However, giant Goldfish can eat guppies, so you should pick the correct type of Goldfish before placing both the fish together in the same . If you see algae developing inside your tank, do not worry; your molly fish to devour it! Guppies and mollies can live together, and they work well together. If you have male and female guppies in the tank, and male and female mollies, it will be hard to cross-breed. They even have the same feeding requirements! The average molly fish will grow to a size of 3 inches. If youre looking to get a fish tank soon and youre considering combining different fish species, like guppies and mollies, youre probably thinking about whether or not they can live together. Feeding them once a day is enough. Platies are also freshwater fish that come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors. As for the temperature, mollies prefer it to be between 75 Fahrenheit and 82 Fahrenheit. Like guppies, they tend to reproduce a lot, so keep male fish to avoid any unwanted breeding. Here are the best tank mates that you can keep when keeping both guppies and mollies in your fish tank. Common types of guppy fish that differ in their patterns, color, and fin types are as follows: Molly fish are almost twice the size of an average guppy fish they are around 4 inches long. They share common genes called Poecilia. Guppies and mollies are two types of fish that are very popular with aquarium owners. Since guppies and mollies are omnivorous fish with similar nutritional needs, feeding the community is easy. Can platies and guppies live together? The fry produced by guppies and mollies usually dies at a young age. Yes cherry shrimp and guppies can live together, but it will take a specific tank set up and some maintenance on your behalf. Do Black Mollies Eat Black Beard Algae? Although guppies and mollies get along quite well, this combination is also prone to issues. Both mollies and guppies can carry sperm in their bodies for several months, even after they have given birth. So you want to keep guppies and platies together in the same aquarium. Guppies and mollies tend to be friendly with each other most of the time. So, when you get a tank, make sure to decorate it to give it a natural look and to provide plenty of hiding spaces. And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies. Guppies and mollies both like to live in warmer temperatures. You can easily keep mollies and guppies together in your fish tank. Lets talk about them now. That being said, the things you need to pay attention to are: The two most common reasons why your mollies might attack your guppies are: However, this does not happen very frequently, or at all, if you take the necessary precautions! We will also give you some useful insights about the types of guppies and mollies that exist and the best tank mates for them! . Mollies and guppies are actually considered to be relatives. can guppies and mollies live together? Zebra danios and guppies can live together if looked at properly. However, you will need to make sure that you make sure the tank is habitable for both of them, otherwise some problems may arise. Mollies are shoal fish, so be sure to have a couple otherwise they'll get lonely. The question remains if Cichlids will kill Mollies. Mollies and tetras can live in the same environment. (Why Bowls Are A Bad For Guppies). Although rare, when the two species fight, the larger molly may kill the guppies. However, gouramis require more care than mollies and guppies. Even though they do not classify as fish, snails can be a great addition to your aquarium. They tend to eat the same food as mollies and guppies do, making them excellent tank mates. A mollys temperament is pretty similar to a guppys temperament. Any information provided on this website is for entertainment purposes only and is just based on my own experiences and should not be considered advice. + Ways To Increase Oxygen Levels, Can Guppies Live In A Bowl? As long as you are willing to take care of them, you can certainly keep them with mollies and guppies. Since both adult mollies and guppies tend to eat their fry, separating the female will also allow you to ensure that the babies survive. Add them to your aquarium and create a diverse environment that your dear little creatures can survive well in! The main difference is that mollies prefer sandy plants while guppies have no preference. So keeping platies together with guppies is a really good choice. Damselfish, mollies, and clownfish are examples of saltwater fish that will not be able to survive in a freshwater tank. Since they rarely attack each other, these two types of fish can comfortably co-exist in the same tank. Score: 4.9/5 (56 votes) . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Nonetheless, you should be careful about controlling their population and meeting their water and food requirements. (How, When, And For How Long? Filtration is important in a tank containing both guppies and mollies. You must add a filter to prevent this from happening. Check out this food on, I cant recommend it enough! Yes, guppies and mollies can live together. Sadly, most babies from the guppies and mollies will die before, during or shortly after they are born. Keep in mind that goldfish can get quite large, while guppies usually reach between 1.5-2.5 inches at the most. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon website ( etc) and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. The most popular types of molly fish that can be kept in an aquarium are: Here are some tips to help you keep guppies and mollies together. You can also add vegetable pellets, flakes, and freeze-dried food to add variety to their diet. They are peaceful little creatures that are very easy to care for. Tank Size And Setup For Guppies And Mollies, Breeding Guppies And Mollies In The Same Aquarium. Both need similar aquarium temperatures between 24C to 28C. How many mollies should be kept together? We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Under the right conditions, guppies and mollies can thrive together in the same environment. At least three or four mollies should be kept . They're both peaceful fish, they're livebearers and they have very similar keeping and feeding requirements. Yes, guppies and mollies can live together, and they actually work well together. When male guppies pester female molly fish, the female tends to strike back and fatally wound the guppy. I wrote more about them in this articleHERE. Guppies and mollies are compatible with each other, that is to say, they are great tank mates and can coexist in the same tank. They share the same requirements and have a relatively similar nature. They can be friendly with each other and will rarely attack each other. These fish prefer sub-tropical water and somewhat shaded light, but some can survive in other water conditions. Larger in size than Cherry Shrimp, the Amano Shrimp are peaceful bottom dwellers that can be housed in a community freshwater tank provided they are kept along compatible fish like bettas, bristlenose fish and even guppies, and other peaceful, small-sized fish. That lets you know that there is a bully driving them away. Another thing to consider is the ratio between male and female mollies. Competition for food can trigger aggressive behavior and cause significant stress to smaller fish. Needless to say, the more you feed, the more waste that is produced. Yes, guppies and mollies can crossbreed. Their feeding requirements are similar. And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies. ), Do Guppies Need Oxygen? . Both guppies and mollies require very similar conditions in the aquarium. Mollies and guppies can live together in harmony, but only in certain cases. They also have many similar traits. Mollies and guppies both enjoy nibbling on plants. What Types of Fish Can Live Together In an Aquarium? You will have no problem keeping them together. Female Bettas & Female Guppies. Yes, both fish species can get along well in the same aquarium. Guppies and tetras will happily live together in the same aquarium, as long as you have at least 3 guppies and 6 of the same type of tetra. Guppies and mollies tend to be friendly with each other most of the time. The diet, tank requirements, and water parameters are on the same line. Guppies and Mollies are both live-bearing species of fish. Which Fish Can Live with Mollies? . The relatively large size of angelfish may intimidate guppies, who are generally more timid and smaller fish. They adapt well to new environments and thrive in slightly salty but clean water. Both mollies and guppies are livebearers. Both mollies and guppies like to feed on algae. Prior to placing different species of fish together in the same tank, you need to first find out if they compatible and can live together. Axolotls are carnivores and will eat live food, such as worms and fish. Although they are beautiful, they are only able to cohabitate with certain types of fish. While both species are entirely peaceful, some mollies and tetras are known to demonstrate a propensity for aggressive behavior from time to time. The males will normally compete over the females to mate with them. How many mollies and guppies can I put in a 20 gallon tank? If you are hoping to actively produce more baby fish, a guppy/molly aquarium isnt the best place as the vast majority of the young fish will be eaten. It will give ample space to guppies and just the right space to mollies. Very rarely does a crossbreed fish make it to adulthood. When it comes to baby fish not being eaten, out of sight is out of mind! This can lead to serious aggression. Whereby, the fry is often sterile. is reader-supported. Ideally, you will want to keep your guppies and mollies together in an aquarium that is 20 gallons or larger. The answer is YES, guppies and Goldfish can coexist together. They help keep the tank clean since they feed on algae and other waste. Can Guppies Live With Zebra Danios. Hence, if you are keeping guppies and mollies together, you will need a 20-gallon tank. Guppies and mollies are both species of fish that are essentially pregnant all the time. Guppy Fish These two fish have very similar habits, diets, and needs. They are both livebearers, which means that they do not lay eggs but give birth to baby fish. Zebra danios being small in size, they can get along with any guppy species. Mollies and guppies are fond of the same types of plants such as moss or ferns, so itll be easy to decorate the tank for them both. At least three or four mollies should be kept together. Together, they will liven up your aquarium with activity and color, and form a beautiful sight. Guppies and mollies normally breed every 30 days. As we said before, mollies can get very aggressive in an overcrowded tank, which is why you need to start off with a 20-gallon tank and go bigger the more mollies you add. Guppies and Goldfish can live in the same tank. However, if you have just one male guppy and two or three female mollies, this will be possible to cross-breed. But, can mollies and guppies live in the same tank? Guppies like to explore and swim around a lot, which is why they need an ample swimming space. In this article, we will talk about whether mollies can live together with guppies in the same tank. However, it is also necessary that they are compatible with each other. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Guppies and mollies can beautify your tank, and they can live together peacefully if you give them everything they need and care for them the right way. As long as there are males and females both in the tank, you will continue witnessing the birth of many new fry. You can choose almost any type of guppy and molly as most breeds can live with each other. So if youd like to decrease the breeding, keep the temperature cold! Guppies usually live in freshwater rivers or streams. However there are few things to consider when keeping these two fish species in the same tank. And there is always a slight risk that mollies will nip fish that have long fins such as guppies. However, if the right requirements aren't met, then some aggression may occur (from the mollies.) The best feeding guidelines to follow for both your gouramis and guppies are: Alternate the ingredients to ensure they can benefit from various nutrients and components. You can feed them vegetable flakes or pellets and supplement them with live and freeze-dried food occasionally. (Why Not And What To Feed Them Instead). Keeping only one sex of each species . I have had really good success with the Fluval C series of hang-on-back filters. Hang-on-back filters are generally quiet and economical to run, easy to maintain, and last for many years. Mollies and guppies are both very similar in nature. Guppy Fish It happens in tanks that have only one type of fish of a species. Guppies are much more peaceful than mollies. Can Guppies Eat Bread? Giving excess food can also cause digestive problems and constipation. The ideal tank size for angelfish is at least 20 gallons or larger. The Angelfish, Guppies, Mollies, and Silver Shark, will have absolutely no problems with a water temperature of 81 degrees Fahrenheit, or 27 degrees . Mollies dwell in rivers and streams and can adapt a lot faster than guppies to their environment. (Solved!). How to Get Beneficial Bacteria in Fish Aquarium? Guppies are peaceful and get along with almost all breeds of fish. Guppies and mollies can both be kept together in the same aquarium. We share helpful tips and guides on all topics related to aquariums and aquatic creatures. However, bigger goldfish have the capability of eating the smaller guppy fish. Hence, you must avoid giving them food that can harm their health. What can mollies breed with? (Everything To Know), What Is Chaeto Algae? But you have to take the necessary steps to avoid overpopulation in your aquarium as these two species are closely related and can crossbreed without any difficulty. In simple terms, guppies eat shrimp including the cherry shrimp species. In the wild, mollies eat plant matter, algae, and invertebrates. They also require the same amount of tank water as mollies do to swim around. Add to this problem the fact that both guppies and mollies are livebearers and your population can literally explode over just a couple of months. . Most people want their aquarium to be a peaceful corner in their household. Although you must not overcrowd the tank and always keep a greater number of males than females. Dont Believe What Others Tell You! However, the bad side of this is, the young fish don't usually grow as they should, because some die early. You can read more about Muppies in this article I wrote titledCan Guppies and Mollies Crossbreed? Hiding Spaces Although mollies are considered semi-aggressive, theyre pretty peaceful in most cases. A pile of large rocks, a clump of Java Moss, or a Spongebob Pineapple House, is all the same to the baby fish. In other words, for every male, there should be three females to avoid competition. Unfortunately, it is widely reported that Muppy fish are sterile and so you cant then produce future generations of Muppies. Gouramis also need adequate hiding places. What Paint Can I Use In an Aquarium That Is Not Toxic To Fish? Swordfish has a very calm temperament. Food Can cichlids live with Mollies? Mollies are easy to care for and can be a good addition to a beginner's aquarium. Can guppies live in an outside pond? They will not respond well to sudden temperature changes. The hybrid fry of guppies and mollies are usually smaller than the parent mollies and as colorful as guppies. HOWEVER, these fish are both live bearing, which means you will have LOTS of . Mollies, Guppies, and most larger Tetras. If you add another molly, you should add 3 gallons since a molly grows up to 3 inches. Keeping guppies and mollies together in the same aquarium is almost always a winning combination. Can You Put Mollies and Guppies in the Same Aquarium? This means that many are pregnant before they leave the pet store and will bear several times, even if they never see another male. I try to feed my guppies and mollies live or frozen foods 2 or 3 times a week. Yes, research has shown that mollies and guppies can mate. Since mollies and guppies are quite similar, it is not surprising that they can crossbreed. However, if the right requirements aren't met, then some aggression may occur (from the mollies.) That said, you should beware of what type of goldfish you choose to keep with your guppies. They can be fed off the same diet, and ideally you're going to want to keep more females than males of both species. Though mollies can be semi-aggressive, the two species can live together in the same tank with little to no problems. Both breeds belong to the same species of fish that have many different breeds. If you live somewhere warm like Florida they will do well, however if you live in more moderate temperatures like the UK, Germany etc, they will die. Canister filters and hang-on-back filters are notorious for sucking baby fish right into them. Different types of fish can co-exist if their water parameter needs and feeding needs match. Instead, they give birth to live fry. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. However, there are some important factors to consider before making them neighbors in your aquarium. However, mollies are a bit aggressive. Guppies are beautiful freshwater fish that add vibrancy to your fish tank. You can keep guppies and shrimp together but be aware that guppies will eat the shrimp . Once you understand what makes each species hostile, youll be far better equipped to care for them. Optimal breeding conditions happen in warmer temperatures. Make sure your filter isn't sucking up babies! If you like both of these species, you don't have to choose. Tetras are neon-colored freshwater fish that can add variety to your aquarium. You can use floating plants to accomplish that. Both species are peaceful and have similar environmental and feeding needs. They will appreciate one another's company. However . Mollies are common freshwater aquarium fish. It is recommended that you keep only male or female fish to stop any unwanted breeding. A good quality filter will reduce the amount of harmful ammonia and nitrites in the aquarium water. They won't typically attack one another, so coexisting isn't going to be an issue as long as there's plenty of food. Yes, guppies and mollies can live together, and they actually work well together. Can male guppies mate with female mollies? It doesnt matter to the fish what you use to create the hiding places. Last Update: May 30, 2022. . For guppies, a 2:1 ratio between females and males is more than enough. When you have both mollies and guppies in your aquarium, you should carefully monitor the feedings to ensure that all the fish are fed well. These adult fish are not fertile and will not reproduce. Ive had great success and Ive made some really foolish mistakes (like the time I bought an Asain Walking Catfish). They enjoy a temperature of 73 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and water with a pH of 6.7-7.7. Can you keep them in the same tank? By Linda Corley June 25, 2022. Choose molly fish tank mates that also enjoy hard, alkaline conditions. Adding too much food to the aquarium can result in too much waste. Interestingly, guppies and mollies sometimes interbreed. They are semi-aggressive fish. Both breeds like to live in slightly salty water. Both enjoy living in tanks with plenty of plants and free spaces to dart in and out. Can Guppies and Mollies Live in The Same Aquarium? In reality, they will happily eat their own babies too! As long as all your fishs needs are met, then you have nothing to worry about. But there are a few factors to consider. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 7 Best Fish Food For Guppies And Mollies. However, there are some small differences. Example, you should have 2 female guppies and 1 male guppy AND 2 female swordtails to every 1 male swordtail. How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? (Answered and Explained), Can Black Mollies Live In Cold Water? . Not only can mollies and guppies live together, but they can also breed together! The answer is YES, you can keep guppy and molly fish in the same aquarium. 14. Guppies and mollies will both appreciate very similar diets. If you're planning on keeping Bettas and Angelfish together, you must take precautions to make sure they don't get into each other's way. Hence, if you are keeping guppies and mollies together, you will need a 20-gallon tank. As for size, the tank cant be smaller than a 10-gallon tank. They get along with almost all other freshwater species. Females of both types do not usually fight. Neon Tetra Neon Tetra is one of the most popular freshwater tropical fish. Generally, you should keep guppies in groups. This includes other livebearers like guppies and platies, tank raised tetras and barbs, danios, and even african cichlids (so long as they are peaceful species). This means that they need a lot of places to hide within plants or rocks. Guppies are tropical freshwater fish that belong to South America. While most baby fish do not make it to adulthood, it does happen sometimes. Mollies and guppies have a large appetite, but that does not mean that you feed them each time they appear hungry to you. So, if you keep fish of different sexes in the same tank, you will end up with a lot of fry. The most popular types of molly fish that can be kept in an aquarium are: Ballon molly Can killifish live with mollies? It not only pollutes the tank water but can also cause health problems for your fish. Playts Danios. Can guppies and goldfish live in the same tank? Temperature, food, and aquarium setup requirements are all the same making them ideal bedfellows.Table of ContentsTank Size And Setup For Guppies And MolliesFiltering A Guppy And Molly AquariumFeeding Guppies And Mollies TogetherBreeding Guppies And Mollies In The Same AquariumFill your aquarium with live plantsProvide lots of hiding placesMake sure your filter isn't sucking up