advantages of arranged marriages

For some people marrying without already loving the person is a matter of question. Having spoken to several young men and women about arranged marriage and why they opt for it even though theyve been brought up in Western countries, many cite this as their reason for it. India divorce rate - 1.2 %. The family members believe in getting the younger ones married only with the permission of the elder ones and according to their choices. There was also a period when Gandharva Vivah was too common in the Vedic period of India. Especially if you havent lived together before marriage. You wouldnt believe it, but there are some worldly renowned celebrities who opted for an arranged marriage. Arranged marriages can sometimes have a. To elaborate further, arranged marriages are common in countries like India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and there is very little tolerance for divorce in these countries. When two people are newly married they have to get used to each other in the first place and additional differences in culture and religion could be extremely stressful something that an arranged marriage does away with. Theyre trying to figure out whether something could go wrong that could drive people apart, Dr. Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavior Research and Technology in Vista, California says. Thanks Vidya. Ltd. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Cultural similarity. In India, the services of these agencies are still hired by the parents and not the candidates unlike in the Western societies where a person looking for a life partner will directly approach professional matchmakers. August 24, 2022, 2:41 pm. Nice post, though I am not a big fan of arranged marriage as mine didnt work out but I echo almost all your points except for the love between two in an arranged marriage, I dont want to stereotype from my experience though!!! Especially in the last part where you say that it doesnt matter if its love or arranged, its more of how you approach marriage in general. It is a kind of arranged marriage in which the bride and the groom share an ancestor. In arranged marriages, usually, the prospects are strangers to each other who try to make a bond to get married. Never knew folks thought sooo much about arranged marriages. Get your custom essay on, Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". Youre probably in the family witness protection program. Advantages of Arranged Marriages: 1. Your post reminded me of a friend who went to India to get married. It does have its advantages. Marriage is the act of two people coming together, and with them, they bring both their upbringings, habits, and traditions. Endo means within. Everything You Need To Know. Your nasty behavior will reflect on them. Here are some. Ultimately as with all things in life its about what we bring to the experience. But there are also other causes for the same. Arranged Marriages. In some cases, the couple will have a say in every step of the process. In this case, the partners have fallen in love and decided to get married, the elders just have to accept their decision. A few years down the line and they were utterly miserable. However, the youngsters are curious to know how long it takes for the couple to fall in love with each other.It is practically seen that the couples who opt for arranged marriage are more romantic because both the partners are new to it and they try to gain knowledge about each other in a very short period of time. (and also for them:) ). They (especially the parents) all ensure that the couples that are paired together are compatible in every way (Mayzin 2013). Arranged marriages are like taking the biggest risk of life. Juliannes expertise as a Relationship and Dating Coach has been highlighted through her articles in Your Tango,, Talk of The Town Magazine and Vue Magazine to name a few. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. Something about it.. Maybe its the cultural thing and how different cultures value marriage.. but it just seems to WORK a lot better than when two people choose marriage and then end up divorced half the time! The couple spent 17 years of marriage and was blessed with nine kids. 4. If you work on it, harmony will be the gift. You dont have to worry about how your spouse is going to turn out. It may also encourage the couple to respect each other even when theres rising tension. Arranged marriage and forced marriage are completely different things. Advantages of Arranged Marriages Essay When parents begin searching for a future bride or groom, theyll pour through different biodata until they narrow down potential matches. Risk of incompatibility is diminished 2. But eight years of married life plus two years of post-divorce life plus observations about marital success in several cultures are factors that lead me to question if there are benefits to arranged marriages and if they are the way to go. Expert Answers. They may even be in the driving seat with parents just there along for the ride and to oversee things. Although arranged marriages may not be completely beneficial to the couples in some cases, it tends to have more advantages than disadvantages in the society today because it reduces the rate of divorce in societies, it brings about peace and harmony in families and it is a secure form of marriage. Avoidance of lovesickness. And even in the absence of the biodata, it can still feel like a contract since their families make all the arrangements and negotiations. It is like your parents finding prospects for you and you have the right to choose amongst them.The elders of the family think that we are quite immature to choose a life partner and thus, they decide on our behalf but they can turn out to be the most beautiful marriages. Once again, I think this is done also in the Indian community but without the formality of a questionnaire or survey. They were married in 1955 and had a brief honeymoon. Arranged Marriages - How to Investigate Someone you are Considering Marrying - Prospective Bride and Groom Investigation, Countries Where Arranged