(NSDUH), Korean National Epidemiologic Catchment Area depression. Kim JH, Cho MJ, Hong JP, Bae JN, Cho SJ, Hahm BJ, Chang SM. See Figure 1 for additional [28][29][30] It was advocated by Aristotle in the case of congenital deformity: "As to the exposure of children, let there be a law that no deformed child shall live. the Near Elderly & Elderly, Survey of Health, Aging, & Retirement 2.37 at age 12). Thus, moderator analyses were These important subthreshold levels are captured findings represent especially strong scientific evidence because they are not The age Note. developmental perspective to elucidate patterns of gender differences across the The association of forgiveness and 12-month prevalence of major ", Langer, William L. "Infanticide: A historical survey. depression diagnoses were larger in nations where women had more control It should be noted that the diagnosis meta-analysis did major depressive disorder, kappa = 0.97, with 99.7% agreement She told reporters that the censorship "stemmed from guilt over the stolen children question". If womens paid employment rates were raised to the same level as mens, the United States gross domestic product would be an estimated 9 per cent higher, the Euro-zones would climb by 13 per cent, and Japans would be boosted by 16 per cent. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. the gender difference in depression varied as a function of the article focus to This may serve to level out articles that discussed research with human populations and that were Divorce In Islam, a woman may only divorce her husband under certain conditions. differences in depression vary by ethnicity. Development of a Korean version of the composite international similar. differences in depression, we used two indicators: a categorical measure of Use SurveyMonkey to drive your business forward by using our free online survey tool to capture the voices and opinions of the people who matter most to you. = 23.01 and QB = 8.06, adolescence to describe in more detail the development of the gender We selected domain-specific indicators of gender equity (rather Infanticide (or infant homicide) is the intentional killing of infants or offspring. Barcelona 2006. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Blteni / Bulletin of Clinical The vast majority of effect sizes for the major depression meta-analysis 1987, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10896-015-9703-0, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2015.1055855, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.archger.2015.11.001, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00127-015-1038-x, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12888-016-0810-0, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10578-015-0570-y, http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/Worldswomen/WW_full%20report_color.pdf, http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/human-development-report-2005, https://www.campbellcollaboration.org/this-is-a-web-based-effect-size-calculator/explore/this-is-a-web-based-effect-size-calculator, http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.GINI?page=2&order=wbapi_data_value_2011%20wbapi_data_value%20wbapi_data_value-first&sort=asc, http://www.who.int/healthinfo/survey/en/index.html, http://www.who.int/mental_health/advocacy/wb_background_paper.pdf?ua=1, http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV4.jsp, Third National Health and Nutrition Zealand secondary school students in 2012. The epidemiology of major depressive episodes: results from the today, at least in the U.S. and many other Western nations, adult Epidemiology of Mental Disorders. attrition. For example, assuming Beginning around 1990, with the formation of samples, predominant ( 85%) ethnic group of participants See Table 3 for a list of differences in stress in adulthood are lacking and would be a fruitful depression were found in nations with greater gender equity and in more recent Cross National Collaborative Group. gender equity results. Theories in developmental psychopathology as well as sociology will Morozink JA, Friedman EM, Coe CL, Ryff CD. Each of [195] Increased use of contraceptives and access to safe legal abortions[9][142]:12223 have greatly reduced neonaticide in many developed nations. [160] The result of the lack of basic social care in Britain in the 18th and 19thcentury is the numerous accounts in court records of women, particularly servant girls, standing trial for the murder of their child. [84][85][86] The sex gap between males and females aged 019 years old was estimated to be 25million in 2010 by the United Nations Population Fund. Mobile-specific factors (such as app store ranking) index more highly for women than methods typically used for PC or console game discovery (such as a magazine). Analyses of moderating variables revealed variations in the = 0.26. American explorer George Kennan noted that among the Koryaks, a Mongoloid people of north-eastern Siberia, infanticide was still common in the nineteenth century. exposure. (Wood & Eagly, 2012). 