Around noon more than three rockets hit open areas in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council. One Of The Drunks Son Of An Oath Etymology From (1) the noun ( bar ), son, and (2) the verb ( saba' ), to be a collective. [149] Two Rockets exploded in Eshkol Regional Council, no injuries reported. No injuries or damages were reported. [97] Prior to a Code Red alert a rocket exploded in an open area of Beersheba, one of Israel's largest cities, 50 kilometers away from the Gaza Strip. The Hebrew word for ladder is sullam and it means ladder not stairway. Explosions rocked the cities of Sderot and Netivot, and sirens sounded as far away as Beersheba. Life is full of trials and tribulations. Another rocket hit Sha'ar HaNegev. Does Having Faith Mean We Have to Turn Off Our Brains? The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's [110] A rocket fired from Gaza was intercepted by the Iron Dome over the Sderot region. [99] Two more rockets landed in open fields of the Eshkol Regional Council. of What Does it Mean That God Is Transcendent? Three rockets were launched. On board the Klos-C were forty M-302 rockets reaching up-to the range of 160 kilometers. What does it mean to call upon the name of the Lord? INTRODUCTION TO 2 CHRONICLES 19. Here is an act of faith and obedience, which deserves to be a spectacle to God, angels, and men. [162] Sirens blared in Holon, Bat Yam, Rishon LeZion, Tel Aviv. It caused material damage, but no one was injured. In the first book of the Bible, God is described as the beginning and the one who created everything. [67] The fourth rocket caused a fire near a packaging factory in Eshkol. He has no end and no beginning and yet he is the beginning and the end of things. In 2 Chronicles 14:12-15, Gerar and its surrounding towns figure in the account of King Asa's defeat of Zerah's vast Cushite forces. - Whenever we return in peace to our houses, we ought to acknowledge God's providence in preserving our going out and coming in. Person with name Beersheba tend to be very inspiring, creative and great visionaries and possess all the intelligence, sensitivity, and electric creativity that such a power would suggest. Verses 1-2 We never are secure from trials In Hebrew, to tempt, and to try, or to prove, are expressed by the same word. Altar. He is worthy of our praise and we should continue to thank God for all of this. Respecting Beersheba, see Note on Amos 8:14.On Grilgal there is a play of words in the original, which it is impossible to express accurately in translation. Also, a ninth century rabbinical source (Saadia Gaon) identified Gerar with Haluza, located along the Besor River in the Negev. Such would have been the thought of a weak heart; but Abraham knew that he had to do with a God, even Jehovah. No injuries or damages were reported. The radical Salafi organization Ansar Bait al-Maqdis took responsibility for the launch. A fire broke out, nearby gas tanks exploded. ( 18 ) , doubtless points at the Messiah, and the grace of the gospel. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. [74] Minutes after 2 rockets landed in open areas around. Code Red sounded in Tel Aviv for the first time since Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012. Isaiah 26:4 says, Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal. We must trust in God because he is our shoulder whenever we need it or even if we dont. Do We Still Need to Remember Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me? Two rocket hit the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council. [35], Militants in Gaza fired seven rockets into Israel during the last day of the Passover holiday. He strictly searched his own kingdom. Four missiles were intercepted over Tel Aviv. Take Isaac, that son whom thou lovest. He called it Shibah, and to this day the name of the town has been Beersheba. What does it say about our life here on the earth? ), After 8 July, mortar numbers are not distinguished from rockets, These figures are provisional. In the dream God repeats the covenant promises made to Abraham and Isaac regarding a homeland for their descendants. How Should We Read and Interpret Revelation? What does the Bible say about Beersheba? Three rockets were fired at Eilat, which were intercepted by the Iron Dome. The rocket landed in a field and no casualties were reported. No damages or injuries were reported. The Haggadah identifies the two references to Abimelech as two separate people, the second being the first Abimelech's son, and that his original name was Benmelech ["son of the King"], but he changed his name to his father's, meaning "my father is king". When he gave Israel to the Jewish people, it was not just any old piece of land God says in Deuteronomy 