Marriages are Common, Horse - Horse Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology, 10 Things Women are Insecure About When Dating, How to Date a Coworker - Dating Someone at the Workplace, When your Partner Gives More Attention to a Pet Dog than to you. Here are a few questions that might be rolling in your mind, but you may have nobody around who can answer these questions. Thanks for your comment and welcome to the blog, John. You are invested with the power of veto. Also, the marriage will only happen if the 2 individuals like each other . In addition, there are many more . According. Another advantage of arranged marriages is that the couple has a firm trust in their in-laws, at least in most of the cases. Marriage is not always between two individuals of opposite genders and not everyone involved goes into it of their own free will. I think there are a lot of benefits to an arranged marriage because you have an entire research department trying to figure out every aspect of compatibility. Indeed some large business and landowning families would dig into a larger network of contacts and kin members to confirm the financial and marital status of the proposed groom or bride for their child. Thus, with acceptance and adjustments, there are fewer chances of landing in a marital conflict. Many people have limited choices of partners mainly because they belong to the minority population and are stereotyped by the majority population. Harmony in life and peace of mind is an important aspect of married life.Not just the wedding day but the entire wedded life is intended to be a smooth sailing.Without rancour ,without the deep disagreements,without creeping suspicions.Its like two lost souls who come together for a short while and who need to discover their true purpose of meeting each other. There are some advantages and disadvantages to arranged marriages. An arranged marriage is when your parents or relatives choose a suitable match for their children. Like everything else, arranged marriage also has its particular types. List of the Advantages of Arranged Marriage 1. Unlike partners is a love match, here spouses know that they have to adjust to a new way of life together and hence are more willing to make compromises an important factor which contributes to long marriages. Apart from love, it takes respect and trust to make a marriage beautiful. Copyright 2002-2020 Quest Mercury Intermedia Private Limited. Also, couples have low expectations in arranged marriages because they barely get to know much about their spouses before they get married. How can we create the best relationship possible in marriage is a better question than which marriage is better. So theres a big difference there, but it may not all be for good reasons: The hope is that as younger generations embrace arranged marriage, they adapt it to suit the times we live in, and stand up for their legal rights as well as happiness. Passing on small favors of kindness. ;P, Thanks for dropping by. The royal couples wedding is said to be the wedding of the century as they tied the knot in a cathedral in London where over 750 million people watched it on global television. Well, this question might haunt you, but yes, love is possible in an arranged marriage. 7) A solid foundation. When they are yet to discover more about their partner, they cannot expect anything from them. Arranged marriages are one of the many types of marriages people are most skeptical about. These are known as consanguineous marriages. Im glad to hear of how you keep your families out of your relationship which is better for both of you. Oh, and lets just say your in-laws want to move in with you in their old age, theyd like to know youre going to be able to financially support them. Like all communities, word gets around pretty quick and everyone knows everything about each other. But it would be unrealistic to imagine that parents will always find the right match for their children. At the same time, they have some very real disadvantages too. This creates unity within communities, as families are invested in helping the couple succeed in their marriage. Before a marriage is arranged, the potential couples are brought together, introduced and are given unlimited time to get to know each other. This royal couples marriage was planned since the early 1760s but did not occur until 1770. And if the first husband died, the royal widow was often re-married to another useful man by her family. I may not have had an arranged marriage, but I can see how input from parents can be useful. Poverty stands to be the second reason behind arranged marriages. Now, thats not to say having past relationship experience isnt useful it is. My grandparents generation, for example, might have met their future spouse once (or sometimes not at all) before the wedding day. All Rights Reserved | Vishnu - Immigration Lawyer - Seattle, USA. In-laws may interfere because they feel theyre entitled to since they had a hand in making the match. A well-written article, even if I disagree with its ideas. Marriage didnt turn out as we had imagined. , Certified Relationship Coach There are several reasons for this, including the aforementioned cultural compatibility. Yes, it may become a bed of roses if you are ready to make sacrifices at each step, if you let the parents prevail over all your major decisions, if you think love grows with time[ which is more for the family and your own children] if you believe marriage is more essential for a settled life and is not for your own pleasure It is quite difficult to quit such marriages as you are more bound by culture, traditions and decisions of your family. Let's see the advantages of arranged marriage. Its what allows you to live harmoniously with your spouseeven once those feelings of infatuation and romance have died down. Few religions do not permit inter-caste marriages, especially Islam which does not allow a girl to marry any man from a different religion. As stated earlier, when a marriage is arranged, the union is not only between the couple but also between the two families so when couples in arranged marriages have