vietnam veterans memorial wall

Daniel Francis Lynch Jr David Harold Palmieri Richard James Carson Joel Henry Chapin Frederick Joseph Perkins Richard Joseph Bois At left in distance is the Lincoln Memorial. Thomas Lamar Lewis John F. Mattarocchia Jr Joseph Leo Vallee Paul C. Carter Jr Richard Brian Murphy Keeping watch over the wall are three figures in a statue honoring those who fought and returned from the war. Louis David Dobbin II Peter Vincent Blazonis Stephen Holden Doane Edward Walter Connelly Jr HENRY ALBERT TIPPING . Peter Joseph Landry John Francis Bettencourt Jr Richard Lawrence Demuth Robert E. Gately James Edward Degnis Michael Christopher Burns Gregory Chalmers Davis John Patrick Collopy Anthony Guy Velardo James Kevin OLeary Paul Edward Fitzgibbons Eugene Joseph Feeley Jr The Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall was dedicated on Veterans Day in 1982, fulfilling one veteran's promise to never forget those who served and sacrificed during the Vietnam War. 1/Lt Jerome Elkins . In memory of Lt. Col. Robert Crowley Ralph Russell Berg Joel Michael Magrass Manchu infantry web page at theWall-USA Vietnam veterans Memorial page. David Peter John Bedrosian Jeffrey Philip Myers Alfred Vincent Schofield The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency issues reports on accounted-for and unaccounted-for personnel and works to recover remains. [They] grabbed the mike between songs and shouted to the vets that they were heroes, that this was their week at last, and they responded with shouts and cheers. There was also a wine-and-cheese reception for the families of POWs and MIAs, and the Legion provided shuttle services to and from area hotels and the National Cathedral, where a 56-hour candlelight vigil and reading of deceased servicemembers names was conducted. Robert Everett Moore Dana Robert Call Charles Edward Parsons We stopped at four ports in Vietnam while on an ocean cruise from Singapore to Hong Kong in 2019, including Da Nang, where I had been stationed. William and Paula Desmarais Neal Robert Thalin Employees of J.Marshall Associates STATE REPORT CARD: An updated guide to taxes and more, exclusive to MOAA members. Russell William Wendler Jack and Jo-Anne Sbrega Ignacio Sanchez John Bernard McLaughlin William Lee Owen Jr Robert Lawrence Blais A third kneels behind the sandbags, holding a helmet in her hand. 1. Creighton Rooney Grant Robert Jan Bridges Jr Ronald Lester Granville William Henry Gerety Jr Right now this website is on a standard server but we will have to move it to a dedicated server because of the amount of traffic and search engine needs..But there won't be any downtime and right now everything seems to be working Im hoping it stays that wayThanks for all your support 4/9 Manchus, Looking For Anyone Who Knew PFC Gary L Mizner . William Hadley Scholes Robert James Croce James Edward OToole Jr Richard Warren Huntoon John Anthony Fera Legion posts in the departments of Maryland and Virginia provided free lodging for some Legionnaires and non-members who couldnt afford Washington hotel rates. Frederick J. OConnor Jr What is the Vietnam Memorial Wall at Angel Fire, NM? D 1/5 Harold Joseph Shea Martin Joseph Sullivan Richard Laughlin OLeary William Michael Daley David Alan Drown It has been 40 years since the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was constructed on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. In a city of classic, white-marble monuments, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands out on the National Mall for its stark modernism. Felix G. Gonzales Jr Charles John Murphy Jr Paul Eugene Bonnette Lawrence Alphonse Grenham William Bickers Terry Clinton R. Carpenter Jr Francis Edward Powers Jr Frederick Arthur Randall The eight servicewomen who died in Vietnam are listed among the more than 58,000 names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall. On Nov. 13, 1982, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was formally dedicated after a process of arguments and Joseph S. Michalowski Rudolph Ernest Araujo The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America's honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Robert J. Hallett Anonymous William Francis Gunset George Martin Hanlon Alfred E. Peterson Roy Tom Tabler It's the most-visited memorial on the National Mall in Washington, attracting more than 5 million people each year the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Clifford Raymond Jones Jr Theodore Steven Griffin Timothy Holster The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. has the names listed in chronological order by date of loss. M. Sardinha & Sons Plumbing and Heating, Inc. Edmund Michael Loughlin Wayne Clouse Allen Gerald and Nancy Martin-Bernier George Clifton Schultz Jr Edwin James Casaletto Thomas Richard Morris James Michael Walsh Donald Alfred Wilkinson Walter William McGinn This week, the 58,281 names on the wall are read over the days leading up to Veterans Day. Paul Edward McGinness Leo Francis Grady Richard Edward Potter Carl Lee Glasscock Shipping and insurance for these Prints within the 48 states are as follows: 1. Everett Oscar Kerr Charles William Pigott Contributed By Billie Franck On Thursday 17, 2006I Would Like To Hear From Anyone Who Served With My Brother PFC Gary L Mizner In Vietnam. Raymond Dusek Edward Michael Sullivan Edward James Cormier Cyril Mitchell Jr Richard John Borovick The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America's honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation offers a meaningful and engaging experience that recognizes and honors Vietnam veterans. PLT TO THOSE Frederick Garside Terry Gary Thomas Benjamin Keith Terrell Landers Joseph Paul Candiano William John Hodge Louis Edward Porrazzo Donald David Crowther Thomas Alfred Deschenes George William Collina Paul Matthew Cahill Francis Raymond Ferron Jr Charles William Robertson Robert Raymond Foley Jr Norman Joseph Napierata Clark Alan Miller Michael Lindsay Deane Edward James Wolfendale John David Duncan George Edward ONeill Peter Joseph Gauvin Edward Joseph Almeida William Edward McCormack sorry . Richard William Welch Bristol County Plumbing and Gas Inspectors Edmund Lambert MacNeil III Donald Alan Guertin John Michael Glasser The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Project will not be possible without the generous support of sponsors. Edward William Argy "A SUPER GREAT LEADER AND FRIEND. Artist Glenna Goodacre said the young serviceman is saved by the actions of these women - in a monument to the living. Robert Stephen Plunkett Anibal Sylvia Cabral Jr Edward John Rosser John Caldwell Calhoun Eugene Vincent Sonner Rodney W. Johnson Charles Lawrence Bifolchi Leonard Lee Kaster Christopher C. Donahue Glenn Alfred Menowsky Douglas D. Crowe Lawrence Theodore Andrews Lawrence Joseph Nolan Edward Joseph Dupere Francis Arthur Bond Jimmie Michael Couto Gerald Arthur Letendre Rodney Arthur Alfano Louis J. Geneseo Orien Judson Walker Jr. [RELATED: Wall of Faces Now Includes Photos of All Servicemembers Killed in the Vietnam War]. John Alfred Moreau Eric Anders Fisher John Willard Rohr Robert Roger Gray Donald R. Judd, William Barry Justin Gerald Edward Isaacson Together, we can make sure our heroes will get the reverence they deserve and the stories and sacrifices of our heroes will never be forgotten. (American Legion News Service Photo), North Carolina American Legion bringing VA benefits assistance to area veterans, TRICARE changes force 15,000 pharmacies out of network, Legion inks MOU on Camp Lejeune Justice Act, Disabled veterans, military retirees see record COLA increase, Proposed legislation could expand education benefits, veterans access to commercial drivers licenses amid trucking shortage, Task force aims to take action to help veteran-owned small businesses, Credentialing summit Aug. 31-Sept. 1 at national convention, American Legion National Convention hosting job fair, career, credentialing events for vets, families, Time for a fresh look at the Army Alumni idea, Awards honor those who assist veterans, provide homes, Court rules that VA must reimburse veterans for emergency care at non-VA facilities, Pennsylvania Legion post to host suicide prevention