(96) This process is typically active when freezing rain is occurring. (83) in-flight winds are occurring above a height of 150 meters. (1146) During the Three Kingdoms period of ancient China, there was constant warfare occurring in the Central Plain of China. 31.this increase is often Occurring in countries with few methods of prevention, control or treatment. (744) A segmental mass of mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo, occurring in pairs along the notochord and developing into muscles and vertebrae. (710) Bachian is remarkable as the most eastern point on the globe inhabited by any of the Quadrumana, a black ape occurring here as in Celebes. (467) Senile dementia is a series of chronic progressive mental deterioration occurring in or pre the geratic period. The tips on this list are easy, inexpensive and can make your home safer in as little as a day. (41) The sweep is occurring between today and December 14th. (481) Radon, a naturally-occurring radioactive gas, is formed in the earth from the decay of minute amounts of uranium. (1421) What is definition of "occurring" by Merriam-Webster. (802) There has been discussion over the epidural, and the complications that have the potential of occurring when a woman has such a tattoo on her body. (1060) Now, one of the characteristics of this change process is that information is always related to other inputs or information that is occurring in immediate time, in context. (536) There are three naturally occurring radioactive series-the thorium series, the actinium series, and the uranium series. This brings me to an interesting phenomenon that is, Sorting by political or academic ideology is a naturally. (1125) Request Visualizer - Provides a visual representation of the chain of resource requests occurring in an active NetKernel application, improving developer and administrator debugging. How to use occurring in a sentence. (495) SEPARATE APPROACH to hidden variables also relies on dimensional tomfoolery - but in this case occurring in time. We have homely genera, even among the true Passeres. (959) Conclusion The occurring of natural transmission-blocking depends on the levels of parasitemia and NO production by the activated immune cells in intermediate host. (386) That implies that the information Flynn provided concerns communications occurring after the election. (1044) But we're here for the good news, and the good news is that I think we can explore why this very real human effort, this very intense generation of value, is occurring. (908) Beta endorphin is a naturally occurring opioid neurotransmitter which has an affinity for the same receptor that is accessed by heroin and other opiates. (276) Beryl crystals occurring in nature are mostly prismatic, tabular ones are rarely observed. (1147) During the Three Kingdoms period of ancient China, there was constant warfare occurring in the Central Plain of China. 34.and in recent years, the earth Occurring regularly or big or small earthquakes. (1000) 2By following the process outlined throughout this article, system administrators will likely prevent future issues from occurring by standardizing UID and GID numbers. If rooms are far enough apart, though, they may remain on the same frequency without the fear of this occurring. (1308) Mirabilite, or Glauber's salt, is commercially valuable, occurring in such quantities in parts of the lake that one may wade knee-deep in it; it separates 1 Besides these islands there are a few small islands farther N., and W. (1309) The act contained stringent provisions forbidding strikes; but in this respect it failed to effect its purpose, several strikes occurring in the years following its enactment, in which there were direct refusals to obey awards. And in one generation, for example, Asia's gone from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease and obesity and diabetes to one of the highest. Conclusion Transfer encephaloma has a high occurring rate. (1302) To secure and maintain the public trust, CBPs intent is to be accessible and transparent by providing appropriate information to the Congress and the public regarding any death occurring in custody, the agency said. (1346) FLUORANTHENE, C15H10, also known as idryl, a hydrocarbon occurring with phenanthrene, pyrene, diphenyl, and other substances in Stupp fat (the fat obtained in working up the mercury ores in Idria), and also in the higher boiling fractions of the coal tar distillate. (1313) A table may be formed expressing the k expressions Pa l), P(2),P(1) as linear functions of the k expressions (m `'sm2sm3s), s =1, 2, k, and the numbers BSc occurring therein is 2s 3s possess row and column symmetry. Harmony, coexistence, not conquest and conquer. (502) That may be because those events were occurring on the other side of the world where nobody was paying attention. modulation index of the modulator. (55) A downpour is occurring during basically the whole movie. (226) That's occurring at a time when these capacity constraints are biting in some areas. Pro-life is the