8, The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey.. [197] Four rockets fell in open area of Sdot Negev Regional Council. There was no indication that rockets damaged any part of the reactor. What Does It Mean That We Have "Assurance of Salvation"? Verses 11-14 It was not God's intention that Isaac should actually be sacrificed, yet nobler blood than that of animals, in due time, was to be shed for sin, even the blood of the only begotten Son of God. Strong faith is often exercised with strong trials, and put upon hard services. His power is eternal. He is sure that what God commands is good; that what he promises cannot be broken. Later it is reported that the Iron Dome defense system intercepted a number of rockets at the greater Tel Aviv area. Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide; probably alluding to what Abraham had said, God will provide himself a lamb. No damage or injuries were reported. The following is a list of alleged and confirmed assassinations reported to have been conducted by the State of Israel.It includes attempts on notable persons who were reported to have been specifically targeted by the various Israeli security, intelligence and law enforcement agencies.. The phrase comes from the Bible. Glory Dyhas been a content creator for more than 10 years. [45], A rocket fired from Gaza narrowly missed a main artery in southern Israel as it landed in a nearby dirt field without causing any injuries. Sirens were heard in many areas to warn for incoming fire. [135] What Does it Mean to Be Doers of the Word? What we see in this world was created by him and only him, and, if we choose, he will be forever with us. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. Press reports however mentioned only these attacks; Two rockets were launched to the Northern Negev desert, near Sderot. He primarily uses the Bible and the Holy Spirit to talk with us. The Iron Dome intercepted three rockets over Beersheba. Misery is made worse when long continued. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs formulates, implements and presents the foreign policy of the Government of Israel.It represents the state vis-a-vis foreign governments and international organizations, explains its positions and problems, endeavors to promote its economic, cultural, and scientific relations, and fosters cooperation with developing countries.In addition, the Those that are willing to part with any thing for God, shall have it made up to them with unspeakable advantage. One rocket caused light damage to a home. [117] Three rockets exploded in open areas in Eshkol Regional Council. And they must make it their constant care to prevent sin, as an offence to God, and what would bring wrath on the people. [156] Two rockets exploded in Hof Hacarmel Regional Council. So Isaac named the well Shibah (which means oath). It does not stop. Proud member [134] The rocket that hit Hadera is an M-302 type rocket, similar to the ones found on board the Klos-c, a vessel on which was an Iranian shipment of advanced weaponry intended for militant organizations operating in the Gaza Strip the IDF intercepted on March 5. [123] Rockets were fired from Gaza on Haifa, Hadera, and Zichron Yaakov. For information pertaining to the wider conflict, see ArabIsraeli conflict and IsraeliPalestinian conflict. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. [193] A rocket exploded just outside a town in Eshkol. Fragments of the rockets fell across the city. What are some hindrances to a potent prayer life? [55] Again a rocket landed in the South, in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. [60], The "Code Red" siren was heard all night. In the late night two more mortars were launched targeting Israeli soldiers, operating at the security fence in the Southern Gaza area. Most farms had their own threshing floors. Another two rockets caused light damage in Sderot. What Does Threshing Floor Literally Mean? 2 were intercepted by the Iron Dome. [181] Two more rockets were shot down by Iron Dome over Beesheba, one other landed in open area. In bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through what he suffered (Hebrews 2:10). [150][151] Three rockets exploded in an open area in Kiryat Malachi and Be'er Tuvia. God often spoke to prophets in dreams and visions as indicated throughout scripture. [109], 130 rockets were fired from Gaza. What then shall we render for all his benefits? The projectile landed within the Gaza Strip. In July, the number of rocket attacks launched toward Israel from Gaza increased dramatically. Observe, 1. One was intercepted over a local kibbutz by the Iron Dome, the second fell in an open area. [158] Four rockets landed in Eshkol Regional Council, one of them started