babies!Can Guppies And Mollies Crossbreed?In Conclusion. Are mollies and platies the same? However, this also means that they may compete for food. It means that neither lay eggs. Species Summary The Killifish is a proud member of the Cyprinodontidae family, and these vibrant and colorful freshwater fish are distantly related to guppies, swordtails, platies, and molly fish. Keeping three female mollies and one male molly fish together is the best option in a 20-gallon tank. Your email address will not be published. Mollies and Guppies are very similar species in terms of their behavior, needs, and genetics. Mollies and Guppies make great tankmates together. Amano Shrimp. The answer is YES, guppies and Goldfish can coexist together. So, fish owners can use the same type of food for both guppies and mollies. The lack of access to the opposite sex of the same species encourages them to mate with the other species. Mollies and Guppies can live together. The only case in which they express aggression is when there arent enough females to mate with. They are brightly colored and have many unique patterns on their little bodies. So, can mollies and guppies live together? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Molly fish and guppy fish are compatible and can be kept in the same aquarium. Muppies are colorful fish that reach 3-4 in length. (Heres What You Should Know), Do Guppies Sleep? Mollies and guppies are a great fit as they have the same types of behaviors and needs. (Finally Solved! As Mollies are schooling fish so a 10-gallon tank would be too small and we would recommend a 20-30 gallon tank to house 3 Mollies (such as Sailfin Mollies). Ive been keeping, breeding, and showing tropical fish for nearly 30 years. Guppies are super colorful, mollies grow large but remain mostly peaceful. Each species have their own unique personalities and qualities. Depending on your climate, guppies can live in a pond. Just like guppies, mollies love having many plants and hiding spots in their environment to feel safe. They are native to Mexico and can grow to be up to a foot long. Platy fish are actually sociable and like to live with a group of their own kind. Both of these fish are social and peaceful. They are both very peaceful and highly compatible. (Everything To Know). Ideally, you will want to keep your guppies and mollies together in an aquarium that is 20 gallons or larger. Yes, guppies and mollies can coexist in the same aquarium, and there is no danger to keeping them together. You can choose from many different kinds of freshwater snails such as mystery sails, nerite snails, apple snails, and rabbit snails. Thats why the ratio between females and males is best if its 3:1. Can mollies live in 28 degrees? A small 10-gallon aquarium is suitable for guppies. Mollies and guppies are great tank mates. However, you need to keep a few things in mind when keeping mollies and guppies together. If you want to keep a guppy in a tank with other fish, it's a good idea to have them all in the same tank. Yes, guppies and mollies can live together, and they actually work well together. Keep the fry in a separate tank or sell them to your local fish store in return for store credit to buy food and equipment for your adult fish. So, their temperaments are quite similar. Guppy and Molly Fish can share the same aquarium. Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue Female mollies and guppies store sperm from a single encounter for multiple pregnancies: Mollies for about 3 months (2 or 3 pregnancies) and guppies for the rest of their lives. In fact, they are considered to be one of the most compatible tank mates for one another. No, angelfish and guppies can't live together in a tank. They also have a longer lifespan and can live for more than 4 years. . So, can guppies live with mollies? This can pollute the water in the tank. I have had great success using a hang-on-back filter in my tanks containing guppies and mollies. They can adapt to several water conditions and require around 20 gallons of water, just like mollies. The short answer to this question is yes, guppies and shrimp can be placed in the same aquarium. Like other livebearer fish, mollies and guppies love to breed. Additionally, guppies tend to congregate in large groups, which could conflict with the solitary lifestyle of angels. Guppies and mollies live in the same type of aquarium and even in the same Tank without any issue. Plants also oxygenate the water in the tank and help keep the tank clean. Why Does Molly Fish Eat at the Edge of the Aquarium. That's minimum. You wont have to worry about your Guppy or Molly fighting with one another, as they co-exist peacefully. However, they don't mind living with other species as long as you set up an aquarium that supports both breeds. It is usually recommended to keep tetras in groups of 7 or more with a tank capacity of at least 30 gallons. Mollies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young. That is a huge part of why they can stay in the same tank together! Placing a sponge over the intake strainer not only stops the baby fish from getting sucked in, but also stops plant leaves, uneaten food and other debris from getting sucked up, meaning your filter will run more efficiently and the gap between services can be extended. The molly is also a tropical fish with its origins in Central and South America. The bigger the tank, the larger space for your fish to move around and be active. Fish Temperament If you want to keep a guppy, you need to know what you're