Most clown loaches accept commercial flake food and sinking pellets as their dietary staple, but thrive with a variety of food: live (worms, brine shrimp, small snails), banana, other plant matter, freeze-dried ( tubifex worms, especially if it is fortified) and frozen brine shrimp. What Eats Freshwater Snails: How to Keep Snails From Pestering Your Aquarium. Commonly used loaches include: Clown loaches are among several loaches that are used to clean fish tanks. Although not all fruits they like are part of their natural diet, Clown Loaches will often take a liking to them and will certainly not be harmed by them. These fish are very soft looking but there is a paradox. Loaches dont necessarily need live food, but they will enjoy eating it. Putting tiny fish in the community tank with loaches wont be a good idea. These fish like to school, so make sure you have at least 4 of them in the same aquarium. Many of the fresh fruits or meats that you will find around your own home will be desirable to a Clown loach and experimenting with these different food types is fun to do. These fish might sometimes eat algae in the tank and theyve also been known to eat fish poop. So lets get started learning all about the best types of bottom-feeder fish for your aquarium and how to care for them. The easiest way to give your Clown Loach the variety they need in their diet is to buy dry or frozen food from your local aquarium or even online. Not only will Clown loach eat shrimp, but they also enjoy hunting them in the tank. Hello, and thanks for visiting Avid Aquarist! Clown Loach are wonderful freshwater fish that can be a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. Sometimes these pellets are sold as bottom feeder pellets. Clown loaches thrive when being fed twice per day. A male clown loach will have the tip of its tail curved slightly inward. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary recommendation or advice. Different fish need different levels of food. Corys need to be fed shrimp pellets. Check them out below: Not all bottom feeder fish are suitable for your standard home aquarium. Mystix212 Fishaholic Joined Apr 3, 2007 Messages 428 Reaction score 0 Location Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Apr 15, 2007 #4 In a 75 I'd put 5-7 clowns. Aquarium plants that flower are a beautiful addition to any tank. Theyre nutritious and easy to feed the clown loaches. What are the best bottom feeder fish for aquariums? They should be kept on a sand or fine gravel substrate and love plenty of hiding spaces in the tank. Ive also included a few common bottom feeders that you should avoid. This has earned them the name of weather loach as well. They are scavenging bottom feeders that eat food off in the bottom, eat algae, and clean fish tanks. Most enthusiasts say that clown loaches need to be fed either once or twice per day. Are clown loaches bottom feeders? What Do Clown Loaches Eat? Panda Garras are very peaceful fish that prefer high flow tank conditions (video source). Water quality issues can have a negative impact on the appetite and health of the fish. Kuhli loaches are one of the best bottom-feeder fish in the hobby. Can Kuhli Loach Live With Cichlids: Factors and How to Make It Work, Are Kuhli Loaches Schooling Fish: Care Tips You Should Know, Kuhli Loach Colors: Variety and Care Guide, Best Plants for Kuhli Loaches: Top Picks & Care Tips, What Do Kuhli Loaches Eat: Feeding Them the Right Food, Types of Kuhli Loaches: Popular Types & Unique Features, Betta Aquarium Ideas: Choosing the Best Betta Fish Aquarium, Black Gravel Aquarium Ideas: Different Gravels to Enhance Your Aquarium, 10-Gallon Aquarium Ideas: Tips to Make Your Fish Tank More Appealing. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Algae grow in all mature fish tanks, especially tanks with bright light and a lot of nutrients in the water. They are social fish so be sure to keep at least 6 together in the same aquarium. On the other hand, the pH levels should be maintained in the region of 6.0 to 7.5. Your fish will be happier, and youll be glad to see them doing so well in your aquarium. I bought two clown loaches but all they do is hide. For this reason, you cant keep shrimp in the same tank as clown loaches. I love both of these bottom feeders but do not want them fighting each other. You probably wont want to wait too much longer to feed it, though. They also love eating snails, and itll be fun for them to hunt the snails down in a fish tank. fish that are used to feeding at the surface will generally not look for food on the bottom, and while bottom feeders are known to come to the surface for food, it is better to feed them sinking foods. About 2 to 3 inches of sand should be fine. If youre considering adding a kuhli loach to your aquarium, its important to research the available options and make sure that the fish is compatible before making a purchase. Home > Fish Breeds > Fresh Water > Kuhli Loach. All of these elements together help to create the best environment for your fish and other wildlife. Bottom-feeder fish are often shy creatures that love having caves and other hiding places to hang out in. Suckers Loaches 1. . Thanks in advance, Robert . Some fish need to eat quite often to stay alive, but clown loaches are hardy enough to go several days without food if necessary. Clown loaches are so peaceful that they generally wont bother other fish in a community tank setting. Huge thanks for supporting this site!'