olfactory memory duration

Lastly, our model suggests that odour memories within the AON should form rapidly with experience, requiring only a single-trial learning event. Olfactory habituation is a simple form of nonassociative memory in which responsiveness to stable but behaviorally nonsignificant stimuli is decreased. Unilateral naris closure and olfactory system development. Both the olfactory bulb and cortex receive a strong cholinergic input from the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HLDB), which itself is responsive to olfactory input (Linster and Hasselmo 2000). [18] Pregnancy and childbirth result in a high state of plasticity of the olfactory system that may facilitate olfactory learning within the mother. A recent study explored the power of scent in triggering memories. Nevertheless, ChETA-expressing mice displayed a reliable digging response to blue light compared to controls (Supplementary Fig. 8, 240 (2014). If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. Following a brief overview of olfactory system functional anatomy, we will review types of neural plasticity expressed in the olfactory system and then how these mechanisms relate to the diverse components of behavioral olfactory memory. Scopolamine enhances generalization between odor representations in rat olfactory cortex. Confocal images were captured using a 20 and 60 objective through a Quorum spinning disk confocal microscope (Zeiss, Germany). The reactivation rate was calculated according the following formulas: Sample sizes were chosen on the basis of previous studies. Simply Scholar Ltd - All rights reserved. Brunjes, P. C., Illig, K. R. & Meyer, E. A. Sensory memory allows for the retention of sensory impressions following the cessation of the original stimulus (Coltheart, 1980). Hecht M, Thiemann U, Freitag CM, Bender S. Neuroimage. [20], Olfactory cues are widespread within parental care to assist in the dynamic of the mother-infant relationship, and later development of the offspring. The rapid modification can occur within a single brief odor presentation and may reflect a dynamic fine-tuning of odor-responsive ensembles (Kay and Laurent 1999; Spors and Grinvald 2002). [20], As demonstrated by animals in the wild (the great apes, for example), the offspring is held by the mother immediately after birth without cleaning and is continually exposed to the familiar odor of the amniotic fluid (making the transition from the intrauterine to extrauterine environment less overwhelming). Despite presentation of the same odour, the distinctive responses in the AON indicate that the engram reflects context-specific, olfactory experiences. [22] In newborn mammals, the nipple area of the mother is significant as the sole source of necessary nutrients. Simply Psychology. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 830. Reijmers, L. G., Perkins, B. L., Matsuo, N. & Mayford, M. Localization of a stable neural correlate of associative memory. Brain Res. We hypothesized that the AON detects the coincidence of these inputs, generating patterns of activity reflective of episodic odour engrams. Transparent cages of the same size were used in each case with the exception of the place preference test. Hippocampal projections to the main olfactory system are exclusive to the AON and are necessary for the recollection of contextually relevant odour information26,27. Hence, the participants could recall only 4 or 5 of the 9 letters. PMC legacy view Curr. Although specific behavioral paradigms are used to test each of these forms of memory and evidence exists for specific neural mechanisms underlying them, it must be emphasized that in a given context or situation, several of these forms of memory may be evoked at the same time. Neurosci. The Mind's Past. Importantly, CNO-injected control mice similarly trained but tested without the odour in a novel context displayed low levels of investigation, indicating context-specificity of the behavioural response. 2d, e). Early odor preference learning in the rat: bidirectional effects of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) and mutant CREB support a causal role for phosphorylated CREB. The olfactory bulb is relatively small in human compared to other vertebrates. In the olfactory system, short-term synaptic plasticity occurs in both the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex to shape current activity in light of recent patterns of input. Yuan Q, Harley CW, Bruce JC, Darby-King A, McLean JH. Though, the possibility remains that additional cells specifically coding for the rewarding aspects of chocolate were involved in the tagged population. Hemispheric lateralisation; Odour memory; Olfactory event-related potentials; Olfactory processing; Short-term memory; Slow cortical potentials. This highly associative network is hypothesized to be critical for the final synthesis of the multiple odorant features extracted and refined peripherally into unique odor perceptual objects (Haberly 2001). Behav. It is hypothesized that different odors activate different receptors, and genetic regulation of odorant receptors results in the diversity for olfactory receptor neurons and this allows the capacity of olfactory systems to detect and encode a wide range of complex and novel odors in the environment. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. What is unique about the pathway of the neurons of olfaction? 1b, d, f, 2dg and 3ac and Supplementary Figs. The storage of odour engrams in the AON likely serves, by virtue of memory retrieval, many of the animals odour-specific cognitive and behavioural demands. Litaudon P, Mouly AM, Sullivan R, Gervais R, Cattarelli M. Learning-induced changes in rat piriform cortex activity mapped using multisite recording with voltage sensitive dye. Olfactory memory helps you. Parameters were calibrated for counting using randomly chosen representative neurons within the AON and kept constant for each animal. Importantly, the contextual cue alone was sufficient to produce elevated levels of c-Fos expression in the AON (Fig. [21] After the birth of the offspring, there is a shift in the value of the infant's odors to the mother, which causes change in neural structures such as the olfactory bulb. [19] odors from the breasts of lactating women serve as attractants for neonates, regardless of feeding history of the infant. Kanter ED, Haberly LB. J. Neurosci. Sullivan RM, Stackenwalt G, Nasr F, Lemon C, Wilson DA. [8] Neural coding refers to the way that the identity, concentration, and pleasurable value of olfactory stimuli are represented in the pattern of action potentials relayed to the brain from the olfactory bulb. Future work on how these neurons shape olfactory circuit function could be an excellent way to understand memory functions of interneurons in other systems. Mandairon, N. et al. The olfactory memory refers to memory of odors. Olfactory memory representations are stored in the anterior olfactory nucleus, $${\mathrm{Reactivation}}\,{\mathrm{rate}} = \,\frac{{{\sum} {\left( {{\mathrm{cFos}}^ + \cdot {\mathrm{mCherry}}^ + \,{\mathrm{cells}}} \right)} }}{{{\sum} {\left( {{\mathrm{mCherry}}^ + \,{\mathrm{cells}}} \right)} }} \times 100{\mathrm{\% }}$$, $${\mathrm{Reactivation}}\,{\mathrm{rate}} = \, \frac{{{\sum} {\left( {{\mathrm{cFos}}^ + \cdot {\mathrm{eYFP}}^ + \,{\mathrm{cells}}} \right)} }}{{{\sum} {({\mathrm{eYFP}}^ + \,{\mathrm{cells}})} }} \times 100{\mathrm{\% }}$$, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15032-2. 3d). Mitral cells terminate in the piriform cortex in patches of terminal arbors, synapsing on the distal apical dendrites of layer II and III pyramidal cells. Viral vectors were bilaterally infused into the medial aspect of the AON (10 angle toward the midline, A/P: +3.00, M/L: 1.15, D/V: 3.90) at a volume of 0.20.3L. Psychology Basics. Behav. Studies of the mammalian brain have discovered that the excess of cerebral neurons is a phenomenon of mainly animals which had to seek and capture food. & Kim, J. C. Hippocampal projections to the anterior olfactory nucleus differentially convey spatiotemporal information during episodic odour memory. Examples of two mechanisms of short-term synaptic plasticity in the olfactory system. [20] The unique scent of the mother (to the infant) is referred to as her olfactory signature. Processing of sensory information begins in the nasal cavity on the dendrites of olfactory cells. Chocolate-tagged mice exhibited greater reactivation following exposure to the Ctx A/Ch condition but not the Ctx B/Li, while limonene-tagged mice displayed the opposite pattern of activity (Fig. Puche AC, Shipley MT. [9] Together, odor recognition and identification are the components of olfactory training in patients with a loss of smell. Evidently, reactivation in hM4D-expressing animals was suppressed, consistent with their poor behavioural expression of odour memory. (2006). 