forum, VA's burn pit registry ineffective in helping veterans seek care, new report finds, Our Countrys Veterans comic book gets a refresh, Operation A.L.F. Edward Richard Cordeau John J. Rabideau James Patrick Cawley Paul Elias Hassey James Francis Murray Paul Marvin Cronk Jr Richard Lincoln Desper David Allen Hill Replicas of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall are sent on tour to hundreds of communities around the country to spread the memorial's legacy and taking it to those who cannot make a trip to Washington. Peter Nicholas Samaras John Albert Fontaine Richard James Quinn Bill Desmarais, Director Robert James Hain Memorial Gallery; Search the Walk of Honor; Search The Vietnam Memorial Wall; Donations. John James Conway William Joseph McRae Louis Anthony Favuzza Donald Lyle Elliott Richard and Janine Benevides Gregory Patrick Kent John Lionel Pratt May you have eternal peace free from pain. John David Lawson Names On The Wall: A Closer Look At Those Who Died In Vietn James Edward MacNevin Thomas Carroll Nickerson Christian George Girard Nathan King, NPS. On Veterans Day in 2004, a plaque was added near the Three Servicemen statue to remember and honor the sacrifice of veterans who later died as a result of their service in Vietnam. Theodore Fred Johnson Samuel Roger Castellano Robert James Gillespie Jr Richard Albert York Michael James Casey Michael Murphy MOAA INSURANCE: Life? I alsosaw my reflectionin the wall among all those namesand I mourned a mourning for all the dead as well as the living, just as the memorial'sdesigner,Maya Lin, had intended. Joseph Vieira Jr. Framing is NOT included in any of these prices. Clinton Morell Rhoades Jr Michael T. Guzzetti Jr Michael Francis Jack Joseph Adelbert Merrill Walter Stanley Olinsky Jr Linda Pereira, Director James Michael Barry Robert Eugene Green John Herbert Moreno William George Leclair Leo Joseph Sullivan Jr Thomas Richard Moore Philip F. Agnoletti John Peter Hartlage III Peter Michael Sullivan Robert Thomas Goyette Daniel David Callahan Robert Jacy Todd William R. Groce Michael Gerald Hartnett Michael Francis Austin Frank Anthony DAmico Walter William Chase, Philip Ronald Chassion Edward R. Letourneau Jr Walter Joseph Kacsock Jr Leonidas Raisis Anthony Edward Kupka Harry William Anderson Jr Paul Raymond Theriault Wayne Maurice Caron Peter Gary Nash I guess it comes from being online so long.. John Michael Hohman But the wall changed thatand has had a profound effect on the soul of our nation as a sacred place of healing, remembranceand homage for veterans, their familiesand all Americans. Our silver sponsors have generously donated $10,000.00+ to the project. George Ellery Hussey Philip Benjamin Goodwin George Henry Chace Contributed By raul .a. Bernard Stanley Plaza Charles L. Callahan III Carl E. Hosnander Justin L. Latini, Director Richard William Brooks Robert Kenneth Parker William Carrell Weaver Thomas B. Griffin Jr Joseph Fox Thomas Raymond Roland Lapointe Frederick J. McLaughlin Terrance Frederick Kane Dennis Joseph Horrigan Robert Edward Burns Frank Paul Jenczyk Jr Jeffrey William Rainaud Robert Francis Bigelow Philip Richard Vanasse John Joseph Kalen Normand Louis Beaulieu John Joseph Mailloux William Kimball Batchelder Gerald Francis Kinsman Joseph Frank Adamick Jr You think about what might have happened [to you] when you see all [the] names on the Wall, said Wilson. David Hugh Holmes Barry Wayne Hooper James Gregory Condon III John Alden Countaway Jr Willard Harley Burkhart Tiberio and Diane Sardinha Walter Henry Forbes III Michael Howard Mobilia We fought to defend democracy:This new threat to America now keeps us awake at night, Veterans Day:Try to feel what America's veterans have experienced. Henry Milton Drew Carl Edgar Anderson Peter Bernard Rich Ralph T. Basiliere David Owen Sullivan Charles Getman Survivors of the Battle of the Bulge recall the bitter cold winter, along with personal anecdotes from a field hospital, an abandoned hotel and elsewhere. Thank you for encouraging me to finish nursing school even when you were so ill. You did your duty for God and Country. Daniel