spenta armaiti pronunciation

Amespand, [A]mahraspand). 28.7). Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. She is entreated for protection against evil. This article is available in print.Vol. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Spent shale on pronouncekiwi 3.35); her look [i.e. Bravo ! ; In " Arda Viraf " 35.13, the three daughters of Zoroaster are described to be in the image of Armaiti, Ameretat, and Haurvatat. Dexter, Miriam Robbins. Iranian lovers give each other gifts on this day. 31.4; 43.16; 48.11). Give, O thou Devotion, strength to Vtspa and to me (Y. 48.11). 26.78ff. ), In the gathas rmaiti first appears in Yasna 28.3, 3rd rhymed verse line, in combination with power to blossom, bloom, flower and grow, varedait rmaiti. The common noun rmaiti- has a Vedic cognate armati- (fem.) Wishing that Spenta Armaity bring true devotion, humility and hence spiritual strength to all. Safaee Y. In: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41776-5_6, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spenta_Armaiti&oldid=1092133703, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles containing Armenian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 June 2022, at 10:56. Easy. She is entreated for protection against evil. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Spent grain on pronouncekiwi "Ahura Mazd and rmaiti, Heaven and Earth, in the Old Avesta". She presides over Earth. Amesha Spenta (Ama Spnta) is an Avestan language term for a class of divine entities in Zoroastrianism and literally means "Immortal (which is) holy."The noun is amesha "immortal" from the negative prefix a + *mer (ProtoIndoEuropean: "death"), and the adjective spenta "furthering, strengthening, bounteous, holy" is its qualifier. How do you say Spent grain? 343 likes. In Zoroastrianism, Spnta rmaiti ( Avestan for "Holy Devotion") is one of the Amesha Spentas, the six divine sparks. ), at kehrpm tayit//dadt rmaitish nm, The bountifulness of spet rmaiti the sacred, calm thinking is such that all the living worlds gath advance/go forward frd and thrive thwa through her, (See Yasna 44.12,3rd rhymed verse line. [2] Sometimes Armaiti is paired with other Zoroastrian deity, Zam ('earth'), another being associated with the Earth, [3] thus forming a compound Zam-Armaiti or Zam-Armatay. Enduring rmaiti gave body and breath (Y. Spandrmad, Pers. F. M. P. Kotwal, Copenhagen, 1969, chap. 413-415. Some regard this parallelism as coincidental, others hold it to be the record of a genuinely old, i.e. As earth, Spnt rmaiti receives and nurtures semen involuntarily emitted (Vd. In non-specific usage, the term Amesha Spenta denotes all the divinities that furthered or strengthened creation and all that are bounteous and holy. In contrast, Armaiti is identified with " fruitfulness ". 31.12). It was to Spt rmaiti, guardian both of the earth and women that Artaxerxes II prayed for the health of his wife Atss, whose name is rendered in Greek as Hera the goddess of women.. Bundahin, tr. Spenta Armaity, is the 5th Ahmeshaspand of the Zoroastrian din. . . 26.8) the three neuter/male Ama Spntas stand on the right side of Ohrmazd, the three female ones on his left, with Spandrmad therefore at his left hand. 33.13; 34.9, 10; 49.2; 51.4, 11). "The Great Goddesses of Zoroastrianism - Armaiti, Ai and Anahita". passages her name is used as a synonym for earth itself. [18][19], "In the realm of the material world, Spenta Armaiti is the guardian spirit of the earth (Vendidad 3.35), the symbol of bountifulness () as well as the protector of herdsmen and farmers. There is of course, strength in humility. Hi, I'm Spenta. This is most beautiful and very encouraging to read-I quote ardeshir at the end, a lovely prayer-Spnt rmaiti, the bountiful, the good vauhm, we choose/will/desire for ourselves vare.maid //May she be ours!, Pingback: Mazda, Odin and the Sacred Fire of Zoroaster rainwindandwolf, Pingback: Spenta Armaiti, sacred focus, calm thinking | Authentic Gatha Zoroastrianism | Cyrus49's Blog. : The duty of Spandrmad is the nurturing of creatures . r means "rhythmic flow," Compare with Old Indo-European reie- "to move, run, flow" Middle Irish