In 50 years time walking down a street in London, complete with its SPRs and CBCs, might be just like a stroll through Beijing! i also find it very disturbing how the west has affected the way chinese women dress, although its not quite as bad as hk/tw just yet. Breyers ice cream costs 50 USD in China compared to 5 USD in US. Comments Evidence of cultural adaptation from the west can be discerned in music (Mando pop or Mandarin language music often fuses elements of western style hip-hop and rnb), cinema and lifestyles. The fact is that Chinese consumers are quite different from any other countries in the worlds. They simply want to copy the western culture, w/o knowing the causes & reasons behind it. The original meaning of "wen" referred to the weaving of colors, ornamentation and articles and "hua" is defined as variation, formation and creation. What else can you say? Okay, there's obviously a long way to go in China as it's still common to see patients and staff lighting up in hospitals, but one of the great things about China is that once it legislates to do something, it's not too long before it does it! All Asia Tours, Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved Top China Travel, Its normal that each country has its unique culture due to years of developing history. Major Differences between Chinese and Western Culture, Differences between Chinese and Western Family Values, The Difference between Chinese and Western Education, 9 Main Differences between Chinese and Western Eating, Major Differences between Chinese and Western Drinking Culture, Differences between Chinese and Western Consumer Behavior, Chinese and Western Culture: Hot Water vs Cold Water, Chinese Lunar New Year Vs Western New Year, About us Speaking of drinking, compared to the freestyle drinking in the west, Chinese drinking culture is controlled and ritualized. Report Abuse, shils are always claiming that there is a feminism movement going in the west, but what i see is a west that is saturated with porn; where women have to dress like prostitutes to be liked; and the west is a society that accepts that casting directors can demand sex from actresses, especially underage girls. Therefore mainstay foods are meat (mutton, beef, or yak), dairy, barley, and wheat. All comments are subject to moderation by staff. The waist sizes of many Westerners were once double that of most Chinese. The Bad. Cultural Comparison Western Culture Chinese Culture Language Language Religion Religion Food & Dress Food & Dress Health Belief Health Belief Chinese Culture Language Mandarin & Cantonese are the 2 main languages spoken. Report Abuse, Sorry, should have mentioned that my reply was to Wolff, Dec 22, 2011 18:20 You are a imitation king with a idiot's mind, and all society suffers from your silly, self-serving whims. 1. In order to save face, Chinese people will avoid confrontation if possible. Unlike the subtle and indirect way for Chinese people, westerners dont mind a direct way for the truth. When you give compliments to your Chinese friends, you might hear answer like this: no, just so-so. All One Day Tours will not be deleted because of the viewpoints they express, only if the mode of expression 2) Gyms Although we've all become used to blowing our rent money on gym memberships, it is arugably a joy that thousands of good quality urban gyms have sprung up all across China. 3. 808 certified writers online. Chinese Culture: The concept of time in China is a bit weak, sometimes the use of time has great randomness. . Being brought into China 2,000 years ago, it was gradually widely accepted by most Chinese people and developed into three sections, namely the Han, Tibetan and Southern Buddhism. Due to this they project an impression that men need them but they really need them as much. i bet if this article was about how islam was complaining about how muslims were "ruining the decadent western way of life", the shils would be silent, Jan 14, 2018 14:16 We are all living this life together. "Guanxi" could be the basic access to the . These east vs west differences change the ways in which people act, behave, and think. Just because your Chinese wife is economically dependent on you, does not mean that she cares at all for you, and does not mean that she does not want to leave you. Xinjiang is also famous for its fruit, particularly dried fruit. Because we wish so, you're the same guy that is engaged to a Chinese woman and will now be taking her away from this country you love and defend so much? Being a region with lots of pasture, sheep features on top of the menu. Its western thing. Clearly this is just 'troll-baiting' people to create an argument. For a tailor-made China tour, please tell us your interests and requirements. Even jogging in the parks poses a health hazard in terms of eyeball-poking taiji practitioners and invisible garrote-like kite strings trailing across paths. The region of Xinjiang in northwest China is traditionally home to ethnic Muslim peoples like the Uighur (pronounced wee-ger), so there is no pork or carnivorous animals on the menu. All comments are subject to moderation by staff. In order to make the necessary conclusions, the researchers conducted a pilot study that involved thirty employees from Singapore. With all due respect to all the women around. 'China-west', or rarely simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Hux; lit. Western culture does not describe any specific group or belief, but instead it describes tendencies within cultural thought and practices, tendencies which favor the plight of the individual rather than the collective. 