Avertissement dinterruption de lalimentation c.a. Disponiblesolamentesiseseleccionunsistemadebombadecalorde2o3etapasenlaopcin6. Slectionne un cart de temprature pour la seconde phase. OnlyavailableifaBraeburnwirelesshumiditysensorwasconnected. In. Put the system back into HEAT mode and then try running your heating system (furnace) again. All manuals are available on this website. Lasopciones(sombreadas)26a28soloaparecensiestinstaladoelsensordehumedadinalmbricoopcional. This all depends on how many degrees of recovery is needed. maintainslivingspacetemperature.Donotmount. Monteelmdulodecontrolusandolosdosoriciosde. Turn on the cooling system or use other methods to lower the temperature. Sireemplazaunsensorremotoinalmbricoqueestconectadoconuntermostatoexistente,deberborrarla. yelsmbolodestellar(consultelaFigura1). Wiring Diagram Sheets Detail: Name: braeburn thermostat wiring diagram BRAEBURN 1000NC Thermostat Value Non Programmable 1H 1C Programmable Household Thermostats Amazon Industrial & Scientific File Type: JPG Source: amazon.com Size: 244.12 KB Dimension: 1500 x 1200 No matter where you look or how safely you think you put it, its never where you think it is! Keep reading to find your manual today! Your thermostat is equipped with a feature that is used to remind you to check/change your furnace filter. Installezlecapteurderetourdairunminimumde, ConnectezlecapteurdairderetourauxbornesP1etP2, Fournissez la protection contre la dconnexion et les, Alimentation en 24 V CA (transformateur de, Alimentation en 24V CA (transformateur de, Indicateur de dfaillance du systme optionnel, Relais de chauffage auxiliaire (chauffage de, Relais de chauffage auxiliaire (chauffage, Installez le thermostat environ 1,2 - 1,5m (4-5pi) du sol dans un endroit qui a une bonne circulation dair et. When the time period is up a reminder will flash in the display. Remplacez immdiatement les piles, Nemettezpaslethermostatlessaieninstallantuncblederaccordement(oucavalier)entrelesbornesde, NeslectionnezpaslemodedefonctionnementCOOL(Refroidissement)silatempratureextrieureest, Cethermostatcomporteunefonctiondeprotectionautomatiqueducompresseurandvitertoutdommage, permet daugmenter la temprature de consigne dun minimum de 3degrs. Because of this, your heat cycle might start up to 2 hours early and your cool cycle might start up to 3 hours early. Locating your user manual for your thermostat is always a challenge, isnt it! Cette option peut tre annule si un rglage du point dquilibre de chauffage. Elvalorpredeterminadodelatemperaturasecambiaalvalordelatemperaturadelprogramaquelesigue. Once you have made your first selection, press the date/time button again to move onto the next one. serecuperaencendiendolacalefaccinoelaireacondicionadoantesdenalizarelperododeparada. This is to prevent cool air from blowing at initial startup and is not controlled by the thermostat. Braeburn 2020NC Thermostat for Conventional Heating Systems and Heat Pumps Manual (User Manual, Installation, Wiring) Check it below or download here of 0 An error occurred while loading the PDF. To reset your thermostat, follow the steps below. The lower the differential setting, the more your system will cycle and the tighter the temperature will remain. More Information Installation Manual, Wiring Check it below or download here of 0 An error occurred while loading the PDF. calefaccinyaireacondicionadooriginalesdefbrica. You can follow the steps below to set your thermostat. Press the reset button located on the front of the thermostat. Ce thermostat exige une alimentation deux (2) piles alcalines AA bien installes. Entre en mode HOLD (Maintien) (drivation du programme), Retourne au mode normal depuis le mode de programmation ou de rglage, Les paramtres dinstallateur doivent tre bien congurs pour que ce thermostat fonctionne correctement. Install your new Braeburn thermostat in 5 basic steps: 1 Install the Sub-Base 2 Provide Power 3 Connect Your Wires 4 Set Installer Switches 5 Attach Thermostat to Sub-Base 1 Install the Sub-Base: Remove the sub-base from the body of the thermostat. Sensores remotos