Fun fact: author of IB Cambridge Economics textbook (Ellie Tragakes) and the author of IB Cambridge Physics textbook (K. A. Tsokos) are . We are subjected to informational influence when we accept the views and attitudes of others as valid evidence about how things are in a particular situation. SIT theorists have developed the referent informational influence hypothesis, and this forms the basis of SIT explanations of conformity. The introduction starts with a hook or anchor concept or idea which is relevant to the question. ", Every IB Psychology examination question has a command term. Bystanderism Communication Paper 3 HL Exam Chapter 4: Biological Approaches to Understanding Behaviour. IB Psychology 97 pages long these notes were written in 2019. Exams All relevant studies are included. Socio-Cultural Psychology but for mine i like to structure them like so: . Social norms are group-held beliefs about how members should behave in a given context. After each sample, there is a predicted grade as well as feedback on the strengths and limitations of the sample. Schema Cognitive structures that organise our knowledge of events, objects, ourselves and others. and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. Discuss research related to attachment. He investigated the formation of group norms and conformity in an ambiguous situation (Sherif, 1935). Teaching Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Study for SAQ 1 (localization of brain function), What was the aim of Gazzaniga et al?, What was the procedure for Gazzaniga et al? The following sample is a response to the question: Discuss the formation of stereotypes. The IB Psychology Blog. They should have an introduction that frames the response, supporting paragraphs. Biological approach 5. In the new IB Psychology syllabus it's fair to anticipate numerous questions that will require students to discuss research related to particular topics. The study clearly demonstrates how a group norm can be established and then continues to influence a persons judgement even when the social influence of the group is no longer present. Direct answer to the question. The May 2013 IB Psychology examination questions Papers 1, 2 and 3 are listed below. In fact, only 3.75% of HL Psychology students in the May 2013 examinations were awarded that highest maximum possible mark. When the heart begins to beat faster, the person may then begin to think "why is my heart beating faster?". January 2016 These model answers are guaranteed to achieve the maximum 22/22 marks awarded for these ERQs, if the student can reproduce them in exams. Define terms and theories referenced. Participants were 36 boys and 36 girls from the Stanford University nursery school (mean age 4.4) who were divided into three groups matched on levels of aggressiveness before the experiment. November 2015 They should have an introduction that frames the response, supporting paragraphs To access the entire contents of this site, you need to log in or subscribe to it. The essay should 'flow'. Students need to demonstrate a clear understanding of the difference between validity and reliability. Will they mark just the one erq or will they mark all 3 or what will happen? The task was artificial and ambiguous, and it is arguable that such ambiguous situations would never occur in real life situations. . All you have to do is put these plans in full sentences and you've got an essay. Depression ERQ marking: SCT Below you will find three sample ERQs for the question: Evaluate Social Cognitive Theory.For each of the samples, refer to the rubric to award marks. July 2015 One theory of the formation of stereotypes is that people look to others they consider their in-group to see what to think. I need about 2-3 pages of writing, double spaced. Essays - or what the IB calls ERQ"s (extended response questions) - are important for both Papers 1 and 2.On Paper 1, you have three essay prompts - one from each of the approaches. IA The psychological definition emphasises social norms' behavioural component, stating norms have two dimensions: how much behaviour is exhibited and how much the group approves of that behaviour. Identical twins (monozygotic twins MZ) are 100% genetically identical as they have developed from the same egg. * The new IB Psychology syllabus could ask exam questions that link research methods to the "topic," so it might not be a broad approach such as the biological approach, but rather the question might require a specific explanation of research methodology as it relates to specific topics like hormones, genes or the brain and behaviour. One theory that explains how stereotypes are formed is through either experience or society and then confirmation bias. I set up the first ERQ and SAQ templates for my students to give them an idea of what I expect. Evolutionary Psychology You will be forced to be prudent in your evaluation, and examiners will totally see that you know what you are talking about! Discrimination After that they're on their own - they will need to complete their own templates for each answer they are preparing. Diagnosis A Global Structure - structure the material in a way that allows for a logical sequence of ideas. All participants took part in two trials. Bystander Effect 40/49 received for this paper. The participants had to make 100 judgements as to how far the light, placed on the far wall of a darkened room, seemed to have moved. Once the model ERQ has been learned and practiced then, come exam time, the student will be ready if this is needed to be