south belfast population

. Introduction This constituency, comprising of the Wards of Cromac, Ormeau and Windsor, was the smallest in terms of population in Belfast (although by only a few hundreds from Belfast East). The seat is centred on the Belfast City Council districts of Balmoral, Laganbank and Pottinger and also contains part of the district of Castlereagh. The principal deputy Speaker had dedicated his political life to representing working-class unionists in his home constituency.He is replaced by Edwin Poots. of people stated that they provided unpaid care to family, friends, neighbours or others. 3South Belfast (East). } But there's more: discover your full benefits now. const listenForFlipPayEvents = function () { const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutation); These changes have resulted in a discontinuity in the statistical series, with the number of undetermined deaths reducing from 132 in 2017 to 10 in 2019. userID: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.user_id, subscriptionFinishDate: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.finish_at, 2010present: The District of Belfast wards above and the District of Castlereagh wards as above plus Carryduff East, Carryduff West, Hillfoot, and Wynchurch. })(); Premium subscribers enjoy unlimited access to all articles. These constituencies follow the tradition of referring to parts of Belfast by the four cardinal directions: The Belfast Quarters refer to a number of distinctive cultural zones within the city of Belfast, whose identities have been developed as a spur to tourism and urban regeneration. Therefore, the population for the year 2016 is 343,445. Walls known as peace lines, originally erected by the British Army after August 1969, divide fourteen inner city neighbourhoods.[1]. This was the seat in which the Alliance Party had their second-best showing, polling 15% of the votes. It also saw the only fall in vote share for Alliance.[9]. of those living in Northern Ireland were classified as obese (based on guidelines put forward by International Obesity Task Force). After the passing of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, it became the seat of the government of Northern Ireland. Welcome! A new MYE time series, incorporating the 2011 Census, has now been published by NISRA and is available on NINIS. } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('epaper-access') > -1) { Assessing just the Holylands area, FactCheckNI has estimated that 45% of its properties are licensed as HMOs. These proposals were submitted as final recommendations and were put into force through the passing of the Northern Ireland Parliamentary Constituencies Order[1] in 2008. [2] The area is made up of established towns, their overspill and the general conjoining of settlements as Belfast expands. The outgoing MLAs are a demonstration of this diversity, with one Sinn Fein, one SDLP, one Alliance, one DUP and a Green. The Markets Area. document.head.append(script); 9 x 4 Bed Houses. Instead, each "quarter" reflects something about a neighbourhood's history and locale, with the "Quarter" label being something that has come into general use in recent years. Ag obair don phobal. Area, Population Estimates: Broad Age Bands (administrative geographies), Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion, Usual Resident Population: KS101NI (administrative geographies), Household Size: KS403NI (administrative geographies), Age Structure - KS102NI (administrative geographies), Usual Resident Population - KS101NI (administrative geographies), Ethnic Group - KS201NI (administrative geographies), Religion or Religion Brought Up In - KS212NI (administrative geographies), National Identity (Classification 2) - KS203NI (administrative geographies), Knowledge of Irish - KS209NI (administrative geographies), Knowledge of Ulster-Scots - KS210NI (administrative geographies), Main Language - KS207NI (administrative geographies), Health and Provision of Unpaid Care - KS301NI (administrative geographies), Tenure and Landlord - KS402NI (administrative geographies), Household Composition - KS105NI (administrative geographies), Car or Van Availability - KS405NI (administrative geographies), Qualifications and Students - KS501NI (administrative geographies), Economic Activity - KS601NI (administrative geographies), Census 2011 Definitions and Output Classifications document, Making Life Better Strategic Framework Document, Theme 1: Giving Every Child the Best Start, Population Estimates - Making Life Better Age Groups (administrative geographies), Life Expectancy (administrative geographies), Healthy Life Expectancy (administrative geographies), Disability-Free Expectancy (administrative geographies), Standardised Death Rate - All Cause (administrative geographies), Standardised Death Rate - Amenable (administrative geographies), Standardised Death Rate - Avoidable (administrative geographies), Standardised Death Rate - Preventable (administrative geographies), Standardised Death Rate - Circulatory Under 75 (administrative geographies), Standardised Death Rate - Respiratory Under 75 (administrative geographies), Potential Years Life Lost (administrative geographies), Deaths by Cause (administrative geographies), Infant Mortality Rate (administrative geographies), Smoking During Pregnancy (administrative geographies), Breastfeeding on Discharge (administrative geographies), Teenage Birth Rate for Mothers under the age of 17 and 20 (administrative geographies), Children Looked After in Care (administrative geographies), Children in Need - Referred to Social Services (administrative geographies), Child Protection Register (administrative geographies), Dental Registrations (administrative geographies), Childhood BMI (administrative geographies), Hospital Admissions due to Accidents in the home (administrative geographies), School Leavers (administrative geographies), Infant Deaths and Still Births (administrative geographies), Deaths by Cause and Age: 1-15 years (administrative geographies). return 'none'; of households were comprised of a single person aged 65+ years; were lone parent households with dependent children; and. subscriptionFinishDate: purchase.granted_by_purchase.finish_at, The Republic of Ireland to the south is a separate country in its own right. }; const element =; Belfast, Irish Bal Feirste, city, district, and capital of Northern Ireland, on the River Lagan, at its entrance to Belfast Lough (inlet of the sea). } Figures from the 2021 Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) reported that the percentage of GP registered patients with established hypertension was, An audit showed that in 2019/20 there were, attendances at structured patient education/self managment programmes in. There has been particularly rapid demographic change in Belfast South since around the year 2000. In January 2005 Smyth announced that he would be retiring at the 2005 general election, raising speculation both as to whom the Ulster Unionists would field in succession to him and what effect a different candidate would have upon their share of the vote. In 2020, the estimated population for Belfast was 274,771. In the preparation of this fact check, we used the Wayback Machine to access a report which was not immediately available online to the closure of the PlanningNI website. // Stop listening for mutations once we know this listener has been registered. Dr Martin Cunningham is Chairperson and GP Lead of South Belfast ICP. Table 1: The number and percentage of HMOs by Policy Area HMO 2/22 (12/2008): Sources: OSNI Pointer Address Data, NIHE HMO database (2008), LPS, Applying our defined geography for the Holylands, we used the Post Offices, . ), local councils took over responsibility for HMOs. Susan Hughes from the south of the city, has just opened an exhibition at Stormont . As Communities Minister, she has had a busy, albeit short time in Stormont, but was praised for her quick actions on getting money out to those in need at the start of the pandemic.O Muilleoir topped the poll in 2017, and although Hargey\u0026amp;rsquo;s more practical style of politics is very different, she should have no concerns in keeping the seat.People Before Profit are fielding rising star Sipho Sibanda, and the Zimbabwean native will be hoping to build for a future council seat challenge.There is a TUV candidate, an independent and a Socialist Party candidate also standing, along with the Workers Party, NI Conservatives, Aontu and Labour Alternative. There have also been strong votes for other parties such as the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland, Green Party, the Conservatives and the Northern Ireland Women's Coalition. Note that according to Housing Advice Northern Ireland, social housing properties are not considered to be HMOs: A property will not be a HMO if it is managed by the Housing Executive or a housing association. The South Belfast Partnership, in its January 2020 study, Holyland Transition, indicated that in 2011, 17.5% of housing in South Belfast (defining South Belfast as Ballynafeigh, Blackstaff, Botanic, Finaghy, Malone, Musgrave, Rosetta, Shaftesbury, Stranmillis, Upper Malone and Windsor) is made up of social housing, reflecting the presence of Choice Housing, Oaklee Housing, Clanmill, and