a fire, which was extinguished shortly after. He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. The command to offer up his son, is given in such language as makes the trial more grievous; every word here is a sword. No injuries were reported. How did Beersheba get its name? Article Images Copyright 2022 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The Quran does not identify the name of the son whom Abraham is commanded to sacrifice (see Gen 22), and the earliest Muslim interpreters were divided over whether it was Isaac or Ishmael. He always has our backs so much so that he gave his only begotten son to save us. [8], A Color Red siren alerting residents of a rocket launch from Gaza has been sounded in Ashkelon, followed by an explosion. [63], 82 rockets were fired from Gaza, 14 of which were intercepted by Iron Dome. [203] There were reports about loud explosions in Gush Dan. This question Could mean, Go back, but remember what I have done to you. It might be a rebuke at any delay in following. (Wiseman) i. [206] Rocket landed near gymnasium in Be'er Sheva, several people treated for anxiety. No reports of injuries or damages. He took the reproof well. He has power over all things because he is eternal. (15-19) The family of Nahor. What does the name Rehoboth mean in the Bible? [13], A red alert siren sounded in Sha'ar Hanegev and Sdot Negev Regional Councils. All other rockets exploded in the open area in Sdot Negev. 25 rockets hit Israel today. There are diversities of gifts and operations, but all from the same Spirit, and for the public good; and as every one has received the gift, so let him minister the same. [153] Iron Dome intercepted 3 rockets over Kiryat Gat. 3 His sons, however, did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after dishonest gain and took bribes and perverted justice. [133] The IDF confirms that a rocket fired from Gaza hit the city of Hadera, 100km away from Gaza. God is eternal because he is beyond time, his dominion is everlasting, he is our eternal rock, and that he lives forever. Deaths and injuries are taken from the text. [103] In this attack the Iron Dome defense system intercepted seven rockets over Ashdod and five over Ntivot. In matters of God, whoever consults with flesh and blood, will never offer up his Isaac to God. So next morning the bondwoman and her son were sent forth with the bare provision of bread and a skin of water into the wilderness of Beersheba. There are seven species of food mentioned here, which would be abundant in the land promised to they were judges in Beersheba. Beersheba Beersheba is the largest city in the Negev desert of southern Israel. Adullam (Hebrew: ) is an ancient ruin, formerly known by the Arabic appellation Ad el M (or `Ed el Mieh), built upon a hilltop overlooking the Elah Valley, straddling the Green Line between Israel and the West Bank. Well, God spoke to Jacob in a dream. Why Is it Important to Have an Eternal Mindset? Most commentators see the mound of Tel Haror (Hebrew) or Tell Abu Hureyra (Arabic) as representing the ancient Gerar. It was successfully intercepted by Iron Dome. Identification. 9: The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.What can mere mortals do to me? All of the attacks originated in the Gaza Strip, unless stated otherwise. Second, some say that this must be a stairway because angels are going up and down at the same time. The Israel Defense Forces stated that the strike "was carried out in order to eliminate an imminent attack targeting civilian communities of southern Israel". What Does It Mean That We Have "Assurance of Salvation"? Three police officers were summoned and an ambulance took him to the Beersheba emergency room. 4 rockets were fired from Gaza, 2 of them were intercepted by the Iron Dome. Then, bloody and maimed, they were arrested and brought to the local police station. And he went up from thence to Beersheba. 34 And Abraham resided in the land of the Philistines for many days. It only requires that we are quiet and sensitive to His leading. No one was hurt, no damage reported. [185] Two fell in open areas nearby. ", "Rocket lands near empty house in community in Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, fire erupts nearby", "Rocket explodes in open area south to Ashdod", "Islamic Jihad takes responsibility for Gaza attacks: We've fired 60 rockets", "Three rockets explodes in open areas in Eshkol Regional Council", "Five rockets exploded in open areas in Eshkol Regional Council", "Islamic Jihad takes responsibility for firing rocket at Tel Aviv", "Tel Aviv municipality now operating under emergency procedures", "Code Red siren in Tel Aviv, Givatayim, Rishon LeZion", "Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Tel Aviv