I'm just gonna do a real basic, use my white arrow, gonna click on this thing here. This is the original image. I'm just gonna hit Return on my keyboard or Enter. There's no miracle potion for that. And the same thing with this, you can draw with a shape, okay, but it's better to draw with a path, okay? Yours might be different, depending on kind of what you last we're doing. Select and Mask is not gonna be your super awesome selection trick, you need some sort of contrast. Okay, and I'd like you to do the same thing. One of the things we'll have to do before we go, though, is save this document. Click on it. Drag it back. Tools you rarely use can be moved into Extra Tools so they wont appear in the Toolbar. You can kind of see it says here how much, depends on how thick your type of is. It is really, really weird. The first thing youll want to do is to re-crop it so its in the right aspect ratio. Let's zoom in a little bit using my shortcut keys. Cool, and I want to lower the opacity quite a bit. Okay, we're gonna dive in, figure out the pros and cons for them right now in Photoshop. Take a look at our tutorials: popular software in Video Post-Production, How to Create a Photoshop Peeling Sticker Text Effect, How to Create a Mood Board Template in Photoshop, Create a Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop. When you erase using the Eraser Tool on a flattened image, the background color will appear on the areas you erase. Learn how to make basic selections using the Rectangular Marquee Tool and the Elliptical Marquee Tool, and how to combine basic selections into more complex shapes! It depends on whether that kind of feathering is pushed right to the outside, kind of does a weird choke around the outside. And I'm gonna practice again with you guys, so back to this tab, Move tool, click hold, drag in the center. All right, so to do the badge is quite similar. So the open and close square brackets, give them a try. Can you go down to 2% quality? So if I start masking it against black, okay, so just put a solid black background in there to kind of show me the edge. All right, let's look at one other use case to help you kinda of understand resolution. It's a second version layer, they're not connected. One is I'll change the color first of all, so color down here, pick a hue. This will allow other items behind the gradient to be viewable. Okay, get it close. So just double-click it, call it Roses, okay, and drag it just above, and we are ready to go. The look was if I click hold and drag all three of these guys just anywhere in the middle here, hey, they all open, click on Photoshop and here's my tabs. I'm going to lower the, not lower the opacity, I'm gonna change the color. It's quick, it's really good, and it's gonna allow us to cut out this image here and put it into our mixed background, kind of interacting with some type. How do you customize the Photoshop toolbar to streamline your editing workflow? Okay, out a bit further. The background eraser tool is very effective for subject removal where the outline is irregular and selection with the lasso or marquee selection tools would be tedious and time consuming if not impossible. Using any selection tool, select the image area you want to use as a custom brush. Do you know to want how to cut around an image in Photoshop or learn something new in other software? If you press shift while making a rectangular selection, it will make a square-shaped selection and if you click and hold the alt key your selection will be created from the center of your click. And I want you to open up the second version, okay. What I can do is let's zoom in, okay? Okay, and I want you to practice with these three different automatic features. Okay, there we go, that'll work, cool. The Options Bar also offers the same functionality to refine your selection as you would have using the Magic Wand Tool. That's right, it's Shift. So if I grab the text tool and started adding text, it would start. Yay for layer masks. Draw selection from the center (hold down Alt/Option with the Elliptical or Rectangular Marquee tools while creating them) Add to selection Subtract from selection Intersect selections. Release the mouse before you release the SHIFT key to keep the exact proportions of your selection. But stepping around when I'm ready, hit Return, zoom out, awesome. So let's get away from retouching people and let's look at one of the cool practical uses of say something like this. You remember, it's the Shift key. If you do get stuck in this kind of middle land it just means that again, nothing's gonna work. Basically, whether it's light or bold, and some other basic stuff. Because it's going to a website, or to our social media account, Instagram or Facebook or Twitter, we don't need that same level, so we use the Export As feature. If I left that the radius, it's gonna try and, it's fixing the skin a bit, but it's kind of not doing a great job over here. They're really a bit of a pain. And if you didn't, and you skipped ahead, you can open up 05A. Okay, and what I'm gonna do is again, just kind of a lot of playing around going on, yeah how's this? The Magic Eraser Tool erases similar pixels from an image, in much the same way that the Magic Wand Tool selects similar pixels within an image. So I'm cropping it out so that I've got this extra room here, I'm not going to get to go. If you got really