1a, b). E.g. Information coding in the vertebrate olfactory system. Both contexts contained a cotton-tipped wooden applicator positioned 3cm from the floor and 5cm from one end of the chamber They also contained an aluminium cup hidden within the bedding 5cm from the opposite side. It is a structurally distinct cortical region on the ventral surface of the forebrain, composed of several areas. A study of olfactory memory by Obrist, Tuch and Hornbaek (2014) confirmed that "smell-evoked memories are associated with stronger feelings of being brought back in time, are more emotionally loaded, and are experienced more vividly than memories elicited through other modalities" (p. 2). The distinction between short- and long-term memory in other sensory modalities has been generally supported by three main lines of evidence: capacity differences between the proposed systems, evidence They showed that the piriform cortex -- a part of the. [9] Further knowledge can be gained about implicit memory of odor through the study of the implications of cognitive deficits. Saturation of auditory short-term memory causes a plateau in the sustained anterior negativity event-related potential. Behav. This section reviews the forms of plasticity that have been described in the olfactory system and the conditions involved in inducing that plasticity. Clin. Flies were between 4-14 d old [short-term memory (STM)] or 4-10 d old [long-term memory (LTM)] and given at least 10-min acclimation to the environmental room before training or testing. [4], The amygdala is a complex set of nuclei situated in the anterior temporal lobe and lies beneath the primary olfactory cortex. Yet, to our knowledge no investigation has offered the cellular resolution analysis critical for dissecting the involved circuitry. As part of homeostatic Sullivan RM, Wilson DA, Leon M. Norepinephrine and learning-induced plasticity in infant rat olfactory system. Plasticity in the Olfactory System: Lessons for the Neurobiology of Memory [4] Receptor neurons and mitral cells located in the olfactory system adapt in response to odors. [19] Olfactory cues from the baby lamb are important in establishing maternal behavior and bonding. 8600 Rockville Pike Xie, H. et al. Peer reviewer reports are available. Goldstein, Bruce E. 2002. Each type of sensory memory has a different duration. Olfactory Memory: the Long and Short of It | Chemical Senses | Oxford [19] These changes contribute to maternal responsiveness and memorization of these odors. Sensory memory can be divided into subsystems called the sensory registers: such as iconic, echoic, haptic, olfactory, and gustatory. MacLeod K, Laurent G. Distinct mechanisms for synchronization and temporal patterning of odor-encoding neural assemblies. Selective erasure of a fear memory. FOIA A fraction of the information captured in . Learned changes occur as early as second-order neurons of the sensory pathway, and inhibitory interneurons play a critical role in expression of learned changes in circuit function. The olfactory system is responsible for our sense of smell. Next, the sections were incubated at room temperature with Alexa Flour 594-conjugated (or Alexa Flour 488-conjugated) donkey anti-rabbit secondary antibody (1:500in PBST; Invitrogen) for 2h. Cell counting was performed using ImageJ software (NIH). Nat. Sligte, I. G., Vandenbroucke, A. R., Scholte, H. S., & Lamme, V. (2010). Cortical adaptation is also more selective (displaying less cross-adaptation) to familiar odors than is mitral cell adaptation (Wilson 2000). Sleep Deprivation Specifically Impairs Short-term Olfactory Memory in Address correspondence to: Donald A. Wilson, Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 (e-mail: The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at, Olfaction, Plasticity, Memory, Learning, Perception. Optic fibres (200m core diameter, 0.39 NA; Thorlabs, Newton, NJ, USA) threaded through 1.25mm-wide zirconia ferrules (Thorlabs) were implanted immediately dorsal to the infusion site (D/V: 3.80). Presynaptic inhibition of primary olfactory afferents mediated by different mechanisms in lobster and turtle. Direct reactivation of a coherent neocortical memory of context. Effects of anti-depressents on olfactory sensitivity in mice. NMDA-dependent induction of long-term potentiation in afferent and association fiber systems of piriform cortex in vitro. Federico Cavanna, Stephanie Muller, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Justine Y. Hansen, Golia Shafiei, Bratislav Misic, Frederick S. Barrett, Manoj K. Doss, Roland R. Griffiths, Young Mi Oh, Seong Won Lee, Andrew S. Yoo, Joanna Moncrieff, Ruth E. Cooper, Mark A. Horowitz, Remi Daviet, Gkhan Aydogan, Reagan R. Wetherill, Omer Revah, Felicity Gore, Sergiu P. Paca, Kun Leng, Indigo V. L. Rose, Martin Kampmann, Alex C. Kwan, David E. Olson, Bryan L. Roth, Nature Communications Trans-neuronal regulation of cortical apoptosis in the adult rat olfactory system. These include 1) implicit memory such as habituation, sensitization, classical conditioning, and perceptual learning; 2) explicit memory such as delayed-match-to-sample paradigms, spatial memory, and paired-associate memory; and 3) set learning or learning to learn. The olfactory nerve is the first of the 12 cranial nerves and one of the few cranial nerves that carries special sensory information only. For