. They clean off the bottom and go through the substrate to look for food. Bottom feeder fish fill an important role in the home aquarium. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Dojo Loaches are great fish for larger aquariums. Of course, this isnt going to wind up being a staple of the diet for these fish. What bottom feeders can I get that are not shy? When feeding your clown loach keep the idea of mimicking their natural environment in mind. I've been looking for a sinking pellet that my Clown Loaches would enjoy. Live foods will be a good source of protein for your Clown Loach which will help to provide them with energy and assist in normal growth. It can help to keep organic debris from sitting around in the aquarium for too long. Algae Eaters Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding all of your pets. Buying specially made foods can become expensive, so many aquarists will make their own mixes of seafood, fruits, and vegetables that can be frozen, dried, stored, or just served fresh. Bottom-feeder species are great for adding activity and life to the bottom of your aquarium. Many beginners mistaken corys as clean up crew so they don't feed them. As bottom feeders, they prefer sinking pellets and particularly enjoy frozen bloodworms. 6. Remember, your pets rely on you to provide them with a great environment to live in. A sailfin pleco, a large and strong bottom feeder, sits at the bottom of a fish tank. Additionally, a small tank can be dangerous if its not properly maintained especially if you have bottom feeders like kuhli loaches in your aquarium. There are loads of different species available, and some eat algae while others will prefer pellet foods. This is a very common behavior when these fish are placed in community aquariums. Plecos The list will be quite comprehensive, but I am sure there will be other foods I have not included that Clown Loaches can be tempted with. Fish get stressed when placed in overcrowded tanks or when theyre having issues with bully fish. Therefore, the best substrate for clown loaches is sand. They will eat them up very easily. They really care for their stock and their 100% live arrival guarantee takes so much of the stress out of buying and transporting new pets. Brine shrimp and daphnia are also commonly used. This is an easy mistake to make because they usually measure just a few inches in length when you see them at your local fish store. The fish could have some type of infection that is keeping it from being able to eat normally. The fish should enjoy hunting the shrimp down and eating them. In the wild, they inhabit large to smaller rivers that can be almost still. Most Corydoras catfish species will prefer a 20 gallon tank or larger though. Other shrimp commonly used as bottom feeders for an aquarium include: A red cherry shrimp stands on a piece of driftwood. Some of the best and most common foods that aquarists will use are: I have included a short list below of foods that I buy for clown loaches, which are also suitable for other similar fish. Clown loach are more active when kept in groups. Peppered Cory Catfish. Around the same time, my slightly smaller of the loach pare began showing signs of fin damage as well, while all my other fish in the tank showed no signs of fin rot or damate my bottom feeders kept getting worse. Its better to give your clown loaches a varied diet that also contains other types of foods. They are freshwater, benthic (bottom-dwelling) fish found in rivers and creeks throughout Eurasia and northern Africa. To get them to eat food easily, its recommended to buy foods that sink to the bottom of the tank. Cory Catfish or Corydoras are great little schooling catfish for the community tank. Some of their favorites are: Fruit is another staple in a Clown Loaches Diet. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aeeec5eab427226a080716ca53621668" );document.getElementById("c8f286cabb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Get the latest on sales, new posts, and new videos! Most fish stores have a good variety of bottom-feeding fish for freshwater aquariums. Your choice of substrate can be pretty important for the health of your fish. Test the water before you do your regular water changes to know whether youre performing regular and large enough water changes. This is one of the reasons why people consider clown loaches to be cleaner fish. These fish will even eat decaying plant matter that is left in the tank. Loaches are among the most diverse groups of fish; the 1249 known species of Cobitoidea comprise . Kuhli loaches are not commonly bred in captivity, but they can be if you have the right conditions. Other bottom feeders like Cory Catfish