Readings Genesis 40:1-23 Joel 2:28-32 Acts 2:17 "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. He was no wild man. Somebody says, I had a vision and this is what I think God wants us to do. Test it. From the time he was 9, Jay wanted to be a record producer. Video Illustration: From One Race event at Stone Mountain Georgia I dont know that I have had a truly supernatural vision. And the word given me when I left for the mission field in 1926 by Miss Martha Grosser was, He shall bring it to pass, commit thy way unto the Lord. The Lord has done great things for me and my family and unto the ends of the world., We sent him out 67 years ago with our prayers and one verse of Scripture-Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust in him, and he will bring it to pass. (Psalm 37:5). Yes. Fred Stettler died October 26, 1993. So they run out and do crazy things and ruin their lives. Joseph also learned God uses all kinds of people, and all kinds of experiences, and all kinds of circumstances to work out His plan. Some Bible teachers argue that if you have a dream, a vision, or a supernatural sign, it should never be regarded as coming from God. Out of Josephs dream I would like for us to find insight for Gods dream for our lives.We learn lots of things about dreams from Joseph. No significant accom plishments can be made in life without dream/vision. 4. "Dreams and Visions" Colchester Federated Church, May 23, 2021, Pentecost Sunday (Acts 2:1-21) "When Pentecost Day arrived, they were all together in one place. Reality # 4: There are some dangers associated with focusing on dreams and visions and the supernatural. Dont seek supernatural signs. In the early 1950s he started a ministry he always regarded as the crowning work of his life, the work of literature distribution. That was a new thought to me. He said to them when they could not understand, You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good (Genesis 50:20).Gods dreams are forever. read more, Scripture: You begin to value some mystical experience you had more than what God has said in the Bible. Having said that, I offer this important caution: Do not ever make a major decision in your life solely on the basis of what you believe to be a supernatural experience. Most kids think that what you were taught by your Sunday School teacher and your mother doesnt count when you are not at home. My protection is so vast, it goes far beyond their needs.. Title: When the Vision Seems Dead Or Argentina? On Thursday morning I joined the staff prayer meeting on the YWAM base. This weekend we were in Atlanta at Stone Mountain Georgia for One Race the event Christa organized and managed the event drew 22,000-25,000 people according to the Park district. People can lie, claiming to have amazing revelations from God that God has nothing to do with. There is the good table cloth, napkins, and he has been warned not to do anything stupid and not to bring up anything wild. In this category we ought to put Johns vision on the Isle of Patmos that makes up most of the Book of Revelation. Pentecostal, Job 20: 1 V 29 She lied about the relationship and used the garment as proof that he had tried to rape her.Another thing Ive learned about Joseph is that even dreamers go through some bad times, some down periods in their lives. We mentioned the dreams of Jacob, Abimelech, Joseph, the butler and the baker. I cant prove it in a court of law, but I have no doubt that God spoke directly to me through Max Wooding at a moment of great personal need. Do you see the comparison here? Do you have a dream for your life?I am especially conscious about how important it is for a child to have a dream for her or his life. Nehemiah 2:11-18. Sermon Notes DREAMS AND VISIONS Dr. W.A. Whats the secret of Fred Stettler? In v. 6-8, Joseph tells his brothers that he dreamed about them. Nobody can take anything away from it. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. It means hes always thinking, hes never going to do anything. It is a horrible feeling of not being acceptable. Or get 30 FREE now! From a small center in Switzerland he and his co-workers sent gospel literature in 25 different languages to 40 countries around the world, never charging a cent, raising the money by faith, sending the literature out by the ton. So I always try to relax them around me and let them know preachers dont bite.I remember one experience involving Jeff. How many of you have said of someone at work, Hes just a dreamer. It is an expression of contempt. After his brothers sold him into slavery Potiphar bought him. Night after night that went on. Think of Jacob, who after he deceived his father, Isaac, and stole the birthright and blessing from his twin brother, Esau, fled for his life and dreamed of the ladder from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it ( Genesis 28:1-22 ). Is God Speaking to You through Dreams and Visions? What the Bible Dont you imagine sitting in that cistern he said, If I ever get out of here alive, this is what Im going to do to my brothers, and he named them one by one and chose some special vengeance. The man Sermons about Dreams And Visions - 22/08/10 1 Then Zophar the Naamathite answered and said: 2 Therefore my anxious thoughts make me answer, because of the turmoil within me. Acts 16:9 During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us.". 