Avoid heavy weight and keep the number of repetitions to a minimum. SPIE 10703, Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 107033Y (11 July 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2313917; M. Lloyd-Hart, C. Baranec, N.M. Milton, T. Stalcup, M. Snyder, N. Putnam, and J.R.P. Cargo could include the need to transport personnel which might require separate and distinct systems and process for rapid launch. At the same time, this brace prevents you from moving beyond your range of motion, which helps reduce pain. The tool must be open source with an appropriate license to work with both of these libraries (e.g., BSD, Apache) and the data format must be open as well. They must support a wide field-of-view between 150 170. is a benefit, but not a key driver. To maintain air superiority, while satisfying monetary constraints, one intriguing solution is to overwhelm the enemy through the deployment of teams or swarms of weapons. Solutions that facilitate rapid adaptation of non-aerospace to emergency aerospace production is also encouraged. Could also lead to further miniaturization of forward-looking infrared cameras for manufacturing advancements. The cable machine consists of two weight stacks separated by 2.5 metres, with cables running through adjustable pulleys (that can be fixed at any height so as to select different amounts of weight) to various types of handles. Please see instructions provided under Evaluation and Selection section of the Component-specific instructions. Progress made in PHASE I and PHASE II should result in a functional product that could transition into other areas. (Rocket orientation, speed, altitude, ejection technique). The second thrust is for a large broadband antenna that can cover the entire X-band and Ku-band (8-18 GHz). A sensor or a sensor suite that can perform the required measurements will address the difficulty of non-destructively evaluating the mechanical state of the propellant grain while having limited access to the interior of the solid rocket motor assembly. Recent efforts have also introduced machine-learning techniques capable of differentiating particle morphology [4]. A Phase III award may include a technology/prototype demonstration, with feasibility in both air and space applications. https://www.dodsbirsttr.mil/submissions/baa-schedule/broad-agency-announcements, MIL-PRF-32565, Compliant Battery Maintenance & Charging System MIL-PRF-32565 BATTERY RECHARGEABLE SEALED 6T (everyspec.com), MIL-STD 1275E, Compliant Vehicle Charging System. The net result is the demand for efficient transmit power ever more critical to achieving battlespace dominance with increase power, efficiency, and spectral coverage. Such rocks have been found in Greek and Scottish castles. Isolation Exercises: Which Is Best? Yang M-D. et al., 2018, Fusion of Infrared Thermal Image and Visible Image for 3D Thermal Model Reconstruction Using Smartphone Sensors. Plus, they can help you recover from an injury or surgery. Air-drop of cargo may be required in an area just after a natural disaster or to remote Forces when landing a rocket is not desired. All technology solutions that meet the topic objective are solicited in this call, however, neuromorphic sensors appear ideally suited to meet the technical objectives and should therefore be considered in the solution trade space. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: At the conclusion of the SBIR, the contractor will be well positioned to offer numerous technological applications for end users in both the commercial and military domains. PHASE II: Implement, prototype, and demonstrate the near real-time collaborative ATA function. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Naval Construction Battalion Center, March 13, 1973. https://quicksearch.dla.mil/qsDocDetails.aspx?ident_number=36687, MIL-STD-705D Mobile Electric Power Systems. A CNS will provide position updates to the LRUSVs INS as available. "Chapter 5: Representational State Transfer (REST)". OBJECTIVE: Design and fabricate a LADAR Receiver based on SiGeSn avalanche photodiodes and operating at 2.0-2.2 um. Basic radar characteristics including power and instantaneous bandwidth will also be defined, but there is no requirement for detailed radar system engineering. A technology gap that exists within the JITMMA/W space is that of agile intelligent delivery of training content to the tactical edge. The LGS beacon simulator must also support a broadband "natural" guidestar beacon to test the effectiveness of the LGS AO correction on a target of interest. .css('align-items', 'center') The initial integrated design should be capable of simulating at least one beacon of each type (Rayleigh, Sodium, and a target or natural guidestar) with atmospheric turbulence effects (both uplink and downlink for LGS beacons), and demonstrate the capability to vary beacon and turbulence parameters with predictable and repeatable results. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. Additionally, applications of the technology to support commercial satellite operators in this regime are envisioned for orbit tracking, collision avoidance, and anomaly resolution. The offeror is required to provide detail and documentation in the Direct to Phase II proposal which demonstrates accomplishment of a Phase I-like effort, including a feasibility study. (2) One working demonstration for each measure with a display representing a near-real-time assessment of the measure. Conduct an end-to-end creation, correlation, and perturbation refinement an air and ground target system at Ka-band. Primary output of Phase One is a final report which covers the following topics: -Summary of the sensitivity analysis with key results showing which beacon parameters were found to be most important for an LGS beacon simulator -Detailed description of the preliminary design, highlighting key trade-offs and technical innovations in simulating an LGS beacon and the proposed method for integrating each component into a final integrated system -A top-level requirements flow-down and preliminary design of key components of the LGS source and turbulence simulator system, i.e. These antennas should be characterized experimentally using AFRL-supplied HPM sources, including frequency-dependent gain, antenna pattern, and polarization. The performer shall continue to measure performance based on characterization methods developed in Phase I. Private Sector Commercial Potential: Materials and manufacturing improvements, including development of domestic manufacturing capabilities, increased capacity, and affordability, have a direct applicability to diverse defense system technologies. Reference (a)https://www.scientific.net/MSF.809-810.485, Reference (b)https://ore.exeter.ac.uk/repository/bitstream/handle/10871/32568/GRCmanuscript accepted version.pdf, Reference (c)https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1847980417742304, Reference (d)https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0950061819325589, Reference (e)https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352710217301079, Reference (g)https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352710217301079, Reference (h) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214785318314718, Reference (i)https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/files/146437328/FULL_TEXT.PDF, Reference (j)https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236611170_Physical_and_Mechanical_Characterization_of_Fiber-Reinforced_Aerated_Concrete_FRAC, Reference (k)https://res.mdpi.com/d_attachment/materials/materials-13-04323/article_deploy/materials-13-04323-v4.pdf, Reference (l)https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, Reference (m)https://www.rmit.edu.au/news/all-news/2019/jun/graphene-from-gum-trees, Reference (n)https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottsnowden/2020/07/24/ground-breaking-method-to-make-graphene-from-garbage-is-modern-day-alchemy/, Capability for dual-mode (gamma and fast neutron) operation, Detector material cost < $15 USD per cubic centimeter, Maximum degradation in energy resolution of 20% (in terms of the zero-dose energy resolution) at a TAD of 3,600 cGy of neutrons and gammas in any proportion, Detector variability (in terms of energy resolution) < 10 %, Angular resolution for imager < 3 degrees. The proposal must address design features in terms of at least: i. Journal of Cleaner Production 217: 134-143. jitter due to the laser launch telescope). Process for Making an Optically Transmissive Body. U.S. Patent 4,619,792, Jun. DESCRIPTION: The integration of engineering tools and models (known as Digital Engineering) presents an opportunity to move at the speed of relevance for the Army Futures Command (AFC) and the Army priorities managed as Cross Functional Teams (CFTs). Requirements development should be done concurrently with the sensitivity analysis in an iterative process to identify limitations that may necessitate different designs or restrictions in capabilities. Working with Soldier Center and PM-Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS) subject matter experts, the contractor shall identify a suitable system that can be used to demonstrate the capabilities of these component networks in a relevant setting. OBJECTIVE: Develop a next-generation underwater life-support system (rebreather) with improved oxygen supply and/or carbon dioxide removal. In IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) 2011 (October 2011), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 35, no. Jun-Hyung Kim, et al, Regularization approach to scene-based non uniformity correction, Optical Engineering, 53(5), 053105 (2014). ), characterize environmental conditions, and track expendable supplies (battery life, munitions). BOTTOM: Jumping split squats with 10kg dumbbells. f SAE International, November 6, 2009. https://www.sae.org/standards/content/j2464_200911/, NAVSEA INSTRUCTION 9310.1C, Naval Lithium Battery Safety Program. Acoustic trial data will be classified as they will be performed on Navy platforms. (2021, December 27). For example, ensuring the desired optical bandgap has been grown prior to additional processing steps is of interest. Its always a good idea to talk with your doctor before using a wrist brace to make sure its suitable for your needs. Threat assessment efforts require a multi-disciplinary approach that can automatically ingest and process structured and unstructured data from an expanding array of sensors and information sources. [6], The 1960s saw the gradual introduction of exercise machines into the still-rare strength training gyms of the time. Ruggedness of the designed unit should be confirmed through mechanical modeling. [42], The body's basal metabolic rate increases with increases in muscle mass, which promotes long-term fat loss and helps dieters avoid yo-yo dieting. This article is about training using weight (gravity) to generate resistance to contraction. Proceedings of the IEEE 102, 10, 14701484, Oct. 2014, doi:10.1109/JPROC.2014.2346153. Exercises like the bench press or the squat in which a failed lift can potentially result in the lifter becoming trapped under the weight are normally performed inside a power rack or in the presence of one or more spotters, who can safely re-rack the barbell if the weight trainer is unable to do so. 69-75; A. Farina, P. Holbourn, T. Kinghorn and L. Timmoneri, "AESA radar Pan-domain multi-function capabilities for future systems," 