rian, Gothic rinnan, Old Norse rinna, Greek rheos SpentaArmaity presides over Earth ( just as Ahura Mazda presides over the human kingdom, Bahman Ahmeshpand presides over animal kingdom, Ardibehest over Fire, etc). Her closeness to Ohrmazd is constantly stressed. and explain. Because of her link with the earth, it came to be celebrated, not only as a festival of women, but also as that of farmers, and to be called an-e barzgarn; and characteristic observances on this day were concerned with attacking xrafstras, in this connection insects and reptiles which were thought to harm the good earth and the crops borne by it. Y. They preside over water and plants and may come to the believer as. ), The Avestan word berem high, lofty, exalted is another epithet of the god beings that comes in association with both rmaiti calm thinking, harmonious thoughts and vh-man brilliant disposition and/or good spirit/mind. It can be compared with Russian breg, Old Germanic bergaz, German berg, mountain, lofty heights., rmaiti brings riches and superabundance ai. rmait and prophet Zarathtr asks rmaiti to grant powers to him and his patron vit.sp. Scholars of Avesta have rendered the name as [14], In the Zoroastrian calendar, she is associated with the twelfth month (Persian: Spendrmad) and the fifth day of the month. You decide. Armaiti name meaning available! in the physical realm she represents, and later becomes, the earth.". Authentic Zoroastrianism based on the poetic gathas and their most ancient commentaries, Introductory poem to the gatha inspiredpoetry, stara and the Zoroastrian New Dawn and Spring NewYear, Spenta Armaiti, sacred focus, calmthinking, Mazda, Odin and the Sacred Fire of Zoroaster rainwindandwolf, Spenta Armaiti, sacred focus, calm thinking | Authentic Gatha Zoroastrianism | Cyrus49's Blog, Late Bronze Age and the time ofZarathustra, Welcoming the Blessed Spirits with Bonfires and the 10 days of Introspection and Reflection beforeSpring. Moderate. The feast was greatly beloved in the community, which was by then a predominantly farming one. Counting the year in the Solar Hijri (SH) calendar is different: we have to add 621 years or 622 years to the Solar Hijri year to arrive at the Gregorian ("European") equivalent. proto-Indo-Iranian, association. 535-36). Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 305-6.). Spenta Armaiti is known in later Iranian languages as Spandarmad (in Middle Persian) and Isfandrma (in Modern Persian ). @Spenta__Armaiti #__ #_ #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #OpIran Y. Bundahin, tr. Amesha Spenta Armaiti meaning The Beneficent of Devotion, she is one of the great Amesha Spentas. Spnt rmaiti, the bountiful, the good vauhm, we choose/will/desire for ourselves vare.maid //May she be ours! Yima, shining with light, faced southwards and pressed the golden seal against the earth and boring into it with the poniard, says " O Spenta Armaiti, kindly open asunder and stretch thyself afar, to bear flocks and herds and men ." 2. In several Gathic verses rmaiti, guardian of earth, is associated with Xara, the hypostasis of justly used power, who protects and is immanent in the overarching sky (Y. Thus we sincerely express our gratitude to Armaiti. 18.51); and her name is rendered as pthiv the broad one, earth by Neryosang Dhaval in his Skt. "Scythian and Zoroastrian Earth Goddesses: A Comparative Study on Api and rmaiti". The Supplementary texts to the yest n-yest, ed. Names, nicknames and username ideas for spenta armaiti. Spet rmaiti called Spandrma in middle Iranian is "sacred focus/meditation and calm thinking" manifested in the physical creation as the lady of the earth and women's intuition. So a Zoroastrian should acknowledge: My stock and lineage is from Gaymard. 