feed by searching the substrate and any tight spaces in the aquarium for uneaten food which helps to keep your tank clean. Unfortunately, these fish are often released into local ponds and rivers when they get too big, and they have become quite a nuisance in the wild1. Algae wafers are likely the second most common thing that people feed clown loaches. The water contains submerged branches, roots, or leaf litter and is most likely stained with tannins. Remember, the lists I have provided are not exhaustive, and I am sure you can find many other foods to add. Fortunately, you have many great options, as some of the top bottom feeders for an aquarium are actually very fascinating to watch as well. These wafers are relatively inexpensive, and that makes them a practical choice for all clown loach owners. (And Do They Eat Algae? In this post, we'll highlight 15 amazing low-maintenance fish that you can keep. Kuhli loaches are good cleaners for a fish tank. You must buy a small group of loaches (around six) for the wellbeing of all. These include fin and tail rot, as well as garlic allergy. Even if you do add bottom feeders into your tank, you should also include plants, gravel, and rocks as well. If they're protecting their turf, they don't resort to aggression. Cory cats are great fun to watch as they cruise around the tank together, feeding on food lying on and in the substrate. There are many options available, but as a general rule, pick a model that can process all the water in your tank at least 4 times every hour. They love slices of vegetables like zucchini and cucumbers and also enjoy frozen foods. Usually, things like this wont be a problem. Because of this, they require a tank with plenty of hiding places and a substrate that is soft and muddy. Because Clown loaches are not too fussy in what they eat, there is quite a variety to choose from when deciding on what to feed Clown loaches. Some might even get bigger than that. Some bottom-feeder fish like the Kuhli Loach do not have scales and can get their skin scratched up on sharp substrates while digging through it. Mature aquariums with a healthy amount of algae provide the best aquatic environment for this fish species. Remember this and then plan accordingly. These sinking pellets provide balanced nutrition for all sorts of omnivorous aquarium fish. You will find that Clown Loaches will eat many things that you have in your kitchen. Shrimp will only get along with a few types of fish like Otocinclus catfish. Also, its easy to buy what you need online. Just like other loaches, Dojo Loaches are bottom-feeders, which means that the substrate you pick is essential, preferably something soft that won't hurt them. Because of this, kuhli loaches require a varied diet to meet their nutritional needs. They do produce quite a lot of waste though so the tank does need to have decent filtration. I know there is a forum for bottom feeders but still new and green to this. Once youve set up your tank and got your filter running, youre going to want to start the process of fishless cycling. maybe 3? Fast-growing plants sometimes appeal more to aquarists than those plants that take time to grow. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Their playful behavior is also part of their charm but this can unnerve smaller and more anxious fish. Most types of bottom feeders can be fed on granules, pellets, wafers, sliced vegetables, and live and frozen foods. Clown loaches are popularly bought to control snail populations in the aquarium. Kuhli loaches are a type of tropical fish that are often considered bottom feeders. These food pellets are inexpensive and theyll be able to easily get to the fish at the bottom of the tank. If something is wrong with the fish, youll be able to figure out what is wrong and treat it. Some common tank mates for these fish include corydoras, as well as community fish species such as angelfish and goldfish. I'm surprised this surprised you, For all practical purposes a fish will eat any other fish it can swallow, clown loaches are predatory, the bigger they get the more predatory they are. Before buying any bottom-feeding fish, its really important to read up on its needs. Many beginning hobbyists opt for a variety of catfish, such as a plecostomus or corydoras as their go-to bottom feeder, but once you grow to being an advanced beginner or intermediate enthusiast, you might want to consider one of the many species of loaches. They also eat meat such as brine shrimp, tubifex worms, and frozen or freeze-dried worms but prefer live food if they can get it and will happily eat small snails and worms. Its likely easier for the fish if you feed it twice per day. These nano fish are very popular in the aquarium trade and will do very well as long as you are able to maintain good water quality. But its still interesting to know that they will eat algae. Electric Blue Acara - A Complete Care Guide, Aquarium Plants In Gravel - 10 Popular Choices (With Pictures), Minimum Tank Size: 10 + gallons for dwarf species, 20+ gallons for others, Diet: Omnivorous, feed live and