2. Being a region with lots of pasture, sheep features on top of the menu. For table manners, Chinese people love to order plenty of dishes and share together, warm water and hot tea are usually served in Chinese restaurants, because Chinese people believe that cold beverages will hurt stomach. whoring around is NOT feminism no matter what the ClA tells you, Jan 14, 2018 14:38 And young generations are supposed to take care of the elders in the family. The first Starbucks opened in Beijing in 1999, but Chinese people were still slow to adopt both coffee and . Western influence in China affected the Chinese economy in three ways: Westerners introduced modern transportation and communications created an export market and integrated the Chinese market into the nineteenth century world economy. All City Tours In this article, we will look at the 5 key differences between working in China and the West. On the contrary, they consider it an act of courtesy to ask when first meet you. we need an alert when an actual netizen posts who isnt on the payroll of some ngo, or intel ajency. you want to drink coffee, go buy a bottle of coffee at the supermarket. We will write a custom Case Study on Western and Chinese Cross-Cultural Communication specifically for you. 00:00 00:00. In the definition of the Chinese government, Western China covers one municipality (Chongqing), six provinces (Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Qinghai), and three autonomous regions (Tibet, Ningxia, and Xinjiang). Do you people even know what you're arguing about anymore. History shows that emerging Asian powers have, on occasion, used established and dominant Western cultures as models in the course or cause of their development. Xinjiang is mostly composed of deserts and mountains, so arable land is limited. Culture Western and Chinese Workplace A Chinese workplace can be so different from a Western one, in things you may not expect. itself is inappropriate. But dogs were also used by the ancient Chinese as helpers when hunting, and hunting dogs were kept and trained by many Chinese emperors. Because we wish to encourage I can't believe I was duped into replying to some if these posts. Tibet is a high-altitude, harsh-climate area, where it is hard to grow food, so vegetables and fruits are scarce. Report Abuse. Western culture, also known as Western civilization, Occidental culture, or Western society, is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies of the Western world. Report Abuse, we're all living this life together. Comments will not be deleted because of the viewpoints There are also a couple hundred different languages spoken of different groups and dialects English Christian or Atheist Buddhism is the primary religion in China. In a sense, architecture is the carrier of culture. coca cola was known to have put cocaine in their drinks. The reason for the comparison is based on the influence and activities of the West in . What a, Chinese New Year, also well-known as Spring Festival, is definitely the biggest festival for Chinese people. More details can be found in our privacy policy. modernization of China 1) Traffic jams Even just a decade ago, in many Chinese cities the only noise pollution was the tinkling of thousands of bike bells, and all you had to worry about on your journey home from work was the occasional rain shower. Report Abuse, feminism has gone so far in the west that porn has saturated the internet, young women feel the need to dress like prostitutes in order to be liked. Jul 21, 2017 23:41 They seldom live with their young generations, and children will live separately from parents after they are legal adults. Indeed, it might not be too long before we find that China, with its economic might, re-exporting Chinese adapted versions of Western brands to our own home countries. I hate to think of all the sadistic, controlling shit your wife has to go through, just so you feel secure in your masculinity, and with who you are. cafes are definitely not a good thing. I can't believe I was thick enough to be interested in this article and get caught up in the interdiarrea that has been splattered on my screen by some of you people. Report Abuse, Jan 14, 2018 14:40 Even though some people achieved great success, they enjoy showing humility to other people by laughing away compliments. Dec 22, 2011 18:08 Styles of Chinese ancient architecture are rich and varied, such as temples, imperial palaces, altars, pavilions, official residencies and folk houses, which greatly reflect ancient thought - the harmonious unity of human beings with nature. Dragon is an animal in Western myths and legends, and most of the time it means evil and cruel, which distinct from the meaning of "authority, dignity and prosperity" in Chinese culture. That is why you hate women with choices. Answer (1 of 14): No. A senior colonel working with the committee said that Hollywood movies were dangerously altering the thinking and values of China's youth. Everyone should obey you, and what you say goes, without thinking, without their own ideas, and without their own personal beliefs in mind. Even if you're not a regular gym bunny at home, China is likely to change your mind as car fumes make most street-side runs wheeze inducing. Like many Western countries, the physical and mental changes that come with aging are seen as a burden. What is Western Culture? Several breeds of dogs were developed in China, such as the Pekingese, Shar Pei, and Tibetan Mastiff. Dec 22, 2011 00:27 Knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and attentive your personal local guides will share interesting stories, insider information, and even create unexpected highlights! Nowadays, more young people prefer to live separately from their parents, but they still emphasis on the happiness of the whole family. All these cultures fall under the 'western' category - yet to me, they have always had