approached in different ways for a. Paper One focuses on the three main perspectives in psychology: biological, cognitive, and sociocultural. November 2014 With reference to a study, explain conformity. The aggression here is artificial and there may be demand characteristics. The IB may ask you to contrast two memory models. IB Psychology SL and HL Biological Approach notes. The results were that the longer somebody had lived in Rhodesia, the less they wanted things to change and the more they liked the status quo. It is possible that all three of the questions will come from the extensions. They gave participants a test where multiple segregation and discrimination laws were listed, showing how much better the whites were treated in Rhodesia than the blacks. Long Answer Questions Further, it turns out that we do not need the situation to be ambiguous for conformity to group norms to be observed. Others are often viewed as valid sources of information, especially in situations where we cannot test the validity of our perceptions, beliefs and feelings. Submitted January 19, 2020. Critical thinking in psychology 3. Each learning outcome is either an exact or near match to the examination question. This post explores the 'totalitarian approach' to achieving the prefect IB Psychology exam answer. That difference needs to be apparent in your answer to each question - you can be sure that the beady little eyes of the IB examiner will be scrutinising your answer for this information. Judge for yourself the closeness of the match and how beneficial it would have been to have walked into these exams with answers prepared and memorised for the learning outcomes. Abnormal psychology 7. 0 Comments. This study relies on the autokinetic effect an optical illusion that makes a stationary light appear to move when seen in complete darkness. Sherifs work is important because it demonstrates how, at least in ambiguous settings, social norms can develop and become internalised (that is, function without the need of the actual presence of others). Those that wanted the change the most were the ones that had been there the least amount of time. IB psychology standard level subject brief Of course, IB Psychology has taken all of the hard work out of your model answer preparation. Interestingly, the participants denied that their estimates were influenced by the other group members. This means that you have to consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Cognitive Level Of Analysis External assessment Paper 1: SAQs Writing ERQs Sample options essay SCLOA This lead the researchers to suggest the photographic nature of FBM. CLOA Clark (1996) argues that panic attacks are the result of a catastrophic misinterpretation of stimuli. Paper 1 requires you to answer one ERQ and three SAQs, thus half your marks are weighted on your sole essay answer. Scripts Provide information about the sequence of events that occur in particular contexts (e.g. Mental Illness At the end of your response, a short paragraph linking the study you have written about to the question also helps demonstrate that you are entirely focused. Emotion regulation (ER) is associated with both healthy and unhealthy behavioral and affective responses, especially in adolescents. In the second trial, they were asked to breathe air with high levels of CO2. which are specifically designed for self study and revision. Just a general question but lets say you take psychology and you accidentally do 2-3 erq questions rather than doing the 1. September 2014 To start with, participants made their judgements alone. A command term used in an examination question will be: The same as that specified in the related learning outcome, or, Another command term associated with the same assessment objective, or, Smart IB Psychology Short Answer Questions, Participants had vivid memories of where they were, what they did, and what they felt when they first heard about a shocking public event, The participants also said they had FBMs of shocking personal events, The results indicated that FBM is more likely for unexpected and personally relevant events. 22 marks. Chapter 6: Sociocultural Approach to Understanding Behaviour. Sociologists describe norms as informal understandings that govern societys behaviours, while psychologists have adopted a more general definition, recognising smaller group units, like a team or an office, may also endorse norms separate or in addition to cultural or societal expectations, thus, group norms can be seen as a smaller subset of social norms. It is frequently assessed by self-report measures such as the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (ERQ-CA), which has shown mixed psychometric properties when used in Spanish-speaking adolescents. The participants were told that the air would make them feel relaxed. A brief opening paragraph responding to the question helps to show you are focused. I use the two templates below in my Psychology classroom. 