harry owns bellatrix fanfiction

2. She does catch herself, though, and she really is trying so very hard to censor herself. Then, she calmly states, "This is the last time that I'll ask. "We didn't, I swear!" Hermione gives up on trying to fight the feelings this provokes when one of the fingers dips momentarily to lightly stroke across her panties. But I am so freaking happy you are giving us an AU and allowing us as readers to experience these characters grow with different situations and circumstances that will inevitably bring them together!! He drinks tea, uses the Queen's English, and owns a Webley WG .476 revolver to handle any ruffians. You have a great writing style an fantastic imagination. "Dumbledore said" Then she begins to cough, lungs spasming painfully. Disclaimer: Hermione is looking for a way to help her friends when suddenly Bellatrix is holding her from behind, pressing a knife into her neck. OC}. This is the 2nd part of "Capable Love". With a sudden burst of strength, she bucks against the older witch, trying to shove her off. During Bellatrix's very first mission the proto-Death Eaters attack the pub Harry is trying to get a drink. It has been a while since I got so caught up in a new book or series, thank you for that! Apparently, Hermione had managed to find the magical section of the beach and made a couple of friends. I just love these. As if sensing this, Bellatrix's smile grows wider. 64.537 words Y/N is an 16/17 year old girl, she is in her 6th/7th year of Hogwarts, during her holiday on Hogwarts one night didn't end well, there was someone in her ro. She doesn't hesitate to lick it up, sucking at the wound as if to draw up more of supposedly tainted blood. majoramos251: Books that perform well based on their reader engagement are published by Inkitt in different formats and channels. Dubious Consent Bellamione. Very talented, as well, simply wonderful. Bellatrix's predatory smile can mean nothing good. Bellatrix might laugh, but she doesn't hear it. Another Hermione Riddle fic. Write captivating stories, read enchanting novels, and well publish the books our readers love most on our sister app, GALATEA and other formats. It also gives him the opportunity to make the acquaintance of the young and enigmatic Bellatrix Black as they change the course of history. Bellatrix shoves her roughly into a far corner of the room though, with Narcissa and Lucius's absence, there's no one left to witness whatever damage she might cause next. Bellatrix shrieks, and there's an undertone to her voice that Hermione can't place but isn't exactly pleased to hear. Hermione almost thinks that she can catch glimpses, here and there, of her childhood, of times with her friends, of fantasies and lonely nights that she herself had locked away and refused to look at again but it's so hard to know for sure, after all, when Bellatrix is touching her like that. "I can't believe your dad got us tickets to the World Cup!". If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. "Enjoying this, are you? Hermione has survived dragons and dementors, werewolves and Basilisks, resurrected Dark Lords and homicidal lockets, but it's having that smile focused on her that makes her wish for the first time that she had never received an invitation to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Suddenly, her hand connects with Hermione's face, and Hermione stumbles to her knees. Her head is beginning to pound, the night's activities finally catching up to her now that the adrenaline of before is wearing off. ", Suddenly, Bellatrix lashes out, and Hermione is forced back to the ground. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. I am really enjoying the story not so much the abuse they went throughout. The little know-it-all come to save them from their own stupidity again and again? You're trapped under a Death Eater, my dear. I hate to see this series end! It's a shame that you have such filthy, tainted blood. First of all, I loved Last To Fall! A battle erupts after Harry gets a hold of Draco's wand instead. The young man smirks internally; maybe this will be easier than he'd thought. WARNING: UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN. Of course, outweighing this desire is a growing horror. It also gives him the opportunity to make the acquaintance of the young and enigmatic Bellatrix Black as they change the course of history. Chapter 1: Narcissa Malfoy. It had been about a week since Harry Potter saw his Godfather, Sirius Black, killed by his own cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. She means the words to be snarled, harsh and intimidating, and she hates herself for how breathy they come out. I promise that I'd find a much better use for you than forcing you to trail after me all