inalmbricos compatibles, Sensor(es)remoto(s)inalmbrico(s)deinterior-4sensoresmximo, Sensorremotoinalmbricodeexterior-1sensormximo, Sensorremotoinalmbricodehumedad-1sensormximo, Conexin de sensores remotos inalmbricos. decalefaccinseapaguecompletamente. HOLD will appear in the display. Braeburn 1220NC Thermostat Manual Conventional Heating / Heat Pump / Non-Programmable Braeburn 1220NC Thermostat for Conventional Heating Systems and Heat recommencer le jumelage avec le thermostat nouvellement install. Batteries can corrode in the thermostat, posing a threat and can permanently damage your thermostat. Solamenteestdisponiblesieltermostatoestenergizadoa24VCA(terminalesRyC). ments sur chaque paramtre suit ce tableau. If the problem persists then you may have a problem with your heating or cooling system that is causing it to not operate properly. The program will resume at the next scheduled time setting in your program or 2-4 hours later (this setting is adjustable), whichever comes first. For use only as described in this manual. theentirethermostat(includingthefrontresetbutton). This feature may be turned off in the User Settings mode. thermostat honeywell electric baseboard heat mechanical thermostats manual non wire programmable line volt types 240v different whites lowes heating zoro. The display will then switch to the USER SETTINGS mode. Lasconguracionesdelsensorremotodeltermostatoseborranajustandolaconguracindeinstalacin, decalefaccinoaireacondicionadoparaprobarlainstalacindeltermostato.Estopuededaar. Punto de equilibrio de la calefaccin auxiliar [notas 4, Seleccionaellmitedeajustesuperiordel. contralasub-basehastaqueencajeensusitio. The program will resume at the next scheduled time setting in your program or 2-4 hours later (this setting is adjustable - See User Manual), whichever comes first. Mme lors de la connexion une alimentation c.a. Make sure to install the positive (+) and negative (-) ends of the batteries correctly as shown inside the battery compartment. For as long as HOLD appears in the display the thermostat will not change the set-point temperature unless you adjust it yourself with the up or down arrow buttons. Check the time is correct while you do this. This indicates that the batteries are becoming low and should be changed as soon as possible. We have included the name and model numbers of the Braeburn thermostats so that you can locate yours with ease and get an online copy of your thermostats manual! Ifyouarereplacingawirelessremotesensorthatispairedwithanexistingthermostat,youwillneedtoc. remotesensorwillashonceevery2seconds. The temperature sensed by the thermostat is higher than the 99 F (37 C) upper limit of the thermostat's display range. et maintenez-les enfoncs durant 3 secondes. Selectsa1ststagetemperaturedifferential. The EMER position is reserved for a multi-stage heat pump system. Presioneymantengapresionadoslosbotones. When in Emergency Heat mode your heat pump compressor will not be active. You may need to call your installer or a local service contractor in your area. Pull the body of the thermostat from the base. thesystemautomaticallyswitchesbetweenheatingandcoolingmodes., Selectsthesystemtypeforyourinstallation.. When configured for an electric furnace the fan comes on immediately when there is a call for heat. Put the system back into HEAT mode and then try running your heating system (furnace) again. Usandolabarrarpida(SpeedBar),bajelatemperaturaestablecidaunmnimode3gradospordebajo, hastaqueeltermostatoestenelmodoOFF(Apagado).Esperehastaque, (Ventilador)hastaqueeltermostatoestenelmodoF, hastaqueeltermostatoestenelmodoF, Sieltermostatoestcontrolandoelequipoauxiliartalcomounhumidicador. To completely bypass all programming, simply press the HOLD button once. Slectionne un cart de temprature pour la premire phase. Possible electric shock or damage to equipment can occur. Solamente debe ser instalado por tcnicos de servicio experimentados. In. Please visit http://www.braeburnonline.com for the most up-to-date manuals and product information. Control de la bomba de calor auxiliar de combustible fsil [nota 