others. Quick Belfast Facts: Population: 295,000 (2017 estimate) in the city, and 585,000 in Belfast Metropolitan area. The term "quarter" does not refer to one fourth (or one quarter) of the city, nor is every area in the centre of Belfast part of one of the quarters. In the late 18th century a new suburb grew up across the Lagan. Further information on Population Estimates including reports, methodolgy etc. vars.article.userWall = 'none'; April 27 2022 01:18 PM South Belfast is widely considered one of the most diverse constituencies in Northern Ireland. } 2 x 3 Person 2 Bedroom Wheelchair accessible Apartments. [7] This was the first time since 1987 that the winning candidate in the constituency had a majority of the vote. Click on the blue tabs at the top to see results for other geographical levels. } else { // Push initial dataLayer values into object. This compared with, achieved level 4 or above in Communication in English, while, achieved level 4 or above in Mathematics. if (!! subscriptionStatus: '', The changing age structure has largely resulted from natural change (the difference between the number of births and deaths). for (let i = 0, parts; (parts = cookies[i] && cookies[i].split('=')); i++) { As Communities Minister, she has had a busy, albeit short time in Stormont, but was praised for her quick actions on getting money out to those in need at the start of the pandemic. The land that makes up Belfast has been occupied since the Bronze Age. Wards are the smallest administrative unit in Northern Ireland and are set by the Local Government Boundaries Commissioner and reviewed every 810 years. Our 60 elected councillors represent the people of Belfast. We used this geographyshown in the above map from, Administratively, the Holylands falls within the. Well never share you email address. The city's subdivisions reflect the divided nature of Northern Ireland as a whole, with areas tending to be highly segregated, especially in working-class neighbourhoods. The estimated population within the city limits for 2016 is 10.29 . if (flipPayJsUrl) { Progress in the other indicators will provide some measure of the effectiveness of collaboration for health, however this set of indicators may need to be expanded as work progresses to monitor specific aspects of the framework or its impact. return { const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'app_purchase'); in Northern Ireland. "The Catholic population is expanding and needs more land," says Brendan Murtagh of Queen's University Belfast. On Census Day 27th March 2011, considering the population aged 16 years old and over: had a degree or higher qualification; while, *Level 1 is 1-4 O Levels/CSE/GCSE (any grades) or equivalent. subscriptionStartDate: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.original_start_at, This seat saw the largest SDLP vote share and the largest increase in vote share for the party at the 2019 general election. There are approximately 351 births each year and around 260 deaths. further education enrolments for people aged 60+ years living in, Improved mental health and wellbeing, and reduction in self harm and suicide, People are better informed about health matters. The metro area population of Belfast in 2020 was 631,000, a 0.64% increase from 2019. 10 x 4 Bed Houses. Belfast Radius Area Usage Examples Belfast is the 15th largest city in the United Kingdom and the second-largest on the island of Ireland with an estimated 2014 population of 295,000. This graph provides information about the dynamics of changes in the quantitative composition of Belfast, South Africa population: the Total number of inhabitants, the number of men, the number of women, and the average age of Belfast, South Africa inhabitants. In 2019, the teenage birth rate for mothers aged under 17 years in. } of those living in Northern Ireland were smokers. show_spinner: false, The table below shows the streets (with 25 or more properties) with the five highest and five lowest figures for %HMO per street. return key.split('granted_by_')[1]; childList: true, The area of Botanic, Holylands, and Rugby is a defined Policy Area (HMO 2/22), as designated in the HMO Subject Plan for Belfast City Council Area 2015. of respondents to the 2019/20 Continuous Household Survey in Northern Ireland stated that they had volunteered in the past year. meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, The Giant's Ring is a prehistoric henge site just south of Belfast in Northern Ireland. }); bundle: bundleValue, return 'home-delivery'; While we can find no intentional survey that details the precise demographic make-up of the Holylands. Table 1: Population