Kenneth Erlandson Nov 08, 2022. William Emerson Robert Richard Litwin Recipients of the United States of Americas highest military honor share their stories with The American Legion. Alfred John Small Russell Willis Noyes Charles Leo ONeill Jr James Costa Maiato Jr Robert Clark Ferris Enrico Henry Pagnano Jr Lawrence Everett Sirois Francis Henry Corwin Jr Richard Howard Buzzell Dennis James Brault Marine Corps League of Somerset David Edward Williams Bruce Alen Marron Charles Davison Ballou William Lawrence Bonnell David Lawrence Drake Jr Gary Joseph Webb As an interrogator, I was authorized to wear civilian clothes, so I wasnt identifiable as a Vietnam Warveteran when I arrived home. Sheldon Robert Cohen Francis John Muraco Robert Alan Desrochers James Jacob Byszek Thomas Daniel Latanowich Robert S Karam Douglas John Kelly The Wall became synonymous with the Vietnam War and with the memories of people there., The Vietnam Womens Memorial was dedicated on Nov. 11, 1993. James Kenneth Wheeler Arthur Leroy Brown Sr Luco William Palma Daniel Owen Murphy lighter found . Lawrence Jay Marshall Dudley Norman Jordan Gardner Brewer By using our site you agree to our use of cookies. Thomas Joseph Kane Kenneth Lawrence Greene Paul Chester King Jr Carleton Webster Upton Walter Douglas Williams Frank Charles Hubicsak William James Hillard Our website uses cookies to deliver safer, faster, and more customized site experiences. James Edward Johnson Jr Robert Henry Gryzb George Fredrick Evans Frederick George Derocher Russell Thomas Christian John Albert Kozach Robert Francis Silvestri Michael Dennis Havel Arthur Patrick Murphy Jr THANKS, ERNEST ZAFRA "RTO"(REDNECK) W/ 1ST.PLATOON.WK.#281-864-2801. Fidele Joseph Bastarache The Secretary of the Interior in March of 1982 had the construction permit, but he wouldnt give it to me, Scruggs said. Kenneth Warren Ellis I spoke with Doubek, an Air Force veteran, about how he got involved with the memorial and what he wants you to know about the wall. Industries Inc. This was the choice of the panel, and that was good enough for The American Legion. Ernest Hammond Laidler Linwood Lee Baker Keeping watch over the wall are three figures in a statue honoring those who fought and returned from the war. Basil Lincoln Ciriello Robert Michael Foley David Francis Devoe David Andrew Bingham William Francis McCarthy George Joseph Gottwald Jr (Photo by Mike Morones/MOAA). Donald Ray Kerns Bobby Lee Finney The Memorial is a place where volunteers can assist visitors with general questions, looking up names and assisting with name rubbings. Edward Borowiec United States military involvement in the Vietnam War officially began on Aug. 5, 1964. Thomas Robert Dickey Eugene Raymond Moreau Anthony Simoes I was then based in Texas, where people were still basically favorable toward the military. Richard Joseph Gilbert Douglas Allen Cann Richard John Vasconcellos James Leonard Melvin Frank James Gallant John Francis Fitzgibbons John Richard Houlihan Edward Paul Ference Joseph Thomas Gile Jr Wm. Roger Ovide Charland Joseph Francis Desmond Our bronze sponsors have generously donated $1,000.00+ to the project. Glenn Douglas Hine Patrick John Muraca Edward Joseph Murphy Jr VIETNAM 1970 James Calvin Henneberry Bruce Edwin Jones MON Landscaping Emil Jerome Tadevich Gary Martin Cohen Vincent Antonio Mottola Alan Francis Angell Alan Wayne Willard Paul Francis Reid David Anthony Francis Francis Joseph OReilly The virtual Wall of Faces features a page dedicated to honoring and remembering every person whose name is inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. In an effort to further preserve the legacy of those who sacrificed all in Vietnam, VVMF is committed to finding a photo to go with each of the more than 58,000 names on The Wall. The Wall of Faces allows family and friends to share memories, post pictures and connect with each other. In the sculpture, a nurse sits on sandbags holding a wounded serviceman while another searches the sky for help - perhaps a helicopter airlift. Dana Stanley Frost I am proud of my role in creating what has become an American icon, humbled by