the time, always third rate, never appreciated or admiredas you should be. She just needs a break. You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. "And? Bellatrix waits for her to recover and then prods her to continue. Janice marie: He was half asleep when he went down there, but", Bellatrix reaches out and sweeps a strand of hair behind Hermione's ear, hand lingering against the girl's cheek. Distantly, it dawns on her that she should be thankful that her nose isn't broken. Not many knew about the girl who lived in the attic, and the Dursleys planned on keeping it that way. Nor can she stop herself from squirming as Bellatrix lightly strokes back her hair. "Leave me alone!". A witch without a wand is nothing more than a dead weight, it appears. Category:Harry Potter - Rating:NC-17 - Genres:Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Characters:Bellatrix, Harry, Narcissa - Warnings:[!!!] To her surprise, Bellatrix sits up straighter, looking at her almost curiously. There's relief, of course, and hints of fear still keep her body alert and tense. Harry is framed for the mass murder of Muggles after he deals Voldemort a stunning blow. "And why would destroying such an inconsequential object be so important?". She'd been carefully watching as the younger witch's attention turned inward, and now she seems more than a little pleased about the conclusion reached. Cookie Notice She's sure that she'll remember Victor Krum when she's old and grey, and she has to admit that even Ron has caught her attention, lately. Bellatrix pauses for a moment, and Hermione bites back a whine. Stop thinking, stop planning, stop worrying, and just feel for once? "Oh, good girl," she whispers, and even prepared, Hermione can't stop the moan from escaping her. Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. Harry just smiled in return, because in all honesty it was exactly the sort of thing his father would do. Polyamorous Harry.At its worst fanfiction is self indulgent, but at its best, fanfiction . 198K 7.6K 27. Somehow, the disgust in the woman's tone is still palpable, and Hermione flinches. He couldn't help but notice how familiar the location seemed to him. ////////////////////// She brings the girl out of her reverie with a kiss. FanfictionBot 3 yr. ago. Good job writing this story can't put it down right now. As Bellatrix trails downward, pausing to suck hard at the pulse on Hermione's neck, Hermione moans. The dark witch has a vice's grip on her wrist, and images of being dragged away to be tortured until she forgets her parents as thoroughly as they have forgotten her makes Hermione want to sob with fear. Those friends of yours, my dear do they use you as the brain of the Golden Trio? We didn't!". The older witch seems to disagree that she has any dignity left to lose. Words bubble up in Hermione's lips, but she bites them back and forces herself to clear her mind. To feel her touch again Harry will tear apart the Wizarding world, stone by stone. He pulled at the ropes but they only made him wince in pain. Ester: # 12. dancing in the shadows (R.A.B) by ang. Oh, she's felt desire before. She'll have to listen to them better in the future. Doubtless, even if some part of the girl had wondered what it would feel like to kiss Bellatrix, she would never have imagined that such a kiss could be gentle, slow, sensuous. They held nothing but malice. At first, she can't help but struggle. "It will be our little secret.". Such great writing! Bellatrix murmurs when she finally pulls back slightly. And who could blame Hermione for losing control of her thoughts? Another good story. Hermione finds herself the toy of a madwoman, and as her will is slowly destroyed, she finds that she no longer minds it as much as she should. It's just a sword. Your friends would wish to murder you if they saw this.". marauders era insta: incomplete THIS IS GOOD HERMIONE! For a few moments, she allows Hermione to gasp desperately for air. "And I'm supposed to believe that scum like you managed to break past Gringotts, hm?". Readers can read all books for free, without any ads and give the authors feedback. But Bellatrix doesn't look angry, simply amused. "Would you like me to steal you away from those filthy friends of yours, sweetie? Bellatrix is terrified, and smitten. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Ginny opens the door to Harry's bedroom and gets the shock of her life. How, then, did you come across this sword? Again, Bellatrix seems to disagree. Work Search: What I find most exhilarating is how they give life to the people around them.the lost,the broken and the hopeless. It also gives him the opportunity to make the acquaintance of the young and enigmatic Bellatrix Black as they change the course of history. Can't wait to find out who falls in love after Isaac and Stephen. Under Bellatrix's guidance, images flash to the front of Hermione's mind, and Bellatrix searches through them carefully. What would compel it to come to his aid?". With a sudden surge of self loathing, Hermione decides that she agrees with the sentiment. Oh, no. The fighting stops, and Bellatrix smiles into Hermione's neck. Like she's been tortured to the point of exhaustion, most likely, and she can't find the energy to communicate otherwise. In the Headmaster's office, Harry finds Albus and Snape discussing the attack on Hermione. He is sent to Azkaban where he and his cell mate, Bellatrix Black, begin to discover Harry's heritage and his potential power as they plot to escape. Eve and Regulus desperately wish to find their way out of their sibling. With a flash, its meaning hits Hermione, and horror shoots through her. Hermione gasps for breath, but Bellatrix simply waits, face calmer than Hermione has ever seen it before. No, Bellatrix can't be allowed to know this. You are pathetic, getting off on your own debasement. "Dear lord, are you crying?" They were scared of her and her freakish ways. At times, it feels like the memories that she drags up to the front are distinctly not war related. In the midst of war and chaos, Eve struggles to find and keep her true love - but also herself. Bellatrix leans in closely to her young prey, and Hermione freezes, no longer brave enough to attempt to escape. "That's alright, Hermione. A series of loosely connected ficlets in celebration of NTRvember, featuring a studly Harry having his way with the women of his friends, family, and enemies alike. The madness of the room doesn't hold a candle to her own, and she's unfazed. FanfictionBot 2 yr. ago Delenda Est by Lord Silvere Harry is a prisoner, and Bellatrix has fallen from grace. In front of Hermione, Bellatrix is pouting. All requests are welcome Privacy Policy. Dramione obviously, different from my old one which I am still continuing. Besides the occasional misspelled words, I have been enjoying the story. [R] [X] - Published:2006-05-04 - Updated:2006-05-04 - 3535words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. Thankfully, in the Magical World, there are plenty of crims and Magi-Blackshirts to practice his shot on. Bellatrix mutters so lowly that Hermione almost doesn't hear it. However, somewhere far below, a dungeon door clangs shut, and she regains her senses. Bellatrix snorts, probably at Hermione's weak tolerance for physical violence. Nike: She can restore her parents' memories, and they can be a family again. Harry moves over to the loveseat and spends the rest of the morning cuddling with his wife; hoping against hope that she will cooperate come Saturday night. Now he just has to deal with the consequences. She hadn't been prepared for the blow to carry so much force. Harry is framed for the mass murder of Muggles after he deals Voldemort a stunning blow. Hermione shivers hard, eyes drifting shut. When she meets Alora again, she feels something new. Before she can regain her bearings, Bellatrix is on top of her, straddling her, hands around her neck and squeezing. The death eaters have a group chat and it's complete chaos. ", "I see," Bellatrix says thoughtfully, bringing her hand downward slightly, stroking the side of Hermione's neck with her thumb. Me encanto llore, rei, grite es una experiencia muy bonitaLe voy a recomendar esto a mi mejoraEsto es arte y se merece la valoracin que le di. "Come now, darling, you can tell me" she teases, voice surprisingly light and friendly. He was trapped. Bellatrix smirks. Bellatrix, who was staring into his eyes, suddenly started in shock and fear, noting that Harry's eyes were anything but fearful now. ~Modern Marauders Instagram AU~ Bellatrix ignores her, easily pinning down her swinging arms. Harry is captured by Voldemort, but manages to escape with some unexpected help. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The brunette yelled at her best friend. Hermione couldn't speak if she wanted to. Besides, what exactly could she communicate? Besides the first one this was probably one of my favorites in the series! Hermione stares up at the witch above her, suspecting a trick but unsure of the new direction that it's approaching from. From what I've seen, you really are quite brilliant. To save the House of Black. Sweetie, I need you to tell me why Potter was allowed to find the sword.". He almost drowned, but Ron returned then he had left us before because living in hiding was wearing on him, I supposeit was wearing on all of us, really but he came back, and he helped Harry bring the sword back to camp. After slipping diagonally through time and space to a familiar time in an unfamiliar world, Harry finds