are yoyo loach aggressive

4. Strange lump/hole on Yoyo Loach. With Yo-yo loaches and similar fish, I always make sure to serve a buffet, so the tank-mates can focus on floating food, while they scour the substrate for sinking food. . If they are kept with an overly aggressive species fish, they . Tank of the Month, I hope this article has provided you with the information you seek regarding yoyo loaches and their temperament in captivity. What is your tank's nitrate etc level? I have a bunch of harlequins and theyre active suckers. Yoyos do lie on their sides. Doing partial water changes (25%) every other week will help keep the tank clean and reduce dangerous ammonia levels. But what about its temperament is it aggressive or territorial in nature? As I said some people can keep them without problems but most of the articles ive read say dont which is why when I did some research on them I decided to give them a miss. Botia Lohachata. I have seen my yoyo loach picking at some snails but I think he isn't really eating them. Tank Mates: Groups of the same species. While a captive-bred Yoyo Loach is typically 2.5 inches long, a bigger and deeper tank will improve its growth rate. The poll is open for the November Tank of the Month! This fish is a bottom dweller that is also an active scavenger. However, once a pecking order is achieved, this behavior usually works itself out. it did'ent hide, but whenever the group came near, it darted away to the other side of the approx 10g tank.poor loach .I decided to buy that one, since it was the healthiest. A bottom-dwelling fish, it is an active scavenger. The Yoyo Loach is an interestingly colored fish that brings energy and activity to your tank. (The Nitrogen Cycle), WEATHER LOACH & BLOOD RED PARROT TANK, FROM START TO STOCKED. In summation, aggressive behavior in yoyo loaches is usually directed at members of its own species. Anyway a few months ago I decided to give my Yoyo loach away as they were being aggressive to other tank mates but because of the exams and coursework that never happened. To keep your freshwater tank both healthy and peaceful, there are certain things you can do regarding the care of your yoyo loaches. As well, the pH range should be between 6.5 and 7.5 with a hardness factor of 3 to 10 dGH. Overly aggressive tank mates might force your yoyo loaches to go into hiding and not come out even for food. Loaches are semi-aggressive fish when housed in the aquarium individually, so it is important to maintain each species in groups of six or more to minimize aggression. In most instances, Yoyo Loaches will not show signs of aggression to other peaceful fish in the tank (they can be a bit nosy though). They can be semi-aggressive with in-group members. The zebra loach can easily be kept in an open tank as it prefers staying at or near the bottom. This fish is generally peaceful but is known to fight with members of their own species. That said, yoyo loaches are opportunistic and will eat anything lying at the bottom of the tank, including dead fish! England. As a result, theyre not the best species to keep with fish that have long fins like gouramis or male guppies. Unfortunately for the yoyo loach, it has a tendency of hopping out of the water. I have seen him try to eat a couple. I have a school of 6 Yoyo loaches because I wanted a smaller species thinking they'd be similar to my clown loaches. I would consider your tank at full stock. . Its best to keep yoyo loaches in groups of 3 or more. Although non-schooling, they move in groups. Unlike other Loach species, Yoyo Loaches are not nocturnal, meaning they will be active during the day. Sometimes, adult Yoyo loaches only grow to 5-5.5 inches (12.7-14 cm). Its highly unlikely for yoyo loaches to kill other fish. As mentioned earlier, keeping yoyo loaches in a shoal of 3 (1 male and 2 females, if possible) will also help reduce aggression levels in a community tank environment. Their aggression will be seen only if they come across other aggressive or semi-aggressive fish. Yoyo's have a hierarchical social arrangement. If your yoyo loaches are ever chasing away your guppies or bettas, then it's probably them. The name yoyo loach, according to several sources, came from photographer Ken Childs, 1 a major player in the aquarium import business for many years. Other peaceful bottom dwellers such as plecos and clown loaches will also do well with yoyo loaches. Yo yo loaches or Pakistan loaches should not be kept in schools or in pairs. Water too hot or cold can also make the fish develop stress and react to circumstances. And there are some fish who really do not appreciate said hyperactivity of yoyos zooming around the tank and sometimes bumping into other fish - they're adorable but I'm really not sure how good their vision is. These fish are generally quite peaceful and though the The Yoyo Loach may tussle with members of their own species, they don't really harm one another. . Yoyo Loach is very comfortable within own group and they mostly never bully each other if kept in even numbers. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. These inquisitive fish generally keep to themselves, which is why YoYo loaches do so well with other fish. StockEwe49, November 10, 2021 in General Discussion. Yoyo loach looses color when eating snails? Not especially aggressive but much smaller fishes may be intimidated by its size and sometimes very active behaviour. These loaches can become highly aggressive towards one another and should remain loners; however, some hobbyists have kept these fish in small bands without any problems. Loaches are active bottom dwelling scavengers ideally suited for the community aquarium. . As yoyo loaches arent fuzzy and will eat anything given to them, theyre easy to feed. They like to hide out in the grass. They usually wont target other fish in a tank but can get nippy at times. I had no idea they make a clicking noise when they are eating from their teeth! . Some YoYo loach owners will tell you that their YoYos will respond to their presence, and even "play" with them from behind the aquarium glass. Today I added some new additions to me 125L planted tank. I'm curious to see what everyone's answers are. Ill also outline ways to reduce yoyo loach aggression to keep your freshwater aquarium safe and healthy. Recommended Aquarium Filters and Aquarium Heaters. I personally *might* pull the platies but Im no stocking expert and tend to have lighter tanks. Tank size? Yoyo loaches proudly sport their name on their sides. So, if youre ready to learn more about the yoyo loach and its behavior most notably in captivity then lets get to it! Anyhow. It can be from poor water quality or parasites or even as a sign of aggression. Sign up for a new account in our community. They do well with other fish that are peaceful and can even stand their own with more aggressive fish . Many sources claim the "yoyo" word in these fish's name originates from their distinctive body pattern, which is hard to disagree with. I read a post on here saying they were not aggressive but I had a totally different experience. What does a yo yo loach look like when young? These loaches can become highly aggressive towards one another and should remain loners; however, some hobbyists have kept these fish in small bands without any problems. If you keep a single yoyo loach, there's a good chance it will team up with other fish in the tank. We had yoyo loach for 2 weeks and they decimated nearly half of our stock. The Clown Loach is a tropical freshwater fish species of the family . Keep pregnant yoyo loach in a separate tank. Hiya EY2006! Seeking suggestions for a colorful tank mate(s). If kept in an aquarium alone, they may team up with more aggressive fish and bully the smaller, weaker ones. Can loaches live alone? 1. Incidentally, you would be very ill-advised to attempt to keep two DG males in this size of a tank. You are using an out of date browser. 1.5 The Lohachata Botia Loach (Botia lohachata) is also known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Yoyo Loach, Almorha Loach, Pakistani Loach, Reticulated Loach, and Y-Loach.. Because only a single juvenile specimen was used to originally describe Botia lohachata, the validity of the species has never been fully resolved. Nov 21, 2017. I was originally going to have just some terra which were the same price as the guppys so I trusted the LFS as they didnt have a reason to lie? . I don't have any space for an extra tank either, if anyone knows what I can do to give them away to a new home, I'm not looking for any money so pls let me know! In a big 40-gallon tank (or larger), they wont feel the need to defend their turf which can reduce aggression levels significantly. If you keep just a single loach, theres a good chance itll team up with other fish and bully the smaller, weaker ones. #5. . Just goes to show - one expert will tell you one thing then another the opposite! Other food sources include brine . Guppies are a fairly docile, sociable fish but can get nippy with other guppies if there are only a few together in the tank. Check out the Monthly Keeping yoyo loaches with docile fish of similar size (or even slightly bigger) will help maintain a peaceful aquatic environment. The best way to get them up to size, quickly (IME) is with mini blood worms. Contests including the Tank of the Month, You must keep these in a group - a min of 6 - more the better else it will become obnoxiously aggressive when it gets larger and they do get fairly large. Yoyo Loach is an energetic schooling fish that has its species spread across the Middle East and Asia where they are seen inhabiting still or slow-moving waters. This unique looking (silver with dark markings) fish can reach lengths of up to 6 inches and likes to spend its day foraging along the substrate at the bottom of an aquarium. It will school with others of the same age and size. However it seemed to back off and the gourami became a little more authorative (it wasnt swimming away at first which we thought was strange). The Yoyo Loach can put up with a fair amount of abuse and loves swimming around with groups of other Yoyo loaches, or other fish. