immigrants in spain problems

Below we summarize some principle concerns. Once these people are inside Europe, it is almost impossible to send them back. They're initially taken to a Temporary Reception Centre for . etc. Although no links to Al-Qaeda have been officially established, Osama bin Laden himself has said the attack was part of the liberation and re-occupation ofal-Andalus,the Arabic name for Spain. Once the boats are ready, they are sold to the mafias that organise the trips across the 12 kms separating Morocco and Spain. November 17, 2021 at 5:00 am. Please limit comments to 300 words or less. Migrants and refugees in Spain - EuroMed Rights DOES MAGA REALLY MEAN MAKE AMERICA GO AWAY? Longer submissions are unlikely to be published. This article explores what this system has . The plot, months in the making and unmatched in audacity, has demonstrated that commandeering airliners is a cheaper and safer way to reach Europe than paying people-smugglers thousands of euros for perilous sea crossings. An Israeli study done a few years ago indicated that at the present rate European culture will disappear within a couple of generations. Migrants killed and wounded by far-right attacks in Spain The current regulation establishes three groups of applicants who can request a waiver and avoid taking the exams: Those who do not know how to read and/or write (the most frequent reason for requesting a waiver) Foreigners who have learning difficulties. Thanks for letting us know about this incident and what is going on in Spain more generally. Despite polls showing that a third of Spaniards want immigration sharply reduced or completely eliminated and that most consider immigration the second-most serious problem facing Spain right behind terrorism governments of both the right and the left have favored increasing immigration, most recently through the amnesty announced late last year and completed in May. Spanish prosecutors believe that the migrants had been planning the "air boat" (patera area) scheme for several months and took advantage of the fact that Moroccan nationals do not need a visa to visit Turkey. This website uses cookies to provide you with better services. 9. Since the 17th Century Ceuta and Melilla have been under Spanish rule, though they are long claimed by Morocco. Spain migrants: 'I said goodbye to my family and left with nothing' Many illegals came to Spain from other EU countries to participate in the amnesty, greatly increasing the number. As a result, the population has steadily increased, and currently numbers around 600,000. But, the health service cannot afford this wait. Top 10 Problems for Immigrants - Home - Immigroup We have many fools in high places that really don't know what they are doing to the future security of their countries. In Seville, there was a large demonstration to protest the Grand Mosque. Spain: Migrants Held in Poor Conditions | Human Rights Watch In the study conducted by Giovanni Peri and Francisco Requena-Silvente, both immigration and exports have increased since 1995-2008. There are people who make the crossing in larger boats, like a 16-square-metre patera that was intercepted near Tarifa in July, while others brave the journey on precarious rafts. Description of a plot to enter Spain illegally, published in a Moroccan Facebook group, as reported by El Mundo and EFE news agency, November 7, 2021. At least 35,000 migrants illegally entered Spain during the first ten months of 2021, according to data compiled by the Spanish Interior Ministry. In the face of this official indifference to their presence, illegals began bringing in their extended families. A genuine Brtish owner/buyer of a property in Spain is only entitled to stay here for 90 days in Unless you apply for full residency with all that implies, Medical/money etc. The immigrants will provide the population/labor force to keep Germany, et al, from having a manufacturing crisis.In, perhaps, 20-50 years I predict you won't recognize European countries. While the overall volume of immigrants to Europe has dropped to pre-2015 levels, African immigration to Spain is still spurred by more than just garden-variety economic migrationthough that . Experts say the country will lose a quarter of its native population by mid-century. On Tuesday evening, the Moroccan Minister of State for Human Rights, Mustapha Ramid, suggested his country had been justified in easing its border after Spain allowed Polisario leader Brahim Ghali to receive treatment for Covid-19 in one of its hospitals last month. "We've got no food, no money and we were sleeping in the street last night." The future of the immigrant population lies in the schools, says the principal of the Talayuela public school, Manuel Vivas. Spain - Migration | Britannica Manuel Pen and Stephen Webster, American Renaissance, September 2005. The 12, who are being held without bail, have refused to cooperate with police and reportedly deny having committed a crime. But many immigrants, especially recent arrivals, face extremely difficult conditions, said Claudia, a Brazilian woman who studied to become a school teacher in her home country, and has been working as a domestic after coming to Spain through France. Under thejus sanguinisprinciple, Latin Americans who have at least one Spanish parent can qualify immediately for Spanish citizenship. Spain, along with Greece and Italy, is one of the main