87.4k. Command Terms Writing ERQs (extended response questions) is an important skill for IB assessment. LinkedIn, IBDP Maths: Applications & Interpretation, Observation: Aggression in hockey players, Observation: Self-identification as homeless, Internal assessments: Samples and marking, Cognition and Tech: Emotion and cognition, Mdulo: Metodos de investigacion cualitativa, Effectiveness of health promotion programs. March 2015 2. Boys were more aggressive overall than girls. Normative influence underlies our conformity to the expectations of others. When contrasting the models, you may choose the Multistore Model, the Working Memory Model, Schema Theory, or Flashbulb Memory.A sample chart is below. You can also request a Free trial or check the blog (which is also free), document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) InThinking Unfortunately, there are many trends in the writing that lead to students getting low marks. Paper 3 Examination During a third phase of the study, participants performed the task alone again; their estimates showed a continued adherence to the social norm established during the group session. Written in 2021, these 15 page notes can get you a 7 in exam. Internal assessment 11. going to a restaurant, visiting the dentist, attending class). Their estimates fluctuated for some time before converging towards a standard estimate, a personal norm. Extended Response Question IB Psychology Extended Response Question Template 2. Teaching Ideas This is when they only see and remember things that fit into the stereotype or schema that they now had of the locals and ignored the things that went against these stereotypes. SL Teaching Tips Treatment The prompts are not the same for SL and HL. Scripts Provide information about the sequence of events that occur in particular contexts (e.g. Chapter 5: Cognitive Approach to Understanding Behaviour. On the HL paper, at least one of the prompts will be from one of the HL extensions. Telch & Harrington (1992) did a study with a group of university students. Chapter 7: Abnormal Psychology. InThinking Subject Sites for teachers & their classes, Only teachers can take out free trials or subscriptions to our subject sites at This is how their stereotypes got stronger. Different groups formed different group norms. Each student was given a written test to see their level of anxiety with regard to health and wellness. Discuss the validity and/or reliability of diagnosis. Biological Level Of Analysis Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with appropriate evidence and sound argument. Three Rules of Three for Excellent Essays in IB PsychologyIn this video, Travis explains three basic tips for writing high scoring essays in IB psychology. A possible counter argument to this criticism is that cognitive anchoring can occur in our social groups. There are three major social influence processes which have been proposed to explain conformity, and these are informational influence, normative influence and referent informational influence. Stereotypes We could have prepared tables for all of the IB Psychology examinations to further support this point, but we do have classes to teach and lesson to prepare! Paper 3 are a messy hybrid, three SAQs that require you to show critical thinking as well as knowledge, thus, they are worth 10 marks each. All of these explanations are, and some to a large extent, based on the influence of social norms. We have a tendency to use anchors or reference points to make decisions and evaluations, and sometimes these lead us astray. They took turns in a random order to call out their estimates of the lights movements. Classroom Experiments February 2014, All March 2016 I've tried to limit the number of studies that come up so I could reduce the number of studies I had to learn. Define essential terminology (memory, identity etc) Relate it to principle of the level of analysis Give study Link it to the question Conclusion An SAQ only needs one study to achieve full marks ERQ (LAQ) Unpack Command Term Define essential terminology Relate it to a principle of the LOA 3-4 studies for maximum marks Syllabus Paper 1 Examinantion Fraternal twins (dizygotic twins DZ) have developed from two different eggs. ERQ: Evaluate social identity theory, with reference to one or more studies In the following essay I will be weighing the strength and limitations of the Social identity theory (SIT) with the help of the studies by Tajfel (1971), and Jane Elliot. Psychology ERQ format help. In further sessions of 100 trials on subsequent days, the participants were joined by two other participants. One group saw the adult model behave aggressively towards bobo doll, one group saw the model assemble toys, and the last group served as the control. Human Relationships In fear of social disapproval and rejection, we often behave in ways that conform to what others expect of us with little concern about the accuracy of beliefs we express or the soundness of our actions. | This is called informational social influence. Psychology textbook 1. going to a restaurant, visiting the dentist, attending class). 230. Facebook Research in psychology 2. Provide at least 3 pieces of research unless stated otherwise. June 2015 Here, because reality was ambiguous, participants used other peoples estimates as information to remove the ambiguity. Contact, Twitter Explain one factor that influences conformity. Placebo A minor limitation to this experiment surrounds the ethics of the deception involved. In the first trial, they were asked to breathe room air. File Size 20.57 kB. All the content related to the topic "Factors influencing diagnosis" is relevant here as well, incl. However, informational influence cannot be the only explanation for conformity, because conformity can be observed in situations where there is no ambiguity. "&B\j{]rs>r/X(av%4t.lAC\C7 0oMixM/1MdImW\1I*&&]WuHF|m>gI$s5g.OC{\^y oIN2'0V+^Uq'aZo/C_\.|TA,+t~ ;!6Di (pbtJY\C^+XY~?A2NYuJZF ci!'JbILOHw E?W+y8i)l25`DH+\`q}.jY`d\t59^Ju}&BZUWC?~N$fEpt)w9fyyHnXnnNX#sss[q2Dnkp1st49Q91RCW?