business increased by 85.2% between 2008 and 2018 and became an essential field in our countrys economy. What makes us ask questions about that, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) had warned Morocco in 2020 of water shortage when the country was at the level of water scarcity. Concerned, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) sounded the alarm in a report published in early March 2020. We should mention that it takes 1,600 liters of water to produce 1kg of avocado. It simply means that an event has not yet been recorded officially. Evaluate the vulnerability of your project beneficiaries to water scarcity related problems such as food security and failing crops. Morocco is one of the most water-scarce countries in the world: it is quickly approaching the absolute water scarcity threshold of 500 cubic meters (m3) per person per year. Economic Water Scarcity Is when the government or ruler can't afford to get water for his land. After looking at all of these diagrams and graphs we can say that Morocco has low rainfall and high temperatures. In addition to water scarcity/drought hazard modelling, mapping and documentation, local knowledge can provide a useful source of additional information that can be used to identify water scarcity/drought hazard. A more detailed understanding of water scarcity/drought risk can be obtained via a water scarcity/drought risk appraisal. Moroccans have access to just 600 cubic meters of water per person per year, far below the 2,600 cubic meters they enjoyed in the 1960s. Agricultural Policy: [Green Morocco Plan]. The project comes at a time when Morocco is resorting to innovation to solve its water scarcity problem. In other words, we reach a critical point because the amount of water needed far outweighs the amount of water that is now accessible. Published only days ahead of the UN climate conference in Egypt, the report titled "Living on The Edge" focused on Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco . Boutzmezguida harvest water from fog that is then piped to homes in 14 impoverished rural villages in Southwest Morocco. We must also add that Morocco was ranked as the 19th producer of watermelon in 2019 after Saudi Arabia, with 674833 tons while the production of avocado ranked 22nd in 2019, with 54 576 tons according to National Master, a statistics database that offers a large directory of variables for comparison purposes. This means that there is up to a 20% chance droughts will occur in the coming 10 years. Water scarcity/drought management includes all measures that may alleviate water scarcity/drought risk. The greening of Beni Mellal in Morocco. Regardless of the measures implemented, it is important to note that scarcity/drought management measures should not be treated in isolation, as their impact on other areas may be significant. As shown in the following graph; "Water Scarcity in Africa by Countries with Operating Paper Mills"; the high water availability risk in countries like Algeria and Morocco, will be a major constraint in any further paper industrial development. Water stress in the At Baamrane region of Morocco. The study reveals that sustainable development in Morocco is under threat from water scarcity. The water scarcity/drought management options available will depend upon the type of the water scarcity/drought event, the size of the project, the resources available, and the willingness/ability of other stakeholders in the region to participate. Consider ensuring accessibility to the project in the case of a water scarcity/drought event. Water scarcity could impact almost every aspect of Morocco's future socioeconomic development. should be considered as a preliminary information in defining water scarcity in your project area. The index also ranked Morocco fifth globally in the clean innovation pillar.. If your project is interdependent with other projects, it is important to assess the vulnerability of all projects. However, green hydrogen production requires more than just sun and wind. These nets on top of Mt. Morocco is expected to be faced with a major water shortfall prompted by either expansion in demand for water or reduction in precipitation induced by climate change.
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