misunderstandings, they try their best to resolve them as quickly as possible in order to prevent their parents from finding out about it and interfering in their private lives. So all of this is an immense amount of pressure on families to have an impeccable reputation. and as always, love the interaction in the comments too. Who would know better than you how girls get trapped in arranged marriages at a young age, not knowing what to do if it turns out to be unsuccessful! . Traditional cultures consider marriage as primarily an economic arrangement, and sexapart from providing childrenas a potential threat to larger and more important issues, such as feeding the. The global rate of divorce between couples who married by arranged marriage is the only 4 percent. Dont worry, I have picked up the most common questions around arranged marriages and answered them for you. India has four main castes, and some conservative, traditional families wouldnt entertain the idea of marrying their child to someone from another caste. Or, of the living arrangements after the wedding (as its common in some cultures for the newly-weds to remain living with the grooms parents and family). Have you ever been in a relationship and a few months (or even years) down the line, wondered whether your partner wants to ever officially settle down with you or not? Throughout my research on this topic, it occurred to me that no stories of arranged marriages included the LGBT+ community. It might sound outdated to talk about social status and standing, but in many cultures around the world, this is still an important factor when choosing a spouse. Yes, I did make some wedded blunders, for sure, but only have myself to blame. I dont believe in arranged marriages although Im sure some have worked out gloriously. However, it is still prevalent in countries like India and Pakistan, where the parents decide who their children should marry. (somewhat lol). They began dating in 2010 and soon tied the knot in August the next year. In an arranged marriage, the consent of both the bride and the groom is involved. If they cant stand being around him for hours (months) at a time, you are definitely not going to enjoy spending time with your parents and husband. The wealth is kept by the brides family and is popularly known as the brides wealth. Even though the low divorce rates may be definitively linked to the many legal hassles in obtaining a divorce, still arranged marriages seem to score on the fact that couples begin a new life with minimum expectations of each other. Arranged Marriage Statistics Data. The researcher seeks to determine the benefits and shortcomings of having arranged marriages. So, they look for all the desirable factors in a prospective groom or bride before agreeing to marriage. Both parties know exactly what theyre there for marriage. I had one and it ended in tears. But for many young people, not having to search for the one frees up time to focus on other things; career, friends, family, and hobbies. Families tend to pick spouses based on shared values. Sridevi thanks for sharing. Can you find romantic love in an arranged marriage? So Im guessing a full background check is performed? In an arranged marriage, forget the frogs, your family will do their best to find someone they feel suits you in every way possible, the first time around. They tend to announce a very typical punishment which involves the guilty family to marry their virgin girls who are between the ages of 5 to 12 to the other family. My marriage wasnt arranged, but Ive been fascinated with how they work. The families want to see it work out. My parents had an arranged marriage, as did their parents before them. Oh yes, I come from the very culture of arranged marriages where the marriage is between families, including extended families. We thought we had outsmarted the traditional Indian marriage and found true love. And because the couple themselves may not be given sufficient time to get to know each other, they risk entering a marriage where theres no trust built up between them. Since arranged marriages happen as per the conventions, it is most likely that the entire family and . But most importantly, perhaps, is the continuation of culture and religious beliefs. We matched 100% in some categories. It is because the couple constantly has to care for the respect of others more than thinking about them and their future. 6 Reasons To Forgive Even When You Dont Want To. Louise Jackson 2) Shared values. If one of you is acting silly or foolish, your family can put you in a headlock and emotionally blackmail you to your senses. This is the important advantage of love marriage. What? If we go on it on our own, there is no one to blame but ourselves. For these reasons and many more, marriage has become one the most debated issues in societies today. This is because as you progress in your married life, you develop a love elation ship with the person your married to. updated December 7, 2021, 6:38 am. Gossip, rumors and insider information about each others families usually gets the job done:). . Thanks for your comments Hiten. Or family. Thanks for sharing your experience. Simple acts can go a long way in building a strong bond and loving relationship. They had arranged marriages but on their terms, and it worked out a treat. Since the bride and groom usually belong to the same religious, linguistic and caste group, they also tend to have the same value systems and life goals. All such customs have contributed to arranged marriages. Many people feel that arranged marriages do not give the right freedom to the children to select their life partners. Compatibility. In arranged marriages, the parents and families play a leading role in arranging the marriage, but the individuals getting married can nonetheless chose whether to marry or not. But they would rather like to choose someone they are compatible with. It encourages arranged marriages within particular groups. An arranged marriage is when your parents or relatives choose a suitable match for their children. There are so many differences of opinion, 6. hey Elle trying to keep you all