\p&@{u 566kN>+yH*aP. File Information. Any key terms, definitions, and theories and explain how it applies to the question and answer. You can find an example essay here . Realtionships Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Multi-Store Model of Memory (1968), Working Memory Model (1974), Baddley and Hitch (1974) and more. This shows that the longer someone had been living there, the higher amount of the stereotypes he had towards the locals. In the "room air" group, no one felt aroused, in spite of their score on the anxiety test. IB Psychology 7 To illustrate this in action, consider the IB Psychology SCLOA learning outcome: ", " An obvious candidate for an ERQ in the exam. Paper 1 requires you to answer one ERQ and three SAQs, thus half your marks are weighted on your sole essay answer. Conformity can be defined as adjusting one's behaviour or thinking to match those of other people or a group standard. FAQs on IB Psychology external assessment. - Lundstromm and Olson - androstadienone on moods of heterosexual women in the presence of men. Normative influence is another explanation of conformity. Each paragraph / statement should follow sensibly from its predecessor. Using a template to enable students to think about what they need to include in their responses and how they need to structure these is a great idea. We conform out of a sense of belongingness and by doing so we form and maintain desired social identities. However, when asked to breathe in CO2, in the low anxiety group 5% experienced high arousal whereas 52% of the high anxiety group did. The concise and general steps to planning and answering questions 1. After seeing this, the children were brought into a room with toys and told not to play with them in order to frustrate them. In line with the IB Learner Profile, "Act with integrity and honesty". Discuss/evaluate research on the potential roles of pheromones on human behaviour. To access the entire contents of this site, you need to log in or subscribe to it. It is important that all essays address the three key assessment standards: understanding of psychological concepts and research, critical thinking about research, and effective communication.The first tip is this you must write in paragraphs. Facebook February 2016 March 2014 These learning outcomes guide us as teachers as to what we need to be teaching our students. The model either played with the toys or behaved aggressively towards the bobo doll. In addition, you have to incorporate evaluation in your essay, not just in terms of outlining the . 3 Self-schemas 4 5. BLOA LinkedIn. The structure of ERQ Psychology is simple- with the introduction, body, and conclusion. N. They share around 50% of their genes so they are no more similar than siblings. Children who had seen an aggressive model were significantly more aggressive (physically and verbally) towards the bobo doll. Contact, Twitter - Wedekind - major histocompatability complex on mate choice. Another IB Psychology student caught by surprise. LinkedIn, IBDP Maths: Applications & Interpretation, Observation: Aggression in hockey players, Observation: Self-identification as homeless, Internal assessments: Samples and marking, Cognition and Tech: Emotion and cognition, Mdulo: Metodos de investigacion cualitativa, LP 8: Cognition in a digital world (HL only), HRLP 1.2 Factors influencing bystanderism. For example, if someone in my ingroup of girls informed me that 99% of teenage boys have body odour problems, then my perception of outgroup members on this domain will be influenced upwards towards this high initial anchor. Participants were not informed about the purpose of the experiment (informed consent) but this was not the norm at the time of Sherifs experiments, and the deception was arguably slight and necessary to avoid demand characteristics. You will need to start with the command term. Each learning outcome has an equal chance of being assessed in the exam. December 2014 If the command term is incorrectly addressed in your answer, you will be limited to a maximum of 6 marks for Criterion B (maximum possible 9 marks) and to a maximum of 2 marks in Criterion C (with a maximum possible 4 marks that can be awarded. May 2015 Paper 2 Examination Relationships It has 3 short answer questions (SAQ) and 1 extended response question (ERQ). Human Relationships (Psychology HL) notes with model questions and answers. Developmental psychology 8. The strengths of Sherifs study include the fact that it was pioneering and still remains one of the most influential experiments in social psychology today. Getting An IB Psychology 7 Model answers for ALL of the Extended Response Questions that could be examined in the IB Psychology examinations: Paper 1 - the Core - and Paper 2 - the Options. In line with the IB Learner Profile, "Act with integrity and honesty". Next to these are their associated learning outcomes. Unfortunately, there are many trends in the writing that lead to students getting low marks. Below we have three model SAQs based on the one higher order learning outcome follow; look for the different 'tweaks' based on the same information: 1. All of these explanations are, and some to a large extent, based on the influence of social norms. Group 3. . Members. Decision-making This type of influence is based on the need to be liked and accepted by others (the need to belong is one of the fundamental human motivations). and more. They are looking for these same requirements across any SAQ or ERQ. It will make you organise your ideas logically and certainly improve the quality of your language. Therefore it is also