3 I have heard the rebuke that reproaches me, and the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer. Many Christians claim to have experiences of that nature on a fairly regular basis. There are many of you who know you would not be where you are now had not there been individuals sprinkled along the way who God used to encourage you about your dream. Message Signs and warnings are important to pay attention to. If its from God, it will still be from God a month from now. There are 48 instances and verses which speak about dreams and visions and God's hand in them and 8 verses which specifically speak of interpretation of dreams. Today's message is about dreams, visions and the keys to the Kingdom, based on Revelation 5:11-14 A few days ago driving to work early in the morning I was listening to the radio program "Family Life Today" with Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine, and the subject was honoring your father and your mother. Reality # 5: God can and sometimes does lead His people supernaturally. I developed a little minor problem to the medical staff, but it was major to me. Apostle Paul received dreams and visions from God and so did many others in the NT. God speaks to Christians through the voice of the Holy Spirit instead of dreams or visions. It gathers up your vocation, it gathers up your relationships, it gathers up all of your responsibilities, but it is not just the work of your subconscious when you are asleep. By that I mean, stay open to the Spirits working in your life. Gods Plan A dream is a _revelation_ of Gods plan for you life. Sermons Online 2022, Watch online sermons by famous preachers - Sermons [1] Dont move to Cambodia because you saw it floating overhead in the clouds. It help one to maximize his/her time. Baptist, Before you reach your dream or vision these are the four Coats you will have to wear, THE FOUR COATS THAT JOSEPH HAD TO WEAR!!!! So he concludes that God wants him to go to Japan. I had dreams I didn't ever tell before breakfast, because I didn't want them to happen. A fair reading of the Bible would lead to some conclusion like this: that the average Israelite of the Old Testament and the average early Christian of the New Testament rarely, if ever, saw any unusual manifestations. We need to find a biblical balance in our thinking about various supernatural signs. There was a kind of a natural rivalry between his brothers. The King told him Dreams are a series of thoughts, images and sensations passing through one's mind when asleep. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jer. The third reason, My God.He said no, and it got him in trouble. My mother used to say, and I believed it, if you have a dream during the night and you tell it before breakfast, it will happen. We find it in Gods Word, the Bible. Throughout Scripture, God spoke to his people through visions and dreams. Then Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him even more. . Vision creates passion and motivation. It just looked like Japan. Here you can find many sermons by famous Christian preachers. A fellow next to me had something wrong with his knee. Others may dismiss the whole thing as the product of adolescent imagination. He wants to guide your life moment by moment. You may have dreams, visions and supernatural signs or you may not. They pop up and they are gone all of a sudden. (Numbers 13:33) We were in our own sight as grasshoppers! But they neednt worry. My own feeling is that if Mr. Potiphar really believed Joseph did what his wife said he did, he would have killed him. Maybe there is something wrong with me because if I was a better Christian maybe God would speak to me the way he does to other people. Even if you know that is wrong, you still think those thoughts because they have dreams and visions and you dont. The God Of Dreams - sermon notes - Life Gate Church Vision is the key to your future. Dont make the mistake of building your spiritual life on signs and wonders. It gives us a reason to work hard. Dreams need to be nourished, and they need to be updated, and they need to be refined, and they need to be defended, and they need to be prized. This event was a historic fulfillment of the speech that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered at the Lincoln Memorial many years earlier called I Have A Dream., In his speech delivered in 1963 - he stated the following I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal., I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood, I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together", And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true, Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. The table was set differently. I just love math.I asked him, Well, what are you going to do with it? He said, Someday, Id like to be a math teacher in high school. Where are you going to college? About that time his dad said, Hes not going to college. He saw a larger purpose for his dream. Riding a horse in the country, another fellow suddenly found When you have a vision, you still have to interpret it. What are we going to do about dreams, visions, and supernatural signs? read more, Scripture: I asked him, Jeff, are you in college, and he is thrilled because hes just a junior in high school, and no one has ever thought of him as being a college student. The second reason, My fathers house. Here was a kid whose brothers had abused him, beaten him up, sold him into slavery, and yet he had such a sense