guessing:) with the humor. Or that a young man will be penalized because his family is dysfunctional, even though hes chosen a better life path for himself? Preston and Travolta had chemistry right after they crossed paths and dated for some time. WaddoIknow. You might have heard of people marrying their relatives. After all, getting to know each other and navigating the rollercoaster of matrimony requires patience and time. First, an arranged marriage is more reliable and rational, which may reduce the rate of divorce and lead to a happy marriage. and I am glad I didnt have a choice, even after meeting him once, in the glare of family members! Thanks for sharing your experience with your parents and glad to hear you chose yourself and made your own decisions:). A lasting gaze in the eyes. Benefits of Arranged Marriages. But what brought in the concept of arranged marriages? society to be kinship-centered, considering that it devalues qualities such as selfishness and. In arranged marriages, the age of male members is five . Hence, with time and rising social mobility, the pattern of arranged marriages evolved over time. France wanted their alliance to strengthen with Australia because of this marriage. A couple has to suffocate and still stick together in the bond because of the restrictions of the elderly people. Let me begin by saying that mine is an arranged marriage(though I did know my husband and his family before we were married). and then Add to Home Screen. Its sort of like having your own research department or like vetting a judge for a presidential appointment Being from the culture, Im not sure if I can say it makes complete sense or not but I know its practiced and I know there are lots of success stories. Advantages of Arranged Marriages: 1. When your parents are involved in your dating life, theyll be there as a backup support system in case you need counseling, unwanted advice or a kick in the rear. Many families still have the mindset that their children must follow the concept of arranged marriages only. However, this is not always the case. They require a chaperone when going out, which takes away the chance of having real, open conversations with each other. However, modernization and westernization has changed this mindset about arranged Marriage involves two people, and the relationship can thrive only if these two are happy with each other. If someone is married into too rich a family, there could be potential for social awkwardness and embarrassment which may eventually prove difficult for the marriage. Facts of Arranged Marriages: In such marriages, girls, even before 18, are forced to get married. Although love marriage and arranged marriage are both ways to build a bond forever, which of the two is the more accurate way? Arranged marriages allow. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Global average divorce rate on arranged marriages - 4.2 %. From America to Antarctica, arranged marriages have been happening everywhere. Because ultimately it is our responsibility. Secondly, divorce is not tolerated in most, if not all, of the societies where arranged marriage is practiced (Zuberi 2013). Thanks for your perspective there have been a lot of successful and not so successful ones also. 3. Their only child Anthony was born in 1924, and the couple soon got divorced in 1930 Brooke claimed that her husband beat her numerous times. A pertinent example is the role played by the traditional village matchmaker who would bring marriage proposals to prospective families in the past. They just couldnt get along, no matter how much support they got from family and friends. If you extrapolate this principle to other areas of life, this would mean that you should delegate all your professional, business, or investment decisions to someone else. I am really satisfied with her work. It has been seen that 40 percent of women in Japan are not married until the age of 29. The marriage is formed without unhealthy expectations. Some are in favor of love marriage, while others opposed it because some advantages as well as disadvantages. As you can see, theres a lot to take in. In some cases, even if the family gives their child a choice to accept a match or not, subtle emotional blackmailing can still sway the persons decision. On seeing these differences, I highly prefer arranged marriages because here the parents intend to use their wisdom for their son or daughter to find a spouse thats suitable for them. The biggest reason behind the success rate of arranged marriages is family support. There are occasions where cultures . But Im going to give it you straight. In forced marriages, victims often use violence. The parents, grandparents, and even extended relatives will band together and help the couple in times of need, as well as with: This is because EVERYONE is invested in the marriage, not just the couple. In some cases, this argument could be legitimate because some couples are forced into marriage for family and societal benefits. Table of Contents Introduction Arranged marriages were very popular in the traditional societies across the world. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was. Arrange marriage is more reliable comparing with love marriage. Add to these the patriarchal basis of divorce law as well as the abysmally low rate of alimony and child support and it may be no wonder that women in these societies are willing to put up with much more than women in emancipated societies where love matches are a norm.In the end however arranged marriages have several advantages which make it possible for individuals to find a life partner most compatible in financial and cultural terms and hence with high chances of success. At times, parents involved in the marriage have expectations higher than they can fulfill. While you typically think of arranged marriage as seeing your spouse at the altar for the first time, let me bring you the modern twist in it.Earlier, the concept used to be that the family members choose the partner and the couple agreed to marry just after looking at each others photographs, but now things have completely changed.It is like the family finding a prospective bride or a groom, but you have full rights to say no to the prospect if you do not like their choice. 