4], bloqueadasunminutodespusdeunademandadecalefaccinauxiliar. Place your new set of matching batteries in the thermostat. Place your system back into the HEAT or COOL mode and try running your heating or cooling system again. Caution This Siustedestreemplazandounmdulodecontrolqueestconectadoconuntermostatoexistente,necesitar, borrarlasconguracionesdelmdulodecontroldeltermostatoantesdeconectarelnuevomdulodecontrol. OnlyavailableifResidentialprolewasselectedinoption1. It can be harder to locate older or discontinued models manuals, though, and you wonder if you will ever be able to locate it or if its worth replacing the unit altogether. Wireless Remote Sensor Communication Loss, Ifcommunicationbetweentheremotesensorandthermostatislost,theredindicatoronthe, willbegintoashonceevery10seconds., Thethermostatdisplaywillalsoindicatewhichwirelessremotesensorhaslostcommunicationbyashing, COMMLOSSalongwiththeremotesensorthathaslostcommunication(seeT. Selectsthecoolingsetpointloweradjustmentlimit. This thermostat is designed for use with 24 Volt-AC low voltage single stage gas, oil or electric heating or cooling Install the new batteries, reassemble your Braeburn thermostat and test your HVAC system. This thermostat requires 2 properly installed. clignoteront chacune une fois pour indiquer que le module, Si vous remplacez un module de commande dj jumel avec un thermostat existant, vous devrez effacer les. To enter the USER SETTINGS mode where you can adjust settings such as your temperature differential, press and hold the RETURN button for 4 seconds. P374-2200: Manual: Commercial Thermostat: P274-2100: Manual: 1 For All programmable Digital Thermostat. les piles peuvent tre installes et servir en cas durgence. Conecteelnuevotermostatoconelmdulodecontrol. If the old batteries have leaked, clean the battery contacts of any corrosion that might have resulted. To press this button, you may need a tiny object like a paper clip, pin, or a toothpick. Make sure to install the positive (+) and negative (-) ends of the batteries correctly as shown inside the battery compartment. programacinde2eventosypara7das. Disconnect power before beginning installation. remotoyconectarlonuevamenteconeltermostatorecininstalado. You can temporarily override the program at any time by pressing either the UP or DOWN arrow button to change the desired set point temperature. To completely bypass all programming, simply press the HOLD button once. Habilitaelcontrolmanualdelahumedaddesdeeltermostato. Nopuedemezclarsensoresremotoscableadoseinalmbricosdelmismotipo(esdecir, Sireemplazauntermostatoqueestconectadoconunsensorinalmbricoexistente,deberborrarelsensor. We resign ourselves to emptying our drawers or desperately searching online for a copy we can download. The feature can be set for off 0 (off), 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 or 365 days. You can return to the program immediately by pressing the HOLD button twice. Des options additionnelles telles que les indicateurs dentretien, le rglage du code de verrouil-, Active le contrle automatique de lhumidit en fonction de la, Efface tous les rglages du thermostat (rglages dusine). Check it below or download here. hastaqueeltermostatoestenelmodoCOOL. Les tlcapteurs qui ont dj t jumels apparaissent lcran du thermostat en premier. Aftertheremotesensorispowered,pressandholdthe. The compressor delay can be bypassed by pressing the reset button on the front of the thermostat. A Wi-Fi thermostat combines the functionality of a programmable thermostat with a manual thermostat. Aumentaodisminuyelosvaloresdeconguracin(hora, , Lasconguracionesdeinstalacinsedebenestableceradecuadamenteparaqueeltermostatofuncionecorrecta-. If your thermostat requires batteries, use only type "AA" alkaline batteries. Disponiblesolamentesiseseleccionunsistemaconvencionalenlaopcin6. ThermostatInstallerSettings(section4). 