some pretty obvious differences. Report Abuse. Life in China would be a lot less colourful without them, just as it is in the West. Cultural differences are easy to overcome if you respect them and educate yourself properly. All City Tours These are the few common things I have seen in various women in Shenzhen. China also boasts its own somewhat familiarly decked out cafe chain, SPR Coffee. Adventurous trips are more attractive for westerners. Now let us move on to the Western Culture. All Asia Tours, Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved Top China Travel, 14 Days Enjoy Natural Wonders of Zhangjiajie & Guilin, 5.Travel Spirit: Enjoy with Cameras vs Enjoy with Eyes, 10.Dining Customs: Sharing vs Individual Dish, Explore Chinese Culture with Top China Travel, Major Differences between Chinese and Western Culture, Differences between Chinese and Western Family Values, The Difference between Chinese and Western Education, 9 Main Differences between Chinese and Western Eating, Major Differences between Chinese and Western Drinking Culture, Differences between Chinese and Western Consumer Behavior, Chinese and Western Culture: Hot Water vs Cold Water, Chinese Lunar New Year Vs Western New Year. Click About us When Laowai Ladies meet Chinese Gentlemen: The different dating 7 Tips for Hosting Private English Lessons in China, The Major Hurdles for Foreigners Learning Chinese. Because of the Chinese people and Westerners have different life styles, the way of thinking, culture, so the table manners between china and western also show a big difference. Knowing and practicing common customs will also help you relax, avoid embarrassment, and focus on the matters at hand on critical occasions. China Cultural Tours 14 Days Best Silk Road Tour Shanghai, Xian, Dunhuang, Turpan, Urumqi, Beijing From $2339 13 Days Chinese Kung Fu Exploration Beijing, Dengfeng Shaolin Temple, Luoyang, Xian, Mt. when china was comunist, people were very cohesive, and united, but as chinese begin to become individualized, you will see society fall apart. The analysis would be useful to practicing managers from western cultures such as Germany wishing to succeed in China where the cultural beliefs values and communication norms tend to be divergent . Due to competition, work in China is also hard to secure. A business and social guide to China and Chinese culture, society, language, etiquette, customs, manners and protocol for anyone travelling or doing business in China. materialism is another thing that was adopted from the west, and it theres no doubt that its going to drive up crime, because not everyone can afford an iphone, so you will see people comiting crimes to buy that iphone. China's culture and business practices differ greatly from those of the USA. If you visit China with kids, you'll be shocked at how much they love Western babies and children. Prepare to have your kids' pictures taken dozens, if not hundreds, of times each day. Contact us In the 19th Century western influence began to creep in and gave way to a new genre of writing. Report Abuse. Here we are, Why do Chinese people drink hot water? China Highlights tailor-makes China tours to help travelers discover China Western China (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Zhnggu Xb; lit. - Click to confirm or cancel the marker position. A can of Campbells soup costs 4.70 USD in China! Emotional connections For those who do manage to secure employment, exploitation has become more acceptable in Chinese workplace culture. There is a saying that, "all things on earth are given birth and foster growth," so . Terms & Conditions In Chinese culture, overtime is unpaid, and an unspoken requirement. How to Book They would also stay alone if required. Report Abuse, i dont think that its a secret that mcdonalds, kfc, taco bell, all serve foods that are unhealthy, and are downright dangerous. Report Abuse, japan, taiwan, and south korea dont have pride. They seemed to assume that the "cultural invasion . Discover the hidden gems. WarningThe use of any news and articles published on Nowadays, however, China is in the midst of its own obesity epidemic and the difference between Western and Eastern BMIs are becoming less notable. Wheat is the main staple grain, and a few vegetables are grown there, mostly onions, carrots, peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes. Their mountain barley is made into tsampa ( znb /dzan baa/), which is very popular and eaten every day by Tibetans. Issues related to Western influence in China are complex and there is a great deal of contention. Xinjiang is also famous for its fruit, particularly dried fruit. Western culture refers to Europe; Eastern culture refers to East Asia and South Asia, especially China, Japan, and India. What are the major differences between Chinese and western culture? how China is adopting western values here to login immediately, 10 Knowledges of Chinese Tax Invoices (Fapiao) Foreigners Need to Know. Western Culture: Westerners are sensitive about time, especially when it comes to business, time is money. However, many restaurants in small cities and towns still serve traditional Tibetan food.. Chinese culture is older than 5000 years, and Chinese people have developed their own music, musical instruments, painting techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and not to forget, cooking . For the province historically referred to as "West China" or "Western China", see, Cities with urban area over one million in population. Keywords: Western culture in China Report Abuse, this aint english class, take your revisionism elsewhere. Western religions believe in the superiority of human beings over other animals and here too people can become better if they control their sinful actions and thoughts. Report Abuse, hehe, while there are quite a few good women here in, there are many of them bad girls out there too.Depending on which ones you meet, I think this is a very uninformed sentence .."they are still less likely to divorce, less likely to have slept around, and less likely to have affairs". Yak farmers can live almost exclusively on Yak products, including Yak fat tea. Dooshbag. 