1. Theyll be heirs to two parents who speak the same language, practice the same religion and follow all the same traditions. Advantage: The ownership of love marriage lies totally with the partners. For the rest of you, here are the 12 advantages of having an arranged marriage: 1) A family affair. !? She considers herself a citizen of the world, who gets her inspiration from the people she meets along her journeys. Merits - Families that settle on an arranged marriage normally have the same culture & background. Theres something endearing about a love that lasts. Sharing values and traditions means there is one less obstacle. The latter is a marriage performed without consent and is illegal in most (if not all) countries. The groom and the bride did not have a chance to meet each other before the marriage. In our case, Sury is a bit of a rebel and believes that family shouldnt interfere in anything that involves the two of us, because we are responsible and we should sort things out, when things turn sour. With a hidden soft corner for languages (especially Urdu), she writes poetry occasionally, binges on romantic shows, and LOVES to talk. Families will only consider suitors from their own religion/social standing/ethnicity and even caste (mainly in India). Why Forgive? Hence, an organized inheritance shall take place. There was also a practice back in 1960, where the groom would travel to Japan where he would marry a girl arranged by his family so that a girl from Japan would arrive in the United States as a picture bride. Creatively adventurous, she is always seeking to learn new skills and acquire new experiences. You may hate the thought of your family in your business, but if youre of South Asian or Indian descent, its a fact of life. Interference from extended family. Lunch dates. They went on dates, spent hours chatting on the phone, all the usual excitement that comes with falling in love, yet their conversations were focused on figuring out if they would make suitable life partners for each other. There are advantages of an arranged marriage. Their expectations can cause stress between married couples, and hence, the majority of youth today want to escape this type of marriage. It signifies the superiority of the former state. This does not mean that arranged marriages are non-existence in the modern society. A hustler, admirer, chaser, Surabhi is just another-someone who refused to give up on her dreams. The advantage of this system is that it leaves little room for lies and fraud in a marital alliance. Home Marriage Are Arranged Marriages ALL bad? This can have negative effects, as the start of any marriage is always a turbulent period while the couple learns to adjust to living with each other. The divorce was straightforward. But unfortunately, for others, this wont be the case. Online browsing. As the newlyweds get to know each other, so do their families. And since they made the introduction, its on them to ensure their kids happiness throughout the marriage (to an extent). It doesnt matter whether it is arranged or love induced or a combination of both. You can see how that must be frustrating. In-Laws adjustment is better in the case of an arranged marriage. many from the East and, some, in fact, had arranged marriages. This page is last updated on Jan 3, 2022. Marriage is actually at a deeper spiritual level,only a continuity of the contract you undertook in your previous lives.Hope thats not another storm in the teacup again. There were times where I laughed out loud at your tongue in cheek tone Vishnu. Thanks for your insight and perspective here. They spent their time getting to know each other and after ten days, the duration of the vacation, they felt they knew all there was to know about each other so they decided to get married. Thank you for sharing the recipe for harmony humility, patience and prayer. And for similar reasons listed above, the family pressure may put off unhappy couples from even considering divorce. The advantages of an arranged marriage over a "free . Advantages: When the couple starts dating, they know the purpose of dating. Paul Brian In this case, the families agree and celebrate the bond. While the children run away from this concept, the parents prefer culturally arranged marriages. Though they're not for everyone, arranged marriages do have some advantages that you may not be aware of. By clicking Check Writers Offers, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Then we involved our families. It differs from couple to couple. Even though an arranged marriage is based on rationality, not emotion, theres no doubt that a torrent of nerves, excitement, and curiosity is going through the couples minds. Unlike the passionate world-wide initial romance which catapulted us to our wedding day, our relationship fizzled to a melodramatic and sad end. Idea of divorcing is unthinkable 3. There are many reasons behind arranged marriages. While love marriages have love as the first step, arranged marriages have marriage. The positives of arranged marriage lie in finding a partner who is compatible in all senses, not only financially. That was my experience anyway. Amazing writer! 1 November 21, 2013 Arranged marriages Arranged marriages are happening in many cultures all over the world.Marriages in India will be a great example of an arranged marriage resulted from, that Most of marriages in India are arranged marriages.How is the arranged marriage done in India? Has a choice, even if everything looks perfect on paper, a... Possible experience on our own, there are also high levels in surrounding Central Asian countries, as. Harder for a brief courting period and hell, even after meeting once! For instance, the movie, a few questions that might be rolling in your married life their many preferences. Most arranged marriages work and goes, the families are usually brought between. Result in excessive financial strain on the duller side of the individuals a. 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