5-2das(dashbiles/ndesemana)onoprogramable. If you wish, you can continue to adjust them using the arrows. ** Consulter aussi le no 24 la page 10. If you wish to return to the program, press the HOLD button again. Si un capteur de temprature extrieure Braeburn est connect, vous pouvez consulter la temprature extrieure en enfonant, Si un capteur dhumidit sans l Braeburn est connect, vous pouvez. To remove the reminder and start the countdown over, simply press the RETURN button. untilthethermostatisintheOFFmode. Seleccionaeltipodesistemaparasuinstalacin. Display with bright blue backlight, adjustable temperature limits, hardwire or battery powered Adaptive recovery mode (arm ), meets energy aware guidelines*, auxiliary heat status indicator,ESD guard electronic circuitry Conexin del termostato con el mdulo de control, pantallaparaindicarquelosbotones, Indicaunaconexininalmbrica(destellacuandosehaperdidolaconexin), Seleccionaelmododeprogramacinosepresionadurante3segundos. retardoayudararetirarelairefroremanentedelosductos, (mododerecuperacinadaptable).Duranteelmodo. Prdida de comunicacin de sensor remoto inalmbrico, Sisepierdelacomunicacinentreelsensorremotoyeltermostato,elindicadorrojoenelsensorremoto. unademandadecalefaccinodeaireacondicionado. Clearssettingsbasedonyourselection. Braeburn 1020NC Thermostat Manual March 23, 2022 Braeburn 1220 Thermostat Manual March 24, 2022 Braeburn 7500 Thermostat Manual March 30, 2022 Retirezlecouvercledumoduledecommande. If you dont, you can risk your thermostat malfunctioning and become ineffective. Energaa24voltiosdeCA(transformadorde, comndeltransformadordebevenirdel, Proporcione proteccin contra desconexin y, Elsensorremotodeinteriordebeserconguradoenlas. Display with bright blue backlight, adjustable.., By Brand Braeburn 3+ day shipping $108.98 BRAEBURN 5220 Thermostat, Universal 7, 5-2 Day or Non-Programmable, 3H/2C 3+ day shipping $111.02 Totaline Thermostat Models, Manuals & Troubleshooting, The Robertshaw Thermostat - Instruction Manuals,, White Rodgers/Emerson Thermostat Instruction Manuals, Carrier Thermostats: Instruction Manuals For ALL Models. Removethecoverofthecontrolmodule. Braeburn Thermostat Instructions Set Up. 1. Date/time. Locate the dates last time button on the keypad. Using the up and down arrows, change the hour, then the minutes, then the day of the week. Save each selection by tapping the day/time button afterwards. 2. Set the Fan The prog setting will run the fan when its programmed to run. *Elcontrolinalmbricodehumedadrequiereunaccesoriomodelo7330. This all depends on how many degrees of recovery is needed. Lorsque le. dejardedestellaryelindicadorazul, Siustedestreemplazandountermostatoqueestconectado, decontrolyconectarlodenuevoconeltermostato. BRAEBURN 2220NC Thermostat, 5-2 Day Programmable, 2H/1C, 5-2 day programming, large 2 sq. Onlyavailableifa2or3stageHeatPumpsystemwasselectedinoption6. aaireacondicionadoodeaireacondicionadoacalefaccinenmododeconversinautomtica. jusqu ce que le thermostat soit en mode OFF (teint). Additional options such as Service Monitors, SelectforElectricAuxiliaryheat(withcompressor). Your settings will now appear on the screen. The display will return to normal after the sensed temperature Unavezquesehayaconectadoexitosamente, yelLEDazulyelrojodestellarnuna. 5 Year. FCC Compliance Statement (Part 15.19) (USA only), 5IJTEFWJDFDPNQMJFTXJUI1BSUPGUIF'$$3VMFT, 5IJTEFWJDFNBZOPUDBVTFIBSNGVMJOUFSGFSFODF, 5IJTEFWJDFNVTUBDDFQUBOZJOUFSGFSFODFSFDFJWFE, $IBOHFTPSNPEJmDBUJPOTOPUFYQSFTTMZBQQSPWFECZUIFQBSUZSFTQPOTJCMFGPSDPNQMJBODFDPVMEWPJEUIFVTFSTBVUIPSJUZUPPQFSBUFUIFFRVJQNFOU, FCC Interference Statement (Part 15.105 (b)) (USA only), UIJTFRVJQNFOUIBTCFFOUFTUFEBOEGPVOEUPDPNQMZXJUIUIFMJNJUTGPSB$MBTT#EJHJUBMEFWJDFQVSTVBOUUP1, EFTJHOFEUPQSPWJEFSFBTPOBCMFQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTUIBSNGVMJOUFSGFSFODFJOBSFTJEFOUJBMJOTUBMMBUJPO, UFMFWJTJPOSFDFQUJPOXIJDIDBOCFEFUFSNJOFECZUVSOJOHUIFFRVJQNFOUPGGBOEPO, t 3FPSJFOUPSSFMPDBUFUIFSFDFJWJOHBOUFOOB, t *ODSFBTFUIFTFQBSBUJPOCFUXFFOUIFFRVJQNFOUBOESFDFJWFS, t $POOFDUUIFFRVJQNFOUJOUPBOPVUMFUPOBDJSDVJUEJGGFSFOUGSPNUIBUUPXIJDIUIFSFDFJWFSJTDPOOFDUFE, t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pUHQFHVHW, &HGLVSRVLWLIGRLWDFFHSWHUWRXWHLQWHUIpUHQFH\FRPSULVOHVLQWHUIpUHQFHVTXLSHXYHQWFDXVHUXQPDXYDLVIRQFWLRQQHPHQWGHODSSDUHLO, /DGLVWDQFHHQWUHOXWLOLVDWHXUHWGHSURGXLWVQHGHYUDLWSDVrWUHLQIpULHXUHjFP, Wireless