gateways for illegal immigration into Europe from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The Cayuco crisis saw around 60,000 west African migrants arrive on the Canary Islands in just one year. Even deeds done with a good intention can come off as culturally insensitive. ", The conservative party Vox accused the government of implementing "population replacement." There isn't going to be an end to massive, illegal immigration since, officially, it doesn't exist, and unofficially, it is seen as a transformation of society so that elected officials can stay in power indefinitely, through changing demographics that will place massive immigrant population numbers into voting blocks that more traditional population numbers are overwhelmed by.This enables massive taxation policies which would otherwise be opposed.More traditional populations will be increasingly forced into enclaves which will have high taxes and erosion of traditional freedoms.The societies, and in fact the countries are in process of being erased by overwhelming immigration.This is ironic, since in the 15th through 20th centuries, European countries, and also North American Countries, engaged in empire building and colonization of the underdeveloped and undeveloped world, while in the latter parts of the 20th century and the 21st century, massive illegal immigration is converting Europe into colonies of the original colonies. If everyone shows sympathy for the sick passenger, the plane will make an emergency landing in Spain to protect the reputation of the company and to free itself of responsibility." Vox has called for toughening the conditions to obtain Spanish nationality. Spain | The actual number of arrivals certainly is far higher because many migrants who arrive on Spanish beaches go undetected and are not counted in official statistics. 2022 Gatestone Institute. Mass migration has contributed to an increase in crime and delinquency in Spain. Undocumented immigrants' and immigrant women's access to healthcare 2022 BBC. Spanish police said that the plot, which forced the closure of the Palma de Mallorca airport, the third-busiest in Spain, was hatched by a Moroccan Facebook group called Brooklyn. After being approved on the 24th of July by the Council of Ministers and published in the BOE on July 27th, 2022; this new reform and all its measures finally came into force on the 16th of August, 2022. All rights reserved. It is estimated that Spain will need 4 million extra workers by 2020 and the current devaluing of marriage and family leaves this need unfilled. . Many migrants have criminal records but are repeatedly released back onto the streets by lenient judges. Recently in the southwestern town of Jumilla, native Spaniards expressed their outrage at the authorities seeming unwillingness to prevent such rapes. When Russian Kalashnikovs are used against the police in Barcelona, decent Spaniards should rise up and deal with the problems.What Spaniards do not see, should be made clearer - the three targets become prioritised - already ALL seen in France;1.The church (beheading of a priest),2. Not just disloyal, but treasonous, allowing the fifth column unprecedented favours. By the late 1990s they were coming en masse, from all over Latin America. In 1990 and 1995, Spain amended its Civil Code to accommodate immigrants from former colonies, and now practicesjus sanguinisandjus solis(right of soil those born in the territory are citizens). Muslim integration. The labor minister claims this will be the last amnesty ever, and that the government will start cracking down hard on people who hire illegals Spaniards have heard this many times since 1985. Immigration to Spain - Wikipedia At least two minors have died in Spanish centres for unaccompanied and underage migrants in recent weeks. People coming to work in Spain must have a work permit, but most Latins, particularly the non-whites, ignore the law. Mosques are popping up all over Spain, even without government assistance. The Canary Islands, for example, is a popular destination for immigrants fleeing from sub-Saharan Africans (Reddy, 1). Immigrants face particular problems in this respect on two levels. Spain: Migration Crisis Spirals Out of Control - Gatestone Institute Where do most immigrants come from in Spain? - Quora This point was reinforced on March 11, 2004, when a series of bombs exploded on commuter trains in Madrid, killing 191 and injuring 1,460, in the worst terrorist attack in modern Spanish history. American's tend to think they are the only ones with an immigration problem. In Madrid, for example, gang leaders are Ecuadorian. a gap exists between the principles of the right to health and the entitlement to healthcare for undocumented immigrants . The first problem these individuals face begins with the journey to Spain. Highs and lows of immigrant integration in Spain Prosecutors in Spain have charged a dozen North African migrants with sedition for illegally entering the country by forcing a commercial airliner to land on Spanish territory. The private security agent will not be able to stop you. . The way in which 'the problem' of immigration in Spain affects the integration of immigrants. The integration process of immigrants in Spain - Pros and cons of Immigration - Economics Help Spain first amnestied illegals when it passed its first-ever immigration law in 1985 in preparation for joining the EU. by Soeren Kern In 1995 Spain applied the terms of the Schengen Convention, an open-border system between certain EU member states. Europe; . The law provided for sanctions against employers of illegal aliens, but as in the United States, they were rarely enforced. The majority of the migrants, however, are brought to port by. As in other parts of Europe, migrant crime in Spain is spiraling beyond the capacity of law enforcement to contain the violence. There are gang murders now in other major Spanish cities, and almost all gang members are Latin American. 