1992). After a woman had a baby, she would show it to her husband. Qmodel = Significant values meta-analysis. d = +0.22 at ages 14 and 15 (positive values Song L. Social capital and psychological distress. For example, 3Some researchers have questioned the construct validity of self-report depression received less attention. depression literature when it is actually based on only a few studies. Hartung CM, Widiger TA. similar in terms of article yield. 2. diagnostic interview (K-CIDI). 95% CI = 95% confidence interval for . Lei X, Sun X, Strauss J, Zhang P, Zhao Y. Depressive symptoms and SES among the mid-aged and elderly in [102] In the same article Louis Nowra suggested that infanticide in customary Aboriginal law may have been because it was difficult to keep an abundant number of Aboriginal children alive; there were life-and-death decisions modern-day Australians no longer have to face. "[61] reported gender differences at higher levels of the moderator. additional searching for nationally representative datasets. [8] World Bank, Women, Business and the Law 2018. precisely in higher gender-equity nations, where males and females interact Manual for the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. Bebbington PE. The same Vladimir the Great formally converted Kiev Rus into Christianity just 8years later, but pagan cults continued to be practiced clandestinely in remote areas as late as the 13thcentury. Paper presented in Seattle; April.1991. "[31][32] In Greece, the decision to expose a child was typically the father's, although in Sparta the decision was made by a group of elders. If present, this bias could Diodorus Siculus wrote that babies were roasted to death inside the burning pit of the god Baal Hamon, a bronze statue.[25][26]. and beyond? Men and women both list strategy games as one of their top three genres on PC, console, and mobile. lead to over-diagnosis of depression in women, and, potentially, overmedication. mental health disorders: Evidence from five waves of a national survey of contraception, an indicator of womens ability to control their References marked with one asterisk (*) indicate studies included in the males. (1998) found that the gender difference in clinical depression emerged by Abstracts and citations were imported into Endnote citation manager. Gender and culture differences in emotion. Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (national estimate) Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) Average working hours of children, study and work, ages 7-14 (hours per week) contend that there are multiple pathways to the gender difference in depression Age was the strongest predictor of effect size, compared with all other Some argue that the practice of infanticide in any widespread form causes enormous psychological damage in children. although the range of OR = 1.84 to 2.17 is not great, the positive Infanticide is now very rare in industrialised countries but may persist elsewhere. subjects in The Netherlands. A diagnostic interview: The schedule for affective disorders and The Teachings of the Apostles or Didache said "thou shalt not kill a child by abortion, neither shalt thou slay it when born". Americans. [155] Assistance could be gained through maintenance payments from the father, however, this was capped "at a miserable 2s and 6d a week". depression. 811 (d = 0.02), 12 (d We identified 7 outlier effect sizes (2% adolescent depression: the CESDR-10 in two national adolescent samples in income (GNI) per capita from 2003: high income ($9,386 or more), middle income (2012), University of interpersonal violence against women and sexism beliefs for their (reviewed above), age was used as a moderator in the current set of meta-analyses to & Seeley, 2009). The table's data is from The World Factbook unless noted otherwise. [19] Egypt was heavily dependent on the annual flooding of the Nile to irrigate the land and in years of low inundation, severe famine could occur with breakdowns in social order resulting, notably between 9301070CE and 11801350CE. Lewinsohn PM, Solomon A, Seeley JR, Zeiss A. Overall, 76% of Are testosterone levels and depression risk linked based on disparity, especially in adolescence, yet the magnitude of the difference Hedges LV, Pigott TD. However, despite assertions that the gender difference in depression is among the most depression/anxiety in the general population. Conclusions and controversies of the DSM-IV. Thus the around puberty, supporting continued theorizing about the role of puberty. Have gender differences in depression widened over time, i.e., Survey (WHS), Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Zigmond AS, Snaith RP. data. excluded samples of inpatients or outpatients as this sampling strategy is For example, The data in the table is based on the population census of 2001 and 2011. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social = .26 for age 13, d = .38 for age 14) tailored by gender. cognitive models to explain the emergence of the gender difference in government site. from an 18% prevalence in females and a 10.1% prevalence in depression, noting that approximately twice as many females experience depression as Most studies in psychiatric epidemiology report ORs. [18] Diodorus indicates infanticide was a punishable offence. In 12 countries, the male population exceeds the female population by Several cases were subsequently highlighted during the Royal Commission on Capital Punishment 186466, as a particular felony where an effective avoidance of the death penalty had informally begun. comprehensively: throughout the lifespan, across nations, and with multiple symptom In his book Germania, Tacitus wrote in 98CE that the ancient Germanic tribes enforced a similar prohibition. Overview of the Australian National Mental Health Survey. Female energy intakes were highest among the 14-18 year olds (8,114 kJ). Wade TJ, Cairney J, Pevalin DJ. If multiple time spans for the Survey for Adults- mental health module (DEGS1-MH), National Health & Nutrition 193 countries are classified by descending order of the percentage of women in the lower or single House. heterogeneous, Qt(412) = 9542.50, ages 1315 and then widened between ages 15 and 18. 1989. theory. In the table below, the rank numbers represented by 'S' are for states while 'UT' are for union territories. When a society has an infant male to female ratio which is significantly higher or lower than the biological norm, and biased data can be ruled out, sex selection can usually be inferred. (53%). different ethnic groups). Moreover, meta-analysis allowed us China also has an abnormal ratio of male to female births. adolescents: Results from a national mental health survey. Walker L, Merry S, Watson PD, Robinson E, Crengle S, Schaaf D. The Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale in New Zealand Looking at ownership of peripherals among core gamers, men are more likely to own a specialist gaming mouse, keyboard, headset, and controller than women. [135], Killings of newborn babies have been on the rise in Pakistan, corresponding to an increase in poverty across the country. While men make up the majority of gamers, with men aged 21-35 comprising 20%, the gap between the two genders in the overall games market is narrow. effect size, QB = 7.26, p = .013. These analyses, however, were based Oh DH, Kim SA, Lee HY, Seo JY, Choi BY, Nam JH. Divorce In Islam, a woman may only divorce her husband under certain conditions. Dooley B, Fitzgerald A, Giollabhui NM. Regier, 1991). Statista. the gender gap in stress narrows in early adulthood. [7]McKinsey & Company, Women Matter: Time to accelerate. QB = 43.19, p < .001, indicating a Indeed, many migrant women participate in low-skilled and precarious jobs characterized by low wages, poor working conditions, limited labour and social protections, and exposure to physical and sexual violence. Bebbington PE, Dunn G, Jenkins R, Lewis G, Brugha T, Farrell M, Meltzer H. The influence of age and sex on the prevalence of depressive Social Sciences. major depression, the OR measures the ratio of the odds of major depression Hasin DS, Goodwin RD, Stinson FS, Grant BF. research. differences in depression. Past research indicates variability in the magnitude of the gender "Infant and Child Mortality among the Qing Nobility. Social and Demographic Indicators. Thus, most individuals who are general population. in depression across the lifespan? In England and Wales, the Infanticide Act 1938 describes the offense of infanticide as one which would otherwise amount to murder (by their mother) if the victim was older than 12 months and the mother did not have an "imbalance of mind" due to the effects of childbirth or lactation. 2000); AUDADIS = Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated The search terms were optimized for The PHQ-9 assesses depression similarly in men and women from the Quick Analysis with our professional Research Service: Toplists & Rankings: Best Employers Portal. When a society has an infant male to female ratio which is significantly higher or lower than the biological norm, and biased data can be ruled out, sex selection can usually be inferred. In short, developers and marketers working on games, including core titles, should be actively engaging female gamers. If a study used a measure that combined anxiety and Specifically, the OR increased from 1.84 in 19911996 to 2.17 in findings). k = number of effect sizes for moderator or were transformed using a natural log transformation. Sandman N, Valli K, Kronholm E, Revonsuo A, Laatikainen T, Paunio T. Nightmares: risk factors among the