37.5, 39.5, rmaiti is associated with other female divinities of abundance and goodness; and her xnman or regular liturgical invocation is "bounteous ( spnt -), good rmaiti, good, far-sighted Rt, Mazd-created, bounteous" ( Srza 1.5). The Avestan vared/vara power to blossom, bloom, flower and grow can be compared with reconstructed Proto Indo European wredh and Old Greek rhodo roses.. Skjrv, Prods Oktor. . SpentaArmaity also means (Divine) Love and Piety or Devotion. . Rivayat 8.2ff., with the declaration attributed to Ohrmazd: This is Spandrmad, my daughter and my queen of heaven, and the mother of creation (n Spandrmad man duxt u-m kadag-bng wahit, ud md dmn). The root ar is the same for a/arth "cosmic order, superb artistry" and a/arth "comes in alliance with rmaiti throughout the poetic gathas. ), Another epithet of rmaiti is vauhm or vah.yv good, superb, brilliant, bounteous. For the god-beings are superb, brilliant and giver of superabundance., In the poetic gathas, rmaiti calm thinking or harmonious thoughts is said to be the daughter dged of the mindful lord, the god of inspiring creativity mazd (See Yasna 45.4, 4th rhymed verse line. In Zoroasters Gs the common noun occurs with the adjective spnta bounteous, holy (Y. [15], Scholarship states that Armaiti is equivalent to a RigVedic entity named Aramati. There is no trace of a similar link between armati- and katra- in Indian tradition. The festival of Spet rmaiti called Spandrma in middle Iranian, (February 18-19) is a special time to honor the scared earth, and women. Thus in Vd. 38.1, an ancient text probably pre-Zoroastrian in content: This earth then we worship, her who bears us, together with women.) This association is emphasized in Pahlavi texts, e.g. Okada Akinori. Isfandrmad), one of the six great Ama Spntaswho, with Ahura Mazd and/or his Holy Spirit, make up the Zoroastrian Heptad. The opposite of Armaity (obedience) is Taromaity (disobedience to the will of God). [1], Spenta Armaiti is known in later Iranian languages as Spandarmad (in Middle Persian) and Isfandrma (in Modern Persian). Frequently, however, she is spoken of as the earth itself rather than as the genius of the earth (Yasna 16.10; Yasht 24.50; Vendidad 2.10, 2.14, 2.18, 18.51, 18.64). 30.7). 19.13, 16); and this metaphor is alluded to again and again in Pahlavi passages which derive from lost Avestan texts (see Dnkard 9.52.27; 53.2; 59.4-5; 68.47). Her festival was a favored time for courtship, and on that day maidens chose husbands for themselves (see M. R. Unvala in F. Spiegel Memorial Volume, ed. The passages are Dnkard 3.80.3-4 (for which see J. de Menasce, Le troisime livre du Dnkart, Paris, 1973, p. 86), and the Pahl. "La langue des Scythes et le nom des Arimaspes". Then through order (aa) Mazd made plants grow for her (Y. For Zoroaster the possession of devotion was an essential part of being righteous, aavan; and he conceived its hypostasis, rmaiti, as being active in leading man to the good life and to salvation. (See Yasna 30.7,2nd rhymed verse line. 2.10); let him [i.e. 9.59.4), that Ohrmazds creatures have complete mindfulness (bowandag meninh) of him; and it is she who protects the souls of the just (Dnkard 9.41.10). Spenta Armaiti (Beneficent Devotion), the spirit of devotion and faith, guides and protects the believer. My mother is Spandrmad, my father Ohrmazd. This custom is still flourishing at Isfahan, Ray and in the other districts of Fahla (Brn, Chronology, p. 229). There is no marshaling of the six great Ama Spntas in order in the Gs (see Ardwahit); but in the Younger Avesta (e.g. Spenta Armaiti / Gold 1 100LP / 13Win 17Lose Win Rate 43% / Nasus - 2Win 9Lose Win Rate 18%, Zac - 3Win 0Lose Win Rate 100%, Katarina - 2Win 1Lose Win Rate 67%, Galio - 2Win 1Lose Win Rate 67%, Sylas - 2Win 0Lose Win Rate 100% The term Spentais itself hard to translate into English; it means "increasing" or "growing" but with a connotation of goodness, holiness, and benevolence. Very difficult. In Vd. Designed and created by Sadaf Ilkhanipour. that of the whore] takes the colors away from a third of Spnt rmaiti (Vd. ), The second part maiti means meditation, reflection, concentration, and thinking., rmaiti comes about 42 times in the gathas and in Yasna 43.15, 3rd rhymed verse line is equated with tn maiti silent, tacit or quiet meditation., She like other Immortals is characterized by the epithet Spt the auspicious, endowed with vibrant, splendid life force, the bringer of abundance and growth, the sacred., (Compare Spt with Old Slavonicsvt,Lithuanianventas, Russiansvjatj and Old Prussianswints, See Didier Calin. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A complication arose, however, from this metaphor because of rmaitis association with mother earth. 2022 Encyclopdia Iranica Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Av. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Got it! There is moral strength in following Ahuras will. In the main rituals of Zoroastrian worship rmaiti is held to be physically represented by the earth of the consecrated precinct, the pavi; and still today Zoroastrian priests solemnize these age-old services seated cross-legged, hence in close contact with the ground. Their names and attributes are: Ameretat (Immortality), Spenta Armaiti (Devotion . The fifth day of the twelfth month is hence her holy day, Sepandrmazgn. They preside over water and plants and may come to the believer as Read More B. Schlerath, Darmstadt, 1970, p. 388). Dorab Mistry appointed Chairman of Adani Wilmar Group. Spenta Armaiti / Gold 3 16LP / 102Win 105Lose Win Rate 49% / Hecarim - 18Win 11Lose Win Rate 62%, Azir - 8Win 7Lose Win Rate 53%, Rakan - 8Win 5Lose Win Rate 62%, Jayce - 8Win 5Lose Win Rate 62%, Maokai - 6Win 4Lose Win Rate 60% [2], Sometimes Armaiti is paired with other Zoroastrian deity, Zam ('earth'), another being associated with the Earth,[3] thus forming a compound Zam-Armaiti or Zam-Armatay. rmaiti, Perfect Mediation, FirmFoundation, The Winter Festival of Sad and the Discovery ofFire, Solstice rites, lights and Lamps in the Zoroastrian customs andtradition. r-maiti comes from the root ar fitting harmoniously, right arrangement. The root ar is the same for a/arth cosmic order, superb artistry and a/arth comes in alliance with rmaiti throughout the poetic gathas. In the morning a service is solemnized in her honor at the local fire temple, and in the afternoon the community used to gather there to make merry and feast together. Spenta Armaity teaches us to be humble, not in a doormat-ish way, but filled with humility so that we listen to our Sarosh (voice of conscience) and implicitly do the Will of God. How do you say Spent shale? SpentaArmaity will also be remembered and honoured on the 3rd Gatha day Spentomard, which falls this year on Wednesday,15th August 2012. J. J. Modi, Bombay, 1908, p. 206). This bounteousness is linked, as has been shown, with her immanence in the earth. 3.17); and her association with it is repeatedly adumbrated, in characteristically allusive style, in the Gs: She (rmaiti) shall indeed give us good dwelling, she (shall give) us enduring, desired strength of good purpose. Excellent audio clip with correct information. Amesha Spenta ( Ama Spnta) is an Avestan language term for a class of divine entities in Zoroastrianism and literally means "Immortal (which is) holy" [1] [n 1] The name Later Middle Persian variations of the term include the contraction 'Ameshaspand' as well as the specifically Zoroastrian 'Mahraspand' and 'Amahraspand'. (eds). 345, 395, and idem, The Culture of the Sakas in Ancient Iranian Khotan, New York, 1982, pp. Corrections? In: Niknami KA., Hozhabri A. Spnta is a characteristic word of his revelation, meaning "furthering, strengthening, bounteous, holy." 37.5, 39.5, rmaiti is associated with other female divinities of abundance and goodness; and her xnman or regular liturgical invocation is bounteous (spnt-), good rmaiti, good, far-sighted Rt, Mazd-created, bounteous (Srza 1.5). 18.64). I like to conclude by the following gathic sacred verse: spetm v rmaitm vauhm vare.maid// h-n ahat. In one grouping of the Heptad which is enshrined in the tradition (see Bundahin, tr. 4, pp. 0 rating. text there recurs Zoroasters own metaphor, by which he spoke of rmaiti as the daughter of the supreme Being (see Vd. In India ramati likewise had a connection with the earth, although this is attested only in a late passage (Syaas commentary on Rig Veda 7.42.2, 14th century A.D.). The month is Asfandard, the roz is Asfandard in the year YZ 1381. The day and month are dedicated to Asfandard Ahmeshaspand WHO is female and is also called Spenta Armaity. ARMAITIis the god-force of calm thinking, harmonious thoughts and serene meditation.. the grave] (Vd. Armaiti name numerology is 8 and here you can learn how to pronounce Armaiti, Armaiti origin and similar names to Armaiti name. Difficult. Omissions? 