We can live in the good place. (The story was recently made into a film called An American Pickle, starring Seth Rogen and reminded me of the idea for this post). Hard times are not pleasant. Because whether we like it or not, life is hard. Excessive spending largely contributes to the financial stress so abundant in society today, and you can easily nip it in the bud by scaling down what you purchase on a regular basis. Im mostly focused on me. 1. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". No humor. Easy street and happily-ever-after exists, but only in the next life where there will be no sadness, no death, no sin, no regrets. Hard times do help us see our character flaws and specific things we need to work on. Leon Neal/Getty Images With more students applying to colleges, it's harder to get in. Divorce. Jesus knows about hard. Get rid of the victim mentality and adopt a victor mentality. Danger and violence are also spiraling out of control, and the political stuff around us. After all, I would no longer be in third grade still wondering how to navigate making friends. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. This is caused by a combination of different factors. He meant that we must go in for the full treatment. People take a multitude of paths in life, and no ones journey will look quite like yours. They are just a part of life and happen to us all. But do take calculated risks. Growing up, I thought adults had everything figured out. Im re-reading a great book Ego is the Enemy. 4) You neglect yourself too much. Nowhere does God promise a trouble free exist, and still we act surprised when troubles arrive! Hi, another great post. As someone who writes, I often jot down ideas. I get jealous. Think about every dumb or immature thing you did or said in high school or college. Being a walker who has been on many mountain tails, I relate to your metaphor. This is how you end up with a bunch of daydreams and no results. Stop watching pointless news thats designed to make you angry. You cant come to feat every little outcome, scenario, and interaction without thinking youre the center of the universe and under the spotlight., I talk about this in my article about outcome independence.. So, you know what you do? Buddhas Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom. In a comprehensive report written by experts from the American Psychological Association, a survey found that money remains the leading cause of stress for Americans, with 3 in 4 adults feeling stress about money at least some of the time. Stop making yourlife harder than it has to be. 7 Reasons Why College is Harder than High School. Community stories are not commissioned by our editorial team, and opinions expressed by Community contributors do not reflect the opinions of Thrive or its employees. Forgive the people whove hurt you, leave all the painful memories behind you, and put all your energy on what you can do to better your life right now. legal, financial or other professional advice. Know you are enough. The longer I experience the hardness of life here, the more I look forward to heaven. Problems, hardships, and trials were not supposed to be part of our forever happy story. My point is that much of what we experience is simply perception. The answer, some experts say, is that some key costs have risen far faster than the overall inflation rate, msnbc.com's Bob Sullivan reports. But there will be hard parts. Sometimes we need to tell ourselves the truth and remember what's important about our worth & identity, life, and God's grace. Get clear about which are which for you. Once in the middle of a very hard trial I was sharing with a friend that I was worried about the impact on our daughter. As Rick Hanson puts it, we evolved to pay great attention to unpleasant experiences (p.48). However, you can just as easily create a simple life as you can a complex one; it just takes some time to reflect on what you can change, and actually going through with it. Thanks for this, Theresa! This has helped humans survive. Toxic positivity is best described as when negative feelings are negated with positive ones. We belittle and berate ourselves so much, and then wonder why our outer world is in shambles. Tough seasons mixed with easier seasons often tumble together. Plus a freebie: 12 Things to Remember When Life Is Not How You Imagined It Would Be. 4. 21-Day Energy Clearing and Healing Offering ~ Starts on December 8, 2022, Mini Energy Clearing and Healing Session ~ Starts Tuesday, August 2, 2022, Anger Anyone? Today's high schools students are taking harder classes and taking more of them than previous generations. None of us want those hardships, but when they come, at least were not surprised by them and we know Who to turn to! This neither helps them or us. Dont get me wrong. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. That you are capable. I am not saying rush into oncoming traffic. The easy way leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13). I spent ten to fifteen minutes meandering about the house having a debate in my head about whether or not I should do the dishes right then the amount of time it wouldve taken to wash the dishes. You can control how much downtime you have, and how much time you spend attending to responsibilities. We are usually our toughest critics, so start giving yourself more positive reviews. Then, you can enjoy both the present and the future, instead of betting all your happiness on future conditions. Life is hard at times. Human beings are addicted to difficulty. I have all of these big dreams and goals. Maybe you know someone you admire b Companies often use greenwashing to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. If I were to run for president,Idhave a one-word slogan like Obama. It may seem like a long blip now, but latter it will seem like a tiny blip. After the pandemic, life will still be considered hard. Your life is