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, 2013, pp. For example, key performance parameters may include high reflectivity in one state and high absorption or transmission in the other. What is required is the ability to objectively simulate the attack creation process of our cyber adversaries and to proactively develop malware detection solutions in anticipation of those threats. R. Fraenkel, E. Berkowicz, L. Bykov, R. Dobromislin, R. Elishkov, A. Giladi, I. Grimberg, I. Hirsh, E. Ilan, C. Jacobson, I. Kogan, P. Kondrashov, I. Nevo, I. Pivnik, S. Vasserman, "High Definition 10m pitch InGaAs detector with Asynchronous Laser Pulse Detection mode," Proc. The software capability should be able to generate 3D models based on one to all of the image sources mentioned above; it is understood that model fidelity can vary when data sources are limited. https://www.nfpa.org/codes-and-standards/all-codes-and-standards/list-of-codes-and-standards/detail?code=1990 . 197-205, Aug. 1992, doi: 10.1109/15.155830. Hum. If possible, space qualification testing should be performed such that the offeror is prepared to sell the product to the space market at the end of Phase 2. This provides the potential to accelerate the process development, reducing manpower requirements, while improving overall quality control. .css('display', 'inline-block') An ontology-based system opens up the power of triple store and semantic web based technologies to empower our tools and their integration. PHASE II: Design and fabricate full-scale gun hardened energy system prototypes of the selected concepts for the selected munitions applications and test prototypes in the laboratory and in relevant environments, including in shock loading machines and in air guns. Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 28, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 208-213, ISSN 1270-9638. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1270963812001824, Glass, David. This includes determining the scientific and technical merit and feasibility of ideas appearing to have potential. Once validated, demonstrate dual use applications of this technology in civilian law enforcement and commercial security services. These systems provide high resolution sensory content that has been used to detect adversarial activities, such as movement of fighters and weapons, implanting decoys and IEDs, or gathering of key leaders. In addition to identifying concepts and methods for accomplishing these intelligent system monitoring capabilities, analyze additional processing, storage and network loads to support these capabilities. Weight-bearing exercise also helps to increase bone density to prevent osteoporosis. J. Res. A successful conclusion to Phase II will demonstrate technology that can predict through two physiological-variable inputs when a user needs help and experimental results showing the efficacy of the equipment with at least a 0.6 Area Under Curve (AUC) improvement in performance. Availability of required reference data must be taken into consideration. Proposals that fail to demonstrate that they have a technology prepared to achieve the goals will be rejected. Evaluate the results of the demonstration and refine the design as necessary. are preferred. Neuroscientist, 8, 132--142 (2002); Feigh, K. M., Dorneich, M. C., & Hayes, C. C.: Toward a characterization of adaptive systems a framework for researchers and system designers. Open source datasets are highly encouraged. The goal of phase II is to prototype, demonstrate, and evaluate classification techniques applied to at least three of the areas identified in the problem description with representative data sets. PHASE II: Develop advanced signal processing modules and demonstrate the transition from a homogenous X86 architecture to a more heterogeneous architecture leveraging best of breed GPP, GPU, and FPGA processing. Validate the feasibility of the system to perform against the requirements generated in Phase I and evaluate the demonstrated component sizes to fit realistically in an aircraft envelope. An OODA military task using training data suggest that various C2 environments will execute a task between 5 to 30 seconds depending on the complexity of the task and the C2 environment [6][7]. PHASE II: Eligibility for D2P2 is predicated on the offeror having performed a Phase I-like effort predominantly separate from the SBIR Programs. Force Multiplying Technologies for Logistics Support to Military Operations. In these situations, keeping heads-up and aware of the changing dynamics is critical. Commercial High Temperature cables are typically rated at 1000 C and High Temperature connectors are 600 C. This technology will enable critical RF capabilities to be achievable, reliable, and cost effective. (iii) A system description document describing the solution and its capabilities, (iv) An armaments specific ontology in a format readable and editable by commercially available ontology editors (e.g. For example, the squat and the deadlift are used to exercise the largest muscles in the bodythe leg and buttock musclesso they require substantial weight. Must meet SAE J2464 hazard level 6. Since PEs inherently contain a physiological component, relying on aviator memory to establish a timeline and diagnose an issue is problematic. Technical Report. In addition to the sensor(s), an insertion system that can place the sensor at different locations on the propellant surface of a solid rocket motor system will need to be designed. Having carpal tunnel syndrome doesn't have to be a pain. Phase II involves the identification and selection of technology alternatives in two or more of the areas of relevance to support the objectives.
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