1.2, pthivpatn lady of the earth (see Bartholomae, AirWb., p. 337). Spenta Armaiti / Gold 1 100LP / 13Win 17Lose Win Rate 43% / Nasus - 2Win 9Lose Win Rate 18%, Zac - 3Win 0Lose Win Rate 100%, Katarina - 2Win 1Lose Win Rate 67%, Galio - 2Win 1Lose Win Rate 67%, Sylas - 2Win 0Lose Win Rate 100% "Scythian and Zoroastrian Earth Goddesses: A Comparative Study on Api and rmaiti". It is the unshakeable rmaiti who regenerates the physical body, kehrpm (Compare with German Krper,) and gives eternal youth tayit. 8.21 she is entreated together with him for protection against the powers of evil; and in a passage derived from a lost Avestan text she is said to have been sent by him, together with two other female yazatas, Ardwsr and Ardfraward, to protect the infant Zoroaster from harm (Ztspram 10.3). In: "[Armaiti] was the cornucopia of the fruits of the land () the personification of the land itself, and the earth was, thus, her proper realm () [She was also] responsible for its growth". ), She rmaiti comes also in close affiliation with dan vision, power to see, and keen insight into the cosmic order. zam- and spnta-) denotes the world, rendering Ind. In: Niknami KA., Hozhabri A. Number 7 is the holy Zoroastrian number. ar/athr is the power to make the land bloom and the realm bountiful. ARMAITI is the god-force of "calm thinking, harmonious thoughts and serene meditation." r-maiti comes from the root ar " fitting harmoniously, right arrangement.". The last day of Sven-i mas is the true name-day feast of the Ama Spnta, celebrated on day Spandrmad of month Spandrmad. 6:7, but in its Persian form, Sandaramet, it translated Hades, i.e. Secondly, at the end of the Kemnamazda, we recite the last sentence (by bowing and touching the ground) as follows: Nemaschha ya Armaitis Ezaichha (3 times) and the Mithra is : Spenta Armaiti ne naman hojo, ke jeo Sahib panch (5) Gathao ne ledhe hamari sambhal rakhe chhe meaning : We are being protected by five Gathas. [4], In Zoroastrian religion, Spenta Armaiti is seen as the wife or companion of major deity Ahura Mazda, who, in some accounts, is described as her creator or father. 16.10); he struck this earthsaying: "Go forth, beloved Spnt rmaiti" (Vd. Loka (see H. W. Bailey, Dictionary of Khotan Saka, Cambridge, etc., 1979, pp. It is any thought, word and deed which brings us in harmony with Gods Laws of Righteousness. . Thousands of randomly generated ideas - funny, weird, creative, fancy, badass and more! "The Avestan Yasna: Ritual and Myth". concept and design by kiarash tamizkar Thus, she is linked to fertility and to farmers. Amesha Spentas are of 3 Angels (Females) and 4 Arch-Angels (Males) which makes 7. Learn how your comment data is processed. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). ), Through rmaiti the god-force arises and existence thrives. Pahlavi texts derived from lost Avestan works stress the nurturing aspect of Spandrmads link with earth, e.g. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! This latter custom was maintained until well into the twentieth century in and around Yazd. translation of the yasna, with, as interpretation of the Pahlavi gloss to Y. Spenta Armaiti, Montreal, Quebec. piety, devotion and the Rig Veda knows a goddess Aramati, seemingly already by then a fading figure (H. Lommel in Zarathustra, ed. February 18 is the feast day of "rmaiti." rmaiti also known as Spet rmaiti is one of the "splendid, auspicious immortals." Her name is made out of 2 parts r+maiti. Synonyms for Spenta Armaiti include Amesha Spenta, Ahura Mazda, Ameretat, Asha Vahishta, Haurvatat, Khshathra Vairya and Vohu Manah. She presides over Earth. [11][a][b], She is also associated with the dead. Ali Jafarey translates it prosaically as "progressive." Armaitiis even more difficult to convey in English. I meditate daily. She is the personification of holy devotion, the daughter of the creator, Ahura Mazda, and represents righteous obedience. We have enclosed3 audio clips, which are snippets of a lecture on Spenta Armaity. Pronunciation of amesha spenta with 1 audio pronunciations. The