frozen foods, Sinking pellets and wafers, Origin: South America, Venezuela, Argentina, Origin: Asia, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Diet: Vegetarian, feed vegetables and algae wafers, Minimum Tank Size: 5+ gallons (20+ gallons recommended), Diet: Omnivorous, Algae, Sinking flakes & Pellets, Diet: Omnivorous, Feed sinking pellets, wafers, and frozen foods, Diet: Omnivorous, feed wafers, and frozen foods, Origin: Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Borneo, Malaysia, Sumatra, Synodontis catfish- This is a great bottom feeder for, Twig Catfish- These are some of the most interesting looking bottom-feeding fish in the hobby. Clown loaches do enjoy a protein-rich diet and will eat small fish fry if the opportunity were to present itself. I've always found their coloration and behavior really interesting. If your tank conditions are not meeting these requirements, your kuhli loaches may be struggling to survive. Loaches are active bottom dwelling scavengers ideally suited for the community aquarium. Usually, Clown Loaches will not eat their smaller tank mates as they are very peaceful fish, but they will eat small fish fry (babies) given the opportunity and small shrimps. Many clown loach owners give their fish freeze-dried shrimp on a weekly basis. If you want the fish to maintain a consistent growth rate, then feeding them on time will be wise. You can also supplement their diet with algae wafers and slices of vegetables like zucchini. Thank you for visiting! The only other loach I can think of would be dwarf chain - they like large groups, 10+, and are hyper active but relatively small. You can find sinking food pellets at just about any pet store that sells fish food. Finally, water hardness should never go beyond the levels of 5 to 12 KH for optimal growth and survival. Adult kuhli loaches will pair off and start breeding when they reach 5 inches in length. This is great because they are able to get a healthy meal and keep your aquarium clean at the same time! You can provide the occasional vegetable like zucchini and shelled peas. I am suggested you to . Driftwood that has holes in it, clay flowerpots, and purpose-built aquarium cave ornaments are other great ways to provide hiding places for your fish. Of course, fish are going to like eating more than just these sinking pellets. It should allow you to feed the fish without having any problems. Clown loaches are omnivores, and this means that they will eat all sorts of foods. Most people buy clown loaches when they're in a juvenile stage. Because of this, they require a tank with plenty of hiding places and a substrate that is soft and muddy. You shouldnt be feeding your clown loaches snails every single day. There are many exceptions to the rule and it may be fine but probably not worth the risk. Too much or too little water can cause problems for these fish. Botia loaches are a bottom feeder fish I have seriously considered dedicating an entire tank to. You shouldnt rely on this to feed your fish, but theyve been known to eat algae. Clown loach's are awesome at snail control but won't help you out a bit with algae. They are fairly easy to take care of with a little bit of know-how, and they get along well with Clown Loaches Size Chart - How Big Do Clown Loach Grow. i guess it depends on ur filtration, etc. All foods listed above must be free from chemicals and pesticides that may harm your Clown Loach or contaminate the fish tank water. However, if for whatever reason you don't want to use sand, some fine and smooth gravel will also do. The freshwater shrimp is an amazing aquatic animal that has become incredibly popular in the modern fish-keeping hobby. We dont spam. Even in dimly lit aquariums they are easy to spot. The most effective may be the Malaysian trumpet snail, but other popular snails are nerite snails and mystery snails. If youre feeding the fish well, then you can expect them to grow to be quite large. These fish will try to eat any fish that is small enough to fit into their mouths. Loaches Loaches are another category of bottom feeders that usually live in the rivers of Asia, Europe, and America. They grow larger than some other types of bottom feeders and can be very strong. Panda Garras get their name from their bold, panda-like stripes. admin October 30, 2018 CATEGORY: Aquarium Maintenance ,Fish Facts ,Water Quality for Fish. These require large tanks. It should be fine to go three days without feeding a clown loach. Like many other types of loaches, these fish like to hang out at the bottom of the tank. There are plenty of good quality products available on the market, just make sure you choose something that is the right size for your fish. They can be super useful in your aquarium though because they are happy to feed on food that has sunk to the bottom of the tank. Bottom feeders eat the algae, decaying plants, dead animals, larvae, and natural debris that is created in a fish tank. All of these plants can be found at most pet stores or online. Sometimes it just takes a while to determine what is actually wrong. The peppered