Mollies and swordtails can interbreed but it is not recommended. Swordtails, like other livebearing species, are prolific breeders. Do mollies like to be together? total noob here.. i'm planning on breeding some swords and. Even if it came from a tank labeled swordtail only, it can turn out to be a platy. Can swordtails live with mollies? Goldfish are freshwater fish that are from the Cyprinidae family, which includes other fish such as carp and minnows. Can you keep them in the same tank? Moreover, none of their requirements conflict with what mollies need. Keeping three female mollies and one male molly fish together is the best option in a 20-gallon tank. Can 2 mollies live together? More males in the single tank may enter into a territorial dispute. Do swordtail fish lay eggs or give birth? Swordtails are livebearers and therefore they give birth to live fry. Similar to tetras, mollies also need at least a 10-gallon tank. The continued joy and interest that a simple freshwater aquarium brings to those who own one are numerous. 50 posts are needed to use the private message conversation system too. The young are very easy to rear and you can place them in the same tank with the adults. They get on well with other mollies, guppies, danios, swordtails, tetras, and many other fish. Can I keep just 3 mollies? While it is true that mollies can eat neon tetras if they choose to, its unlikely to happen in a home aquarium setting. Can Betta Fish Live With Mollies? - Tiny Fish Tank While both species are entirely peaceful, some mollies and tetras are known to demonstrate a propensity for aggressive behavior from time to time. Can 2 betta fish live together? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. ), Do Tetras Need A Heater? The flesh of some swordfish can acquire an orange tint, reportedly from their diet of shrimp or other prey. Can lyretail Swordtails breed? Gouramis come in all shapes and sizes. Poeciliinae of the family Poeciliidae (the same family that includes other popular aquarium fish like the guppies and mollies). Swordfish reproduce by laying eggs, that is to say that they are oviparous. Typically though, guppies and swordtails like to be kept in groups of 2 females to every 1 male. Male mollies especially love nipping the fins of other males to establish their dominance and defend their territory. I have thirty fry in a six gal, they're doing fine right now. For crossbreeding, the two species must be closely related to each other. You could offer them foods that sink, but at the end of the day, you'd be fighting a losing battle with the life of your cherry shrimp on the line. . Mollies, in particular, can be aggressive. . To be healthy and develop normally, their diet needs to be supplemented with other foods too. Both mollies and neon tetras are small fishes and won't bother each other and can live in a similar tank setup. Depending on which variety of swordtail you possess, you can expect a wide variety of colorations. But how do you get frozen fish back to that fresh fish flavor? A school of 6 or more glofish tetras makes for the best company for your Mollies. The peaceful nature of both species creates an ecosystem in which all the inhabitants are likely to feel secure. . This is because they have mild temperaments and can be kept with lots of other species of community fish. Other great options are guppies, tetras, rasboras, danios, and gouramis. What Fish Can Live With Mollies? The Best Explanation - Fishing Advisor You must also add a filter to your tank, especially for the molly fish. Swordfish is a particularly popular fish for cooking. . Basically, tetras and mollies need the same tank conditions. Some species, such as guppies, platys, swordtails, and mollies, are such prolific breeders that the constant addition of new fry will outpace just about any predator. They may fight with each other to establish a hierarchy within their community. Can Mollies and Platies Live Together? - Fabled Fish . (5 Main Causes), Do Tetras Like Current? Mollies can live from 3-5 years and will grow up to 4-4.5 inches. Why Do Tetras Chase Each Other? Can mollies and Platies live with goldfish? Yes, you can make Bettas live with Mollies. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Can mollies and swordtails live together? what size is the tank you're going to keep them in? How many swordtails in a 10 gallon tank? - Breeding can start from the 3rd month of age, so it is advised that swordtails be separated after determining sex. However, you will need to make sure that you make sure the tank is habitable for both of them, otherwise some problems may arise. Glofish tetras like to have live-bearing fish like mollies as tank mates. How deep do you set the bait for swordfish? However, mollies are livebearers. This is important because if you pair fish that need different tank parameters, it could be deadly for them. Can guppies mollies and platies live together? Its possible for a fish to become aggressive towards its tank mates, but it is not likely to occur in the case of neon tetras and mollies. Why Do Tetras Swim Upside Down? Molly and swordtail are livebearer fish originating from the Poecilia and Xiphophorus family. Adding a heater to your tank will ensure that the temperature stays regulated. Can mollies and swordtails live together? - YouTube . rummy nose tetras can live with swordtails, mollie, guppies and even platies. Where can I catch muskie in Lake St Clair. Can Mollies and Platies Breed? - FluffyPlanet 11 Compatible Tetra Tank Mates + 6 Incompatible Ones - JalJeev Some