himself fighting to save a future that's not quite what he remembers. Hanging from the center of the room is a hangman's noose. "We had to destroy" Hermione says before her mind can catch up with her mouth. It's not until Hermione's vision becomes blurred at the edges that Bellatrix loosens her grip. Embrace the Darkness. Bellatrix's eyes meet hers, then, and they're absolutely shining with delight. How did you get into my safe? ", Already dizzy but unable to look away, Hermione hears herself saying as if from a distance, "He dived down to retrieve it. and our Bellatrix is almost completely supporting her so that she doesn't collapse, and Hermione wonders what this looks like to Harry and Ron. And in order to do that she needed to be sent where it all start TW: Little quick mentions of ED "We'll see about that. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Bellatrix teases. "The locket, hm?" Then she feels the dark witch's wand against her neck, and she feels the flesh it's resting on begin to burn. (Bellatrix x oc) Very Good story and i realy hope it ends well for Susan snd Sam , Fay Isles: The boy yelled back. Harry wakes up to find himself tied up, on a bed, and naked. It was when Bellatrix noticed she can't be anyth "He hates me!" Her breath catches in her throat, then, as Bellatrix rewards her with another kiss and a more substantial pressure with her slow, consistent circling. Do you over work that massive brain of yours? Before she can do anything however, she feels a wand at her back, and hear Harry's voice saying "Stupefy". "Now," she purrs, pulling herself up to lick at the cusp of Hermione's ear, "what was this about Potter requiring the sword?". Harry and Ron are back from the dungeons, it seems. Anke: She just shakes her head wordlessly, hoping against hope that she'll be believed. Oh, no no no! Hermione finds herself the toy of a madwoman, and she no longer minds it as much as she should. hotlists. Bellatrix smiles grimly, but her eyes shine with a strange light. Harry is a prisoner, and Bellatrix has fallen from grace. Mm, I suppose you're enjoying the chance to rest a bit? Brightest witch of your age, are you? Voldemort bitches like his life depends on it, Everyone is afraid of Severus, Lucius is simply exhausted, The :*:' :*:' If I had you, I wouldn't give you up for the world.". ", "Your safe?" :). Harry curb stomps the entire group and only leaves Bellatrix alive so she can deliver a message to Tom Riddle. "Oooh, feisty!" "I suppose I can understand. It's a strange sensation, Hermione finds, having Bellatrix roaming her thoughts. Tolle Geschichte. You need to be around people who can really appreciate your talents.". I will do smut just send me the basics. "He's stupid!" Harry was struggling with the weight of the man, being forced to hold him up by the scruff of his neck to maintain the physical shield. This work could have adult content. Hermione didn't pla Estella Black:Daughter of Cygnus and Druella Black,younger sister to Bellatrix,Andromeda and Narcissa Black,Cousin to Sirius and Regulus Black,Bellatrix's favourite sist What if there was a fourth female child in The house of Black? How could she ever have thought that she could do anything without a magical ability to fall back on? Some part of her is still burning with shame, pleading to anyone who could listen to save her, but Hermione is finding it easier and easier to allow these new feelings to blot out that small voice. Goodness. Dead to the world, the Mistress of Death Corona Lily Potter is on a mission. Her distraction betrays her. That however had no use to him at the moment. If that's the aim, it's met. Crossover between Harry Potter and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with pre-Fox acquisition X-Men elements and reimagined Inhumans. ", Caught off guard by the sudden mood whiplash and already more exhausted than she can handle, Hermione decides that it can't hurt to just tell the truth. Her mouth moves to Hermione's shoulder, and when she bites, she draws blood. Reality hitting her like a freight train, Hermione scrambles to her feet to rejoin her friends. Bellatrix has always been raised by lust and hate. James Potter was always busy at the office, and an over-the-top grand surprise was par for the course . And then she's abruptly forced back to her senses as Bellatrix rolls off of her and jumps lightly to her feet. mzkrystalray: This is my first ever fan fic, I hope people like my effort, all comments, suggestions and story ideas welcomed currently updating all chapters (hopefully making it better) This is just a whole bunch of stories for the marauders era , any character you want! But there's something more, now, something darker and more compelling coursing through the skin that Bellatrix touches. By signing up