so computer doesn't work that flash. Remember the fun Tab game, you can copy and paste it, I won't. Okay, so this is kinda typically what I end up doing, I don't end up changing like the whole rows, like changing completely different color, I don't get to do that very often. You get the idea, right. And then with your social media, Instagram posts just tag me in Instagram, okay? Now let's go and save this thing. It's this thing called Global Light. Okay, I just want to get it kinda lined up ish like that. So this first one here, and the way to kind of drag it to this tab here is actually kind of dragging it. Now, it says kind of like tiny adjustments. Cara. So, we're going to combine one, two, three images and put them all together on this one in these nice little cubes, okay? To paint with the Brush Tool, click and drag your cursor over the image. Okay, you can go through and you can start working it, but after a while It starts looking a bit fake. The Crop Tool allows you to rotate and crop your image along predefined parameters. Okay, thank you very much, Jessica. So what I'm going to do is right click freshness guaranteed. I'm using Gehrman for my main one just because it's a font that you're likely to have as well. And I need to distinct, cuz I wanna make it say a Facebook profile. Okay, so I'm going to rotate it around so it's at the top. All right, to get started, let's open up two of the files from our downloaded source files. Once selected, the green color will appear in the circle. Or the trick that I use quite a lot is doesn't matter if you using this one, or this one down here, close them back in. We're gonna look at him later in the course, but he takes up quite a lot of screen real estate. I'm holding down the mouse key the whole time and just give it a good work, okay? You can get to a more appropriate size for yeah, going up to social media. You can also choose the range of pixels you want the tool to affect. Click Select and in the drop-down window select Deselect. Watch this, you can go in. In the Options Bar, enter the ratio 3:2. Okay, all we wanna do is, the position is inside, which is doing weird stuff to my type. I am just gonna, anyway, just click open. I use this heaps when I'm doing, I do a lot of HTML banner ads which are just really weird shapes, you know that kind of really long, thin leatherboard or banner ad, or that skyscraper that's just really bad format. So let's start with on black to make it clear for you. You can see the file size, though, is a lot bigger at 135 than it is at 30, so it's a trade-off. You can see it is 72 inches across. Okay, so if you go to the forums here and search for Adobe Photoshop for beginners, you'll find what other people have done and share what you've done and I'd like to see it. So you just toggle between these two here. The trouble is, is you're not going to have these fonts. So down here is your text tool. So if I go to yellows though and adjust them. The Gradient Tool allows multiple colors to be applied and blended together in one sequence. Okay, so just turn it on and slowly turn it off. Now let's bring in and image, now we're going to do it our way. Because I just find I use Warp, it does this which is kind of cool, you might like this. Once you've finished with the selection, press Control-J to cut out and paste the selection. Can you see those lines that appear on the outside? Give it a test. Since the shape has its own layer, the shapes can be customized at any time. We're gonna use our favorite, the quick selection tool. If the Quick Selection Tool isnt visible in Photoshop CC 2021, click and hold on the Magic Wand Tool and select the Quick Selection Tool from the dropdown. Hello, in this tutorial we are going to take some more complicated selections and masks. Have a guess, you might be wrong, you might be right. Layer mask time, you can see at the moment it moves together, the mask and the image. Okay, see how convincing it is? 4. And just I've got a little bit of learn some in there. It's in a later tutorial. And I'm gonna go to edit, transform, I'm gonna go to edit, content aware scale, there's gonna be a bit of a problem look, you can see him the as the paper. So we hit Escape, say I didn't mean it, and what we can do is we can protect bits of areas. You can see some of the haze coming through, which is cool, it's not as blobby, but there's a little bit of blue. The good thing about it if I click on this I can move it around and because it's interacting with the background you can see it kinda starts looking pretty cool? Elliptical Marquee Tool: By pressing the shift + M you can switch to the elliptical marquee tool. All right, to get started let's open up all of the 19 series that are in the source file, so there's 19, A, B, C and D. We're gonna start with this one here called from met Quinn. I'm not sure what color I'm going for but you get the idea, right? Once youve set your width, height and resolution, click anywhere on your image to see the edges of the crop. Remember turn the tick back on, make sure you're actually there, goes gray. These transformations will give us tools to reshape and reimagine our images. We're not gonna go through too many shortcuts here, but there's just a couple that you really need to know early on. So I'm gonna use a little shortcut to zoom right out completely. Hi there, and this tutorial we are going to look at type