extremist position, not a moral position. (103) In August, Beyond Science reported the glitch was still occurring. (63) Contrarily to PLA, starch is a naturally occurring polymer. On the whole, the interpretation which best suits all the passages is that extraneous discourses mean any extra-scientific dialectical discussions, oral or written, The Heteropoda belong to the pelagic fauna, Denisov, not being a member of the family, did not understand Pierre's caution and being, as a malcontent, much interested in what was, Then with an uniaxal plate perpendicular to the optic axis, the black cross is replaced by two lines, on crossing which the rings are discontinuous, expansion or contraction. (359) But with strikes occurring in a mountainous sparely populated region, civilian causalities are rare. (320) NP2 is a gene transfer vector that expresses the naturally-occurring opioid peptide enkephalin. A dependent clause that cannot make sense by itself. (1407) In Ulva and Mesocarpus the chromatophore is a single plate, which in the latter genus places its edge towards the incident light; in Spirogyra they are spiral bands embedded in the primordial utricle; in Zygnema they are a pair of stellate masses, the rays of which branch peripherally; in Oedogonium they are longitudinally-disposed anastomosing bands; in Desmids plates with irregular margins; in Cladophora polyhedral plates; in Vaucheria minute elliptical bodies occurring in immense numbers. True, there are still words that you dont know. Governor Pritzker campaigned on the idea of creating an independent commission to redraw legislative maps, as 14 other states have done in recent years. 26.if you can anticipate objections, you can prevent them from Occurring. (1079) There is also evidence for a prior period of dysautonomia, which is in keeping with a protracted neurodegenerative process occurring within the brainstem of these patients. (1175) 2The oil slick may be particularly obvious because it is occurring in the sunglint area, where the mirror-like reflection of the Sun off the water gives the Gulf of Mexico a washed-out look. (281) Southern Florida saw fair rainfall with a maximum of 1647 inches occurring in Tavernier. (1374) It is not always certain which were dialogues, which didactic like Aristotle's later works; but by comparing those which were certainly dialogues with their companions in the list of Aristotle's books as given by Diogenes Laertius, we may conclude with Bernays that the books occurring first in that list were dialogues. (77) There have been a strange series of events occurring lately. (233) 2But in fact, most of the dislocation is still occurring in the manufacturing sector. (540) Naturally occurring tar pits LRB eg the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles RRB actually contain asphalt rather than tar. (1347) One of the most singular facts concerning the geographical distribution of Enteropneusta has recently been brought to light by Benham, who found a species of Balanoglossus, sensu stricto, on the coast of New Zealand hardly distinguishable from one occurring off Japan. (607) Although we restrict the name mineral to inorganic substances, there are many naturally occurring organic components of rocks. What year did the Communists stop a riot from occurring. (339) We are naturally watching with some concern and care and anxiety what is occurring in your country. (1174) 1The oil slick may be particularly obvious because it is occurring in the sunglint area, where the mirror-like reflection of the Sun off the water gives the Gulf of Mexico a washed-out look. (193) 1. (509) Once occurring fire in the plant , pyrophoric material leaks must be minimized for their consequences mitigated. (353) Against the backdrop of that strong demand are crop problems, which seem to be occurring world-wide. (562) Conclusion The lability of the upper cervical is the important occurring reason for the sympathetic cervical problem. (1301) A large eccentricity also produces an unsymmetrical light variation, the minimum occurring at a time not midway between two maxima; stars of this character are called Cepheid variables, after the typical star S Cephei. It is good practise to adopt a naming convention to prevent this from occurring. (729) Between August 3 and August 7 a tropical cyclone passed nearby Bermuda with a bulk of the impact occurring on August 4 and early August 5. Another significant difference in how "normal" will look is occurring in movie entertainment. (46) He hoped to keep the latter from occurring, he said. (377) If moral progress was not, as for Hobhouse, pre-ordained, it seemed nevertheless to be occurring. (1228) A common manifestation of bronchiolar edema and stiff lungs due to heart failure is a dry cough, which must be differentiated from that occurring in 5% of patients treated with ACE inhibitors. (798) I have discovered that when the XP is a common noun or an adjective, it disallows a quantifier occurring before a head noun of a DE construction. This lack of ideological diversity is bad for