whales, seals, and other cetaceans are able to dive to depths of nearly 10,000 feet. Some of the fish we have successfully kept with our Black Mollies are Guppies, Danios, Tetras, other Mollies, Swordtails, Gouramis, and even some Catfish. However, do keep in mind that glofish tetras need to be in a group of 5 or more. I say "more or less" because there's always some debate going on . Can platies and mollies live together? When two swordtails of mixed sexes are kept together, they are likely to spawn without any trouble. Green swordtails and platies are closely related and can breed easily . They are livebearers, so keep an eye out for babies on a regular basis. (Do They Glow All The Time? . Isolated rainbowfish are prone to loneliness and that can drastically affect their health. Fish Lore's aquarium fish forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! Swordtails are livebearers which means they give birth to live fry instead of eggs. Grouped together with their close cousins, the swordtails . Therefore, you must keep the swordtail tank water warmer than the guppy tanks so that they can live together happily. Swordtails are a great companion to Mollies given that they are very peaceful and active community fish. Black Mollies are peaceful, community fish. Theyre active fish and they even like to jump, so a higher tank or a cover on the tank will keep them from jumping out. Location: Richmond, VA (Henrico County) Posts: 1,110. However the largest are not good tank mates for Swordtails as they are aggressive and territorial. Mollies and neon tetras are perfectly compatible and can live together peacefully. The females have a round shaped anal fin. Yes, black mollies can live with neon tetras. The more females for every male, the better. . Water hardness and pH aren't as important either, nevertheless, it's good to offer them ideal conditions. How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? 5 Cool Tips That makes them a perfect choice for beginner aquarists. These fish prefer sub-tropical water and somewhat shaded light, but some can survive in other water conditions. Are mollies hard to keep alive? Can swordtails live with bettas? Demystifying The Varying Degrees Of Swordtails And Platies What fish can I keep with Firemouth Cichlid? Can A Molly And A Swordtail Breed? - Explore Fish World You may see the bellies becoming bigger, but the sure sign they are close to giving birth is when they start separating themselves from the males and they suddenly become aggressive towards the male swordtails. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You can't expect cherry shrimp to live off algae and leftovers alone. They will not respond well to sudden temperature changes. and only swords and mollies will be there. Can two goldfish live together? Please try again. As their name suggests, they are very long, thin and feature an elongated sword-like tail. Yes, guppies and mollies can live together, and they actually work well . They typically grow to be two inches in length. The mother lays eggs and allows them to develop externally from her body. Also, keep the ratio of females more in comparison to male ones. What is the difference between a swordtail and a Platy? Tetras are known for their small size. For some hobbyists, this can be a problem. Jack Carlson of Two Conchs charters was just 30 minutes into his first morning drift in the Atlantic waters off Marathon, Florida, when he noticed a bright red, elongated mark on the screen of his Furuno TZtouch3 multifunction display. What is kohaku swordtail? Swordtails are incredibly active and can even jump out of the fish tank. The mother lays eggs and allows them to develop externally from her body. Mollies and tetras can live in the same environment. Keeping Molly Fish Together You should keep them in groups of at least four or more, they naturally stick together. These are all freshwater fish that give birth to live fish that are ready to swim. Some aquarists have also successfully kept mollies with swordtails, platies, and betta fish. Aquarium Advice Addict. Like the other live bearing fish, swordtails do not require any form of intervention in their breeding. Keep pH between 6.7 and 8.5, and hardness between 20-30 KH. . Swordtails can live a surprisingly long time. along with a mean spirited platy and swordtail. 19 Best Rainbowfish Tank Mates - Tiny Underwater They are doing just fine. Moreover, mollies prefer to live in slightly brackish water. Swordtail Fish Care - A Complete Guide - AquariumStoreDepot Keeping at least two goldfish in an aquarium is recommended to provide companionship and promote activity. Yes they can live together. Like most livebearers, there is not much to getting your guppies or swordtail to breed. Some of the species belonging to this group include Swordtails, Platies, Danios, Mollies, Guppies, and most larger Tetras. Ive never heard of swordtails/ mollies, but ive heard of muppies( molly guppies). 