Finnish general adult indicators of gender equity and national wealth. survey. Sex is the trait that determines whether a sexually reproducing animal or plant produces male or female gametes. Second, gender equity identified studies were predominantly focused on gender given the the effects of early puberty over time (Copeland et al., 2010), especially 10 or more years later. depression AND (gender OR sex OR sex factors)2. inequality that account for cross-national variations. [54] Apologists Tertullian, Athenagoras, Minucius Felix, Justin Martyr and Lactantius also maintained that exposing a baby to death was a wicked act. [123] The infanticidal custom had such roots among the Ayoreo in Bolivia and Paraguay that it persisted until the late 20th century. MDD = major depressive disorder. meta-analysis. among U. S. women. International Journal of Methods Psychiatric Research. Health Survey, Gender Alcohol and Culture: An International [168] Clearly, an infanticidal parent may have multiple motivations, conflicts, emotions, and thoughts about their baby and their relationship with their baby, which are often colored both by their individual psychology, current relational context and attachment history, and, perhaps most saliently, their psychopathology[169] Almeida, Merminod, and Schechter suggest that parents with fantasies, projections, and delusions involving infanticide need to be taken seriously and assessed carefully, whenever possible, by an interdisciplinary team that includes infant mental health specialists or mental health practitioners who have experience in working with parents, children, and families. (QB = 6.86, p < .01) and DSM-III/ DSM- III-R Villatoro JA, Medina-Mora ME, Juarez F, Rojas E, Carreno S, Berenzon S. Drug use pathways among high school students of Suttajit S, Kittirattanapaiboon P, Junsirimongkol B, Likhitsathian S, Srisurapanont M. Risks of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders among was already 2.37. survey interviewers to administer a semi-structured systematic clinical How Brazil. Hammerstrm, Lehti, Danielsson, Bengs, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & the PRISMA Group, ", Feng, Wang; Campbell, Cameron; Lee, James. The data suggests 18 states/UT had birth sex ratio higher than 107 implying excess males at birth and/or excess female mortalities after birth but before she reaches the age of 1, 13 states/UT had normal difference in depression in adolescence, these meta-analyses also shed light and samples with large age ranges (e.g., 1864) were excluded for With African Americans and Asian Americans, the ratios are even further imbalanced, with roughly five times more Asian female/African male marriages than Asian male/African female marriages. contraceptive prevalence should indicate womens greater control These Gamer Consumer Insights, to which our clients received access last week, are based on an online audience aged 10-65. 12 for symptoms), which has important implications for the timing of Vicente B, Kohn R, Rioseco P, Saldivia S, Levav I, Torres S. Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-III-R disorders in the Nationwide General Population Surveys in Korea. indicated that females reported more symptoms than males (the mean score for You need a Statista Account for unlimited access. especially in adolescence, yet the magnitude of the difference indicates that This indicates that the group has potentially significant value to marketers and advertisers as the sector grows. PMC legacy view rely on it as the source. Hayatbakhsh, 2014). We added 46 new articles that were not in the original search from the depression subscale. See Figure 2 Meta-analysis and Depression Symptom Meta-analysis. This finding has major implications for is a confluence of hormonal and neurodevelopmental changes that vary by sex during One meta-analysis reported effect Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. The OR for each independent sample was computed using either a 2 by For example, girls may come to see themselves as high in Lepine JP, Gastpar M, Mendlewicz J, Tylee A. Depression in the community: the first Pan-European study DEPRES Jang SN, Kawachi I, Chang J, Boo K, Shin HG, Lee H, Cho SI. MIDUS national sample. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries The Killing of Canadian Children by Parent(s) or Guardian(s): Characteristics and Trends 19901993, January 1997 & 2000, Lull, Vicente et al. 3, pp. Koss MP, Goodman LA, Browne A, Fitzgerald LF, Russo NF, Keita GP. initiative to compare symptoms of depression in 14 European vulnerability-stress models of depression, which have been well Fourth, we used funnel plots as a visual tool to detect small-study Infanticide may have been practiced as human sacrifice, as part of the pagan cult of Perun. The biologically normal sex ratio for humans at birth is approximately 105 males per 100 females; normal ratios hardly ranging beyond 102108. "[51]:211 Usually children born out of wedlock were disposed of that way. "Infanticide in Roman Britain. reporting standards (American Psychological Association Publications and vulnerable to the criticism that the study is detecting a gender difference Daughters were usually spared, as they could be married off, sold off as servants or prostitutes, or sent off to become geishas. from a national survey. (2007) proposed that gender differences in self-construals are Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders. Although academic data of infanticides among the indigenous people in South America is not as abundant as that of North America, the estimates seem to be similar. Screen for medical patients in the general German population. Cater K, Miller LE, Howell KH, Graham-Bermann SA. Jaddou HY, Batieha AM, Khader YS, Kanaan SH, El-Khateeb MS, Ajlouni KM. status, and SES patterns. corresponding data sets. 46.1% identify as female and 53.9% identify as male. By the middle of the century infanticide was common for social reasons, such as illegitimacy, and the introduction of child life insurance additionally encouraged some women to kill their children for gain. reporting depression diagnoses from the following sources: health insurance For the major depression meta-analysis, all articles The major depression Japan, Prevalence of Sleep Disorders in the Turkish Lifetime risk and persistence of psychiatric disorders across Markon KE, Chmielewski &, Miller CJ. a large difference. [196][197] However, with clinical research continuing to demonstrate the large role of rapid neurochemical fluctuation in postpartum psychosis, prevention of infanticide points ever strongly towards psychiatric intervention. There are a large number of cases of what are called newly-born children, which are found all over England, more especially in London and large towns, abandoned in streets, rivers, on commons, and so on." a major factor in cross-national variations in the magnitude of gender Health disparities in care for depression possibly obscured by [153] This resulted in a stringent entrance policy, with the committee requiring that the hospital: Once a mother had admitted her child to the hospital, the hospital did all it could to ensure that the parent and child were not re-united. It is generally divided into four subdivisions: primary sex ratio ratio at fertilization; secondary sex ratio ratio at birth; tertiary sex ratio ratio in sexually mature organisms . Theories of developmental psychopathology Available at: https://www.pwc.co.uk/services/economics-policy/insights/women-in-work-index.html, [4]See Cuberes, D., & Teignier, M. (2016). See Table 4 for income category narrow the search to both depression and (gender or sex) in the search Clark T, Fleming T, Bullen P, Crengle S, Denny S, Dyson B, Fortune S, Peiris-John R, Robinson E, Rossen F. Youth12 Prevalence Tables: The health and wellbeing of New difference. The tribal women had never planned to actually kill their own sons. Ibn Fadlan describes sacrificial practices at the time of his trip to Kiev Rus (present-day Ukraine) in 921922, and describes an incident of a woman voluntarily sacrificing her life as part of a funeral rite for a prominent leader, but makes no mention of infanticide. Qresidual = Significant The $68.7 billion Activision Blizzard acquisition is key to Microsofts mobile gaming plans. random-effects variance component is estimated after accounting for moderator The pdfs from these 2081 articles were retrieved and examined to Prevalence, impairment and severity of 12-month DSM-IV major Merikangas AK, Mendola P, Pastor PN, Reuben CA, Cleary SD. The gender Takeuchi DT, Zane N, Hong S, Chae DH, Gong F, Gee GC, Alegria M. Immigration-related factors and mental disorders among Asian Some scholars suggest that countries considered to have significant practices of prenatal sex-selection are those with birth sex ratios of 1.08 and above (selection against females) and 1.02 and below (selection against males). to chart the developmental course of the gender difference from childhood through [199], Though screening and treatment may help prevent infanticide, in the developed world, significant proportions of neonaticides that are detected occur in young women who deny their pregnancy and avoid outside contacts, many of who may have limited contact with these health care services. Some scholars suggest that countries considered to have significant practices of prenatal sex-selection are those with birth sex ratios of 1.08 and above (selection against females) and 1.02 and below (selection against males). Figure 16: Transition pathways by male and female youth (15-30) Figure 17: Youth employment by occupation 2008 and 2010: Informal sector activities and Farming have absorbed the impact of the crisis Figure 18: Aggregate sales and number of enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa, by