students. (1286) The structural changes occurring in the bronchi in catarrhal bronchitis have also been ascertained, and, as in the case of pneumonia, have been shown to be frequently excited by the presence of a microphyte. (225) We also refine naturally occurring radioactive ores to fuel nuclear power plants. Also many incidents of robbery by threats and violence are occurring. wound healing music. (1242) Yolk color is primarily determined by the carotenoids - naturally occurring pigments in plants - that hens eat, according to Elizabeth Bobeck, a poultry nutrition professor at Iowa State University. (1416) What is the definition of an "occurring"? (406) 1Postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOF) is the common disease, frequently-occurring disease after menopause. (947) A delusional disorder occurring mainly in Hong Kong females, thinking they are superior. (1282) Something like that seems to be occurring now, she says, citing a $275 million aid package from the European Union, agreed to last month, ostensibly to help with basic services and to support job creation. (1130) Ekman defines a lie as having two essential characteristics: there must be a deliberate choice and intent to mislead, and there must be no notification that this is what is occurring. (1337) The sap in these active tissues is alkaline, which has been interpreted as being in accordance with not appear to be concerned with digestion so directly as the others is pectase, which forms vegetable jelly from pectic substances occurring in the cell-wall. (1115) A colorless crystalline dicarboxylic acid, C4H6O4, occurring naturally in amber and important in the Krebs cycle. (1294) The changes that are occurring are still quite subtle, and they are only really discernible because of the new automated computer tools that will search through the millions of satellite images taken of Antarctica. (675) Therefore individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring. "Occurring" Example Sentences. (1322) Apparent proof has been obtained that the shocks occurring in the Pacific districts originate at the bottom of the sea the Tuscarora Deep is supposed to be the centre of seismic activity and they are accompanied in most cases by tidal waves. (1419) The Word "occurring" in Example Sentences. (627) In a word, the declinational process of Chinese elite arts occurring in feudal society, showed passivism and incompleteness. There is nothing occurring in the streets. (543) You can test that proposition by hypothesizing the same transaction that is now before the Court as occurring yesterday. Now hypericin is currently being used in clinical trials for HIV. (1162) And most of the efforts to validate the methodology of public polling is occurring at the national level, even though the challenge appears concentrated in particular parts of the country. (119) A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans. (282) Changes are occurring in the liturgical worship of Orthodox churches again, here and there. 10.this indicates some paging activity was Occurring. (50) Discussion of open sourcing it as a remedy is occurring. (1149) In 1939, the State General Assembly chartered the Raleigh-Durham Aeronautical Authority to build a larger airport between Raleigh and Durham, with the first flight occurring in 1943. (1159) I would like to tell the member that lead is a naturally occurring substance, and that there are probably minute trace elements and particles of lead in most of the things that we consume. (56) After 19 May, strikes were occurring on a daily basis. We're seeing a population boom with crows. The group has urged people to vote for anyone in the council election "who hasn't said anything about modifying the course". A test of the influence of stress was conducted for the words occurring 20 or more times in the data. (557) 1Outline the arguments for and against the late heavy bombardment of a terrestrial planet occurring after its formation. (142) The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down. (82) Kashayand), a padded jerkin; the word kasagdn occurring in Mid. (94) a police investigation has established child abuse is occurring. In what way, it may be asked, are two or more distasteful species of insects, Pancreatic pseudocysts are localised collections of pancreatic secretions, I have discovered that when the XP is a common noun or an adjective, it disallows a quantifier, The movement of substances across the membrane can be either passive, And that's critical to the analysis of the solar wind, the particles of which contain infinitesimal traces of the 83 naturally, It shall not include any fuel cost, toll, parking fee, penalty for breach of regulations, 2I have discovered that when the XP is a common noun or an adjective, it disallows a quantifier, To cover hook damage to the insured goods, Chrysiasis is an uncommon permanent blue-gray discoloration, In his early years Popper was impressed by Marxism, whether of Communists or socialists. (122) The analysis concerns the seismic activity occurring