in Photoshop. And the difference is going to be that same scaling thing there. It doesn't work very well. And this one down here is not gonna be freshness guaranteed any more. #2. Easily replace an image by dropping another one into the frame it automatically scales to fit. Making your own text effects will soon be within your grasp! And the other thing you can do is if it is starting to look a bit fake because you've just been at it for a long time, often with this retouch layer selected, just drag the opacity down a little bit. Let's look at kinda more thing that I end up running into a lot more. So this first one A, is good quality, high resolution and this one here is low quality, bad resolution. It's just using a big old rectangle. Okay, nice little square. Content thumbnail; Smart Object linked to LibrariesC. Frame layer. But if there were other elements that maybe are cropped off that shouldn't have cropped off, I can just double check. Okay, so let's say needs to be 18 inches, man, it's just not big enough. We did this earlier in the course, right? But before you jump into how-tos, its a good idea to start with the basics. You give that a go. Now there is, there's probably three or four ways of combining images. I'm gonna lower the capacity, to kind of make it a more of a watermark thing in there, here it looks okayish. All right, so let's open up how Exercise Files, file open, and there's going to be three that we're working with, 18 A, B, and C. So we'll start with this one here. Just so you can see the edges, because what we'd like to do is shrink this guy down, okay? Where are you? So I'm gonna click on this one, 800%, make sure it's selected in my layers panel. I'm gonna pick probably one you don't have. The Rectangular Marquee Tool will create a rectangular selection; the Elliptical Marquee Tool will create an elliptical selection. Artboard tool. Let's get into the next tutorial, where we start looking at Smart Objects. At the moment, we just made everything a bit better. Boom, quick, super easy, all still editable, you can move things around. Now, I can drag these edges and because it's locked into this ratio here, it's not gonna kind of bend any way it's gonna kind of resize nicely. We're not doing it in this course. The Magic Wand Tool creates selections based on the color, contrast, and hue settings of the image. Okay, move tool, there we go. Once selected, hide the Brush Presets tab but unselecting the Brush Preset drop-down arrow. What I mean by that is, you can see he's sitting on the inside, okay, where I want him to kinda be spread around the outside. But you'll also find in Photoshop is that got some, you can just type in your inches along the top here. Cara. Okay, I can't remember what I said. All right, let's do one more before we go, cuz it's kind of cool and kind of gets us into some slightly more, not advanced but just growing our learning in Photoshop. I'm gonna drag it into place, and now it is, you have the mouse down the whole time. One thing you might find is I just happened to find an image that's a perfect circle, you might be on a more of an angle, okay? In this lesson, you'll learn the intricacies of this tool and discover how to use the Quick Selection Tool to ensure good, quick selections. Set alignment type for stroke - inside, center, outside. Okay, so if you need to incorporate a Photoshop document in any other Adobe product, just bring in the PSD. Let's zoom out. I never name my layers, okay. So again, move tool, drag, drag, drag to this first tab. Now if the last thing you did in Photoshop was a really big font, okay? And I'd like to set you a task, I want you to go through, duplicate the background layer, you'll end up with four layers in total. Okay? I'm gonna zoom out a little bit, which is you remember, Cmd- or Ctrl-, okay? Now, the radius is just not gonna work in this case, I'm gonna zoom in a little bit so you can see kind of, because there's two contrasting areas. So with the layer selected, let's go to our Adjustments panel. Okay, and, man, it's probably wrong, it's okay. We'll cover how to send them to different Adobe applications, as well as sending them out to print and web and social media, so let's get started. Let's go to image and let's go to image size and we can check that, this one is indeed 72 dots per inch. Once this tool is visible in the Toolbar, you can access it by typing W.. All right, so we've got the top one and the bottom one, they're just things on their own layers doing their own thing. I'm gonna type 100%. Just type in gradients in the search and just have a look and find stuff. It's a really hard movement to do if you're finding it hard. Upload an image from you computer to use the blur tool. Look, cuz I can turn lots of these on. And with that, were done. I'm just holding down my mouse key holding it down, holding it down, holding it down. The Color Picker window reveals a variety of colors to choose from or to type in the color code at the bottom of the window. Single Column Marquee Tool: Single column marquee tool is used to make a 1-pixel wide vertical selection, which is not quite useful but we should know about it. It's got a blurry, feathery edge. So what we can do is just make the circle a little bigger. RELATED: The Best Cheaper Alternatives to Photoshop. And then something. With the Lasso Tool selected, you can draw a selection around any part of