She has also developed network architectures and protocols for secure communication in smart grids. So one of the things that's interesting about this, was this a network analysis tool for that? Where we've got the susceptible and the infectious and the recovered people, and you treat them as all different groups, right? Right, are there lessons we can draw from some of the modeling about sort of where somebody might be trying to still do that. Last-minute A-level Biology revision: a crammers guide. How would you approach that problem? Because you're treating each person as an individual. Wow, that's very interesting. And so that is a way to quantify the benefit of alertness. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, display.dce65e913e5cac87bc02e1436e9ff863 (1).png, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, You're seeing our new experience! So I think those are whatever, making the comparison about the different scenarios, that is the best use of the model. There is a reason for that. - Welcome to lesson #10 on the UCAT decision making subtest. For each location, I believe the something very interesting at this point will be for those people who can obtain the movement tracing of people. Good luck with your UCAT preparation and if you have any further questions, dont hesitate to contact us at But for tough conclusion-picking or logic puzzle questions, you will be spending more like sixty to eighty seconds per question. Something to Chew On is produced by the Office of Research Development at Kansas State University. How the Analysis of Big Data Joined with Biological and Social Scientific Research Helps in Understanding a Pandemic Spread, with Dr. Caterina Scoglio, Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering. theMSAG provides support to all students applying for Medical School. Can you talk a little bit about that research? How to revise: A2 Biology CIE 9700 (paper 5) Planning, Analysis and Evaluation, AQA A-Level Biology Revision Notes (ALL MODULES), Testing for reducing sugars without a colorimeter. So you have to take pieces of the forecasting seriously of sort of but then as you say, the forecast overall is a different thing. And I'm curious sort of. My work research work when I joined K State in 2005, was on computer networks. by Philip Linnell March 04, 2019 These types of questions should take you between 60-80 seconds. And so understanding how people move and how they get income, and then from that, I will start building the network base models, considering which compartments I need to include. Hopefully, we can do a follow up one of these days, hopefully, so. One of the studies that I also noted you working on there was a mention of development of models of protein, Corona formation, nanoparticles. Jon, Scott Courtney, our guest, Dr. Caterina Scoglio, and I are all practicing social distancing. Are there lessons from modeling to sort of say where predict here's where you should put your contract tracing efforts? And oh, well, that won't work, right? But it was not a network based model. One is for forecasts, and one is for decision making, looking at different scenarios, and deciding the mitigation strategy. But then you look at sort of, you look at all the different options, and then you look to sort of see, well, how many people are going to be in the hospitalized bin? Truly, I hate to ask this, but is there any indication that this is going to be happening with COVID-19? Because it's sort of I mean, we need to forecast to this is this one of these things that I find complicated and interesting is that interventions take time and effort and money, and they have other effects, obviously, right? Or do you do modeling different kinds of alertness or alertness, the spatial to like variations and alertness across regions? And so we have been using similar models for for cattle and for cattle in southwest Kansas, we have been also developing synthetic data for cattle movement, because currently, there is no not a mandatory requirement for the industry, the cattle industry to provide the movement of their cattle that will be very useful in the case of an epidemic because obviously, you want to know where infected animals go and how to understand which farms are infected from those movements. But dont worry - there is a strategy in solving them correctly. Special thanks to him for providing that to us. How would they take the results that you have and add their own particular value? This is a very interesting question. And the result was that the earlier you do all these steps, the better it is. Remember to focus on objectivity and completeness. And one specific viewpoint of our modeling is kind of based on understanding the contact network impact on spreading. And that is one way but I can also reduce the infectious rate. So it's got the individuals, does it treat all the individuals in the compartments the same? On the other side, we also try the models in different scenarios. Sort of not all susceptible people are the same, right? Yes, yes, because another topic of our research is for cattle diseases. So a person is still susceptible, but takes some preventive measures to reduce the infectious the risk of becoming infected. So our model is an individual based model. Yes, so what we saw that, obviously, rural regions, the contacts are much less so people have fewer contacts, but there are very strong ties among people. Scoglio has developed models for the movement of ebola in Africa and protein corona formation in nanoparticles, which has been validated by experimental data. Yes. We are certain that with