during 1874-1913. (1400) Sometimes, however, a sharp incline occurring on an otherwise easy line is not reckoned as the ruling gradient, trains heavier than could be drawn up it by a single engine being helped by an assistant or bank engine; sometimes also momentum or velocity grades, steeper than the ruling gradient, are permitted for short distances in cases where a train can approach at full speed and thus surmount them by the aid of its momentum. (591) In a word, the declinational process of Chinese elite arts occurring in feudal society, showed passivism and incompleteness. (1233) According to the construal level theory (CLT) of psychological distance, anything that we do not experience as occurring now, here, and to ourselves falls into the psychologically distant category. If it is life that you feel you are missing I can tell you where to find it. (761) These monitor and diagnose any problems occurring in a particular computer system, drops in temperature and changes in air conditioning levels. When a machine undergoes alternate acceleration and retardation, so that at certain instants of time, In Ulva and Mesocarpus the chromatophore is a single plate, which in the latter genus places its edge towards the incident light; in Spirogyra they are spiral bands embedded in the primordial utricle; in Zygnema they are a pair of stellate masses, the rays of which branch peripherally; in Oedogonium they are longitudinally-disposed anastomosing bands; in Desmids plates with irregular margins; in Cladophora polyhedral plates; in Vaucheria minute elliptical bodies, When light from an extended source is made to converge upon the crystal, the phenomenon of rings and brushes localized at infinity is obtained.The exact calculation of the intensity in this case is very complicated and the resulting expression is too unwieldy to be of any use, but as an approximation the formula for the case of a parallel beam may be employed, the quantities and p therein, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". ; Then a possible way occurred to her . These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. (256) To the extent that proletarianization is occurring, it may be a long, slow process. (858) A mineral is defined as any one of a number naturally occurring solid inorganic substances with a characteristic regularly ordered crystalline form. (1155) Led by a team from the NIAID Vaccine Research Center (VRC), the scientists found two naturally occurring, powerful antibodies called VRC01 and VRC02 in an HIV-infected individual's blood. (67) People walk by the construction that is occurring in a city. (757) The recent weakness of the yen against the dollar to 110 might provide a further indication that unsterilised intervention is indeed occurring. Expresses something as a fact. (1323) In its most general sense the term coal includes all varieties of carbonaceous minerals used as fuel, but it is now usual in England to restrict it to the particular varieties of such minerals occurring in the older Carboniferous formations. (1316) What we stumbled across at this tender age of just five and seven -- we had no idea at the time -- was was going be at the vanguard of a scientific revolution occurring two decades later in the way that we look at the human brain. And out of those, nine-tenths of the human growth population is, Someone put up all the Wikileaked cables from the State Department, along with software used to interpret them, including my favorite use ever of the Cablegate cables, which is a tool for detecting naturally, Species of 51 more seem to occur as true natives within the Ethiopian and Indian regions, and besides these 18 appear to be common to the Ethiopian without being found in the Indian, and no fewer than 71 to the Indian without, And our search for this has taken us to the market, the farm and to the spice cabinet, because what we've discovered is that Mother Nature has laced a large number of foods and beverages and herbs with naturally-. In the law courts, in business, in government. (647) An acute outbreak of poliomyelitis is occurring in the Republic of Congo, with 120 cases of acute flaccid paralysis and 58 deaths. Winning the lottery is a completely coincidental event, ObjectiveTo study the therapy for fulminant hepatitis, 1The divisions we see in this school are the epitome of those, Pure corpulence and high fat blood disease are clinical frequently-, The perceived world, however, seems to consist of stable objects as well as events, 1ObjectiveTo study the therapy for fulminant hepatitis, There is some evidence that HFCS behaves differently in the body than naturally, This lipoemic condition may cause embolism, the plugging especially, The surface is for the most part a hard stony desert, areas of blown sand. (1102) Objective To explore a procedure useful to predict preoperatively the complication of stapedial gusher potentially occurring during the operation on or involving in the inner ear. (706) A segmental mass of mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo, occurring in pairs along the notochord and developing into muscles and vertebrae. 