10 Different Types of Molly fishCan They Mate, Live Together Your subscription could not be saved. You don't have to intervene in their breeding process, and taking care of the mother and the fry is easier than you think. Red swordtails, like this hybrid species, shown in the photo, can brighten up any freshwater aquarium. Cross breeding in livebearers - cross breeding guppies and mollies, swordtails and platys hybrid. They get on well with other mollies, guppies, danios, swordtails, tetras, and many other fish. Always have one male and two female ratios in the tank. Keep them in hard water with a temperature of 65-82 Degrees F and pH of 7-8.4. If you'd rather have a longer-living fish, you may be better off . Mollies tend to stick together most of the time, which is why you should keep them in groups of 4 or more.If you are planning to keep more than 4 mollies, make sure you get a 20 . Such fish are sold as pumpkin swordfish, and command a premium over their whitish counterparts. Nonetheless, what people dont realize is that they dont always behave like this. Can killifish live with mollies? They are easy to keep and easy to breed fish. JalJeev is a team of enthusiast aquarists, led by Abhijeet R., who are crazy about all creatures that live in water. They enjoy planted tanks, love temperatures ranging from 72F to 78F, and theyre happy living in water with a pH of 6.7 to 8.5. How much money does the average golf course make? These fish prefer sub-tropical water and somewhat shaded light, but some can survive in other water conditions. Swordtails can give birth to as many as 100 fry during a single spawn and will spawn roughly every 30 to 40 days. The average molly fish will grow to a size of 3 inches. Swordtail Fish are Livebearers The swordtail belongs to the group of livebearer fishes - scientifically classified as Poecillidae - to which the mosquito fish, the guppies, the mollies and the platies belong. To answer the question, YES guppies can definitely live together. Yes, guppies and mollies can live together, and they actually work well together. . They commonly reach 3 m (9.8 ft) in length,. Less number of female mollies can also make male mollies aggressive. If you are planning on having a tank of only rainbowfish, it is recommended that you have 6-8 together. Do Swordtails Breed With Mollies? - Aqualife This is why you should not presume that every single molly and tetra will get along. These fish are found widely in tropical and temperate parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, and can typically be found from near the surface to a depth of 550 m (1,800 ft). Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. They can live together despite the tiny differences they have. Yes, you can keep guppy fish and platy fish in the same aquarium. Although the fish suitable for outdoor ponds are hardy, you still must lookout for predators. These are two different fish from different families, although both of them are livebearers and could live together peacefully. Mollies are usually peaceful fish that prefer to be kept in groups of at least five. Manage Settings Here are some excellent species worth considering for swordtail fish tank mates: Platy Fish. Can Mollies and Guppies Live Together? - Aquarium Sphere Rummy nose tetras are peaceful species, however, they might eat the . Is it normal for cats to stay up all night? Dont be shocked if violence ensues between a molly and tetra. Angelfish will live easily together with Cory Cats, Rosy Red Minnows, Gouramis, Guppies, Hatchets, Loaches, Killifish, Mollies, Platies, Plecos, Rainbow fish, Rasboras, Swordtails, and Tetras. Besides, they have the same temperament as mollies, and their water requirements are also the same. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. They are also a great choice for keeping with other fish that are not as . Mollies are in the Poecilia family whereas Swordtails are in the Xiphophorus family. Can Molly fish live outside? Anytime there is a male and female swordtail fish present in the tank, there are likely to be . Luckily, mollies and platies can live happily together in the same tank because these fish are peaceful and will get along together. Can Neon Tetras and Mollies Live Together? - Fish Keeping Trends When buying from a fish shop and youre looking for a male pure swordtail, make sure with the shopkeeper that its indeed a purebred. The same is true for mollies as well. Can guppies Platies and mollies live together? (Do They Really Need Them? Female swordfish can lay anywhere between 1,000,000 and 30,000,000 eggs at one time and fertilization is external. Swordtails might be able to. Yes, mollies are fin nippers. What fish can live together in the same tank? - hI guys! What pH do mollies need? Mollies are known to be very friendly with other types of fish like tetras. You can place 10-15 swordtails with your betta fish in a 10-gallon tank. What kind of fish can you keep with swordtails? Can Swordtails Live With Guppies? - Fish Keeping Guide However, keeping 3 females and 1 male would . Swordfish migrate to warmer waters to spawn. Generally, mollies and cichlids are compatible species and they will live peacefully together in the tank. molly fish . Some species of tetra can live with red swordtails. However, tetras being fin nippers, can sometimes nip the fins of mollies. Can mollies and Swordtails live together? As with most live-bearers, the Hi Fin Lyretail Swordtail is a prolific breeders that is easy to breed within the aquarium environment. also try feeding the adults a mix of flakes and frozen/live foods. What is the largest arapaima ever caught? I have been keeping neon tetras with mollies, guppies, and zebra danios for months. Buy a new tank that is suited for both fish types. Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue Medium to small Gouramis are best, with the Dwarf Gourami being ideal. Black Mollies are peaceful, community fish. While bettas and angelfish can live together peacefully and it's been done together, it's always safe to make sure you have a spare tank ready to . As a result, depending on the size of your tank and the gender of your swordtails, the ideal amount is 4 to 6 swordtails. Can killifish live with mollies? Swordtails and platies are hardy and beautiful aquarium residents. Aggressive, slow-moving, and predator fish are incompatible with tetras. Yes, tetras can live with black mollies. There are so many species of mollies that would be better tankmates for your betta, such as common mollies, white mollies, Dalmatian mollies. Can mollies breed with Swordtails? - DIY Seattle What do you need to know about swordtail fish? As long as no females are present, males can harmoniously coexist in groups of six or more. Mollies are from the Poeciliidae family, which includes such fish as Guppies and Swordtails. Many of the listed fish will even help with keeping your fish tank clean of algae and add vivid colors to the palette of your freshwater aquarium. Can Goldfish And Mollies Live Together? - Betta Care Fish Guide . Can Swordtail Live With Bettas? - Tiny Fish Tank However, mollies are perhaps the most difficult of all of the common live-bearers to keep as they are the most delicate of the live-bearers. The female molly constantly chases other fish in a territorial manner. Even though they prefer a slightly salted water environment, they are good tank mates for neon tetras. Are swordtails Mollies? Swordfish can be found off the bottom but near it during the day in 1,600 to 1,800 feet of water. Can a balloon Molly mate with a regular Molly? Albeit there being several varieties of molly fish, they all can be mated because regardless of the color or fin configuration, they are the same species, and any male will readily fertilize with all females. . Platy Fish. The larger the numbers the better the chance you have of diffusing any potential aggression within the group, with no one fish bearing the brunt of another's bullying. This is where swordtails and mollies come in. 10 Awesome Types of Molly FishThe Most Popular Mollies #1 Black Sailfin Molly #2 Dalmatian Molly #3 Golden Sailfin Molly #4 Gold Dust Molly #5 Platinum Lyretail Molly #6 Balloon Molly #7 Harlequin Sailfin Molly #8 Gold Doubloon Molly #9 Marble Lyretail Molly #10 Black Lyretail Molly (Is It Normal For Tetras? Can mollies live in 28 degrees? The Kohaku Swordtail is a popular color morph of this type of freshwater fish. Members need 50 posts to use the buy, sell, trade forum. The fish is tolerant to a wider range of water condition and has a peaceful temperament. The deepest-dwelling fish have been found at roughly 27,000 feet. Yes, breeding swordtails is extremely easy. Can Mollies and Swordtails Live Together? - Fabled Fish I have 30 molly fry and 7 guppy fry in a 7 gallon tank. Can tropical mollies and guppies live together? - Answers can mollies and platys or swordtails breed? - Tropical Fish Forums Basically, tetras are not the most difficult fish to care for. When two swordtails of mixed sexes are kept together, they are likely to spawn without any trouble. Mollies are small fishes. They are much smaller than other prominent fish species and a bit easier to care for, making them one of the most popular fish in aquariums everywhere! Can Molly and Cichlids Live Together? - Explore Fish World The Corydoras Catfish are quite calm, timid, and shy, which is understood from their small size. Can platies live with mollies? - In the daytime they are found around 1,800 ft. deep, and at night they swim to the surface to feed. Female swordfish can lay anywhere between 1,000,000 and 30,000,000 eggs at one time and fertilization is external. How many swordtails should be kept together? Colors and Markings. What are the characteristics of Swordfish? your only task is to ensure female and male mollies are kept together. 15 Best Guppy Tank Mates - Full List of Animals - SmartAquariumGuide . They can be anywhere from 400 to 1,000 feet deep, with wreckfish over 100 pounds in water thats 2,000 feet deep. These two individuals are quite popular in the aquarium hobby and they are especially recommended to beginners. But can they breed? Swordtails are named for the male's elongated ventral aspect of their tail fin, creating a "sword"-like appearance. The group should be made of mostly females since males are known to harass them. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Synirr "No one is a failure unless you try" Joined Mar 18, 2004 They like to eat insects and worms, but they wont turn down anything you feed them. Swordtails can live . To select a replacement, The maximum recorded weight for the species is 200. (Which Can And Which Cannot? (Can They Live Without A Heater? And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies. The pH level of the water can cause stress to the betta fish and create a toxic environment. When will my swordtail give birth? Explained by FAQ Blog What are The Different Types of Molly Fish? As Mollies belong to the family Poecilia and Platies belong to the Xiphophorus therefore, they cannot crossbreed. Can swordtails and mollies breed? - Grandcanyontu Molly Fish. Are Mollies fin nippers? This is why the chances of mollies eating up your tetras are significantly less. 1- Molly And Swordtail Can't InterbreedEven though they are both livebearer fish mollies are part of the Poecilia family and swordtails originate from the Xiphophorus family. The best male-to-female ratio is one male to three females to avoid any possible harassment. How many mollies should be kept together? Swordtails . It is a good fish type to introduce along with their close cousin the platy, as well as adding a few black mollies. This means that their eggs get fertilized internally.