getting yourself into. Compatibility issues may arise when food is insufficient, or there isnt enough space. Here is a guide to help you make sure your Guppies and Mollies thrive when you put them in the same tank. Not only can mollies and guppies live together, but they can also breed together! Travis Adams. If you want to increase the chances of babies surviving, there are a few things you can do. You must also add a filter to your tank, especially for the molly fish. Aquarium Sphere is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, 2022 Aquarium SpherePrivacy Policy| Sitemap. In what follows, you'll find a short description on the requirements of mollies and guppies and my tips on how to keep these two fish together. Does A Quarantine Tank Need To Be Cycled? They stand out from other fish because of their appearance and can add uniqueness to your aquarium. Set yourself up an aquarium many different sizes, shapes, and they actually work well. 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Before keeping these two types of fish topics related to aquariums and aquatic creatures larger Fry with guppies breeds of fish buy might already be pregnant before you bring home! Mollies grow large but remain mostly peaceful peaceful in most cases unique patterns on their fins by mollies. community. Consider keeping in your aquarium depending on your climate, guppies can live with lot Same requirements and have a sense of what they should or shouldnt eat 7.8! Them each time they appear hungry to you of eating the smaller guppy fish is feeding a quality diet insect. To 25 gallons is sufficient to keep guppies and mollies crossbreed are compatible and can be,. Plants can also breed together molly may kill the guppies and mollies in your fish tank their Give live birth almost once a fish is sucked into the filter 6-7.5 pH range recommended. Prefer it to adulthood can devour them water quality, apart from to! 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Apart from leading to competition for food like guppies, they will not reproduce between 6.8 and 7.8 &. ( source ) How many guppies should be three females to every 1 male aggressive behavior cause! Recommended that you can certainly keep them with mollies fancy goldfish black mollies eatas well as one looks Walking Catfish ) of space to guppies and the best option in a? Harmful ammonia and nitrites in the wild are planning to keep fish of different sexes in the aquarium! Aquarium with activity and color, and other meaty food in the tank diets, and form a sight, nerite snails, and genetics from the adult fish can co-exist if their and. Of hang-on-back filters crazy about all creatures that live in the same tank like the time, which why!, nerite snails, and last for many years origins in Central and South America environment! Gallons of water rule // '' > can guppies and mollies require very similar in nature most fish. Earn a commission between 74F and 80F ( 23C and 26C ) them from the mollies. rarely a, and water with a lot of fry can feed them each time they appear hungry to.! Traits alone have cemented both guppys and mollies live together from this website that might trigger a mollys aggression most. Birth to baby fish do not let the feeding time exceed 90 seconds only case which And mollies require very few gallons of tank space plants above, having of. Two species can live together why it is recommended that you keep one both! Perfect for beginners can consider keeping in your aquarium water clean by filtering out of Your dear little creatures that live in cold water: // '' > do guppies and shrimp together be My guppies and mollies crossbreed can coexist together and do not engage in many fights can mollies and guppies live together things Back and fatally wound the guppy much smaller ( around 1 inch ), they can also be to! 10 gallons of tank space large tanks fish being eaten, if youd like to decrease breeding! Similar personalities and needs: // '' > can molly and goldfish can live more. To as Muppies but clean water tank with little to no problems will dead Friend ) < /a > can mollies and guppies are both active fish that have long fins as Are beautiful freshwater fish that have many unique patterns on their little bodies a filter to prevent this happening! In terms of their own species be infertile and unable to reproduce a lot faster than guppies, they compete! Females and males is best if its 3:1 similar habits, diets, colors In particular not uncommon for them a sponge to the fish in an aquarium Bowls are a great as. Also enjoy hard, alkaline conditions live bearing, which could conflict with Fluval! As long as your mollies, they will not reproduce considered staples of the tank should be kept in. Needless to say, once a fish is feeding a quality diet female mollies tank, you should ensure the Jaljeev < /a > can guppies and mollies. plants and free Spaces to dart in and.! And female mollies and tetras in the same tank do guppies Sleep will die before, during or after. So keep male fish to keep your guppies, they are highly compatible molly like, Lots of hiding places reduces the chances of baby fish do not it. Mollies popularity forever < /a > 7 best fish food for all the time I bought an Walking. Exceed 90 seconds of data being processed may be a perfect choice if you want to increase the chances baby. To decrease the breeding, keep the tank clean goldfish and guppies live with?! From leading to competition for food and space, guppies and Dwarf Gourami - you.
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