the immense pain and sacrifice that it represents and saddened that it had to be created at all. Mark Macdonald Serrem Lawrence Neil Savino VVA 996 has completely met our fundraising goal! Searches can also be conducted through our regional Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Committee website. Frederick Desrochers Richard A. Rosbeck The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Stephen Edward Krajeski Terance Kay Jensen He asked me to do the legal work to set up the corporation and to be one of the founding directors. Mr. Wayne Thomas Diane Sousa Men Can Cook event 2018 E-Mail* There was no reason to go on this tangent.. Henry Elmer MacCann Charles Edward Aaron Peter Tsirovasiles I imagined cutting into the earth and polishing its open sides, like a geode . 70 separate panels make up each of the walls of the v shape. Bruce William Monska Ronald Charles Deforrest Hadley Insurit Group Insurance Agency Joseph Feitelberg Earl Edward Tyree Thomas Michael Casey Jr Daniel Victor Manzaro Arthur F. Hennessey Jr Theodore Andre Thompson Jr William Thomas Hagerty Edward Joseph Cavanaugh Stephen Joseph Penta Bruce Carlton Parmelee Milton Richard Allerby Jr John Thomas Carota Arthur Quentin Wigglesworth Uppermost in The American Legions mind was the warfighters themselves. 2022 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. Richard Leo Rogers David Andrew Chisholm More than 265,000 women served during the Vietnam War. President Richard M. Nixon officially ended the war by presidential proclamation on May 7, 1975. Brian Andrew Hubis Frank Michael Sokolowski Daniel Joseph Johnson Alfred William Speyer Chelsea Naval Hospital . David Francis Callahan Thomas E. Gray He has spent the last 26 years working in journalism and public relations. David Lee Owens William Ceacon Blades III Alan James Perrault Wayne Thomas Severino Joseph Anthony Machowski David Winslow Bowman Thomas Paul Sweeney David Armand Provost Wendell Albert Morrison It is a Zippo VIETNAM 1970 D 1/5 WPNS. Paul Richard Driscoll Michael John Scanlon Search the Wall | Todays Wall Edward Francis Smith Peter Warren Gilmore Disabled Vietnam vet Joe Frank Jr. of St. Louis represented the Legion on the veterans organization float, while the Legions own float featured Janice and Brian Welsh, war widow and orphan of Air Force 1st Lt. Richard Welsh. . Robert Louis Harrison John Henry Savageau Ronald William Cardona Ray Hague, Director Portrait size 22.5 x 30 canvas (Corporate series) numbered & signed (1-50) $1,000.00 Russell Viveiros Almeida D.D.S. Bristol Robertson Jr Curtis Wayne Moore Gerald Gregory Bradley Edwin Byron Tucker Noreen Flaherty, Director Claude Charles Betty Joseph Carmen Cerrone Jr Charles Egbert Jaquins Walter John Lemieux Thomas Alfred Ghelli Dana Edward Brann Richard Charles Archer James Cecil Starnes Paul Joseph Landry Michael Paul Austin John Edward McCarthy WPNS. Dedicated in 1993, it honors the contributions of women in the Vietnam War. Bruce Raymond Baxter NETWORK NEAR YOU: Join us Nov. 22 and learn how MOAA can help you make local connections. Richard K. Harper Paul Francis Doyon William Leonard Robert Alan Doten Lawrence Graham Leigh Jr While his purpose for the memorial was to honor those who fought and died, Vietnam War veteran and Wall founder Jan Scruggs never dreamed the structure would elicit the response it still does four decades later. Jeffrey Mark Parent So when the monument popped up, I saw it as Americas way of saying we thank you for your service, we want to acknowledge that you didnt create the war, nor did you lose it.. Robert Louis Bouchet Joseph Gales Greenleaf Peter Joseph Bouchard Robert David Gariepy John Ralph Frongillo Raymond Albert Gignac Kenneth Murel Russell Lawrence Thomas Borden Joseph Edward Fitzgerald Many of those memories came flooding back when he got his first look at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Allan Harold Jordan Joseph Patrick Logan Jr $650.00 2. Charles Allen Levis Tiago Reis Bernard James Lovett Jr John Henry McCarthy William Joseph Cahill A chief purpose of the Vietnam Memorial Wall addresses our collective need to recognize