of pride about the home in which he was reared he could not possibly bring shame upon that home. After his year in Romania, he went to Poland. Gods Word is the supreme standard for judging any so-called revelation from God. Dreams and Visions - Faithlife Sermons We need to learn to see the promises, not all the problems. We would love for God to speak directly to us and say, Yes, I am paying attention to you. The key word is occasionally. There are many examples of God speaking supernaturally at certain points in biblical history. For every one person who gets the dreams and the visions and the supernatural signs, there are another hundred who go for years and even for a lifetime and never have anything mystical or seemingly supernatural happen at all. read more, Scripture: It does in my mind. Joseph received visions and dreams from God about his life and destiny and even interpreted other peoples dreams. You can make it mean almost anything you want it to mean. Everything was based on what they had already seen and could see. 1:11-17, prophetic vision. When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams. Hes fishing for bass down at Lake Barkley right now. He had more ideas in a day than I would have in a month.I commented to someone, Dont you think Herman has some of the most marvelous dreams? They said, Hes never going to do anything. 39 Bible Verses about Visions And Dreams In Scripture Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, "Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great." Job 4:13-16 "Amid disquieting thoughts from the visions of the night, When deep sleep falls on men, Actually it wasnt his vision, hed got it from someone in America as far as I know. All that week I tried to put my fear behind me but I couldnt. But when we came to Max Wooding, a missionary from New Zealand, he said that as an engineer, the Lord usually spoke to him in visual images, not in specific words. Test everything. Then he went to sleep another night and dreamed that the stars, which were his brothers, and the sun and moon, which were his mother and father, also bowed to him. Hes lazy and he lacks discipline. If you are going to dream you need to know how to say no to some things and yes to some things.Genesis 39 is the story of Josephs encounter with Mrs. Potiphar. You can see that within this chapter, there are four times a dream is mentioned as a method of God talking to people. I dont think so. My mother used to say, and I believed it, if you have a dream during the night and you tell it before breakfast, it will happen. When Pharaoh had a dream that none of his magicians could interpret, the butler remembered, and they called Joseph up to interpret the dream. But we must make sure our dreams and or visions are from God and not from pizza or even from the enemy of our soul. In the multitude of counselors, the Bible says, there is safety. He said his first reason was, Your husband trusts me. He reminded her of her relationship and her vows to her husband, and that everything in the household had been turned over to him except her. Bunbury How do you know it wasnt Vietnam? Shepherd Gods Flock: Equipping Gods People. Our sermon ideas on Vision will help you preach a powerful message. (1) "For one man he was roller skating out of control on the main floor of Neiman-Marcus, a verocious tiger in hot pursuit. But we must make sure our dreams and or visions are from God and not from pizza or even from the enemy of our soul. Mrs. Potiphar grabbed him one day and was going to have her way; he let her keep the clothes she had hold of and ran naked out of the house. John Calvin stands out as a good example. And it was a turning point in my life. As he watches, they seem to kiss each other so he turns to his girl says, God wants me to kiss you.. The physical dreams comes through Jephthah and the whole world through their desire to be great also can be called a dream. It is the visual manifestation of your God given purpose, Gen. 37:5-8. c. It is the mental picture of a desired future, Gen. 11:4-6. After all, most of lifes decisions are very difficult. Change your orientation today by moving closer to God to reveal the plan of your life to you in other for you to be a fulfilled nation, family, father, mother, sons and daughter: dream/vision are the preview of our destiny. There are those fairly standard dreams that indicate a lack of preparedness, and they are frightening. They think that by doing certain things they can cause God to respond in certain ways. If it is truly of God, spiritual men and women normally will recognize it as well. He means that he actually felt the hand of Jesus Christ on his shoulder. They destroy your mind, and they destroy your health. I used to sit in math class, stare straight at the math teacher, and wander off into the South Pacific in a sailboat, diving for oysters that might have a great pearl that I could sell and retire on; you know, fourth grade daydreaming.I have done that in church. When one thinks of John Calvin, words like sane, sober, rational, level-headed come to mind. I sat in astonishment of the hand of God on these two mens lives and how God intertwined them together for such a time as this. We came the hear the story of 2 men with 2 dreams from God Will Ford and Matt Lockett. read more, Scripture: As a pastor myself, I know how dedicated you are to accurately teaching Gods Word, so I have worked Download Sermon: Dreams And Visions - Benny Hinn Part 1-2 read more, Scripture: "Much dreaming . And this is the pastor bringing the message entitled Dreams and Visions . 