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Do yoyo loaches need to establish a territory? @AndEEssok thanks, I was thinking of trying some bloodworms! Theyre greedy, voracious eaters and will compete for food in a frenzy of activity. It may not display this or other websites correctly. They love them. They can be mixed with freshwater plants and brackish fish, but due to aggression levels, they probably aren't a match for pond fish. Fish Lore is an amazon affiliate and some pages may contain links to aquarium related products on amazon: Affiliate Disclosure. Loaches are active bottom dwelling scavengers ideally suited for the community aquarium. See footer. Will a yoyo loach eat my shrimp? The Yoyo Loaches can be quite shy in the beginning, but once they get accustomed to their surrounding, they will become more active. Do loaches eat snails? Typically, a group of five or six Yoyo Loach are ideal to include in one tank. Begin by keeping them in a large aquarium with plenty of hiding places for cover. By entering this site you declare They'll try to eat invertebrates. Yoyo loaches will eat snails and shrimp in a community tank environment. As this caused the imbalance? Don't put them in a tank with tetras. If you notice one getting nippy with the others, try quarantining the aggressor for a few days either inside a hang-on breeding net or in a separate tank and see it that curbs its hostile nature. "Like the clown loach, the yoyo loach will readily devour snails, especially the smaller variety. They are active, personable fish that often learns to recognize their owner. Yo-Yo Loach SynonymsTop . You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. I noticed in the past 2 - 3 weeks that when both together one is rounder in . These fish aren't too fond of other fish outside of their species. To reduce hostility, yoyo loaches should be kept in groups of 3 with other freshwater fish of like size and temperament. They will actually exhibit signs of socialization with other non-aggressive fish. Aquariums at Home may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through links on this site. It loves hanging around its own kind. You will want to keep them alongside similarly-sized fish to avoid anyone looking like a potential meal. Thank you for your advise. Yoyo loaches are territorial and will often claim an area in the aquarium as their own. Spare snails go to the Yo-yo too. It has zebra-like coloration, and it can grow to a maximum length of 15cm. Transfer your pregnant yoyo loach to a different tank for breeding and egg-laying. They are peaceful with other fishes but tend to get semi-aggressive amongst themselves while choosing a leader. . Any respectable Clown loach or Yo-Yo Loach would give their right fin for a snail dinner. Taking this into account it is best mixed with robust fish and kept either . Therefore, its best to keep larger tetra fish (such as the congo tetra) with yoyo loaches. Is the Black Ghost Knife Fish Aggressive? As mentioned above, yoyo loaches can get nippy around feeding time when theyre competing for every last morsal! pH levels: 6.0 to 7.8 (around 7.0 is best) Water hardness: 5 to 12 dKH. And if their tank mates are feisty, this Loach knows how to stand its ground. For this reason, you should keep at least 10 guppies in a planted, 40-gallon tank (with 3 yoyo loaches). Given below are some of the fishes that Yoyo loaches . What I have been noticing is it will start to chase any fish that comes close, then the yoyo loach will start chasing another totally random guppy. However though if you grow them up together they may get along well. Make sure to avoid highly aggressive fish such as bettas, cichlids, tigerfish, peacock bass or red-finned sharks. Loaches Will Eliminate Snails In Your Aquarium. If you have a yoyo loach, be sure to provide plenty of hiding places for them to feel safe. All tank parameters are normal and good, tank is cycled and all extras were added such as stress coat and fluval cycle to help with the new introduction. Yoyo loaches are a favorite among hobbyists because they seem to have more personality than many other types of bottom-feeders. It's easy! They love interacting with other fish. It appears yoyo loaches can live quite peacefully with guppies provided the tank is big enough and there are plenty of hiding places throughout. Ill explain whether or not yoyo loaches bite, if they have the potential to kill other fish, and what species make the best tankmates for these bottom dwellers. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Fish Lore's aquarium fish forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! I have guppies and platies in a 40g with two bettas and 3 sand loaches. If the tank is large with plenty of space, fin nipping shouldnt be a problem. The trap is just to gather the snails all conveniently to one spot so you can easily remove them from the tank and dispose of them yourself. The yoyo or Pakistani loach is a type of freshwater fish that originates in the slow-moving water basins of northern India. But during the time of breeding, and when there is a dispute related to territory, they tend to be aggressive. 06 of 06 Zebra Loach M. Agullo Scientific Name: Botia striata I had some yo yo once and they would not touch any snail. The best way to keep Peacock Gudgeons healthy in captivity is to replicate those natural habitats as much as possible. Though not typical, yoyo loaches may attack and kill tiny neon tetras for the purpose of eating them! And there are some fish who really do not appreciate said hyperactivity of yoyos zooming around the tank and sometimes bumping into other fish - they're adorable but I'm really not sure how good their vision is. I am compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. This is also providing that you have plenty of filtration and live plants to help offset bioload. Water temperature fluctuations, less space in the tank, growing pH level, bright lights, and less food in the tank are some reasons why Yoyo loaches become more aggressive. However, they can become territorial if kept in too small of a space or with other aggressive fish. Non-aggressive. The yoyo loach is an interestingly colored loach that brings energy and activity to your tank.
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