3. Western culture or Western civilization is called a loosely defined set of countries, cultures, languages and religions typical of the Western Hemisphere of the world, as opposed to Eastern cultures or civilizations, those of the East of the planet . However, influenced by its neighbors India, Nepal and Sichuan Province, Tibetan cuisine also use lots of pungent spices and seasonings, including curries with mustard seeds and chilies. The West's "defensive" mentality towards Chinese culture has led some commentators to criticize China before considering its unique historical past and recent developments in social norms in Chinese society. peace ya'll ^_^, Dec 15, 2011 18:59 6 Things Foreigners Often Get Wrong about Chinese People. Hancheng Zuo. changing Chinese culture. Dec 22, 2011 18:30 If you weren't a fat slob drooling over a computer, maybe an American woman, one with real choices in life, would want to stay with you. Photo: Patrick Denker. From fashion to beliefs about desirable lifestyles, Hollywood movies mold viewpoints of many Chinese people, especially young people. Understanding Chinese history is a sure-fire way to be aware of Chinese sensitivities and sore spots. 4. Both Catholics and Protestants came to China together with Western. Chinese culture has so much for you to explore, and you could learn more if you travel with a local guide. Yes, they were often smelly and not always the most sanitary of places, but they offered cheap, fresh produce, not to mention an opportunity to hone your Chinese bargaining skills. The major difference between Chinese and Western culture is that China is an oriental country, and its traditional culture is completely different from western heritage. They have men trying to court/please/seduce them at every drop of Hat. when shils disagree with the article, they start complaining about gramar. Hopefully in the not too distant future, a train door opening will not signify a battle for life and death where grannies are trampled to the ground and push chairs are used as battering rams. Actually, the increasing popularity of some Western festivals in China is nothing accidental, but something justifiable. It influences the local culture on three main aspects . i dont think we need troll alerts. Will China's neighbors ever consider its soft power efforts abroad as anything other than "sharp power"? As China's economy began to globalize in the 1980s and 90s, Western influences began to permeate the once-isolated culture. Western Culture: Most western people prefer tan skin, or copper color. See some tours for your cultural tour in China. We guess you may also want to know more about the major differences, Some people find that Chinese consumers are crazy, they are really into shopping. Continue reading to find out more! - Draw the marker to another location, and then click to confirm the new marker China's city ring roads and freeways, like the American roads they were built to resemble, now boast maddening congestion and choking pollution, the by-product of copying a Western urban development model. All SIC Tours The west sucks the east sucks you all suck, time for WWIII. as people become more individualized, family and societies will begin to break down. 2) Hypermarkets Small, local food markets in China are becoming a dying species as they are crowded out by development and gargantuan new Western-style hypermarkets. Contact us In the following article, several key aspects of relationships, or gun x (), in China will be explored with the goal of acquainting the Western business person with the basic fundamentals of how relationships work in China, as well as how to build successful and fruitful relationships with the Chinese. Yak farmers can live almost exclusively on Yak products, including Yak fat tea. The Chinese Language and Culture major leads to a BA degree without teacher certification. Good things come in pairs. All SIC Tours People will have to filter through an excessive supply of information, and in some cases, misinformation, to understand a culture that has traditionally held so little of the Western world's attention.A primer . Chinese family value is influenced by western culture, but its obviously not the same as what in the western countries. 1) Cafes Incredibly, tea and China can seem like an anachronistic pairing these days, as walking around any modern Chinese city you're far more likely to come across a cafe with hordes of fashionable young Chinese sipping lattes and cappuccinos. In Western culture wearing different clothes, trying something new or standing out are things that many people strive for. Report Abuse. Slide from HWAO training materials (C) 2014 this list is obviously made by a westerner. Taking Chinese culture and western culture as an example, in Chinese culture, people like modesty and politeness and they pursue adapting themselves to circumstances. From DVDs, to Apple stores, 'Mister Christmas' and entire Austrian villages, China's copy-cat culture is well documented. First, the Chinese concern about a big family, but the west puts emphasis on self-development. Number "4" should be avoided. The work culture in China has many unique aspects that differentiate it from work cultures around the world. relevant to the original post and subsequent discussion. The common cooking methods include stir frying, roasting, and