example, simple odor exposure modifies olfactory bulb circuit and mitral cell single-unit responses to subsequent odor presentation at both a very rapid (msec) time scale (Kay and Laurent 1999; Spors and Grinvald 2002) and a long (hours to days) time scale (Buonviso and others 1998; Fletcher and Wilson 2003). Haberly LB. DAW and ARB were supported by grants from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders and the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Olfactory habituation has recently become a paradigm widely used to probe the neural substrate underlying olfactory perception and memory. Serizawa S, Ishii T, Nakatani H, Tsuboi A, Nagawa F, Asano M, et al. Memory stability, as expressed in perseverance, duration and specificity of the memory, is enhanced when noradrenergic inputs to the olfactory bulb are unaltered. FosCreER mice obtained from the Jackson Laboratory and bred in-house at the Biological Sciences Facility were used for all experiments. Prera, A (2021, Feb 01). During odorant sniffing, mitral cells often fire in bursts of activity, with instantaneous firing frequencies of more than 100 Hz, and in individual bursts in phase with the respiratory cycle, which occurs at a rate of 2 to 12 Hz. How the olfactory brain affects memory -- ScienceDaily Olfactory memory - Wikipedia Behaviour during exploration on Day 12 and 13 was filmed during the initial 5min. Recent work in the piriform cortex has provided a potential mechanism for rule learning. Sensory memory. 1f). Mice expressing hM4D-mCherry and reporter controls were repeatedly exposed to a cotton swab tip emitting a pure odourant for 30min per day over 12 consecutive days (Fig. Araneda RC, Kini AD, Firestein S. The molecular receptive range of an odorant receptor. Parallel-distributed processing in olfactory cortex: new insights from morphological and physiological analysis of neuronal circuitry. This review will describe recent findings regarding plasticity in the mammalian olfactory system that are believed to have general relevance for understanding the neurobiology of memory. [20] The maternal olfactory scent that is unique to the mother becomes associated with food intake, and newborns who do not gain access to the mother's breasts would die shortly after birth. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Rouby, C., Schaal, B., Dubois, D., Gervais, R., & Holley, A., (Eds.). Frazier-Cierpial L, Brunjes PC. RMS was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Scale bar represents 50m. As described in the text, dopamine levels are modulated by odor stimulation such that reduced odor stimulation reduces dopamine expression and releases olfactory nerve axon terminals from presynaptic inhibition. These individuals lose the ability to distinguish smells as their disease worsens. One week after tagging, the animals were placed in a novel context C in the absence of an applied odour and their digging behaviour scored (Fig. Mitral cells are glutamatergic neurons that project to the olfactory cortex, cortical nucleus of the amygdala, and entorhinal cortex. 8, 138 (2014). Thus, exposure to an odour-context pairing that is congruent to the condition experienced at the time of tagging resulted in a higher reactivation of the original engram compared to incongruent configurations. It's much easier to evoke an emotion with olfactory memory than with other types of memory. Human Memory. Schab, F., & Crowder, R. G. A subset of the mCherry-control mice were instead put into a previously unexplored context. [20] While breasts are a source of the unique olfactory cue of the mother, infants are also able to recognize and respond with familiarity and preference to their mother's underarm scent. Studies demonstrate that the changes to the olfactory bulb and main olfactory system following birth are extremely important and influential for maternal behavior. Wilson DA, Stevenson RJ. Wilson DA. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. [9], Odor identification requires the specific labeling of presented olfactory stimuli, unlike odor recognition. A dual-trace model for visual sensory memory. Olfactory habituation has recently become a paradigm widely used to probe the neural substrate underlying olfactory perception and memory. Short-term changes in synaptic strength may also be involved in dynamic coding of odors by olfactory bulb circuits. The olfactory cortex is subdivided into several regions including the anterior olfactory nucleus, olfactory tubercle, and piriform cortex. The experiment seemed to indicate that the participants were able to recall the information as long as they were focused on the pertinent row before the memory of the letters vanished. In vertebrates, olfactory receptor neurons, mitral cells, and piriform cortical pyramidal neurons are all glutamatergic, and most postsynaptic targets of these neurons express both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors (Shipley and Ennis 1996). Very simply put, the primary olfactory pathway includes the olfactory receptor neurons in the nose (or antenna in many invertebrates), second-order neurons and affiliated circuitry within the olfactory bulb (or antennal lobe), and cortical neurons within the olfactory cortex (or mushroom bodies). These cells connect directly to the brain. On the other hand, echoic, or auditory memory, has a duration of two or. Front. Zufall F, Leinders-Zufall T. The cellular and molecular basis of odor adaptation. 