3: Your future lies within you! Does anyone know what a vision is? A young couple says, Our dream for our marriage is , or a young woman takes a new job and she says, Let me tell you my dream for this job. We are familiar with dreams of the night and dreams of the day, dreams that are visions of excellence.Yet, within the context of all of these associations, I want us to use the word dream to describe the over-arching purpose for your life. You get in trouble that way. God Speaks Through Dreams And Visions - Wednesday Service (Genesis 37: 6-36; Daniel 2: 1-43; Matthew 1:20; 2:12,13,19) Dreams are sometimes referred to in the Holy Bible as visions of the night. He was young and physically healthy. They were all in the field binding sheaves of grain when suddenly his sheaf rose up and their sheaves gathered around and bowed down. He was seventeen when the dreams began, probably about nineteen by now. They had the same father but different mothers, and that never works as well as having one father and one mother.It was fueled by an unwise parent who made Joseph a favorite child, and showed it with presents. Scripture: Now, dreamers who arent disciplined give dreaming a bad name. A dream or a vision is like straw compared to the good grain of the Word of God. It is possible for those of us who find ourselves in that second category to begin to feel like second-class citizens. With that as background lets look at five passages which will help us think biblically about this whole subject. You cant speak to us that way. Hes God. Josephs dream for the night became his dream for the day time. Dreams and Visions Our sermon today begins with an artist named Akiane Kramarik. The power of dreams from God is in play here! One of the first things we learn is you have to learn not to let others discourage you about your dream. If this is the case, the writer of Hebrews is telling you to hold fast the profession of, By: Donna J. Kazenske Here are five pieces of advice for you. He has already spoken in his Word. I want to suggest that the truth lies somewhere between the extremes of never and always. They say, I had a dream! INTRODUCTION A dream that is from _God_ needs to be fulfilled. With the winds of war sweeping across Europe, Fred Stettler moved from Poland into Switzerland where he worked with the Open Brethren for six or seven years. Joseph life is a parallel of Dont go to college just because you had a dream. It could be that God has placed this dream or vision in your heart for a I had a feeling that God had wanted me to do something else with my life. Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?. Copyright 2003-2022 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house. Thats the test of counsel. I had dreams I didnt ever tell before breakfast, because I didnt want them to happen. I dont need to tell you that you do that all the time. There were perhaps 5 or 6 people there. I think there are at least three dangers of focusing on supernatural events in your Christian life. Dreams and visions Children's sermon Sixth Sunday of Easter - C Revelation 21:10, 22--22:5 Object: a blank piece of drawing paper Good morning, boys and girls. Or a college student is praying for guidance about being a foreign missionary. I would like to begin by laying out five undeniable realities about dreams, visions, and supernatural signs. Test it. Will it lead me to a closer walk with God? When mothers and dads get upset, we upset the kids. There was no combine to mechanize the harvest of grain. A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: In order to be a fulfilled Church and Christian, it is my prayer that God would ignite your heart with dream and vision. Yes, the very same place where the KKK burned their first cross on the Mountain! There are lots of dreamers who stay alive and just let their dreams die. a. Genesis 37:3-39:2, Denomination: He went to Romania for one year. With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles. Notice the contrast in these verses. With a clear vision of what we can become in Christ, no ocean of difficulty is too great. Even a casual reading of the Bible confirms that God occasionally communicated using supernatural means. God showed up and they raised a cross up to Heaven to honor God bring healing to our nation and repent of the sin of racism and dead religion and in the same act praying God would send revival to this nation again and heal our land. Gods Word reveals Gods will to us. I was 17 years old, just graduated from high school, thinking about my life and wondering what God wanted me to do. He said to them, "Please listen to this dream which I have had; for behold, we were binding sheaves There are two types of dreams; Physical Dreams Ecl. God created us with the ability to dream. From ideas on sermon topics to how to develop church growth to insight on ministry life, Preaching helps pastors develop every area of life and work in ministry. Is it compatible with the Word of God? If it contradicts or conflicts with the Word of God in any way, shape, or form whatsoever, it is not from God because God will not contradict himself. Nehemiah 1:1-11 Last week we talked about dreams. The Power of Vision | A Sermon | Pastor Taiwo Kayode First, there is the danger of elevating the unusual over the ordinary.