average age in the world

The age of consent is 16 years in 76 nations around the world. ), total: 29.1 yearsmale: 28.3 yearsfemale: 29.9 years (2020 est. While Monaco's data could arguably be skewed by its high number of wealthy retirees, the same accusation could not be leveled at the countries that follow it: Japan (median age 48.6), French territory St. Pierre and Miquelon (48.5), Germany (47.8), and Italy (46.5). )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-49, 23 years (2019/20 est. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 20-49, 20.8 years (2009 est. Many are obese. ), total: 21.8 yearsmale: 21.5 yearsfemale: 22.2 years (2020 est. It is a useful indicator for gauging the success of family planning programs aiming to reduce maternal mortality, increase contraceptive use particularly among married and unmarried adolescents delay age at first marriage, and improve the health of newborns. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 20-49, 29.3 years (2020 est. The base of the future population structure is narrower. The continuous transformation process in the world of work, intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, is giving employees more scope to shape their own work. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-29, 19.1 years (2015/16 est. The "average" person in the world today is male, Chinese, around 40, living near the Myanmar border, working in the service sector on $30,000 a year, with two children, living in a large city like Kunming. ), total: 32.8 yearsmale: 31.7 yearsfemale: 34 years (2020 est. ), total: 27.3 yearsmale: 26.4 yearsfemale: 28.2 years (2020 est. ), total: 32.2 yearsmale: 31.7 yearsfemale: 32.8 years (2020 est. ), total: 44.6 yearsmale: 42.7 yearsfemale: 46.5 years (2020 est. ), total: 20.3 yearsmale: 20.3 yearsfemale: 20.3 years (2020 est. Overall, the average retirement age in the U.S. is 64. The median age should increase by 16 years in South Korea, from 38 in 2010 to 53 in 2050. Similarly, it is lowest in underdeveloped and least-developed countries with lower incomes. ), total: 23.5 yearsmale: 23.2 yearsfemale: 23.7 years (2020 est. ), total: 48.6 yearsmale: 47.2 yearsfemale: 50 years (2020 est. This is shown until the year 2100 based on the UNs population projection. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-49, 21.1 years (2008 est. The average age of death in the U.K. from COVID in 2021 was 82.5 years - Ragnar Forseti at Substack Therefore, it is essentially the same as it is in the US. Label. ), total: 30.5 yearsmale: 30.2 yearsfemale: 30.8 years (2020 est. We can also see this distribution of young and old populations across the world clearly in the two maps below. ), total: 30.1 yearsmale: 29.4 yearsfemale: 30.7 years (2020 est. A country's median age is intertwined with its life expectancy, which also tends to be higher in wealthy and developed countries and lower in poorer and developing countries. Although its recognized that this demographic transition has had positive impacts for Indias growth, educational and health deficits combined with poor job creation means it hasnt fully taken advantage of its low dependency ratio.16. ), total: 32.8 yearsmale: 31.8 yearsfemale: 34.1 years (2020 est. The most common voting age in the world is 18 years. ), total: 39.5 yearsmale: 38.8 yearsfemale: 40.2 years (2020 est. Over the last 50 years the global fertility rate has halved. ), total: 30 yearsmale: 29.4 yearsfemale: 30.7 years (2020 est. ), total: 17.7 yearsmale: 17.4 yearsfemale: 18 years (2020 est. This visualization of the population pyramid makes it possible to understand this enormous global transformation. If lower-income countries can achieve this, they could see major economic gains throughout the 21st century. What Such A High Average Age Means Some people die of covid far younger than 81.5 or 82.5 or 86. The number of children under 5 years old is projected to peak and plateau for most of the 21st century. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-49, 21.2 years (2008 est. You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 20-49, 19.6 years (2012 est. ), total: 41.7 yearsmale: 40 yearsfemale: 43.4 years (2020 est. ), total: 35.5 yearsmale: 34.3 yearsfemale: 36.7 years (2020 est. ), total: 29.9 yearsmale: 29.7 yearsfemale: 30.1 years (2020 est. These factors all make it difficult to use age-dependency for drawing comparisons or assessing economic troubles specifically, a breakdown in the balance between workers and non-workers. The working age population is defined as those aged 15 to 64. ), total: 20.9 yearsmale: 20.2 yearsfemale: 21.5 years (2020 est. The trend line shows that the average age of the leaders has been declining since 1950. The legal age at which a person can agree to a sexual relationship in Nigeria is 11 years. There are 13 nations which do not have a legal age of consent and people in these countries can only engage in sexual activities if they are married. As a rule, median age is highest in high-income countries with a high degree of human development and overall standard of living. The average age there: 29.2. Market research firm Statista took a look at the median age of employees at the top tech companies in the US, ranging from Apple to Google to Facebook. Updated February 17, 2021. ), total: 32.7 yearsmale: 30.7 yearsfemale: 34.4 years (2020 est. This has not always been the case, as the chart shows. ), total: 46.2 yearsmale: 46.3 yearsfemale: 46.1 years (2020 est. It is a single index that summarizes the age distribution of a population. All