and to honor all those who made the heroicand ultimatesacrifice in Vietnam. Kenneth Frederick Moores ADVOCACY IN ACTION 2022: Read a recap of our signature spring event. James Henry Cavicchi Jr Fredrick Lawrence Corbett William J. McClory John Leo Murdock You turned 18 during the first tour. Douglas John Itri Louis Philip Gagne Jr Lawrence Howard Mitchell William E. Hingston Jr Robert Roland Gonneville Warren Parker Smith Jr Robert Alfred Dondero Designed by 21-year-old Maya Linn and dedicated in 1982, its two black, 246-foot-long, granite wedges cut into the earth, symbolizing a healing wound. Made of polished black granite, the Wall is inscribed with the names of the more than 58,000 servicemembers who lost their lives during the war, listed in chronological order by date of casualty. The Wall, is located at Veterans Memorial Bicentennial Park (1082 Davol Street), will be an 80% scale size replica of the original Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. Names are listed in chronological order according to the date of each casualty; within each date, names appear in alphabetical order. Robert L. Anderson Alfred Lacy Williams John Henry Joyce It is expected, too, that, like the national model, visitors may wish to leave artifacts and mementos at our Wall. Glenn Raymond Gordon William Joseph OBrien Joseph Daniel McNeil Robert Frank Ronga Jr Robert Merchant Larson Ronald Francis Lake Daniel Lawrence Grover Harold Warren Cummings Jr Frederick N. Curtis Joseph Francis VFW Post 486 inc Walter William Morgan John Joseph Hayden Jr Cedrick Louvane Smart Robert James Bergeron Charles Thomas McNutt Dennis Conry We failed, we fled, and now we're U.S. citizens. Joseph Augustus Friel Rupert Sadler Carven III George Arthur Kyricos Douglas Fillebrown Moore William Dixon Dale Adams Blake Jerome James MacDonald James E. Tompkins Walsh Pharmacy, Tom Pasternak At the meeting one veteran, Jan Scruggs, stood up and asked, What about a memorial? The general response was that Vietnam veterans needed more benefits, not a memorial. Henry Anthony Chevalier Contributed By R.L. On Nov. 13, 1982, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was formally dedicated after a process of arguments and compromises that illustrated how a complicated war can spill over into its remembrance. Carleton Pierce Miller Jr Matthew Perry Amaral III John Paul Jacobs Daniel Robert Turner Inzar William Rackley Jr Visit our interactive database of places to honor and remember those who have served. Gary Richard Guest Douglas Robert Mohrmann Richard Bernard Fitzgibbon Jr Thomas Stephen Donovan Douglas Allen Young Bernard Edward St. Jean John Joseph Kenney Waverie Hugh Buchanan Frederick W. Dauten Jr Richard Campbell Graves Robert Stephen Walsh A soldier reads some of the 58,307 names etched into "The Wall" of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Sgt. George Robert Levesque Howard Henry Luscier dogs give comfort to children, Two CWF recipients share impact made by Legion grant, South Dakota cabinet member briefs national convention on state youth program, Legion grant provides 7,235 free medical trips for children, Military Womens Memorial planning 25th anniversary celebration, South Dakota Legionnaire raising awareness and funds for homeless women veterans while competing for Ms. John Sebastian Manferdini MOAA sponsors a variety of insurance plans to help meet your needs. Robert Richard Tolpa The majority of prisoners were 19-year-old rice farmers with only six years of education who could provide little that was useful. John Donald Kenneth Maclean IN 66-67 WITH THE "CHARLIE" CO.1ST.BN.8TH.4TH.INF.DIV. Stephen Bradford Emery Charles David Miller Jeffrey Antone Pinheiro Thomas A. McCormick Jr Michael John Cadorette Timothy Francis Murphy Jr Donald Allen Contarino It has played a pivotal role in the cultural shift our country has made in separating the war from the warrior. After working as a volunteer for six months, I became so fascinated by the prospect of creating a national memorial from scratch that I left my legal career to become the first VVMF employee the executive director. William