metropolitan area", "Heavy barrage of long-range rockets fired from the northern Gaza Strip", "About 30 rockets fired at Israel in latest volley", "At least seven long-range rockets fired at Israel in recent minutes", "Rocket hits house in Mateh Yehuda Regional Council in Jerusalem district; no injuries", "One rocket explodes in Jerusalem area; no injuries or damage", "Overnight summary: Hamas Rockets Fired at Major Israeli Cities", "Rocket exploded in open area near Pisgat Zeev in East Jerusalem in latest salvo", "Iron Dome intercepts at least one rocket over southern Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area", "Rocket explodes near Nizanim junction in south; no injuries", "Grad rocket located in Ashdod; no injuries", "Fire breaks out near Rishon LeZion following explosion of rocket; no injuries", "300 Rockets Fired in 48 Hours, 221 Hit Israel", "Rocket fired at Eshkol Regional Council", "Iron Dome intercepts at least 2 rockets over Be'er Sheva", "3 rockets landed in open areas of Be'er Sheva; no injuries", "Since Wednesday morning 22 rockets hit Negev, Hevel Lakhish", "Rocket barrage at Eshkol Regional Council, Two rockets explode in open areas", "Fire breaks in Shaffir Regional Council following a rocket explosion", "Rocket explode in Eshkol Regional Council", "Additional rocket explodes at open area in Eshkol Regional Council", "Three rockets explode in open area in Kiryat Malachi, Be'er Tuvia", "Rocket explodes in open area in Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council", "Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Kiryat Gat", "Iron Dome intercepts two additional rockets over Kiryat Gat", "Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Sderot", "Two rockets explode in Hof Hacarmel Regional Council", "Following rocket explosion in Sderot fire breaks out in field nearby", "Rocket explodes in open area in Eshkol Regional Council", "Three rockets land in Eshkol Regional Council; fire sparks", "Iron Dome intercepts rocket fired at Ashkelon", "Iron Dome intercepts rocket fired at Mateh Yehuda Regional Council", "Siren in Holon, Bat Yam, Rishon LeZion; Iron Dome blast heard in Tel Aviv region", "Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area", "Six rockets fall in open areas in Eshkol; no injuries", Rocket falls in open area in Sdot Negev Regional Council, "3 additional rockets explode in Eshkol, one hits house; no injuries", "3 rockets fell in open areas in Merhavim Regional Council", "Rocket falls in open area in Sdot Negev Regional Council", "2 mortar shells hit house and structure in community in Sha'ar HaNegev", "Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Ashkelon", "Iron Dome intercepts rocket over Rehovot area", "Fire breaks out in Hof Ashkelon Regional Council following explosion of rocket in open area", "Rocket falls in open area in Yeruham, causes brush fire", "Iron Dome racks up 90% success rate so far", "Rocket explodes in open area in Netivot", "15 rockets fired at Israel in last minutes, all of which were either intercepted or fell in open areas", "Live Updates: 4 Rockets Fired at Jerusalem", "Rocket explodes in Be'er Tuvia Regional Council; 10 cows killed", "Iron Dome intercepts 3 rockets over Beersheba", "Rocket shrapnel falls on streets of southern Tel Aviv", "Iron Dome downs 2 rockets in central Israel, Hamas claims responsibility", "Rocket expodes in open area in Merhavim Regional Council", "Iron dome downs Gaza rocket over Netivot, 2 fall in open areas", "2 Gaza mortars strike Eshkol; no injuries reported", "Iron Dome downs rocket over Sdot Negev Regional Council", "Iron Dome downs two rockets over Ashdod", "Rocket explodes in open area in Eshkol starting a fire", "3 mortars strike open area in Eshkol starting fire", "Rocket explodes near Eshkol; no injuries reported", "Gaza rocket falls in open area in Sdot Negev Regional Council", "Rocket explodes in Sderot area, causes damage to nearby vehicles", "Rocket lands in Ramle injuring man: Current condition unknown", "Two rockets explodes in open areas in Sdot Negev Regional Council", "Rocket lands in open area in Sdot Negev Regional Council", "Nine rockets fall in Eshkol Regional Council, two in a community, no injuries, road damaged", "Rocket hit home in Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council, no injuries reported", "Iron dome intercepts two rockets over Jerusalem", "Reports of loud explosions in Gush Dan, no siren was sounded", "Iron Dome intercepts six rockets over Gush Dan", "Initial report: Four injured following rocket fire on Be'er Sheva", "Rocket lands near gymnasium in Be'er Sheva, several people treated for anxiety", "Barrage of 20 long range rockets fired at Negev in last few minutes", "Rockets land in Bedouin communities Lakia, Aroer; no