practice you will be able to tackle these questions and achieve a top UCAT score. And now, but this model, I take it sort of from the two compartment model, right? Gender Differences and Roles of Two Science Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Predicting Post-College Outcomes, Robinson, Kristy A.; Perez, Tony; White-Levatich, Arianna; Linnenbrink-Garcia, Lisa. The Decision Making section of the UCAT test has 29 questionsthat have to be answered in 31 minutes, with various answer options, depending on the question type. And so we were analyzing the conditions of for how fast we need the to detect, and in fact, that person, and how fast we need to follow up with a contact tracing. Hello Everyone, I am studying for the UKCAT and I am struggling to understand the shape equations for decision making section. What part of the UKCAT do people find the most hardest? These are far more likely to take up your time rather than a simple probability or Venn diagram question. These are the easiest questions if you have a good working knowledge of Venn diagrams. So I have now only two contacts, my daughter and my husband. So Catarina could use say whether these models are for application to be used, sort of to deliver information to policymakers to help in their decision making, are you developing new models and doing more theoretical work. The Decision Making subtest of the UCAT can seem intimidating for some or even just plain strange to others. today's podcast is again being recorded through zoom. And I got the five interviews among those, I like K State the best, and I moved to Manhattan, Kansas. Since we had the collaborators in Uganda, we visited Uganda, we did some work there with our model. So and this also indicates one of the reasons somebody like you is involved in doing this modeling, right? A structural equation model was used to examine science research self-efficacy and science academic self-efficacy as predictors of post-graduation science career intentions and life satisfaction; prior achievement was also included as a predictor of competence beliefs and post-graduation outcomes. Or if you include connect, you've got up to four days of asymptomatic infectivity. Sort of, you know, how much is social distancing going to make a difference? So we moved to Atlanta. She conducts research in network theory problems and develop solutions to real world problems in the fields of computer networks and infectious diseases modeling. However, there are those that have considered this possibility and focus a good portion of their life's work on just this type of situation. If you have any questions or comments you would like to share check out our website at and drop us an email. How many things might we prevent if we did something different? Yes, exactly. Yes, so our models are network models. These are akin to equations to be solved, with substitution being the ideal method. I agree under percent is very models have a big responsibility there was a few days ago, and an article in The New York Times. We're talking about this separately, right? These types of questions should take you between 40-60 seconds. And then their computational epidemiologists who sort of do more work, could you say, so, and then you've got the more and more complex model gets, the more you really have to be thinking about how you're doing the computing work. And he got the job from IBM, US. Fascinating. And we got a very interesting result due to that. And then you have all these proteins on top of that round of the sphere to do the corona. But dont worry - there is a strategy in solving them correctly. The end of college is a key transition point when students prepare for the workforce or graduate school, and when competence beliefs that have been shaped throughout college play a particularly important role in decision-making processes. So the fact that there are some viruses that can spread and knock down all our computers. Dr. Scoligo specializes in developing theoretical models for the spread of disease. So I wonder if you could say something about the range of that complexity and the way the different kinds of ways from simple to complex, you can think about modeling the real world question, you know, that we're dealing with now with COVID. So one topic that was at the center of the attention a few years ago was how to model the behavior of response of people, because the model the classic models, for example, SIS, or SIR, do not include anything of that. So for this case, I would definitely include the susceptible, but expose the because we have the expose the compartment where you don't show signs, and then I would include the two types of infectious people infectious, symptomatic, and infectious as symptomatic. So I think it's really the first time I've seen this since we started worrying about it so much. Caterina, I very much appreciate your time and willingness to come on for a chat. So some of the modeling work that you're doing, it doesn't just input the R naught or zero number, but actually helps determine that? So at the end, I think and it's true also for unfortunately, we haven't done a good job a for COVID-19. 