steaming. Architecture and culture are tightly related to each other. Western China is mainly Xinjiang Province and Tibet. Dec 22, 2011 00:38 By joining Top China Travel, you won't have any problems on communication. And the consumer behavior is deeply influenced by Chinese culture. Xinjiang is mostly composed of deserts and mountains, so arable land is limited. In classes and public speeches, they would constantly discourage students from taking part in such celebrations. the west just looks like a society run by male shauvinist sexist pedophile perverts. We don't cleanse local culture like colonists did. Dragon. Just remember, ANY girl would leave YOU if it was easy for her, not just an American girl. If you continue browsing, you agree to the use of cookies. Have unparalleled flexibility, which is impossible on a group tour. 3) Anti-smoking laws China's anti-smoking laws are a welcome adoption (for all non-smokers) of the West's zero tolerance on indoor smoking. The researcher focuses on the effects of western imperialism in China and Nigeria in the late Modern Period. 2) Pet grooming studios Pets have always been valued in Chinese culture, but it is only in the last few years we've seen an explosion of pet grooming studios and parlours. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions about the major differences between Chinese and western culture. In the recent years, with the rapid development in China, Chinese culture has captured lots of attention among western countries. The following discussion may help you get a better understanding of the differences bet. Now, of course, two wheels have been replaced for four and horns cry out through the evening rush hour as commuters sit in some of the world's longest traffic jams. I'd like to edit some of the grammar mistakes I made back in 2011 or would that be revisionism? Most important is Money. Report Abuse, well, we definitely didnt have to worry about people copying western culture during the comunist era. You can even find Tibetan restaurants in large cities including Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu. lets be straight here, westerners think that chinese are easy to bully, and thats why westerners do whatever they want in china without any regard for the law. But, my guess is, yours aren't even your own; you yourself are probably just spewing patriarchal, egotistical, self-centered nonsense because that is the established, albeit eroding and proven-to-be-very-socially-destructive system. In contrast, exercising in one of the new relatively calm, well ventilated gym venues is an attractive and much safer alternative. their way. 1) ObesityWhen visiting the West after protracted periods living in China, one of the first things that strikes many expats is the level of obesity in their own countries. In the definition of the Chinese government , Western China covers one municipality ( Chongqing ), six provinces ( Sichuan , Guizhou , Yunnan , Shaanxi , Gansu , and Qinghai ), and three autonomous . Many westerners find it so interesting that they always see Chinese people carry a vacuum cup no matter which season it is. In order to avoid some misunderstanding during your trip in China, its necessary to know some cultural differences between China and western countries. It is taken for granted that Chinese companies will . But never fear, it seems this aspect of the Colonial cultural legacy in Hong Kong has been positively noted by the Chinese government. Western Culture: Most western people focus on the views and experiences, but were not saying that westerners dont like taking pictures. Tibetan dishes are served in Tibetan towns and cities in China around the Tibetan Plateau, as well as its neighboring countries Nepal and India. Halal food and Muslim (Xinjiang) restaurants can be found in cities and towns all over China. For whatever reason, Chinese people love to take pictures of and with Western kids. here to login immediately. How to Pay It is available in few cities in China. A significant characteristic of Chinese culture is its social nature as opposed to western culture which is hugely individualistic. Please login to add a comment. Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic area, so the diet of this region varies with ethnic customs, beliefs, and ways of life. Just yours, right? Jan 14, 2018 14:28 CHINESE PEOPLE ARE NOT GOOD DRIVERS. Chinese Culture: In general, Chinese people live with a big family, including parents, children and grandchildren. Mostly when praised, their attitude goes sky high leaving everything in sight far below. Several fast food joints can now be found in every large shopping mall, airport and city centre in China, just like in most American and European cities. The best Cultural Tours in Western China according to Viator travelers are: 8-Day Silk Road Trip of Dunhuang, Jiayuguan, Zhangye with Accommodation; Private Customized the Silk Road Tour; Dunhuang Day Tour: Mogao Grottoes, Singing Sand Dunes and The Silk Road Show; Dunhuang Private Day Tour Mogao Grottoes, Singing Dunes and Crescent Moon Spring Family is Really Important to Chinese People. Conclusion The Chinese people were against the opening of China by the Opium War, but the control of China and influence by the Western countries made China a semi-feudal semi-colonial state. It has a distinct food culture.The Tibetan yak has traditionally been the animal of choice for nomadic pastoralists, as it is able to withstand the harsh winters. As Xinjiang is a poor region, many people have left their hometowns to open restaurants or food stands in other cities, which offer more economic possibilities. 2. end it already! Some aspects of the Western impact on modern-day China are more obvious.
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