Estimates by broad age bands, 2020, Standardised Death Rate - Circulatory U75, Standardised Death Rate - Respiratory U75, School Leavers achieving at least 5 GCSE at A*-C inc. English and Maths (%), Birth Rate (per 1,000 females aged 15-44), Still Birth Rate (per 1,000 live and still births), Infant Death Rate (per 1,000 live births), Under 17 Teenage Birth Rate per 1,000 females, Under 20 Teenage Birth Rate per 1,000 females, Achieved at least 5 GCSE A*-C inc. Maths and English (%), Destination School Leavers - Higher Education (%), Destination School Leavers - Further Education (%), Destination School Leavers - Employment(%), Destination School Leavers - Training (%), Destination School Leavers - Unemployment/ Unknown (%), GP Registered Patients with Established hypertension (%), Patients on the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Register, Diabetes Prevalence per 1,000 patients (17+ years), Standardised Admission Rate for All Hospital Admissions (Male)*, Standardised Admission Rate for All Hospital Admissions (Female)*, Standardised Admission Rate for Emergency Hospital Admissions (Male)*, Standardised Admission Rate for Emergency Hospital Admissions (Female)*, Standardised Admission Rate due to Circulatory Disease (Male), Standardised Admission Rate due to Circulatory Disease (Female), Standardised Admission Rate Rate due to Respiratory Disease (Male), Standardised Admission Rate due to Respiratory Disease (Female), Deaths from Suicide and Undetermined Intent, Offences with a Domestic Abuse Motivation. const cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); CLAIM: About 95% or 98% of all households in the Holylands area of Belfast are HMOs. }); In 2017 the seat was won by Emma Little-Pengelly of the DUP[5] with Alasdair McDonnell losing his seat along with all other SDLP MPs in Northern Ireland. Belfast had 51 wards from May 1973, which were revised in May 1985 and again in May 1993. casualties (killed or seriously injured) as a result of road traffic collisions in, Strengthened collaboration for health and wellbeing, NISRA - Northern Ireland Statistics and Research vars.user.subscriptionFinishDate = subscriberCookie.subscriptionFinishDate || ''; vars.category.regionals = selectedRegional || ''; [6] This was won back for the SDLP by Claire Hanna in 2019, with Sinn Fin again opting not to stand. !subscriberCookie.subscriptionStatus ? userID: purchase.granted_by_whitelist_rule.user_id, Troublingly though, our research illustrates that, at current rates of development, we run the risk of falling short of the 2035 population by a staggering 20,100. Most of these townlands are older than the city itself, and most of their names are derived from the Irish language. window.IMP.config = flipPayConfig; The 2011 census revealed that Belfast South consists of a slightly larger Catholic population than Protestant and while the constituency traditionally has had a unionist majority, the nationalist vote has now surpassed this in more recent elections. The principal deputy Speaker had dedicated his political life to representing working-class unionists in his home constituency. Download East Holywood Arches: Towards a Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood We need to additionally find out the population of Belfast in the year 2015 and by means of averages and calculation. They will all likely be early fallers, but in a tight race for the fifth seat, their transfers will prove valuable. There is no official geographical definition of the Holylands area. We calculated an estimated, 45% of domestic properties in the Holylands are licensed as HMOs. Belfast - With a population of over 1 million people, Belfast is by far the largest city in Northern Ireland. In elections to Belfast City Council, the 51 wards are split into nine District Electoral Areas (DEAs), each of which contains between five and seven wards, with the number of councillors it elects equal to the number of wards it contains. The Holylands and its contemporary geography is part of a larger area for which Belfast City Council took over responsibility to license HMOs from the Housing Executive. }; The subdivisions of Belfast are a series of divisions of Belfast, Northern Ireland that are used for a variety of cultural, electoral, planning and residential purposes.. observer.observe(document, { Overall, 16.4% of the Belfast South population were children aged 0-15 years, lower than the Northern Ireland average of 20.8%. O Muilleoir topped the poll in 2017, and although Hargeys more practical style of politics is very different, she should have no concerns in keeping the seat. For the purpose of this fact check, the