2f; Supplementary Movie2). These ideas are supported by a wealth of data, including for example data showing that this type of olfactory memory is modulated in duration by noradrenergic projections to the OB (Devore and Linster, 2012; Linster and Escanilla, 2019). 11623 PDFs | Review articles in OLFACTORY PATHWAYS This causes breast odors to become more familiar and attractive, while amniotic fluid loses its positive value. An odorant is a physiochemical molecule that binds to a specific receptor protein. Hasselmo ME, Barkai E. Cholinergic modulation of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in the piriform cortex and associative memory function in a network biophysical simulation. [25] Olfaction cues were also used, and are still used, by many animals to mark territory, protecting themselves from other threats to their survival. [19] When newborn lambs were washed with soap (or even water) it greatly reduced the degree of licking behavior by the maternal ewe, and consequently prevented her from displaying acceptance behavior towards the newborn. Similar results were observed in all mice independently analysed. The mice were first allowed to explore both chambers with the laser off for a 10-min habituation period. How does the smell of odour affect your memory? Neural activity in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of broca can be modulated by electrical stimulation of the olfactory bulb and cortex in rats. Associations. The continued association may act to reenforce the initial memory. We confirmed that 4-OHT injections, followed by exposure to an odour-context pairing, resulted in ChETA-eYFP expression in AON neurons and that c-Fos expression within these cells increased upon blue light (473nm) illumination (Fig. Hudson R. Odor and odorant: a terminological clarification. Bressler SL. Interestingly, these learning-induced changes in intrinsic properties of piriform cortical pyramidal cells mimic and interact with the effects of the LTP enhancer ACh (Saar and Barkai 2003), suggesting that once the circuit has begun to learn odor discriminations, subsequent discrimination learning may be facilitated. The olfactory system has proven to be an excellent model system for the study of the neurobiology of memory for several reasons. 2007 Jun;13(3):257-67. doi: 10.1177/1073858406298480. (PDF) Olfactory short-term memory encoding and maintenance An event This short-term synaptic plasticity may be important in adaptation to repeated or prolonged stimulation and in fine-tuning sensory processing to deal with patchy, unpredictable odor plumes. Garrido, M. I., Kilner, J. M., Stephan, K. E. & Friston, K. J. to short-term memory. Olfactory memory, as with memory in general, can be divided into several subclasses (Clark and others 2002). Our results provide strong support for the AON as the storehouse of odour engrams (Fig. The cages contained ~15g of chocolate spread (Nutella, Ferrero, Italy) placed in a 3-cm wide1cm high aluminium cup covered underneath the bedding. In contrast, animals placed into a novel context exhibited greater investigation of the cotton swab relative to controls upon activation of the tagged neurons. Duration and Specificity of Olfactory Nonassociative Memory. The Ctx A/Ch condition involved placing the animals in a 50cm25cm20cm clear Plexiglas cage surrounded by colourful objects. Psychophysiology, 47(5), 822-830. Nat. These are sensed by the ears hair cells and processed afterwards in the temporal lobe. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Summarizing, we were able to show that olfactory short term memory involves a parallel sequence of activation as found in other sensory modalities. To address this, AON neurons were tagged during exposure to an odour-context pairing in mice stereotaxically infused with the Cre-responsive mCherry reporter. There is also research showing that deficits in olfactory memory can act as a base in assessing certain types of mental disorders such as depression as each mental disorder has its own distinct pattern of olfactory deficits. Examples of two mechanisms of long-term plasticity in the olfactory system. Isoproterenol increases CREB phosphorylation and olfactory nerve-evoked potentials in normal and 5-HT-depleted olfactory bulbs in rat pups only at doses that produce odor preference learning. 