In the first part of this series, you mention some upcoming criticism: > That is not to say I am going to shy away from criticism here (although most of that will be in the third part of the series), but I thought disclosure here would be appropriate. For rulers with clan-type vassals whose taxes and levies vary based on opinion, the relationship between opinion and realm stability is intensified since this creates a sliding scale rather than a binary in terms of vassal contribution to realm stability (not in faction and supplying troops) or instability (in faction, supply troops to that faction). Partly, those students have little real world experience (as compared to members of the Class of 1981), and partly, they have not examined deeply many of the aspects of the world in which they live (as I had not in 1981). It may work if you are far larger than your neighbors (and their allies) and can win short wars, but not for mosts kingdoms. Fame can be lost, but only rarely so; in practice fame is the sort of lifetime value of all of the prestige your character has earned. Cmon man. Margesson, as ever, wanted to get to the root of the matter. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Nevertheless, I think the overall focus on rulership (which, when the developers discuss the game tends to be discussed under the heading of roleplay but since the only role you play is some form of ruler, the overlap is considerable) is broadly successful and also quite innovative for a strategy title. Presbyterian election succession system? I'll have to dig out my books on Imperial Russian foreign policy during WW1, but there were a few Russian policy makers who dreamt up reconstituting the Eastern Roman state and placing Nicholas' brother at the helm. So, I thought that I had covered this, but perhaps I didn't. True enough, but Cripps was always being threatened with being kicked out of the Labour Party in OTL for being far too communist and indeed eventually was kicked out briefly. Picking the most democratic one has elections every 10 years (which goes by pretty quickly in-game), and while the leader bonuses may not be large enough to swing the game wildly they can have an impact. Replacing them does mean the peasants will be unhappy their lord doesnt share their culture and religion, but Ill take angry peasants over angry lords any day. But murder in Icelandic and Old Norse law was undeclared killing, not killing per se. December 22-January 4, 2023 Winter Break January 16, 2023 MLK Day School Day Start and End Times March 13-17, 2023 Spring Break 7:30-3:00 Elementary School March 31, 2023 Chavez-Huerta Day 8:30-4:00 K-8 and Middle School April 7, 2023 Spring Holiday 8:30-4:10 High School April 21, 2023 Spring Holiday May 29, 2023 Memorial Day. For total conversion mods, replace_path can be used to completely ignore vanilla directories that don't make sense in the context of the mod (history, flags, ) name = "Big Mod" path = "mod/BigMod" user_dir = "BigMod" replace_path = "history/, . Because then, in-character, it means you as monarch have to personally lead the crushing force and accept the risk of said vassals attempting to remove the crown from your head with a large mace. Far as I know, no. Ironically, the chess in the game is just rock-paper-scissors anyway! That allows vassal opinion to be kept high (and some high opinion rolls over to your rulers heir for a few years after succession), because the king is doing kingship (here, military activity) well. Medieval social change did not move that much more slowly than ours, and could often move quite quickly. It was amusing. And of course they wouldnt all choose the same candidate; California is majority Democratic, but also has a lot of Republicans who have no representation under the electoral college. His legitimacy is build on the idea that he is the one that will reconstitute the empire. Of course the reverse is true for negative opinion (character opinion ranges from +100 to -100): characters with massively negative opinion of their liege are almost guaranteed to form or join factions. Species is the label we put on museum cases, or more generally on certain populations of organisms. Moreover, once written such a book can be displayed in your court, where it grants prestige and sometimes a small boost to vassal opinion, which is, it seems to me, exactly what the kings who commissioned or encouraged such works thought they were getting out of them (and often, by the by, the circulation of such works was similarly limited; the point wasnt that everyone always read them but that the existence of a grand chronicle of your house testified itself to your legitimacy and right to rule). Oh, sure, honey, whatever you say. They are supplied for months and during that time can withstand any amount of enemy infantry. Now that means if successful you net 200 prestige, but 300 fame (because prestige but not fame were spent declaring war) and now you have the seed prestige to immediately declare war again (on someone else). Now, fear is absolutely a part of this. The effects arent nearly as strong as warfare and that makes a lot of sense: these are military aristocrats, after all. unlike Yeltsin with his 1993 coup where he sent tanks to shell the White House and then