8. He also authorized instruction in Islamic subjects in Spanish public schools that have a large number of Muslim students. Recently, the wife of a former high-ranking government official in Catalonia, home to 100,000 Muslims, set off protests from Muslims when she said she feared one day all the churches would be turned into mosques. Immigration in Spain has had significant demographic, social, and economic impacts. Illegal immigrants would only be entitled to free treatment within Spain's healthcare system in cases of emergency or a pregnancy or birth. Government ombudsman Francisco Fernndez Marugn recently called on Spanish lawmakers to be more welcoming to migrants: "Spain, like most developed countries, has an aging population and therefore requires labor. And I don't think the governments across the EU have even considered what will happen to those illegals who disappear from the beaches and no record of their existence, job or even where they have been living for years is known. Like most countries that have historically been sources of emigration, Spain practicedjus sanguinis(right of blood) citizenship, meaning only those born in Spain to Spanish citizens were citizens. After the forced landing you will be taken to a terminal that is not the arrivals terminal. Unemployment rate jumped to 20 percent to the spring of 2010 leaving mass of immigrants without. Century Foundation. "Guys, listen, most of you want to emigrate. Read about our approach to external linking. At this point, the fugitives could be anywhere in Europe and are not likely to be found. Plus, "migrant" implies they'll go back. Menas, who are often housed for free in four star hotels, sometimes for months at a time, costing Spanish taxpayers tens of millions of euros each year. To acquire Spanish citizenship by residency, Vox is calling for the current period of 10 years of legal and continuous residence to be extended to 15 years. A very well reported but disturbing article, on matters not readily reported upon by mainstream media her in Australia.The "immigration" by "refugees" to Spanish territories creates very many issues for Spain's seemingly compliant government, as well as a well meaning EU. Spain has one of the lowest native fertility rates in the Western world: just 1.15 lifetime births per woman. Spain - World Directory of Minorities & Indigenous Peoples An investigation carried out on the Moroccan coast by journalists with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo found groups of young men building rafts on the hillsides, where they construct visual barriers using tree branches to hide their work, and build rickety watercraft in just a few days. Throughout most of its history, Spain, like Ireland, was a nation of emigrants, not immigrants, and during the 20th century, more than six million Spaniards left their homeland. In the first 10 years of the millennium, immigration from Latin America, north Africa and elsewhere in Europe boosted Spain's reproductive population, but following the financial crisis hundreds . They are also able to travel unhindered from Spain to other EU countries including France, Belgium and the Netherlands, all of which have large Moroccan communities. So leadership in the EU, Britain and the US as well will likely become increasingly stratified from the regular, working class, citizenship and will concentrate on programs to elicit votes and election victories from the increasing classes of citizenship.Citizenship increasingly will be based on domicile or where one is living with little regard for traditional conceptions of citizenship, which is a globalist, and anti-nationalistic initiative which, as the article points out, is already well established. (PDF) Immigrants in Spain: Sociolinguistic issues - ResearchGate Spain, like U.S., grapples with immigration - The New York Times The statement that many countries leaders refuse to believe or refuse to understand the enormous differences between Christianity and Islam probably is inconsequential to most European leaders since Europe, and especially the leadership, has a disdain for Christianity as far as their preferences go and likely is more accepting of Humanism as a religion, primarily and agnostic or even atheist outlook compatible with Socialist or Communist government, similar to what was seen in the Soviet Union before the Russians managed to shuck it off and adopt a government more accepting of Christianity as manifested by the Eastern or Russian Orthodox Church. This spring, when Dominicans in Madrid killed a young Spaniard only because he was white and was in their territory, whites protested for two days, and even set fire to shops owned by Latin Americans. Spain's African immigrant problem? | Acton Institute They are allocated housing, particularly family groups. Despite opinions to the contrary, racism is far from being a thing of the past in Spain. Spain had produced its own brand of urban thug before, but these were relatively harmless juvenile delinquents like skinheads, squatters and anarchist followers of Techno music. 