2022 theMSAG. Yes. Shipping calculated at checkout. But I find all this kind of stuff. Therefore, they should only take you between 20-40 seconds. And we had the interesting results, say that is called Magneto. Fascinating and absolutely timely to what we've, what we're looking at today. These are challenging questions requiring keyword tracking and deductive reasoning. As a matter of fact, many people are surprised by my research topic. Yes, that is similar, or any of the, you know, just stepping back to the Ebola work that you had done. Right, exactly. Yes, yes. - Welcome to lesson #10 on the UCAT decision making subtest. Before COVID-19 came crashing through the door, what kind of were you looking at other specific diseases or other different pathogens? So if you think about a network of nodes, and links, there are people that have a lot of links. There's a difference. By using a generalized epidemic model framework software for the simulation of spreading, she apples models developed by her team to human and animal infectious diseases. Thanks. And so I started working and studying that problem. So we've got an outbreak here, and I somebody comes to Katherine and says, Could you please help us modeling? Findings indicated that both types of self-efficacy predicted career intentions and life satisfaction. Yes, we were in that research. That is they were I think text files published daily. Dr. Caterina Scoglio, Paslay chair professor in the Mike Wiegers Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Kansas State University, explains the use of modeling in predicting the spread of epidemics. So the agent based simulations are very complexes, very expensive, where you simulate with an agent, which is a simple piece of code each individual. Females reported lower academic self-efficacy, despite having similar levels of prior achievement and outcomes; structural relations also appeared to vary by gender. So predictions for what I think are only valid in short term. However, they don't consider any anything about the response of people. Research in the fundamental science of infectious outbreaks is critical but understanding the social science side of how people manage these situations, and the way in which these activities promote the spread of infection is equally critical. With the correct strategy, this will become much easier. Trinity College Cambridge 2023 Applicants!! Modeling A Pandemic - How The Analysis Of Big Data Joined With Biological And Social Scientific Research Helps In Understanding A Pandemic Spread, With Dr. Caterina Scoglio, Professor In Electrical And Computer Engineering forty-seven Something To Chew On - Global Food Systems At Kansas State University, ! Because I put mask, I wash my hands. This study examined the roles of two competence beliefs, self-efficacy for scientific tasks and science academic self-efficacy, during the final year of college. And we published that result before those cases appeared. What can we use as the infection rate, the number the how aggressive is this disease? She has developed theoretical models, and has applied models and tools developed by her team to human and animal infectious diseases. The Medical School Application Guide, Sunderland Interview Selection Tool Review, UCAT | University Clinical Aptitude Test | theMSAG Blogs, This type of question asks you to respond to five statements with a Yes or a No. I think, obviously, the corona word caught my attention as I was reading through that. Learn more, Maths, science and technology academic help, Biology, biochemistry and other life sciences. 3 min read. In many places, politician, I think our governor has been very active. Some students find these questions hard because the answers can seem so subjective. And then you're including more variables or more factors, right, besides just sort of some simple assumption about, you know, a standard transmission rate from one area to another? Here in Manhattan, Kansas, the National bio and agro defense facility is nearing completion. And at the end, if they receive immunity, they are recovered. And then, you know, an epidemiologist might be able to, you know, do some basic stuff. How long you spend on each question will vary widely by question type. But then the modeling approach has one kind of unique unifying theme that is related to how to simulate stochastic processes of spreading. Cool. In order to be meaningful, you need to know really what people are going to do. And like, what that whole range looks like. Are those modeling systems in use today? And so adapting the contact network can give us a different results. Yeah, so we will get influenza because was the time when we had the h1n1 outbreak that at that time was a big deal. And just listening to what's on the news every every night, understanding what those workers are doing and putting those models together and understanding a little bit more about what their limitations are as well. That is true. Tax included. It is a recently introduced section of the exam for medical school that mixes together text, charts, tables, graphs and diagrams to assess your ability to apply logic and draw conclusions by asking you to make decisions or conclusions based on the information given. And one of the biggest challenges in computer networks was in is still malware propagation. The Biology, biochemistry and other life sciences forum is supported by: Copyright The Student Room 2022 all rights reserved. So if we have all the data, either through cell phones, or either through other sources, stapler, this kind of internet data of how people move, that will be very, very useful and very interesting. Could you say something about that? And then here's where you should be doing sort of other mitigation type efforts? **** Start with INSTANT ACCESS to 245 FREE UCAT practice questions**** question bank [with free access to all interactive UCAT lessons] - UCAT live course - 15 hours *Most popular UCAT prep*- UCAT tutoring - Personal Statement Review - Admissions Consulting - #ucat #ucatanz #themsag