injuries reported", "Iron Dome intercepts two rockets above Kiryat Malakhi", "Rocket explodes in open area in Gan Yavne", "Direct hit on a house in Ashdod in rocket barrage, fire erupts", "Direct hit on Ashdod; vehicles set afire, no injuries reported", "Two rockets land in open area in Sdot Negev Regional Council, no injuries reported", "Rocket explodes in open space in Sdot Negev",, "ynet , - ", "ynet ": 2 - ", " : ", "ynet : - ", "Gaza rocket fire hits new heights: 168 launched in one day", "First projectile fired from Gaza since end of Operation Protective Edge", "Gaza rocket hits southern Israel causing no damage or injuries: army", "Gaza rocket explodes in southern Israel, no injuries", "IDF aircraft strike Gaza following earlier rocket fire", "Netanyahu: We will not ignore even one rocket from Gaza", Israeli strikes and Palestinian casualties, Kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers, Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, Timeline of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict in 2014, Children in the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, 20132014 IsraeliPalestinian peace talks,, IsraeliPalestinian conflict-related lists, Terrorist attacks attributed to Palestinian militant groups, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 September 2022, at 23:44. It was not yet clear how many rockets were fired or where they landed. No injuries were reported. Some went down in the Sedot Negev Regional Council community. [59], 4 rockets were fired from Gaza into the South of Israel in the evening. When the water was spent, Hagar, unable to bear the sight of her boy dying from thirst, laid him under a shrub and withdrew the distance of a bowshot to weep out her sorrow. We'll discuss the original Hebrew, plus the words and names Mamre is related to, plus the occurences of this name in the Bible. First, if the Holy Spirit had wanted to tell us that this was a stairway, He could have used the Hebrewword maalawhich translated is stairway. He did not do that.[1]. The Iron Dome intercepted two rockets over the city of Ashkelon. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. Iron Dome (Hebrew: , romanized: Kippat Barzel) is a mobile all-weather air defense system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. A soldier got lightly wounded. [229], A mortar had been fired from Gaza into an area near Eshkol and Sdot Negev,[234], A rocket was launched from Gaza into southern Israel without causing harm. No injuries. In the late 19th century, the town was still in ruins. [5], In January, Palestinians launched 22 rockets and four mortar shell at Israel in 19 separate attacks. [40], A rocket hit an open area in Eshkol. Jacobs ladder is found in Genesis 28:12. [78] One rocket exploded in Sderot. Even our salvation exists through him because he lives forever. A volley of rockets targeted the Ashdod area. She lives in a quiet suburb with her family and four cats. [9], A rocket exploded in a non-inhabited area of Sdot Negev Regional Council. [157] A rocket explosion caused a fire in a field near Sderot. (3-10) Another sacrifice is provided instead of Isaac. No injuries were reported. Iron Dome intercepted the rocket south of Tel Aviv. (1,2) Abraham's faith and obedience to the Divine command. Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Haran. Thus says the LORD, Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me . In this chapter we have an account of an order given by God to Abraham to sacrifice his son, Ge 22:1,2; of his readiness to obey the will of God, he immediately preparing everything for that purpose, Ge 22:3-10, of the order being reversed, and another sacrifice substituted in its room, which occasioned the giving a new name to the place where it was done, Ge 22:11-14; upon which the promise of special blessings, of a numerous offspring, and of the seed in whom all nations should be blessed, is renewed, Ge 22:15-18; after this Abraham returns to Beersheba, where he is informed of the increase of his brother Nahor's family, Ge 22:19-24. The following is a detailed list of Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on Israel in 2014. Wherefore he called that place Beersheba ; because there they sware both of them. 141 of them hit Israel, and an additional 44 were intercepted by Iron Dome. [180] The Iron Dome intercepted 3 rockets over Beersheba. [131] A rocket hits house in Mateh Yehuda Regional Council in Jerusalem district; no injuries. [51] Later again a rocket was fired at the city of Ashkelon. Beer-sheba seems to have been the dwelling place of Abraham at that time, for after the sacrifice of Isaac, he returned and dwelt there (Gen. 22:19). No injuries or damage were reported. [213] Three rockets land