your image using your mouse. But you see it hasn't changed the text. It's pretty amazing to do selections with, so yeah, I'll see you over there. Let's go to scale. We were doing drop shadows on really small text. Now, if you end up with problems with it being the wrong size, you go to Edit, go to Transform and use Scale. I use this quite a bit when we do branding deals where we're trying to get sponsors logos on the shirts and stuff we wanna mock it up. My goodness, that is pretty amazing. The black arrow and then click hold and drag, and flip it over to the other side. And we're gonna put our space inside of a coffee cup. Okay, the only thing that changes really is the icon here on the thumbnail that wasn't there before. We've got a press Enter on your keyboard origin, okay, this key, I'm done. Can Power Companies Remotely Adjust Your Smart Thermostat? now I don't think advanced is super nerdy stuff. And now this thing when you click once will zoom out. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Better than HDR Master Luminosity Masks in Photoshop. Okay, so you can see I'm dragging it smaller, smaller. And now I know it's the perfect size. And I'm gonna say duplicate layer, give it a name. Probably not, but heigh-ho, this is an example. Let's go learn how to use this fancy tool in Photoshop right now. [LAUGH] And now let's get into the next video, where we start tightening up some of the less easy selections to make. We will talk about the relevant next steps if you are a photographer, a marketer, or a web and UI designer. All right, so let's get on to the next video, where we look at vibrance. Try, If you want to learn how to cut somethingout in Photoshop via video, check out our lesson. At the bottom of the Brush Presets tab is an array of brushes to select from. The final step is to add a layer of texture to the whole image. I spelt it like Arial the font to start with but [LAUGH] okay? Lets look at before after close up at 100%. All right, let's get into the next video, where we start looking at adjusting kinda specific hues. If the brush is too large or too small go back to the top of the workspace within the Brush Preset tab and adjust the size or try using the [ and ] keys on the keyboard to adjust to the desired size. This one here that says Show Original, click that. We're not gonna cover how to install fonts specifically just yet, but I'm gonna pick, yeah. Now your file size will be bigger, okay? Both the frame and its image selectedB. Yeah. Once you have created a selection with either the Marquee Tools, the Lasso Tools, or the Selection Tools, you can quickly fill that selection with a solid color or a gradient, or use whats called the Content-Aware Fill Tool to seamlessly remove an object from its background. Now, this course is for absolute beginners. Within the Tool Bar, locate the Brush Tool, which is recognizable by a brush shaped symbol and is located underneath the Eyedropper Tool. Now you might run into a problem here where Crop tool, I'm going to click once, drag it up. 2022 Envato Pty Ltd. Just kind of like Escape key is like, I didn't mean it, let's get out of there button. And the one that I want is this third one, and it says just make all caps. It might be on the layers, that might be one that works for you as well, if you've got a layer underneath. And all that means is that it's more likely to open in really old versions of Photoshop. Opacity indicates how much of the color will be present. You can also drag tools from Extra Tools back into the Toolbar column. If you have to convert it to a non-smart object, okay? Who knew what that vase look like this time with art. Select one of these tools in the Tools panel. Pretty cool little automatic feature. So I'm just gonna work around and save. You might have seen before that mine just happen to magically snap like this into these nice little degrees. You can drag this into it afterwards by letting go, you can let go of Shift and just drag the center. I don't think you can. Join 425,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. So the first thing we need to do is make sure you can see your layers panel, mine's over here. Magic Wand. Little bit of transforming, a little bit of wriggling around. Vary the size, shape, hardness (smoothness of the brush edge) and opacity of the Brush Tool at the top of the application window once the tool is selected. If your Toolbar and all of your open palettes disappear, you may have typed TAB. So I'm clicking on the color of my type, okay? Sometimes youll get lucky and your image will now look great. So I'm gonna go to Edit > Undo. So I say negative 50, maybe negative 20, and you can kind of get it. For example, you can see that a bit of the floor in the image Im using has become stretched. Be careful not to accidentally select any of the subjects of the photo. I'm going to try and line them up nicely. The Clone Stamp Tool takes a bit of practice to master, but its useful once you become comfortable with it. Elliptical marquee tool, it's gonna do exactly what you think it's gonna do, okay? Okay, and he's actually, reasonably the right size but I wanna rotate it around. Try clicking and dragging the mouse over the circle in different directions to see the different directions the gradient can be directed. Let's say it was 1600. And I'm just going to lower it down to something just a little bit more off white. I find my source file, it's number 20, click Open, I drag out my file, want to kind of cover this thing. I guess we're just kinda getting used to the tools, quick selection is an awesome one. Only the image selected (shown with transform controls enabled) C. Only the frame selected. Yeah, so do that and share it with us on social media. And you'll notice that it's curved that out nicely. The Ellipse option allows a circle to be outlined or a circle to have a dotted outline. And basically, it's a brush tool to say, Photoshop, have another go. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool from the Tool Bar or use the keyboard shortcut M. If you see the Elliptical Marquee Tool instead, press Shift-M to cycle to the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Okay, but Photoshop says, hey, you can't be a JPEG, so you're gonna have to be this Photoshop file, it's a PSD, there he is there, okay? If the mouse is positioned over each squared symbol, Photoshop explains how it can add, subtract, or interest with a selection. I'm gonna stick mine in the middle here. I'm gonna just start dragging kinda around the edge, and can you see the little dotted line? You can use the alt key to subtract from the previous. Okay, it's because you need to actually click on it. Not just adjusting the hue, we can go through and adjust the saturation of that colour as well for that one particular colour. All right, the next use case is going out to either a website or social media, and the kinda same rules apply to both of them. And what we're gonna do is I'm gonna zoom out a little bit, okay? I can do the same thing without having to open up Illustrator. Now there is a setting in here that I'll just quickly show you, Perspective. With an existing image on the canvas, draw a frame over the desired area of the image. What I like to do is I like a straight up and down, okay, angle. Step 3. Ready, steady, cool, super easy, super quick, nice, clean kind of mask. And what I wanna do is adjust this grass here. If you want to physically move this now, okay, go back to your Move tool, okay, that's probably the easiest to do. What was it called, next day. Get Every Tutorial.Unlimited Streaming on Any Device. Now you can see there's, I can use the color here or color there. Why don't we have a white background now, it's because there's nothing there. One thing you might have to do is, the distance is gonna be really small and the size, because it remembers the last thing you did. Fix photos in Photoshop, and then add some graphics real quickly in Adobe Spark. What you can do is, remember that little checkbox, we're gonna check it again in a second that little checkbox that says re-sample. How to Replace or Remove an Image Background Using the Magic Wand Tool, Product Photo Size Requirements: How to Optimize Photos for Omnichannel Selling, How to Remove Background from Hair in Photoshop CC18. It's best to start where you want the text to start. Okay, so first up, if you are continuing along in the series, okay, you can just work on your file. If you wanna play with the lights and darknesses, okay, go back to the labels like we did earlier on in the tutorial. Okay, so that's I guess what we're doing this video, is getting an understanding of layers. Hi there. Now the Lightness slide here, I never use. You ready, stand back, and pretty cool? Now, if you go through, open up a bunch of images, and just run that one automatic feature. Cool, I'm going to move it. With my move tool, move over, now instead of going to Edit > Transform > Scale, Rotate, we're gonna use this one here, the free transform tool, which does both. This trick is quick and easy, but its not perfect. So these are the defaults. Well also cover best practices for various image outputs such as for print and web. I'm going to drag up the saturation. Let's do the next of the automatic features, so let's turn off the eyeball, okay, so I turned off auto tone. So watch this when it comes up, okay? It's gonna do it now. If you can't see it, go to Window and just make sure the tick is on Layers. [LAUGH] Okay, it's It's a bit strong. So we are going to use our quick selection tool. Hello there, in this video, we are going to do some selections using the quick selection tool. Se this little linking icon here? I'll show you all my special retouching tricks. It's not. Cool, so let's finish this off by going to File and Close. Hi there, in this video we're going to look at something called content aware fill. Cuz what it does is, allows me to hold down Shift and resize it, but at the exact same time is, if I go move away from here, I go to rotate, I can rotate it around as once. And let's say that this placements here, well, I guess I want to show you an example we can do it, continuous scale instead of going out which is super cool. Okay, keeps the layers a little bit tidier, you can also drag them. If you want to darken the shadows on a product image, select the Burn Tool, adjust the size of the tool to be roughly the same size as your smallest shadow, set the range to Shadows, and paint with the tool on your image where shadows already exist by clicking and dragging with your cursor. All right, that is the end of that brain bending exercise. And there's an option up here that says protect, drop that down, and it says, A name, that's the thing I wrote.
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