cory catfish is one of the most common species used as bottom feeders. Look for brands like Hikari when search for a wafer. This has been known to happen, and its another reason to be careful when putting them in community aquariums. A small tank requires more care and attention than a larger one because there is less space to move around and monitor your fish. I hope youve enjoyed the article and please comment below if you have any questions! Clown Loaches are a really cute bottom-feeder fish species for large aquariums. There . Your email address will not be published. Corys are bottom feeders not a clean up crew. When shopping online I use and Amazon as they both have a wide variety of quality food and fish supplies, and delivery times are quick. Variety is the operative word. Are clown plecos messy? These freshwater fish love to create their homes in the sand found on the riverbed. They are active fish that enjoy swimming in the water and eating small insects and other creatures. Shop Tropical Freshwater Fish Food & Supplies at Amazon! What bottom feeders can I get that are not shy? You can also choose to feed these fish live shrimp if youd like to go that route. ), doesnt mean that clown loaches are aggressive fish. The general rule is you shouldn't mix loaches with cory but zebra are very passive. Most bottom feeders such as the Otocinclus or Corydoras catfish will make great clown loach tank mates because they all tend to stay near the bottom of the tank looking for food scraps. Once your tank is cycled and you have stocked it with some great fish, youre going to want to get into the routine of performing a regular partial water change. Kuhli loaches are generally peaceful fish but can become aggressive if they feel threatened or if their food supply is disturbed. You can find nutrition pellets that are designed to sink that will be perfect for these fish. Clown Loach Stats. Other types include: Cory Catfish are among the most popular bottom dwellers. Make sure you don't overfeed your loaches. Clown loach are often purchased for their ability to eat unwanted snails. These days, many fishkeepers prefer the convenience of buying online. Community tanks are usually ok, but it would be wise to choose Clown Loach tank mates that are non-aggressive fish with similar placid temperaments. Although not something they would eat in their natural habitat, cooked vegetables will not go to waste if given to your Clown Loach. What will happen if you forget to feed your fish for a while? They are best kept in large community tanks in a shoal containing at least 5 individuals. Do clown plecos get along? If you want your clown loaches to grow to be big and strong, then feeding them will be an important piece of the puzzle. They use their whiskers to locate food on the bottom of the tank and do a great job of picking up scraps of uneaten fish food. Clown Loaches are omnivores that eat a variety of fruit and vegetables like banana, melon, cucumber, or lettuce. They are active but very peaceful fish that are great in community tanks. The study must be made on every fish before you get them to mingle with your aquarium fishes. Yes, clown loaches are considered to be bottom feeders. Myth #1: "A pleco will clean your tank!" Plecos are messy . You will really notice their energy if you keep them in a group of 10 or more. Clown loach (Chromobotia macracantha) Clown Loach . The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice. Just do your best to feed the clown loaches consistently. Keeping a planted tank can be really easy if you grow plants like Anubias and Java Ferns that dont need any special equipment. It might sound pretty gross, but clown loaches have been known to eat fish poop. We sell them in the 2-3" range. Clown Loaches do like vegetables which can make up a large portion of their diet in the wild. Clown Loaches do like vegetables which can make up a large portion of their diet in the wild. For more information please check our Disclaimer. By the way any links on this page that lead to products on Amazon and other stores/partners are affiliate links. Algae wafers can be a great supplementary food source for omnivorous and algae-eating fish like Clown Plecos, Otos, and Siamese Algae Eaters. 20gal 1 red dwarf gourami 10 neon tetras 2 freaked out clown loaches . A 20 Gallon tank common mistake that fishkeepers make the mistake of thinking are clown loaches bottom feeders For snails, and this means the rest of your aquarium fishes hide and look for food water! That makes them a practical choice for all sorts of foods which may include are clown loaches bottom feeders Originating from this group of at least five common behavior when these fish have a bigger Can tolerate many different types of bottom feeders to search the substrate algae, I earn commissions for qualifying purchases, and natural debris that is even more fascinating to observe the types! The years due to being good beginner fish that your structure is safe and.. Dwarf gouramis, 4 red-skirt tetras, 3 black-skirt tetras and 4.. 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