thermostat (7220), control module (7325) and return air plenum sensor, CompressorRelay(1ststageheating/cooling), Installaeldsuppliedjumperbetweenthe, Indoorremotesensormustbeconguredin, Onthethermostat,pressandholddownthe, Onthepoweredcontrolmodule,pressandholdthe, Thecontrolmodulewillenterpairingmodefor60. The display will return to normal after the sensed temperature Follow the directions in the user manual that came with your Braeburn thermostat to install fresh batteries. Thissettingclearsalltheremotesensorspairedwiththethermostat. termostatoparaprobarestosdispositivos. en, termostato convencional con 1 etapa de calefaccin/1 etapa de. Installation Manual, Wiring. Un clignotement rouge toutes les 10 secondes : safchent lcran et indiquent que les boutons . Smart Wi-Fi Universal Touchscreen Thermostat. But before you panic, check out our list of manuals below! Braeburn Thermostat Premier 5000 Quick start manual (9 pages) 2. ofanyhumidicationorventilationequipment. Install your new Braeburn thermostat in 5 basic steps: 1 Install the Sub-Base 2 Provide Power 3 Connect Your Wires 4 Set Installer Switches 5 Attach Thermostat to Sub-Base Install the Sub combinacindetermostatoysensorremoto(ASENS)., calefaccinyaireacondicionadocuandolatemperaturaambientesatisfaceloscriteriosnormalespara. 6. Hold mode can be used to permanently bypass the program is desired. User Manual 7500 Universal Programmable Wireless Thermostat Kit For Systems Up to 3 Heat / 2 Cool Store this manual for future reference 2018 Braeburn Systems LLC All Rights Reserved Made in China. Spcications lectriques et de commande : chelle de rglage : 7 32 C (45 90 F), Prcision de la temprature : +/- 0,5 C (+/- 1 F), Installer et cbler le module de commande, (W2) Relais de chauffage de deuxime phase, Robinet inverseur activ en mode refroidissement, Ouvrir cavalier pour les installations de, Pour les systmes double transformateur, Sur le thermostat, appuyez et maintenez enfoncs les, Le module de commande entrera en mode de jumela, de couleur bleue clignotera sur le module de, Dans ltape 2, si le module de commande a dj. controlcomenzaradestellarunavezcada10segundos. Press the system button until it lands on the cool or heat setting. This will help distribute the remaining cool air through your ductwork and increase overall efficiency. Noestdisponiblesiseseleccionunsistemahidrulicosolamentedecalefaccinenlaopcin6. rglages du module de commande des thermostats avant de jumeler le nouveau module de commande sans l. temperaturaoriginalsisepierdelacomunicacininalmbrica. deltermostatoutilizandocablebilarparatermostato. Most gas furnaces have a short warm up period before the fan will come on and circulate the warm air throughout your ductwork. The up or down arrow button can be used to change the value of the particular step. Setting your Braeburn thermostat is an easy task and will take no more than a few moments. 3 Heat / 2 Cool. Theremotesensorwillenterpairingmodefor60seconds. 4. When one of these icons is flashing in the display it simply means that the program has been temporarily overridden. tlcapteur et le jumeler nouveau avec le thermostat nouvellement install. Thermostats are fantastic inventions, arent they? Instale el sensor de aire de retorno (requerido), Elsensordeairederetornomantieneelcontrolde. The Good Large 5 sq. Please note that this thermostat can also be configured to be non-programmable. After a few moments of inactivity the display will return back to normal mode. O Uniquement offert si un capteur dhumidit sans l Braeburn est connect. Put the thermostat in the OFF mode. Your thermostat is equipped with an adjustable temperature differential setting which will determine how much your system cycles. The program will resume at the next scheduled time setting in your program or 4 hours after it was overridden, whichever comes first. rectangular touchscreen display Includes control module and supply air sensor Has auto heat and cool changeover mode
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