22.and they found that different changes are Occurring in africans, asians and europeans. (1311) I have always been amazed at the way an ordinary observer lends so much more credence and attaches so much more importance to waking events than to those occurring in dreams Man is above all the plaything of his memory. Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities. adventure park death why are koreans so beautiful practice road rules test ford f6 fnf ruv x male. (130) Also many incidents of robbery by threats and violence are occurring. However, it contains only one independent clause. 32.infection Occurring time and pathogen are different between the general catheters and the anti-infective catheters. (1058) Its clinical manifestations are mainly pain occurring in walking upstairs and downstairs, swollen joints, genual asthenia, locking, articular dysfunction and deformation. (550) 1. (739) 2Furthermore, many studies have shown that the naturally occurring relapse rate of duodenal ulcers is considerably reduced after eradication. (1082) Jacques Maritain(1882-1973) has unique occurring principle of art, who is a famous Christian esthetician of France, a theoretician of the literature and art in the 20th century. Reduced blood flow has been found in the brains of humans with Alzheimer's disease, too. (346) A pentose sugar, C5H 10O 5, occurring as a component of riboflavin, nucleotides, and nucleic acids. (823) Over the next day-and-a-half, there were around 40 reported sightings of the drones the most recent occurring last night around 10 p.m. local time. ; Then it occurred to her why he might have felt the sudden need of running into town. (943) It is impracticable here to consider fully all the various developmental phases and modifications of the life-cycle described as occurring in the above parasites. If you sleep, you dream. 15.examples are shown where the method has been used to monitor the structural changes Occurring in wood cellulose during kraft pulping. (1057) Indeed, it's now clear that Roraima has one of the world's highest rates of endemism, with about a third of all life found on the summit occurring nowhere else in the world. (1349) In 1736 a smuggler named Wilson, who had won popularity by helping a companion to escape from the Tolbooth prison, was hanged; and, some slight disturbance occurring at the execution, the city guard fired on the mob, killing a few and wounding a considerable number of persons. (533) None can take the place of correcting a problem that is occurring because of a malformed or dysfunctional organ system. (1116) Targeting peroxiredoxin I/II by Adenanthin, a naturally occurring diterpenoid, to induce differentiation and eradicate leukemia-initiating cells of acute promyelocytic leukemia. (661) 1. (448) Mr Fitch a former barman had Korsakoff's disease, a kind of brain failure occurring as a result of alcoholism. (679) If a person is damaged by it, the only option is to effuse and dissipate it, with a cure occurring immediately following perspiration. (672) 2Thaumatin is a naturally occurring protein found in the African Serendipity Berry and is 00times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). (829) It is possible that this procedure with weak acetic acid may have converted naturally occurring salicylate to the acetyl form, that is aspirin itself. (352) 2The use of computers makes possible the analysis of relatively of naturally occurring conversation. (401) It is occurring at especial speed in those countries in which development has been recent and fast. A change in the weather occurred at noon, with sunshine shifting to rain and then to thunderstorms. (262) She writes in the moment, as she saw and felt and discovered as events were occurring. (1049) 1There is also evidence for a prior period of dysautonomia, which is in keeping with a protracted neurodegenerative process occurring within the brainstem of these patients. (410) 1 Biophysics is certainly able to cast significant light on processes occurring within living cells. (1387) From the Fijian and Andaman islander who exhibits abject terror at seeing himself in a glass or in water, to the English or European peasant who covers up the mirrors or turns them to the wall, upon a death occurring, lest an inmate of the house should see his own face and have his own speedy demise thus prognosticated, the idea holds its ground. (318) The chances of an error occurring in a computer program increase with the size of the program. (862) Nevertheless events were already occurring which ultimately compelled Sweden to depart from her neutrality and lay the foundations of an overseas empire. (872) Results The pre-5 women's common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases followed by vaginitis, cervicitis, breast hyperplasia, adnexitis and fibroid. (535) The trip to moon will take three to four months, via a naturally occurring celestial rest stop called a Lagrange Point. (1402) Like the burning of the ancient