Holylands area encompasses the following: FactCheckNI is Northern Irelands first and only dedicated independent fact-checking service and averified signatoryto the International Fact-Checking NetworksCode of Principles. Your council. In the latest in our series of overviews, a summary of 'The Troubles', by John Dorney. !gigyaID ? By 1911, this had risen to 386,947. The Alliance Party is targeting South Belfast as a place where they can make a possible gain and are running two of the partys high-profile politicians, incumbent Paula Bradshaw and current mayor of Belfast Kate Nicholl. They are fielding one candidate, Stephen McCarthy. NISRA Economic & Labour Market Statistics; Physical Activity - Health Survey (administrative geographies), Disease Prevalence (Quality Outcomes Framework) (administrative geographies), Internet Access (administrative geographies), Further Education Regulated Enrolments (administrative geographies), Higher Education Enrolments (administrative geographies), Smoking Prevalence - Health Survey (administrative geographies), Drinking Prevalence - Health Survey (administrative geographies), BMI Levels - Health Survey (administrative geographies), Mental Health - Health Survey (administrative geographies), Structured Patient Education/Self Management Programmes (administrative geographies), Teenage Birth Rate for Mothers under the age of 17 (administrative geographies), Standardised Rate for Alcohol Related Admissions (administrative geographies), Crude Suicide Death Rate (administrative geographies), Dietary Fruit and Vegetable Information - Health Survey (administrative geographies), General Health - Health Survey (administrative geographies), Smoking Cessation Services (administrative geographies), Standardised Admission Rate for All Hospital Admissions (administrative geographies), Standardised Admission Rate for Emergency Hospital Admissions (administrative geographies), Standardised Admission Rate due to Circulatory Disease (administrative geographies), Standardised Admission Rate due to Respiratory Disease (administrative geographies), Breast Cancer Screening (administrative geographies), Cervical Cancer Screening (administrative geographies), Bowel Cancer Screening (administrative geographies), Organ Donor Register Registrations (administrative geographies), Carers Allowance Claimants (administrative geographies), Jobseekers Allowance Claimants (administrative geographies), Employment and Support Allowance Claimants (administrative geographies), Disability Living Allowance Recipients (administrative geographies), Pension Credit Claimants (administrative geographies), Redundancies Confirmed (administrative geographies), Road Traffic Collision Casualties by Severity of Injury (administrative geographies), Recorded Crime (administrative geographies), Domestic Abuse Offences (administrative geographies), Hate Crime Offences (administrative geographies), Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents (administrative geographies). script.async = true; The definition of a House in Multiple Occupation (or HMO) was most recently updated in April 2019 with the Houses in Multiple Occupation Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 coming into operation. The subdivisions of Belfast are a series of divisions of Belfast, Northern Ireland that are used for a variety of cultural, electoral, planning and residential purposes. In 1841, Belfast's population was just 75,308. South Belfast is widely considered one of the most diverse constituencies in Northern Ireland. if (vars.article) { }; vars.user.userID = subscriberCookie.userID || ''; Includes party manifestos, hustings, and election processes, Includes agriculture, animals, climate change and recycling. ; the U.K. ranks number 21 in the list of . A comparative figure for AA is not available. However, many of the city's streets, roads and housing estates have been named after them. These more recent figures exclude social housing properties, which are, exempt from having to be licensed as HMOs. The 1847 Famine re-awakens Irish Catholic Nationalism. The current MP is Claire Hanna of the SDLP. 19th Century Belfast experiences a 'golden age' under Queen Victoria. The nationalist vote mainly went for the SDLP over Sinn Fin, with the result that the SDLP took the seat despite a majority of votes cast for unionist candidates. RF RGYBK4 - Aerial view over south Belfast. In brief, the Northern Ireland population is growing older. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Home / Are 95% or 98% of all households in the Holylands area of Belfast HMOs? RM PWRWB9 - Entrance sign at Belvoir Park Forest in South Belfast, N.Ireland. According to figures produced on 17 September 2020, there are 1,061 licensed HMO properties within this policy area, with a further 197 HMO properties going through the license renewal process. } else if (Object.keys(p.badge || {}).indexOf('print_annual') > -1) { Under this Act, an HMO is a property that is: (The previous definition of an HMO was a house occupied by more than 2 qualifying persons, being persons who are not all of the same family.). Its population is 71,403 and is 8 miles southwest of Belfast city centre, on the River Lagan, which forms the boundary between County Antrim and County Down. In December 2008, the Planning Service reported that the 64% percent of homes were HMOs in the area of Botanic, Holylands and Rugby Policy Area (HMO 2/22). We also have responsibility for enhanced economic, physical and social regeneration. Rather, it is a reference to an area where many of the streets were names after places mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, such as Jerusalem and Palestine. Belfast & derry are Metropolitan areas in Northern Ireland, The Belfast metropolitan urban area had a population 671,559, and Derry metropolitan population is 237,000. }; const bundleValue = getBundleValue(purchase, 'purchase'); Further information and statistics on health inequalities in Northern Ireland can be found on the, of the Northern Ireland Population. bundle: bundleValue, (function () { The metro area population of Belfast in 2019 was 627,000, a 0.64% increase from 2018. subscriptionStatus: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.sku_code, The second traditional divide is that formed by the River Lagan, with the northern bank of the River being part of County Antrim, while the southern bank is part of County Down. }).map(function (key) { Agency, Assembly The population of Belfast was only about 2,500 in 1700 but it grew to about 8,000 in 1750 and about 13,000 by 1780. const subscriberCookie = JSON.parse(getCookie(subscriberCookieName) || '{}'); It is also home to a growing and thriving migrant population.The outgoing MLAs are a demonstration of this diversity, with one Sinn Fein, one SDLP, one Alliance, one DUP and a Green.This will be an emotional election for the DUP, whose popular MLA Christopher Stalford died suddenly earlier this year. A close friend of Stalford, he was moved on from Lagan Valley to accommodate the return of leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson. They reported that the Romanian population in Northern Ireland had increased in size from around 500 people in 2010 to upwards of 2,500 by 2016. (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': NISRA recommends that until this review has completed users should refer to the sub-series relating to self-inflicted injury (also referred to as intentional self harm) only, as this is unaffected by the discontinuity outlined above and remains a reliable indication of the trend in suicides over recent years. 18851918: In the Borough of Belfast, that part of Cromac ward not in the constituency of Belfast East, that part of St. George's ward not in the constituency of Belfast West, and the townlands of Malone Lower and that part of Malone Upper within the parliamentary borough in the parish of Shankill. Within. Recent figures now exclude social housing properties, which partly explains a decrease in the percentage of properties registered as HMOs in the wider Botanic, Holylands, and Rugby policy area, from 64% in 2008 to 40% in 2020. He is replaced by Edwin Poots. At the end of 1981 Bradford was assassinated by the IRA in a Belfast community centre while hosting a political surgery. * These tables contain data for the original ONS definition (2015-2020) of Amenable, Preventable and Avoidable deaths. Over half of these live in south Belfast, where they comprise 2.63% of the population. Older persons made up 13.5% of the Belfast South population, also lower than the Hong Ling Gardens. These "quarters" differ from the districts into which Belfast is divided. Making the most of the physical environment, In 2019/20, the Public Health Agency Resource Outurn was, of individuals were in relative poverty (before housing costs), of children were in relative poverty (before housing costs), In 2019, the economic inactivity rate in Northern Ireland was, In 2016, the Non decency Rate of Social Housing Dwellings in Northern Ireland, In 2020, the overall Water Utility Sector WWTW for Northern Ireland, The mean zonal compliance with Northern Ireland, water regulations drinking water standards stood at. It became a city by royal charter in 1888.
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