of our charts can be embedded in any site. ), total: 43.7 yearsmale: 40.4 yearsfemale: 47 years (2020 est. Bahrains legal age of consent is the highest in the world. ), total: 20.3 yearsmale: 19.7 yearsfemale: 20.8 years (2020 est. The high participation (Swedish) scenario assumes a convergence in labor participation rates by 2050 to what was observed in Sweden during 2014-2015. Just click on Change Country in the bottom left. ), total: 37.7 yearsmale: 36.2 yearsfemale: 39.5 years (2020 est. Here there are two key points to notice. Information on the detailed methodology and updated microsimulation results can be found at the underlying paper. See also: Countries in the world ranked by Life Expectancy. This entry provides the mean (average) age of mothers at the birth of their first child. Such ventures however, oftencome to a swift and bloody end. The demographic structure of a healthy population at the final stage of the demographic transition is the box shape that we see for the entire world in 2100. ), total: 19.8 years (2018 est. ), total: 37.5 yearsmale: 36.5 yearsfemale: 38.5 years (2020 est. Singapore, China and India have an average age of 22. License : CC BY-4.0. ), Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI). The majority of countries have a dependent population that is 50-60% the size of its working-age population. Harper, S. (2014). The average age of empires, according to a specialist on the subject, the late Sir John Bagot Glubb, is 250. Some countries in this region have close to the same number of young people as they have working-age population. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-49, 22.6 years (2014 est. 100% natural and high quality precious stones. Its given as the number of dependents per 100 people of working-age. I am doing things at my age ( in my 60's) I didn't think, because of SO many injuries over the years, I'd ever be able to do again. We are at a turning point in global population history. capable of making informed decisions. And since a smaller share of the younger and older population is typically working these two groups are seen as dependents in demographic descriptions. Here are some worldwide trends in height for women aged . Average teenagers in rural Sudan, who end their education after seven years to work on the family farm, contribute much earlier and differently over the life course than average urban South Koreans who spend time consuming education for another decade into their mid-twenties. ), total: 24.1 yearsmale: 23.8 yearsfemale: 24.3 years (2020 est. ), total: 31.1 yearsmale: 30.5 yearsfemale: 31.8 years (2020 est. When the top of the pyramid becomes wider and looks less like a pyramid and instead becomes more box-shaped, the population lives through younger ages with a very low risk of death and dies at an old age. The typical birth years for soldiers involved in World War 2, from new recruits to seasoned veterans was between 1881 and 1927. ), total: 23.5 yearsmale: 23.9 yearsfemale: 22.9 years (2020 est. The average age has risen in almost all countries since the World War II. In fact, through February 17, 93 percent of COVID-19 deaths nationwide have occurred among those ages 55 or older. See the entry for "Age structure" for the importance of a young versus an older age structure and, by implication, a low versus a higher median age. 65- to 74-year-olds have the highest homeownership rate among all age groups at 79.5%. But the split between young and old populations varies also significantly across the world. This is the average number of years a newborn would live if age-specific mortality rates in the current year were to stay the same throughout its life. Even in pre-pandemic 2019 and in 2020, the average retirement age was 61. The young dependency ratio is high across Sub-Saharan Africa in particular. ), total: 43.6 yearsmale: 41.5 yearsfemale: 45.5 years (2020 est. The legal age at which one is deemed capable of agreeing to sexual activities ranges from 11 to 21 years in different countries around the world. The old-age dependency ratio is almost a mirror image. Data as of June 2022. ), total: 41.8 yearsmale: 40.1 yearsfemale: 43.6 years (2020 est. ), total: 55.4 yearsmale: 53.7 yearsfemale: 57 years (2020 est. Age 60 and older: 173.4 centimeters, or roughly 5 feet, 8 inches. ), total: 28.8 yearsmale: 28 yearsfemale: 29.6 years (2020 est. ), total: 32.6 yearsmale: 32.1 yearsfemale: 33.1 years (2020 est. ), total: 34 yearsmale: 33.1 yearsfemale: 35.1 years (2020 est. )note: data refers to the average of the different childbearing ages of first-order births, 21.8 years (2019/21)note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-49, 20.5 years (2008 est. ), total: 37.2 yearsmale: 36.4 yearsfemale: 37.9 years (2020 est. ), total: 43.6 yearsmale: 41.6 yearsfemale: 45.3 years (2020 est. ), total: 15.9 yearsmale: 15.4 yearsfemale: 16.4 years (2020 est. The youth dependency ratio is much lower across higher income countries since fertility rates tend to be much lower there. ), total: 30.4 yearsmale: 29.8 yearsfemale: 31 years (2020 est. Now in 2022, there are around 8 billion. to the levels seen in 2015 Sweden by the year 2060).11. ), total: 39.5 yearsmale: 38.9 yearsfemale: 40 years (2020 est. ; Kenya 2020 population is estimated at 53,771,296 people at mid year according to UN data. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 20-49, 19.6 years (2011/12 est. In the United States, under-5s were already outnumbered by those older than 64 by 1967. Among the 126 countries evaluated here, the USA are in 44th place with an average age of 38.5 years, led by Japan at 48.6 years. The dependency ratio is expected to decline throughout this century and because its working population has less people to support this provides a window of opportunity for more rapid economic growth the so-called demographic dividend.13. ), total: 29.2 yearsmale: 28.9 yearsfemale: 29.6 years (2020 est. Average Female Grip Strength. ), total: 19.7 yearsmale: 18.9 yearsfemale: 20.4 years (2020 est. Ages 40 to 59: 175.8 centimeters, or roughly 5 feet, 9 inches. ), total: 24 yearsmale: 24 yearsfemale: 24 years (2020 est. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-49, 21.9 years (2016/18)note: data represents median age a first birth among women 25-49, 22.9 years (2008 est. This has important implications for national planning, spanning everything from education and healthcare services, to labour supply, savings rates and pensions. ), total: 29.3 yearsmale: 28.2 yearsfemale: 30.4 years (2020 est. In 32 other countries including Albania, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Eritrea, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Myanmar, Columbia, and Portugal the age consent is 14 years. The world population is changing: For the first time there are more people over 64 than children younger than 5, Demographic opportunities and challenges: dividends and aging populations. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 20-49, 23.2 years (2016/17 est. The average person born in 1960, the earliest year the United Nations began keeping global data, could expect to live to 52.5 years of age. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-49, 19.4 years (2016 est. The data is taken from the 2022 United Nations World Population Prospects. That's according to Aperion Care, which created an interactive map . Going beyond the global perspective, when did this crossover point occur in countries around the world? ), total: 35.5 yearsmale: 34.4 yearsfemale: 36.6 years (2020 est. The global median age has increased from just over 20 years in 1970 to just over 30 years in 2022. These are the question that this entry focuses on. This consensual age is the lowest across the globe. These countries have a predominant Islam population. In: United Nations expert group meeting on social and economic implications of changing population age structures (Vol. In the two charts we see the breakdown of two example populations Japan and Nigeria by age between young (under 15 years old), working-age (15-64 years old) and elderly (65+ years old). When citing this entry, please also cite the underlying data sources. Newport, Shropshire, UK. Germany's data is highlighted in the table below, use the filter and sort order options to allow easy comparison with other countries. ), total: 38.3 yearsmale: 37.8 yearsfemale: 38.7 years (2020 est. Population pyramids visualize the demographic structure of a population. Results from cross-sectional studies have indicated that endocrine changes characteristic of the onset of the perimenopause begin at around age 45. Youll notice fairly consistent patterns: higher-income countries with low fertility rates and longer life expectancies are dominated by an older population. In the map above we considered the dependent population both young and old as a single group. The global average median age was 30 years in 2021 - half of the world population were older than 30 years, and half were younger. 1. The most unusual U. S. leaders by age are President Kennedy, who was 43 when he became president in. ), total: 44.3 yearsmale: 43 yearsfemale: 45.6 years (2020 est. ), total: 46.5 yearsmale: 45.4 yearsfemale: 47.5 years (2020 est. For Nigeria, the share of the working-age population will increase relative to the dependent population as the chart shows. )note: data represents median age a first birth among women 25-49, 21.2 years (2019/21)note: data represents median age a first birth among women 25-49, 22.4 years (2017 est. This measures the ratio between dependents (the sum of young and old) to the working-age population (aged 15 to 64 years old). ), total: 34.8 yearsmale: 34.1 yearsfemale: 35.6 years (2020 est. Japan had one of the highest median ages at 48.4 years. Non-Hispanic black: 175.5 centimeters, or just over 5 feet, 9 inches. ), total: 32.4 yearsmale: 31.1 yearsfemale: 33.6 years (2020 est. Population aging, migration, and productivity in Europe. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 20-49, 23 years (2016 est. Discover the future of SaaS in India. Through shades of blue and green the same visualization shows the population structure over the last decades up to 2018. This is a general sign that advances in medicine and infrastructure are enabling people to live longer as a whole. But as research shows: taking advantage of this opportunity is not a given. This breakdown is shown in the visualization. In Cyprus, Ireland, Mexico, and Nauru, one cannot legally agree to a sexual relationship before they attain 17 years. Arunakshi has 1 job listed on their profile. Please consult our full legal disclaimer. ), total: 41.2 yearsmale: 38.2 yearsfemale: 44.3 years (2020 est. Only 0.2 percent were younger than 25. The ratio of the working-age population (15-64) to under-15-year-olds:1950: 1.5 billion / 0.868 billion = 1.72022: 5.18 billion / 2.01 billion = 2.62100: 6.16 billion /1.71 billion = 3.6The data is shown here. View Arunakshi Jaka's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community.
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