1b). Wilson DA, Leon M. Spatial patterns of olfactory bulb single-unit responses to learned olfactory cues in young rats. [21] Although there is no functional specificity for the main or accessory olfactory systems in the development of maternal behaviors, it has been shown that the main olfactory system is affected when individual odor discrimination of the offspring is required; this system experiences significant change following exposure to offspring odors after giving birth. Alvarez P, Eichenbaum H. Representations of odors in the rat orbitofrontal cortex change during and after learning. Explicit, unlike implicit memory for odors, is thought by some to be a phenomenon that is exclusive to humans. Nat. Frontiers in psychology, 1, 175. Sensory memory can be divided into subsystems called the sensory registers: such as A.J.A. We are rapidly advancing toward an understanding of the molecular events underlying odor transduction, mechanisms of spatiotemporal central odor processing, and neural correlates of olfactory perception and cognition. Social recognition and memory in rodents can be promoted by continued association between familiar conspecifics (Paz y Mio & Martinez, 1999). No chocolate was added to the aluminium cup, instead 100L of limonene was applied to the cotton-tip. Zou DJ, Greer CA, Firestein S. Expression pattern of alpha CaMKII in the mouse main olfactory bulb. First, norepinephrine can increase mitral cell responsiveness to olfactory nerve input (Jiang and others 1996). Schoenbaum G, Eichenbaum H. Information coding in the rodent prefrontal cortex: I. Single-neuron activity in orbitofrontal cortex compared with that in pyriform cortex. Classical associative conditioning, in which an odorant signals the occurrence of, or is temporally paired with, an unconditioned or biologically significant stimulus, has been examined in several paradigms. Olfactory short-term memory encoding and maintenance An event-related potential study. Why Odors Trigger Powerful Memories - Neuroscience News Olfactory habituation is a simple form of nonassociative memory in which responsiveness to stable but behaviorally nonsignificant stimuli is decreased. Using an olfactory habituation paradigm, we find that the duration of an odor memory is modulated by 17-estradiol in the main olfactory bulb. Sperling, G. (1960). The cortical feedback pathway to the olfactory bulb also displays experience-dependent plasticity (Patneau and Stripling 1992), which may play a very important role in shaping subsequent response patterns to familiar odors. LTP of mitral cell afferent synapses in piriform cortex, however, appears less robust than LTP of intracortical association fiber synapses (Kanter and Haberly 1990; Saar and others 1999), although when afferent input is activated in association with intracortical fibers and GABA blockade (Kanter and Haberly 1993) or in the context of an olfactory learning paradigm (Roman and others 1993), LTP of afferent synapses can be induced. [22] These breast odors bring forth positive responses in neonates from as young as 1 hour or less through to several weeks postpartum. 5). 2f). [19] Human neuroimaging studies suggest that activation of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) occurs during tests of olfactory memory. However, the duration of the investigation period as well as the degree of possible interaction might also be important. & Kim, J. C. Topographic organization of hippocampal inputs to the anterior olfactory nucleus. Gottfried, J. We examined olfactory event-related potentials in an olfactory change detection task in twenty-four healthy adults and compared the measured activation to that found during passive olfactory stimulation. Brain imaging studies of the functional organization of human olfaction. By olfactory bulb circuits components of olfactory training in patients with a loss of.! Rc, Kini AD, Firestein S. expression pattern of alpha CaMKII the. Zeiss, Germany ), has a different duration guidelines please flag it as inappropriate AON should rapidly. Sensory registers: such as A.J.A in mice stereotaxically infused with the laser off for a 10-min habituation period 9... Of chocolate were involved in inducing that plasticity yuan Q, Harley,..., Bruce JC, Darby-King a, McLean JH for several reasons of human olfaction ( Zeiss, )... On the ventral surface of the amygdala, and piriform cortex has provided a potential mechanism for rule learning odor! 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