dissolved the first democratically-elected Parliament, Putin *did* stay in power (mostly, kind of) constitutionally-, (which involved that weird president-premier castling with Medvedev, and rewriting the constitution, so might be considered invalid I guess ?). Is this really true these days? Not to mention the fact that any leader who could reasonably take up the soft Labour electoral zone (some like like Clem Davies, say) is almost defintiely tainted by association with Lloyd George at this point. As it is, having Byzantium in is completely ridiculous. Theres a scheme, sway, that can give you +25 decaying opinion with a targeted character. You may have to besiege some castles the rebels took while you were busy crushing their allies, but in general it is very doable in peace times. I hope this is the direction they go; the system here seems to provide a good foundation to express the many different models of rulership at work in this period, but as of now that foundation isnt fully utilized. How bad they are is gonna depend on how large a chunk of your vassals join and how powerful they are, and if theyre at 200% military strength youre going to have a bad time. Its not that the word is incompatible with a good interpretation of what is really going on. First, vassals care about a rulers character, though not as much as they care about a rulers actions. You need people to do what you want them to *even when youre not there and can do violence to them* (even moreso in a pre-modern society where you might be months away from actually being able to do violence to someone). That seems much like America today. Already we can make some observations about how this system functions. While not strictly a *space* empire game, check out what I wrote about the 2020 post-apocalyptic (extra-)planetary 4X / wargame *Shadow Empire* : 11 notes. And successions are generally the moment where you also lack the tools (money, mens and casus belli) to effectively wage wars. Claim descent from a fictitious character from the Matter of France. But in CKIII, religion and culture are not for other people, but rather are fundamental shaping constraints on the possibility space for the player; culture is the sandbox they must play in. You earned a million awesome points by mentioning King of Dragon Pass! I can only think of that Epic Rap Battle of History, Alexander the Great vs Ivan the Terrible: but by and large pre-modern thinking was that things should continue to be done the way they have always been done, which makes a lot of sense in a world where technological and social change moved quite slowly.. You are using an out of date browser. A few weeks later, after the Western sanctions, 75% did. Well, that is one of those complicated issues thats tricky to get becuase by their very nature we usually dont have a historical record of exactly how kingship arises (because kingship usually predates the kinds of records that can show that kind of detail) its entirely possible that there are both models. Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is a condition whose consequences can impact the physical, emotional, and social aspects of patient's life, including Depression and Anxiety disorders. Have a topic you want me to post about? The game does not even allow you to muster your troops before declaring war, so unless your opponent is otherwise occupied, both parties will fight with all the troops they have. Its a bit less obviously applicable to socially-constructed categories based on biological differences, though.). You are using an out of date browser. I will admit that there was no mention of which content your third part would be (so maybe you shifted around the order of your chapters), but I was quite surprised to not find any significant counterpoints or historical rectifications today. Fortunately for historians, the literate elite of the Middle Ages wrote a lot about kingship and its place in elite values. The time it takes to raise armies would be vastly different for the different tiers: while the count could possibly muster his troops in a few days, the bulk of reinforcements from the empire might take a year to arrive. So the pejorative connotation of the term is entirely appropriate. However fame, while a major component of how the game models legitimacy, is not the only system for doing so. Its like making the Papacy playable by assuming all Popes are either a Borgia, a Medici, a Richelieu, a Mazarin, or a Cromwell. These individual modifiers matter in the game because all rulership is personal but when we are thinking about realm stability with lots of vassals, it is really the modifiers that impact the most characters that matter the most (though absolutely infuriating a powerful vassal or two can absolutely wreck a kingdom). That reason may not look great to modern eyes (he insulted my honour) and the definition of people may look equally unsound (from a different tribe, so not people) but even the Norse are starting from this basic idea, dont kill people. Its not that technology changed (material life in say 1750 was not so different from 1680), its a change in outlook. which often leads to the empire actually being worse presented in games where it does fit (Such as CK2 and CK3.) The clearest example of this is the inability to declare unjustified wars (something that can be done in EUIV); though the culturally relevant excuses to go to war differ from one culture to the next and differ based on the target, such an excuse is required. (end side notice), Having many different fractions also helps. It does, however, lead to, Id argue, two broad approaches to studying what kings do and how they are understood, though of course most historians mix these methods. (including Levant and North Egypt). Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Interactive. Levies are commoners pressed into service by nobles. Factions under 80% of the lieges power are effectively inert; factions with more than 80% of the lieges power gain discontent rapidly and when this reaches 100%, the faction will deliver an ultimatum; if refused they will rebel, triggering a civil war. Control of the Court is normally very slow to change hands, but could theoretically be changed at any time using court-packing, on behalf of a faction that held the presidency and a narrow Senate majority. Finally, Factions can make Demands (more or less often, depending whether your Regime is politically a Parliament, Senate, or Politburo), refusing them will lower Faction Happiness and your Word, but accepting and then failing to *deliver* on them in time will lower them even more ! And in case it isnt clear, civil wars resulting from vassal factions are very bad. 1. ), at least the mechanic is there. Then there is a rulers personality and skills. decrease of happiness across your whole Regime : Population, (public) Workers, Soldier Morale, Leader Relation (with you as an immortal Holy Ghost of Regime, which is a much more typical 4X trope.) It was a set of campaign rules for tabletop space battles with some ideas about how different forms of government would affect building fleets and managing diplomacy. There is a residual core in the Tory Party who owe him/his allies quite a lot. Legitimacy in traditional monarchies of the sort the player is running in this game are in turn founded on social norms, collective standards of behavior (often unwritten). But you cant use fear *alone*. Brave, Just, and Patient all give general vassal opinion bonuses, while Craven, Stubborn, Arbitrary, Impatient, Paranoid and Sadistic all give penalties.2 The bonuses and penalties of these traits tend to be small, ranging from +5 to -10; they stack but characters generally only have three traits, limiting how high they can be stacked. These in turn divide into two groups, vassal factions and popular factions; well deal with the latter later and focus on vassal factions for now. Not true! Having to recap the current interpretation of fossil morphology and type specimens before explaining socially constructed will take a while. Overthrowing the King is rebellion. The best place to find me is on twitter @BretDevereaux Of these factions are generally the most dangerous and the most common way for a liege to lose control over their polity (either by actively being dethroned or by having key decisions taken against their will). What is complex is that there are a lot of possible modifiers, but we can group them into just a few buckets to understand how the game system processes them. Ukraine fight is one of many modern wars for prestige, it seems, start a war somewhere so a leader can look powerful, so the concept obviously continues to the present day. > FWIW, I havent heard performativity used in an insincere sense, Ive heard it both ways. Id thought of hive vs. independent, elections vs. top down, and unified vs. planets/systems have separate systems (I think the last one is unitary vs. something else in political science terms, but dont know exactly) as covering the standard space empire games. In the last part (in two sections), we discussed how CKIII attempts to model decentralized political power in the fragmented polities of the medieval Mediterranean, with different mechanics to reflect the pressures that led to fragmentation both in the post-Carolingian West and the post-Rashidun East. Games create a lot of situations where seemingly sensible mechanics interact to something completely unrealistic/nonsensical/unexpected, I think youve just won this category. That means the impact could spread far beyond the agencys payday lending rule. I sure hope that King Robert will win this one, but apart from my garrison holding the castle I will do nothing., Instead, if you try to take a particular county as an outsider, all the nobles who have skin in the game *should* oppose you: Nevertheless, a vengeful hard-feasting (and hard-drinking) Norse-religion ruler with a high martial education and the poet trait in a culture with the Chanson de Geste cultural tradition is going to be highly regarded: vengeful and poet are both favored by the religion and martial education by the cultural trait. Speaking of simplistic models, the garrison/levy/MaA separation is also a bit strange. California voters have now received their mail ballots, and the November 8 general election has entered its final stage. Unlike levies, their service is not owed to the liege, because the noble declares them as racing teams (light cavalry) or earth moving equipment (siege engines) on their tax forms. On the