in open area in Sdot Negev. [33] No injuries or damage were reported. [38] Later in the day explosive device exploded near IDF force at the Northern Gaza border. No Red Siren sounded prior to the rockets landing. Jehoshaphat returning from the battle at Ramothgilead, was met by a prophet, who reproved him for helping the ungodly, 2Ch 19:1-3, which quickened him to a greater regard for the reformation of his kingdom, 2Ch 19:4, and he set judges in all the cities of Judah, and exhorted them to do justice, 2Ch 19:5-7, and in the city of Jerusalem he appointed priests and Levites for the same purpose, and gave them a strict charge, and animated and encouraged them to perform their office faithfully, 2Ch 19:8-11. According to the Hebrew Bible, Beersheba was founded when Abraham and Abimelech settled their differences over a well of water and made a covenant (see Genesis 21:22-34). [89] Five more rockets hit open fields in Eshkol. No injuries, but damage caused to a road in Hof Ashkelon. [163][164] Six rockets fall in open areas in Eshkol; no injuries. [2] Most commentators see the mound of Tel Haror (Hebrew) or Tell Abu Hureyra (Arabic) as representing the ancient Gerar. [22], Palestinian Islamic Jihad Militants fired at least 60 rockets at Israeli cities and towns, in the heaviest barrage since 2012. The Hebrew word for altar is mizbeah [], from a verbal root meaning "to slaughter. [123], 116 rockets were fired from Gaza, one killing an Israeli in a Bedouin village near Dimona. No injuries were reported. "In the developed temple ritual, the same word is used for both the altar of holocausts and the altar of incense. [194] A rocket fell in open area in Sdot Negev Regional Council. Iron Dome intercepted one rocket, that would have hit the city. Admiring and adoring His grace, let us devote our all to his service, who laid down his life for our salvation. Abraham, no doubt, comforting him with the same hopes with which he himself by faith was comforted. (20-24). No injuries or damage were reported. [67], Shortly after midnight two mortar shells exploded in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council. According to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, the biblical valley of Gerar (Genesis 26:17) was probably located in the area of a valley known in Arabic as Wady Sheri'a,[1] and in Modern Hebrew as Nahal Gerar. It tells us that because God is eternal, we should see beyond worldly possessions and focus on our eternal dwelling. Rehoboth (Hebrew: , Reovot; lit. After nightfall, a second rocket was launched into the same area. [196] A rocket landed in a Ramle market injuring one man. [107] A Grade rocket exploded in a town next to Kiryat Malakhi causing damage. Gerar (Hebrew: Grr, "lodging-place") was a Philistine town and district in what is today south central Israel, mentioned in the Book of Genesis and in the Second Book of Chronicles of the Hebrew Bible. And to this day the town that grew up there is called Beersheba (which means well of the oath). He was never created and is never able to experience death. Thy son; not thy servant. Salem Media Group. Jehoshaphat returning from the battle at Ramothgilead, was met by a prophet, who reproved him for helping the ungodly, 2Ch 19:1-3, which quickened him to a greater regard for the reformation of his kingdom, 2Ch 19:4, and he set judges in all the cities of Judah, and exhorted them to do justice, 2Ch 19:5-7, and in the city of Jerusalem he One was intercepted by the Iron Dome, two land in open areas. 16 rockets were launched from Gaza in the early morning hours. Genesis 28:12. [139] After a rocket exploded near Rishon LeZion a fire broke out. [91], In the morning a rocket launched from Gaza exploded in the open field in the Eshkol Regional Council. a. The threshing floor was (and still is) a common enough place. And she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. Another caused damage to several vehicles in the Eshkol Regional Council. All rights reserved. Beersheba or Beer Sheva, officially Be'er-Sheva (Hebrew: , romanized: Br eva, IPA: [be()e eva()] (); Arabic: , romanized: Bir as-Sab, lit. The Iron Dome made several interceptions. The place: three days' journey off; so that Abraham might have time to consider, and might deliberately obey. [12], A further rocket launched from the Gaza Strip exploded in the Eshkol Regional Council. Rockets fired at Tel Aviv area landed in uninhabited region. Hereby we know the loving-kindness of God our Saviour towards sinful man, in that he hath not withheld his Son, his only Son, from us. 2 soldiers got injured, one moderately, one lightly from Eshkol mortar. How willingly would Abraham have parted with them all to redeem Isaac!
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