7. Most Spaniards believe there are far too many of both. Latin Americans now overwhelm the public health facilities in Madrid and Barcelona, seeking even the most expensive treatments. The corruption inherent in the drug trade is beginning to corrupt the state, as several native-born judges and policemen have been arrested for taking bribes and otherwise aiding drug pushers. I hate how I now work harder in Spain than I ever did in the UK. During the latter half of the century Spaniards preferred to emigrate to northern Europe. All of my friends, we want to work.". Many of Spains EU partners opposed the amnesty, fearing that once the illegals got Spanish papers, they would pour into their countries. Follow this plan: we need 40 volunteers. Mr. Zapatero says he wants to treat all religions equally in Spain, yet while he plans to fund mosques, he has cut funding to Catholic schools and religious centers. the judges referred to in the article who are lenient with savages from Morrocco and other places who appear before them again and again. Your contribution will make a huge difference. Police sources said they acted on reports that the MPDL falsified work contracts for immigrants, to help them apply for legal residency in Spain. Log in. Soon planes from Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina were also full. The police can do little in the face of the gangs, because most members are minors and foreign, and Spanish laws are among the most lenient in Europe. The official adult male immigrant population in Spain was 10.26% of the total on average between 2013-2018. Spain has an unconventional immigration system. Many of these immigrants tend to avoid working for a living and some become members of criminal gangs. The other 10% (4.6 million people). In the Spanish capital there are 16 temporary reception centres with space for 15 people each, which permit a maximum stay of three months. Europe, wake up. Can Spain resist the wave of Islamophobia sweeping through Europe? And one strategy needed is to promote birth control in Africa and the Middle East where unsustainable massive population growth is one key factor that underlies this migration problem. Argentines and Chileans are mostly of Spanish origin, and Spanish blood in varying quantities runs through the veins of people across the continent. There won't be any reason for tourists to visit. Spanish officials quoted by Efe said Moroccan guards had helped the Spanish forces in Melilla. Claudia, who preferred not to give her last name, said that while she looks for another job more in line with her training as a teacher, she is working as a domestic and living with four roommates, three women and a man, in a one-room apartment that measures just 10 square metres. In Madrid, there have been several big demonstrations by native Spaniards against the Ecuadorian gangs who have turned city parks into no-go zones for whites. Spain's Ceuta and Melilla enclaves have become magnets for African migrants trying to reach Europe. In the majority of European countries because of the irresponsible approach by EU officials, illegal immigration has become the simplest way of gaining access to public funds for most immigrants. In addition, foreigners seeking Spanish citizenship would have to: prove good civic conduct; no criminal record either in Spain or in their native country; show sufficient integration into Spanish society; possess an official language certificate; and pass an exam on the Spanish constitution, history and culture. Perhaps his most controversial move has been to provide state funding to mosques. In the past two years, 200 pregnant women or mothers who had just given birth were seized as they set foot on Spanish soil. This is what Gaddafi meant when he said Europe will become Islamic without a shot being fired. The plot, months in the making and unmatched in audacity, has demonstrated that commandeering airliners is a cheaper and safer way to reach Europe than paying people smugglers thousands of euros for perilous sea crossings. Many of them time the trip for just before they are to give birth, because if the baby is born in Spain, neither mother nor child are deported. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. By Tuesday evening, reports said the number of people trying to enter by sea had decreased. Until the 1950s, most sought new lives in Central and South America. Most of the migrants 32,713 in 1,905 boats and. Spain has been left scrambling to secure its borders after thousands of migrants entered Ceuta, one of two Spanish enclaves on the northern coast of Morocco this week. The Madrid regional government reports that Latin Americans, on average, absorb 45 percent more in medical costs than Spaniards. A thing of the lowest native fertility rates in the United states, they are housing. Spain is spiraling beyond the capacity of law enforcement to contain the violence the UK but Latins! Tend to think they are the only ones with an immigration problem a... The content of external sites has called for toughening the conditions to Spanish! Not likely to be found become magnets for African migrants arrive on Canary! 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