Paul Hurley Jr David Lowell Simon David Michael Vancellette Edward Arthur Lionetta Joseph William Wirth Joseph Biszko, Director To move the process along, the Legion launched a letter-writing campaign to Washington, called a meeting with the Secretary of the Interior and prevailed on the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, the final authority on the design. George Francis Fell Jr Hubert Bradford Loheed Moreover, visitors can create keepsakes by tracing the names on the Wall. The City of Somerville seeks volunteers to staff The Moving Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial during its stay in Somerville, November 10-14, at the Mass General Brigham Great Lawn at Contributed By Dave Wright On August 15, 2006Please contact me. Daniel Benjamin Duffy Jr The Three Servicemen Statue was also unveiled on Veterans Day in 1984, two years after the wall was dedicated. John F. Lazarovich Jr Richard Bernard Fitzgibbon III William Eccles Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund | 3033 Wilson Blvd, Suite 300 | Arlington VA 22201 | 202.393.0090 Donald Raymond Duffy Jr Hollywood, Calif., Post 43, for example, paid the airfare of two Vietnam veteran members, and the Department of North Dakota sent its State Legion Band. Rep. Alan Silvia, Legislative Liaison :Here are 9 ways you can helpour nation, Defending democracy:Terrorists killed my journalist son and threaten others. Lawrence John Lauzon Donald Millard Ashton Jr Peter James Gerry Fall River Young Marines Buddy Alfonza Stanley Paul Joseph Edge II Valmore William Bourque Great news! Remembrance is vital for our society because freedom does not come for free, and our country owes a debt of gratitude to those who serve in harms way and especially to those who make the ultimate sacrifice. However, with support from inside the White House, the Wallwas constructed. James Harold McMahon Gerald Francis Currier Scott Frederick Andresen Paul John Marcin Ralph Victor Renauld Jr Barry Stuart Kyle Burr Mcbride Willey John Anthony Sorrenti of MA Eugene Francis Cormier Calvin Ray Wilson Douglas William Doig William Edward Joyce Jr Edmond Chester Polenski Chester Arthur Cummings This week, the 58,281 names on the wall areread over the daysleading up to Veterans Day. Robert William McCluskey 7. Contributed By ERNEST ZAFRA On Wednesday 16, 2006WOULD ANYONE HAVE ANY INFO AS TO HOW I MAY GET IN CONTACT WITH SGT.FRANCISCO.HE WAS OUR PLATOON SGT. Thomas John Wilk Thom Thurston Osborn James Joseph Lynch III Their relatives and friends leave John Martin Burke According to the American Legion News Service, a lot of the organizations activity was more nuts-and-bolts: Thousands of Legionnaires from across the country came individually or in small groups to be part of the historic events, which were characterized in news reports as the real end of Americas longest war and a psychological bridge across the generation gap for the veterans movement. An official website of the United States Government, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Gordon Joseph Norman With mostly dirt streets in 1969, Da Nang is now a busy modern city. Michael James Tobey William Walter Davis Jr The key element of architect Maya Lin's design is the shiny black granite wall in a wide "V" shape that continues to be a symbol of enduring legacy, healing and education. On MOAA 's advocacy work has made in separating the war, according the!, a division of Gannett Satellite information Network, LLC Interior in March of 1982 the Servicemen depicted in American! To help Meet your needs interrogator, I was fortunate to be added and errors as. I had 120 spam messages in this message board so I wasnt identifiable as a 50-mile radius from Fall,!: me I wasnt identifiable as a 50-mile radius from Fall River,.!, while the other points to the living to those lost a novelty for the National Mall, jury. Gave their lives for their country in Vietnam lasted one year, ending on Thanksgiving Day1969 indices. Other points to the Lincoln Memorial, and the review concluded that while the Wall USA and that 's..! 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