a cumulation of your experiences. Say no to our fair share. Beautiful photos! The exact opposite is true. I loved the end of your post, that the easy (happily ever after) part comes next. Dont sit around on the couch all day. So does pain. Youre worried about asking your boss for a raise and picture them shutting you down. The less ego you have, the freer you are to genuinely try hard. Society as a whole is just over-stimulated, over-anxious, over-outraged, over-curated, over-passion chasing. Embrace the mistakes. Or, even if you get rejected, itll often be in a much lighter way than you anticipated. If going into work feels like slogging through mud, you may be making your job (and your life . These days, getting old seems to be harder than it used to be--families live farther apart and aren't always able to care for each other the way they did in the past. Life sometimes is inherently hard, it is a constant struggle. I love interacting with corporate people. I havent yet met anyone who as an adult hasnt encountered hardship. This post is not advocating anything like toxic positivity. The National Center for Education Statistics studied high school . Without goals, you can't ration your time effectively. Human beings are addicted to difficulty. Theresa, thank you for sharing this blessed post. Its the story of a man who 100 years ago was preserved alive in pickle brine and is revived to find his only relative is his great-great-grandson, Simon Rich. When you have a strong, negative, under-confident sense of self, you think too much, dont take action enough, and worry too much about imaginary futures that will never happen. We can all do better". Of the women, the results were almost identical, except that the percentage of women saying it was harder to be a man was slightly higher than the percentage of men with the same point of view. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Think of how many times you play a mental movie in your head about the future, especially interactions with other people. Man, I really dont like the hard parts of life when Im going through them! But this adds to the idea that it is a popular theme). Theres a commonmisconceptionthat people with low self-esteem dont have a strong sense of self or ego. Its strange that, in times of relative abundance and material wealth, we seem to be more stressed-out than ever. Sure. Regulation. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. (To be precise, it was 2.25 to 1.) Walking with them and holding their hand for a small part of their journey. As children, we might have feared the Boogieman hiding under our bed after our parents turned out the lights, or maybe the overly nice clown at the county fair. College is harder if you. Theresa Boedeker, a lover of life who writes and podcasts about this crazy adventure called life. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The fact that everybody doesn't have a map means that those that are tenacious enough to find something unique and different will grow. Youre looking for the perfect answer and solution. Life in the past and life now-comparison. Becoming a best selling author wasnt even a part of my reality when I started writing. Negativity bias is well established in psychology. Boom. Hugs, friend. Before I begin to talk about how you need to learn to study and hold attention for long, here is the hugest difference between college and high . Life is always Yin and Yang. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to this use. 2. Job, errands, friends, life-path, hobbies, news, social media, Netflix. It likely seems odd to some of my older readers that this generation has it hard. Where did we get this notion that life is not hard? Curt stager tells martha foley how added carbon in new videos every week! Si. But this time, instead of having the debate in my head, I broke out the camera and shot a quick ten minutes video. Doesn't she have any friends or know any people? Without further ado, let me take you through college study life. "The suffering Christian is being driven to the heart of God and conformed to the image of Christ," Wilbourne concludes. Sometimes, I'll make a dumb trade and be out of some money. everyone-is-happy and problems-solved note, watching bad things happen to good friends, How Knowing Your Husband Can Impact Him for Good, How to Stop Focusing on Whats Wrong with You. When you have a strong, positive, over-confident sense of self, you can misstep by being too aggressive, not thinkingenough, and failing because you think you have the golden touch and dont actually do the work. Power of Positivity uses cookies to give you the most relevant experience. There can be no argument otherwise. He never talked vague, idealistic gas. Like Thoreau suggested, slow down and enjoy life a bit more. Whats left after removing much of the negative? A reader also had a great moniker for this fuck-it-ing. He helps people define their own version of success and gives them insights to help them achieve it. Which can cause us to think something is wrong with me or God, when troubles arrive. Why would your confidence be high at something you dont know how to do or have no experience in? Ten years later they are still laughing about it, connecting over the story, and rejoicing in the adventure. Does it ever seem strenuous simply to exist? Burroughs stared harder than ever. Thanks for always sharing a very encouraging post. (To be precise, it was 2.08 to 1.) For more information see our. Yay For Mistakes! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Not when we cant even do it for ourselves. There are things in life that are just hard, and they don't need your help to make them harder. You will miss everything going on around you by living in a reality that doesnt yet exist. More information on our Community guidelines is available. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Yet despite advances in every area of life, life remains hard. Psychology and Personal Growth. The other 16 hours (fast) you fill with sleep, exercise, water, tea, black coffee, and 0-calorie drinks. Am I uncomfortable with what I am (or the other person is) experiencing? It is encouraging to others and helps them feel not so alone. But youre not a slave to your wants and desires. https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/sell-out-part-one. Not having a map can be an excuse, or it could mean a world of opportunity. But there are factors you can consider if you want to determine which MBE will be easier for you. I work pretty hard for 34 hrs a day maximum writing, thinking, creating videos, etc but then Im more or less off the rest of the day. You want to succeed. I went ahead and washed them. You can get what you want from this life without over-stressing yourself, trying harder than necessary, and walking around like a neurotic ball of energy 24/7. All that worry, for nothing. This moment is the only one we have, so putting all your stock in future events will only lead to anxiety about the present. Read more about Power of Positivity Did you know that you can improve your optimistic thinking like any other skill? A loved one dies. The below table highlights the factors that make college and real life challenging. If you compare yourself to anything you see on Instagram or social media in general, youll be miserable. Easy street and happily-ever-after exists, but only in the next life where there will be no sadness, no death, no sin, no regrets. Amen and Amen. Yes, "the way is hard that leads to life" (Matthew 7:14). Used-car liquidator Don Ready is hired by a flailing auto dealership to turn their Fourth of July sale into a majorly profitable event. The problems will exist whether you avoid them or not, but listening to your honest feelings, not burying them deep down inside of you, will allow you to confront your darkest emotions and move on with your life. I suspect these people arent actually happy. Prior to. So while the work gets harder, college life does get easier, it is just a matter of time before you settle into your new routine and new way of thinking! This post is an idea that was buried. This is likely partly due to the brains negativity bias. When I don't know something, I think it's because I'm not smart enough. 8. Nelly sobbed harder than ever. May link up atMaree Dee(#Grace & Truth),Anita Ojeda(#inspirememonday),InstaEncouagements((IE Link-Up), andJeanne Takenaka(#tellhisstory). Visit TheresaBoedeker.com to receive encouragement, join the laughter, and unwrap the gift of life. Burning the Candle on Both Ends. Lets quit judging others for the hard parts in their life or envying people for who life currently seems easy. A more harmful use of toxic positivity is when someone does it to you. Imagine building up an entire identity and sense of self from edited, curated, repetitively shot photos in the chase for the perfect few. Nothing sets us back more than living in the past. Life is harder today than 40 years ago and it's not just the twenty-somethings saying that, their parents agree 68 per cent say things are tougher for modern twenty-somethings Less job. Be a master. Read more about her here. Sadly, a big part of the reason we fill our lives with needless busyness has to do with the always-plugged-in, always-connected, always-sharing, always-comparing society we live in. At some point in his life, during the 1800s, before cars, planes, computers, and smartphones, he felt people were living in too hurried a fashion. 5) Don't waste time and energy on things you don't care about . In our twenties, a cancer diagnosis may seem like something that can easily be beat. Just be a bit more conscious while doing enjoyable things. It's hard for different reasons but, categorically, to be human is to experience challenges and the emotions that go along with them. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/in-praise-of-gratitude, Rich, S. (2013). I believe its in the most painful seasons when we can go the deepest with Jesus. (I recommend reading the story, it is quite amusing.) Instead of being patient and waiting . Youre just like, ok. And you dive in. Because of this, they often face pressure from peers, parents and society to behave a. Like theyretryingto be nice. Legal Stuff: Disclaimer Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy. So today, I'd like to share with you, 9 subtle ways we make our life harder than it needs to be, and a quote as an antidote for each. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. One of those is focusing on three unique things a day that one has to be grateful for. The easy part, (the, they-lived-happily-ever-after), comes next. Ive had success. Theresa, you are right. Am I avoiding pain? This requires a look at motives. Days where our to-do list is longer than the amount of time we have, settle down to taunt us. See a theme here? Remember, life on earth is the hardest part, but not the final part. But dont take life seriously. Youre never too up and youre never too down. Didnt want to wash them. If you work in sales, nobody has to tell you that prospecting today is exponentially harder than at any. Apro-tip:get in the habit of holding contradictory ideas in your head at the same time. It doesnt mean you should feel threatened or inferior based on how other people live; you should instead compare yourself only to the current version of you, and use that as an incentive to become better. You let fear make decisions for you. It is encouraging to others and helps them feel not so alone. Actually, it's not an analogy, it's something that I've actually done. One might wonder if the perpetrator feels he has been drawn into a competition, believes he is helping, or feels the need to get some sympathy himself. Anyone on any side of the political aisle obsessed with noiseI mean, news. It doesn't mean you should feel threatened or inferior based on how other people live; you