fifth day of the twelfth month is rmaitis holy day, a day to honor the earth and women. Spenta Armaiti Facts and Figures Name: Spenta Armaiti Pronunciation: Coming soon Alternative names: Amahraspand, Armaiti, Armaity, Armati, Spenta Ameraiti, Spnta rmaiti Gender: Female Type: Spirit Area or people: Persia Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present Role: In charge of: Devotion Area of expertise: Devotion Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. In Zoroastrianism, Spnta rmaiti(Avestan for "Bounteous Harmony" or "Holy Devotion") is one of the Amesha Spentas, the seven divine manifestations of Wisdom and Ahura Mazda. Each Amesha Spenta has an Arch-Rival Daeva (Div) who battles them. While older sources present the Amesha Spentas more as abstract entities, in later sources Spenta Armaiti is personified as a female divinity with connotations of harmony and devotion. (For modern expositions of the doctrine and practice, by Irani Zoroastrians, see Boyce, Stronghold, p. 51). Armaiti ("beneficent devotion") is one of the Amesha Spentas in Zoroastrianism. Her bountifulness is such that all creatures live through her. In Yt. I enjoy nature and the elements within. It becomes her fixed epithet in Young Avestan, and is compounded with rmaiti to form her proper name in Middle Iranian and Persian. In Zoroastrianism, Spnta rmaiti (Avestan for "Bounteous Harmony" or "Holy Devotion") is one of the Amesha Spentas, the seven divine manifestations of Wisdom and Ahura Mazda. It is through his companionship with rmaiti, the prophet declares, that he has deserved to attain truth, whereas the wicked man neither supports her nor makes her his own (Y. The Persian 'Solar Hijri' Calendar. an evil man] be thrust into the darkness of Spnt rmaiti, into the place of corruption [i.e. ), did t rmait//vt,spi em maiby.. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Spenta-Armaiti. Submitted tags will be reviewed by site administrator before it is posted online.If you enter several tags, separate with commas. Full name of the organization: OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTIU "SPENTA-ARMAITI" TIN: 6673213469 PSRN: 1106673003029 Location: 620135, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Ekaterinburg, ul. While older sources present the Amesha Spentas more as abstract entities, in later sources, Spenta Armaiti is personified as a female divinity. The physical creation which rmaiti protects, and in which she is immanent, is the earth (see, e.g. The twelfth month was also devoted to her (for possible reasons see Boyce, Zoroastrianism II, p. 249); and when name-day festivals were developed (see ibid., p. 251), hers was thus held on the fifth day of the twelfth month. (Optional) Enter email address if you would like feedback about your tag. the underworld, in Ezekiel 31:16, etc. The divine feminine is entreated for powers of procreation, serenity, and protection against evil. (2020). She is associated with the earth and in that capacity she is the goddess of fertility and the dead, who are buried in the earth. spenta armaiti in a sentence - Use spenta armaiti in a sentence and its meaning 1. Log in . In: Skjrv, Prods Oktor. The minor female divinity Rt is the hypostasis of the gift, hence of liberality, so that association with her emphasizes yet further the bountiful aspect of Spnt rmaiti. 392-94, with notes). The existence of these two metaphors, of mother and of daughter, later led priestly scholastics, taking the figurative anthropomorphisms literally, to use them as a justification for xwddah or next-of-kin marriage, in this case between father and daughter (see E. W. West, SBE XVIII, pp. Spet rmaiti called Spandrma in middle Iranian is sacred focus/meditation and calm thinking manifested in the physical creation as the lady of the earth and womens intuition. II, Fasc. : ARMAITI (Spnt rmaiti, Pahl. Sepandrmazgn is an ancient festival to celebrate eternal love. Line of business: Retail sale of household chemicals, synthetic detergents, wallpaper and floor coverings (OKVED code 52.48.31) Organization status: Commercial, liquidated (termination of the .
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