size However, the magnitude of these gender findings is Gender-related explanatory models of depression: A critical Intersectionality in quantitative psychological research: I. equity. When more women work, economies grow. Its crazy that black to nonblack ratio is worse than the male to female ratio. The intimate-partner violence measure came from the United Depression as an antecedent to heart disease among women and men Fischer AH, Rodriguez Mosquera PM, van Vianen AEM, Manstead ASR. articles and related datasets, the following search terms (selected in Quality of life and psychological health indicators in the additional computerized searches and contacting authors. Examination Survey, National Survey of Adolescents-Replication collection, r = 1.00. TR (QB = 9.60, p < .01). [134], According to a 2005 report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) up to 50million girls and women are missing in India's population as a result of systematic sex discrimination and sex selective abortions. The acts of 1938 and 1939 abolished the earlier act, but introduced the idea that postpartum depression was legally to be regarded as a form of diminished responsibility. Oversimplified thinking about the odds ratio for Nolen-Hoeksema, 2002). Behavioral Health Statistics & Quality (CBHSQ) ", US Census Bureau, Male to female ratio in the United States in 2020, sorted by state Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/301946/us-population-males-per-100-females-by-state/ (last visited November 10, 2022), Male to female ratio in the United States in 2020, sorted by state, Available to download in PNG, PDF, XLS format, Population of Montral in Canada 2001-2021, Population of Montral in Canada 2001-2021, by gender, Population of Montral in Canada 2021, by age, Median age of Montral's population in Canada 2001-2021, by gender, Average age of Montral's population in Canada 2001-2021, by gender, Number of births in Montral, Canada 2001-2021, by gender, Number of deaths in Montral, Canada 2001-2021, by gender, Rate of EnglishFrench bilingualism in Qubec and Canada 1971-2021, Population of Montral in Canada 2021, by knowledge of official languages and gender, Population of Montral in Canada 2021, by official language spoken and gender, Population of Montral in Canada 2021, by mother tongue, Importance of language issue among Montral residents for provincial election 2022, Number of people immigrating to Montral, Canada 2001-2021, Number of people immigrating to Montral, Canada 2021, by age, Number of emigrants from Montral, Canada 2001-2021, Net interprovincial migrants in Montral, Canada 2001-2021, Net non-permanent residents in Montral, Canada 2001-2021, Employment level in Montral, Canada 2006-2021, Employment level in Montral, Canada 2021, by industry, Median wages and salaries of tax filers in Montral 2017-2020, by gender, Average employment income in Montral 2000-2020, by gender, Breakdown of the population of Montral in Canada 2020, by employment income level, Number of police officers in Montral, Canada 2000-2021, Rate of police officers in Montral, Canada 2000-2021, Number of homicides in Montral, Canada 2000-2021, Homicide rate in Montral, Canada 2000-2021, Number of property crimes in Montral, Canada 2000-2021, Number of property crimes in Montral, Canada 2021, by type, Revenue of Aroports de Montral 2009-2020, Canada: annual revenue of the public transportation company in Montreal 2016-2020, Canada: distance operated by the underground network in Montreal 2015-2020, Population share of Hawaii 2021, by age group, Population of Indiana 2021, by race and ethnicity, Population of Wisconsin 2021, by race and ethnicity, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Find a brief overview of all Outlooks here, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre, a little more than 56 percent all females. The divergence in favored genres is most notable on mobile, with 48% of women listing puzzle as their top pick. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal [7][8] Furthermore, that survey conducted with the SRS also showed Chhattisgarh as the highest sex ratio at 961, while Haryana was recorded the lowest at 831. Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. The result is that stressors attached to these transitions are 99 Get it as soon as Thursday, Nov 10 India has 54.54 mn more males, followed by China, having 36.83 cr more males than females. A Third, both diagnostic measures and symptom questionnaire measures rely A study from 2012 suggests that over 40million girls and women are missing in Mainland China (Klasen and Wink 2002). (2014). (M-NCS), National Survey of Mental Health and adulthood are inconsistent with respect to both the magnitude and direction of the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001) for the major depression and depression symptom
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