should instead compare yourself only to the current version of you, and use that as an incentive to become better. That this is not our final place. Validate yourself, and you wont need others to approve your life any longer. Heres what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not. Try the Thrive for Chrome extension today! The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. : the Law of Attraction, Manifestation and Empaths, Rebirthing and Patience August 24, 2022 Energy Update, Current Global Energies, Right Now ~ August 2022, What Are We Creating As A Collective and How We Can Do Better, July Energy Forecast 2022 ~ A Good Luck Month, 21-Day ECH: Breathing Exercise and Journaling, Developing Your Psychic Abilities Workshop October 5, 2014, Workshop How to use your Intuition, Develop your Psychic Abilities, October 3, 2015. But hes been working for multiple decades straight, tirelessly, without taking any breaks, ever. There are some things we can control that make life harder than it has to be. New Books! You probably chuckled a little at the statement, but humor me. It does not store any personal data. - Sometimes your mind unnecessarily wrestles with events that aren't even remotely likely. And then if we share and talk about our hard times, our struggles can encourage and benefit those around us. If you dont see it immediately, please check your spam or promotions folder. Dislike college or studying. The hardness here does help us focus on heaven. Didnt want to do that either. And the loss of that income is driving a spike in child poverty and food insecurity. Your email address will not be published. Surrounded by sin and death and sorrow is not happily ever after. Life is hard, Paula. I bust my ass. Basically, for 3-7 days (depending on your goal), you choose an 8 hour period of time for eating 3 MINDFUL meals a day (low-carb, low sugar, low salt, no processed foods, portion control, etc). Marriage is a big step in anyones life, but there are reasons to cohabitate before you tie the knot. Dont watch a ton of television. - One way to deal with stress and loss is to immerse yourself in doing good for others. So I get the same result without being frazzled. Prior to the pandemic, life was hard. is an 11 part series on mistakes. The sight of shoppers pounding the pavement leads some . I should know how to do it! We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and . It is generally accepted that college is harder than it used to be. But, at the same time, whether or not a couple ultimately divorces is. Sell Out. I know. So thankful for them too. However, even the changes that have taken place over the last . In the grand scheme of things, an extra three minutes in line nothing to stress about. LIFE IS HARD QUESTION 1 - Do you lack goals? Short term goals. Just like grace and mercy can be gifts to anyone with hands and hearts to hold them. Experience does not support this lie. . Fear of not earning enough money to survive. People are, for the most part, reasonable and nice. We do often feel entitled to an easy life. Who wants to join me in the 5th Dimension? Prospecting is a mindset, and for the most successful sales pros, it's a way of life. The one possession you have that is more important than money is time. Excellence, then, is not an . Please try again. So the top students stress about every point because a 97 vs a 98 could be the different between getting into MIT or Harvard. The top colleges are harder to get into than they used to be. You should have a somewhat serious intent when it comes to your goals. : Tai, Friends and family do help make those hard times less hard. Its why he promises to carry our burdens, to give us his spirit, peace, love, joy, grace, and mercy. Not all of life is hard. You want positive outcomes. Fear of failure. But I cant complain if I havent done the work. Life is always hard. Sometimes we have to push our pride aside. Life is too short. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. He lived here and walked through hard. But still, we hope to escape hard. Yet, Thoreau saw it so (and had a big enough audience that likely thought similarly). Stop making your life harder than it has to be. Rightfully so. Focusing on gratitude is an aspect of positive psychology, one of the more popular movements in psychology presently. We are in the middle, about to enter, or come out. The key is knowing which one is needed when. All rights Reserved. When he said, `Be perfect,' He meant it. (The other four are exercising daily, meditating daily, journaling one positive thing that occurred during the day, and a conscious act of kindness for another). Hanson, R. 2009. This is something we all do. But if youre just starting out on some path, Id steer clear of the shiny photos. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. She told me this was a lesson that would help our daughter for the rest of her life. Jesus says, they persecuted me, they will persecute you. Imagine having to be on, all the time and become a caricature of yourself. All humans. Of the men, slightly better than 2 out of 3 said it was harder for men today. This attitude can be used from tasks to build your life path to small annoyingerrands. You can get what you want from this life without over-stressing yourself, trying harder than necessary, and walking around like a neurotic ball of energy 24/7. History does not support this leaning tower of blocks called happily-ever-after and easy-street. And do not make my lot harder than it is to be. Then, I had a video to shoot for my new Youtube channel. There are many of us in the Sandwich Generation --trying to raise our kids and take care of our parents at the same time and that's a lot to juggle. Everyone can find a reason to be offended on a steady basis. If you dont have a degree in psychology, you are likely not familiar with the concept of a fair relationship. 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