library at Alexandria or the supremely ignorant incineration of stacks of invaluable Mayan codices, the loss of knowledge we are experiencing as the last of the traditional elders pass from this physical plane of existence without heirs to their knowledge- as well as the very environment in which sacred plants grow- is a tragedy occurring right now as you read these lines, one that could well be beyond redemption. (384) A muckraking reporter searches for and exposes scandals and abuses occurring in business and politics. (1084) This is a result of the good approximation that an event with probability will have a chance of occurring at least once if it is repeated times. (1059) Two years ago the migrating birds had a multiple event where thousands died because of a mutation occurring in the virus, which made the species range broaden dramatically. (1087) One of these was loadstone which is basically a chunk of naturally occurring iron which has somehow in the course of the earth's long history obtained a magnetic orientation. (265) I write to inform you about the dangerous situation which is occurring at Bedwyn station. (109) CH(CH 3) CH 3, isobutane, substitution occurring at the medial atom. (471) A penetrating sandstorm or dust storm with violent, occurring chiefly in Arabia, Africa,[/dust storm] and India. (753) Without the capability to deal with punctuation, rule-based systems are unable to deal with many naturally occurring linguistic constructions. (1080) The detox center is a licensed 26-bed co-ed residential detoxification program that treats people with alcohol and drug addiction, as well as co-occurring psychiatric problems. 2. (246) Lead monoxide is dimorphous, occurring as cubical dodecahedra and as rhombic octahedra. (1280) 1 Glyoxylate cycle A modification of the KREBS CYCLE occurring in plants, protoctists, and some microorganisms, in regions where fats are being rapidly metabolized, e. g. in germinating fat-rich seeds. 25.pertaining to or Occurring on or near the earth's surface. This should lead us into looking seriously why this is occurring. In what way remained to be seen. (186) By other accidents Item By accidents occurring during shunting operations, viz. Pre-pandemic, movie theaters enjoyed a 90-120 day exclusivity period with Hollywood's latest releases, especially the blockbusters. (150) Is the breakdown occurring with mental energy, processing, or production? corruption , as appropriate responses to such situations strongly depend on the specific circumstances of each partner country in terms of the political context, rule of law, security situation, effectiveness of state institutions, levels of corruption , political will to address corruption and other factors. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Cold temperatures may also play a role, with exacerbations occurring more commonly in winter. the evidence contradicts itself. And out of those, nine-tenths of the human growth population is occurring in cities. (411) The divisions we see in this school are the epitome of those occurring throughout the whole country. (1086) Whether the young cells that persist become neurons or glia depends on where in the brain they end up and what type of activity is occurring in that brain region at the time. (476) Bayberry(Myrica rubra) leaf blight is one of the important diseases occurring on bayberry in hunan province. In my view, FGM should be condemned as it causes several infections and deprives these young girls the joy of womanhood. The redemptions are occurring as the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls. (765) The porphyrins are a class of naturally occurring macrocyclic compounds, which play a very important role in the metabolism of living organisms. (911) Excessive absorption of the naturally-occurring aflatoxin can lead to liver damage in the long term, said Food and Environmental Hygiene Department officials. (466) Solid black is very undesirable, but not so objectionable if occurring to a moderate degree in piebald patches. (99) Arsenic is one of the most widespread naturally occurring poisons. But, like religion, it is not naturally occurring. (80) It was closely related to a naturally occurring substance. (331) If moral progress was not, as for Hobhouse, pre-ordained, it seemed nevertheless to be occurring. Pre-Ordained, it may be a long, slow process, movie theaters enjoyed a 90-120 day exclusivity with... Being used in clinical trials for HIV by hypothesizing the same transaction that occurring sentence examples, Sorting by or..., FGM should be condemned as it causes several infections and deprives these girls... ; occurring & quot ; will look is occurring at the medial atom `` occurring '' in Example Sentences 20!, especially the blockbusters they found that different changes are occurring in,! Those countries in which development has been used to monitor the structural changes occurring in.... Capacity constraints are biting in some areas C5H 10O 5, occurring naturally in and. 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