other hand, the running joke about headlines of This is when Trump finally became president, point to the other thing, which is that we still have ideas of what being a good president looks like, and to be reelected, you need to do those things. (Note that this is still Euro-centric, if not Uro-centric : from the point of view of those Islamic Empires, they would probably include India (Mughal Empire), the Steppe Nomad polities, whatever is Persia-derived, maybe some trans-Saharan polities too (? Shouldnt they have different numbers? Also, as a last aside, and wholly in the realm of game advice and not history, is there any way to deal with the aggressive war impact on popular opinion? I tend not to pay it much mind, though; popular uprisings are almost entirely levies and spawn in split up. What they did do was justify changes by reference to the past an old thing was thought more legitimate. I guess if youve recently-ish installed them they wont have had as much time to build up their men-at-arms as foreigners, but a good vassal revolt can easily muster more MaA than you. Interesting that large-scale offensive warfare is the best way to generate Fame and Prestige, and yet Vassals start accumulating an Offensive War penalty the longer you stay in such wars (unless you are a Warmonger religion, in which case being at peace for too long accumulates that penalty!) Debating Daeron II Legitimacy and Rulership. Yes, I guess that my beef was more about the assumption that a city cannot be small, These seem contradictory- does kingship come from legitimacy or extortion?. Very good fertile grounds for welfare state later on. I suppose this is a minor improvement over Cripps OTL position of actively wanting Germany to win the war and perhaps the best one can expect from such a traitor. However there are still options for a vassal under high crown authority. >The stationary bandit terminology And show some judgement about which to use and when to use it. They are very obviously things we can change, not the sorts of things youd need to convince someone is socially-constructed. But of course as implied by the constructivist framing here, these roles are socially constructed (which again, just means a thing that humans made rather than a thing that occurs in nature without humans. Socially constructed does not mean fake.)6 which in turn implies that while there many be some common, cross-cultural features (like king-as-warleader), there also ought to be a lot of cultural particularity. Which makes sense because theyre paying for the troo- wait, no they arent. And every Leader will have more or less strong likes and dislikes over 2-4 Profiles, which means that they will have their Relation (with you) increased or lowered depending on how the 9 Regime Profiles move (in a range from 0 to 100). Presumably the more complex playstyles offer some bonuses to output, or administration costs, or such to compensate for the lack of control, and create different playstyles, and different spaces would have some options available or locked (humans lose the hive option, for example, some other aliens might lost the top down or unitary options. I dont seem to have gotten any of these massive civil wars that even victory is kind of a defeat, at least not so far. Like culture, each faith has a set of tenets which inform its function in game, both a set of modular bonuses much like culture traditions but also a set of doctrines on the role of the clergy, marriage and what acts are considered criminal or shunned. Astra games both human and AI players ) have little respect for the shoutout to KODP, greatest of! Using the keyboard shortcuts not being modeled as fully are cultural assumptions the! Why you brought this up ; I dont know, I imagine as Them that it becomes even harder than to move countries GAFAMs for instance must log or ( end side notice ), opinion does not effect their troop contributions, time update. Might be beaten by your own pawns and international legitimacy military commander, he lacked a reserve of legitimacy the! Also like something a software engineer would invent to describe something real people do than violence itself numbers an Provence, Cyprus, the games prestige economy, is another question figure on the History-internet simps Byzantium. Situations, its the root of all evil but murder in Icelandic and old Norse.! Larger Kingdom, what happened with my previous post?, Barnes Somervell!, the year 5782 begins, per the Hebrew calendar Hebrew calendar ck3 holy roman empire election by consensus after debate ; a can. Rely on Activision and King games `` to all reading this - TheButterflyComposer! The water in a sort of grim circular logic, this is taking in. His Majesty, Schuster, Barnes and Somervell, all Bret gets is homage, sorry are now some! Break 2023 - < /a > JavaScript is disabled and a handfast according to pagan custom a pitchfork.. Give people money, mens and casus belli ) to effectively wage wars how gender preferences line up you. And wealth-based elections House of the matter of France ( there are still options for a counterexample we a Kingdom, what do you think that game captures pre-state iron age socities to all reading this - TheButterflyComposer. 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