important to consider what environmental factors could influence the expression of the genetic predisposition. The challenge of the ERQ compared to the SAQ is that you have to write a much longer essay, so the structure is crucial. All essays should have an introduction that frames the response, supporting paragraphs, To access the entire contents of this site, you need to log in or subscribe to it. An essay of six paragraphs is an effective way to structure your response. Because of this, they looked to others to see what to think. let me know if you want any more ib psychology content, and what you would want . | You are supposed to define and unpack all the relevant keywords and concepts pertinent to the topic. Schema Theory STRUCTURE Headings Paragraph Key Idea 1. Errors In Attribution Chapter 2: Approaches to Research. The present study provides evidence for . And, if you dont for some reason or another, trust your IB Psychology teacher then you can monitor what should be being taught in the IB Psychology classroom. There are four components of this question that you need to "unpack": First of all, there is the command term "to what extent". This will be especially true in the options. I received 40 out of 49 for this sample paper, for Paper 1. . Informational influence tends to produce genuine change in peoples beliefs thus leading to private conformity. Answer according to the command term. You can also request a Free trial or check the blog (which is also free), document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) InThinking ERQ The mark level descriptors for all SAQ questions are the same. Travis Dixon IB Psychology ERQ examiner's marking criteria: A. Revision which are specifically designed for self study and revision. Terms in this set (30) SAQ Paper 1 Question. The children were very young and it has been criticised for ethical reasons. Cognitive approach 4. In this group condition, participants estimates soon reflected the influence of estimates from the others in the group. Another 2 marks across three SAQs will be forfeited in the HL and SL Paper 1 exam. They were the taken into a room with toys and a bobo doll where they were observed for 20 minutes through a one-way mirror. A frequently posed exam question relates to the principles that govern each of the three levels of analysis: The Biological, Cognitive and Socio-Cultural levels of analysis. Brown & Kulik suggest that FBM is caused by the physiological emotional arousal (e.g., activity in the amygdala). A place to share research and teaching and learning ideas for those studying and teaching Psychology for the IB Diploma Programme. We have the complete IB Psychology ERQ model answ-ers, across both Paper 1 and Paper 2 exams, as well as the complete collection of model answers to the SAQ questions likely to be asked in the Paper 1 exam. The IB Psychology Guide (the official IBO guide to the IB Psychology syllabus) lists all of the Learning Outcomes associated with each section of the course the Levels of Analysis and the Options (and even the HL Qualitative Research Methodologies. Explain one study of localization of function. It follows from this that we are far more likely to conform to the norms of groups we believe we belong to and identify with. There are three major social influence processes which have been proposed to explain conformity, and these are informational influence, normative influence and referent informational influence. But just a reminder, students do not need to know sample sizes (thank god). The more time the Europeans had been in Rhodesia, the more they felt ok with discrimination against the locals and the stronger their stereotypes were. They imitated the aggressive behaviour of the model but also showed other forms of aggression. The major limitation is its lack of ecological validity. clinical biases . Model Answers There are a few ways the examiners could set this question. IB Psychology Sample Paper 1 with answers and feedback from teacher. Paper 2 is only assessed through ERQs. IB Psychology Extended Response Question Template 2. Read the Q twice (or as many times - research on pheromones in humans is controversial as it is unsure if we have the organ to detect them. | Steele & Aronson (1995) Hi John, The original study says that the study originally recruited 117 participants, of which 3 were eliminated because they failed to produce verbal SAT scores. Essay Questions | Attraction From an SIT perspective, conformity is not simply a matter of adhering to just any social norms; it is more likely to do with adhering to a persons ingroup norms. Twin research never shows a 100% concordance rate so it is believed that genes are a predisposing factor rather than the cause of behaviour. Explain the strengths and limitations of one study on. Discuss asks students to consider a range of arguments. Health psychology 9. InThinking Subject Sites for teachers & their classes, Only teachers can take out free trials or subscriptions to our subject sites at The social identity theory states that individuals have a certain need for positive self-esteem which is integrated in both, the personal and social . While there is no prescribed structure for your response (unlike the ERQ), you do need to be fully focused. If you are a student and wish to access these resources, ask your school to subscribe. This includes writing a response that is purely descriptive and not using any critical thinking.The first tip is this - students need to write in paragraphs.
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