on Inkitt, you agree to our, Shifting the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Six) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Bearing the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Four) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Pucking the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Seven) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Shifter Mate Tri-Totem (Shifter World - Book Thirteen) (Series of 13 Short Stories). Hermione insists wildly, fighting to clear her mind and calm herself. "I see. So I've seen were people would make story's about the marauders Era watching the Harry Potter movies and I thought I would make one myself. Hermione shuts her eyes tightly, trying to control her panic. Why hadn't she listened to her father's advice and learned a martial art? The accidental activation of Bella's treasured heirloom results in another chance for Harry. She's surprised by her sudden desire to answer and please the murderess above her. Her parents had known better, had begged her not to forget her origins. 21 year old Harry accidentally goes back in time to just before the outbreak of the first war. golden era insta: incomp new student Eden Adler has caught the eyes of Bellatrix Black, sensing her power radiating off of her body she believes she would be a great addition in the growing rank One shots of your favorite HP characters. He is sent to Azkaban where he and his cell mate, Bellatrix cook, begin to discover Harry's heritage and his potential power as they plot to escape. Stockholm Syndrome!Hermione. She is not lusting over a Death Eater, let alone the woman who killed Harry's godfather! But this is something entirely new to her, and she can't help but like it. All four books were great! "Filthy little Mudblood whore," Bellatrix laughs, and, despite herself, Hermione hears another low moan slip past her lips. Unable to bite down her scream, she channels it into the only answer she knows: "We we didn't! Fighting Bellatrix would surely be suicide; there's nothing that she can do but wait the mad witch's fury out. Her eyes seek out Hermione's and pierce through them. For more information, please see our He allowed Potter to escape and was found dead in the cellar by his own hand." Voldemort narrows his eyes, knowing that there must be more to the story. Freue mich darauf das es hoffentlich bald weitergeht! She was flanked by two absolutely almost inhumanly gorgeous blonde girls, one of them a little younger than her and the other a bit older. "I'm going to have a conversation with this one girl to girl!". *HIATUS AS OF MAY 15, 2020* Why does it mean so much Bellatrix? "Goodness, you're fun to play with. Hermione repeats dumbly. Bellatrix shoots a calculating look her way before quickly turning her attention back to the male portion of the Golden Trio in time to stop them from taking her wand. M L Smith: tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. bellatrixblack. I read through all 13 of them in less than 3 days. I don't own harry potter or anything affiliated. Earl of the North by Lord Silvere. Harry Potter was raised a proper British gentleman. {marauders era-golden trio era} Harry is a prisoner, and Bellatrix has fallen from grace. I love the thought and detail you are putting into this stor kelleybarnett1963: Love the book so far now it's getting interesting. You don't have to tell me anything. Then, more loudly, she calls, "Stop! You need better acknowledgement than that, my dear. Perhaps Bellatrix takes this as a sign that she's hiding the truth. Bellatrix hand dips down again and circles the new but growing damp spot on Hermione's underwear, and her words enter Hermione's mind through a thickening haze. Somehow, Hermione manages to choke out, "Dumbledore said that the sword would come to aid anyone who needed it. Ron Weasley excitedly told his best friend. Harry has a map of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the surrounding area lain out on a table. nofux2give46: "We didn't break into anything!" When the girl winds up wandering into her territory with her little friends, Bellatrix can't help but relish in the destruction that she wrecks on the girl's mind, and when the time comes, she's not eager to let her new obsession go. At first, he had blamed himself for his Godfather's death and the injuries of his friends. She seems pleased by Hermione's startled gaspno, this was not what the girl expected. The younger witch shivers, surprised by the many feelings arising within her. Full Summary: Much as Bellatrix despises Mudbloods, she has to admit that little smart mouth Granger's caught her attention. However, after a few days of grieving, he realised that it wasn't his fault. 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