Immigrants and immigration play a vital role in the curricula of all subjects, from social studies and English language artsto STEM and art. - Definition & Examples, Immigration in Industrial America and the Rise of Nativism, Orphan Train Lesson for Kids: History & Facts, The Other Side of Immigration Discussion Questions. This act gave the executive branch greater powers to enforce immigration restrictions during World War I. Ask students to volunteer any information they know about the topic. The young children do not yet know worry. Recent Immigration Lesson Plans & Resources. The remote control* system required that potential visitors and immigrants first apply for entry visas at U.S. diplomatic offices closest to their points of origin. Each lesson is self-contained, consisting of a reading, a set of discussion questions, and an activity. -Guide students to the understanding that (1) increasing funds are being allocated to homeland security and (2) border patrols and immigration processing are a part of Homeland Security. The regular denial of asylum applications from Salvadorans and Guatemalans fleeing violence in their homelands during the 1980s led to this legal challenge which forced changes to U.S. procedures for handling such cases. Cook and Mrs. Budd. I was shaking like a leaf. It was to effectively enforce anti-Chinese laws that the courts allocated tremendous authority to the executive branch in ways that systematically stripped away civil protections and rights from excludable aliens, who became liable for extended detentions, deportation, and limited access to due process. copyright 2003-2022 13 lessons about real families who lived in 97 and 103 Orchard Street on the Lower East Side, covering immigration from the 1870s-1980s. Some lessons were written by members of our education team, and others were written and shared by our community of educators. When founded in 1891, the Immigration Bureau was housed, as a matter of international commerce, in the Department of the Treasury, then moved to the Department of Commerce and Labor in 1903, housed completely in the Department of Labor in 1913, then the Department of Justice in 1940, and now is housed within the newly constituted and expanded Department of Homeland Security in 2002. Discussion Questions about Immigration in the U.S. Great Depression Lesson Plans & Resources, Franklin D. Roosevelt & the New Deal Lesson Plans, 7th Grade World History: Enrichment Program, McDougal Littell The Americans: Online Textbook Help, High School US History Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, US History to Reconstruction for Teachers: Professional Development, World Conflicts Since 1900 for Teachers: Professional Development, History of the Vietnam War for Teachers: Professional Development, Western Europe Since 1945 for Teachers: Professional Development, Prentice Hall World History Connections to Today Volume 1: Online Textbook Help, Western Civilization II Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, Charles de Gaulle in WW2: Quotes & Biography, George C. Marshall: WW2, Biography & Quotes, The Swastika Symbol: Definition, Origin & Meaning, What Are the Chinese Terracotta Warriors? As the U.S. federal government undertook to restrict immigration systematically in the 1880s, it needed to work out not only what persons to target for limited entry, but also the rationales for making these kinds of distinctions, how to characterize excluded categories of persons in law, and how to implement effectively laws that admitted some categories of persons, but not others, with varying rights of access to citizenship, employment, social services, civil rights, and legal residence. In pairs, ask students to make a quick list of the ways immigration impacts our economy. This prompt is obviously quite vague, and the responses students will give will likely be quite varied. To what other institution does the author of poem #56 describe his/her time on Angel Island? This law set the main principles for immigration regulation still enforced today. The night is cool as I lie stiff on the steel bunk. Josh has taught Earth Science and Physical Science at the High School level and holds a Master of Education degree from UNC-Chapel Hill. Based on the questions for Ellis Island, what do you think immigration officials were most worried about? For most of U.S. history, Asian immigrants have been defined as racially ineligible for. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? Browse our lessons, printables, references, and articles below for ideas on how to enhance your curriculum in this area. They will also discuss opinions about different aspects of migration. Explain. Students will interpret visual images in the context of historical and political developments. Whats happening at the border is not a new phenomenon. Read this article as part of a study of immigration to the U.S. at the beginning of the 20th century. The earliest targets for serious immigration restriction were Chinese (1882), identified by race as inferior and inassimilable. This bright picture book tells of the migration of diverse immigrant and ethnic groups to North America, dating back to the travels of native peoples across the Bering Strait, and including the Atlantic slave trade and the journey of immigrants from Europe and Asia. This interactive site caters to teachers, students, and others interested in unbiased information and lessons on U.S. immigration. Part 1: The Facts of the Matter Write the words "immigrant," "illegal immigrant" and "undocumented immigrant" on the board or overhead and have them displayed for students when they enter the. This Supreme Court case validated racial segregation by ruling that the equal protections principles mandated by the Fourteenth Amendment could be honored with facilities that were "separate but equal.". A trickle of Chinese continued to come, with many cases involving a complicated blend of fraud and family reunificationonce Chinese had arrived and sought to reunite with family members, many had only illegal means for bringing over actual children and wives. Have students read section 4 of the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882).,, Chinese Exclusion Act aka An Act to execute certain treaty stipulations relating to Chinese, Immigration Act of 1917 (Barred Zone Act), Immigration Act of 1924 (Johnson-Reed Act), Undesirable Aliens Act of 1929 (Bleases Law), Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (Hart-Celler Act), Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1976 and 1978, Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) (1986), Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) (1996), Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act (2002). Japanese faced less onerous reception as the Japanese government undertook to prescreen its citizens before allowing them to depart for the United States under restrictions agreed upon in the Gentlemens Agreement (1907-1908). When she arrived on the island, Jennie was ushered to the womens quarters where she waited for interviews, medical exams and processing. After World War II, human rights and refugee relief became common principles. The 1790 Naturalization Act stated that only free white persons, like the founding fathers, could gain citizenship and established a process requiring two years of residency and a formal legal petition. To address the problem of unauthorized immigration, Congress implemented through bipartisan agreement a multi-pronged system that provided amnesty for established residents, increased border enforcement, enhanced requirements of employers, and expanded guestworker visa programs. Even though the U.S. and Japanese governments negotiated the terms of the 1907-08 Gentlemens Agreement when restricting Japanese migration to the United States, the steady trend moved toward the U.S. government asserting its domestic authority over immigration restrictions by the 1910s and institutionalizing the lesser protections and status of noncitizens and excludable aliens. SOURCE 5:Poems from the walls of Angel Island Immigration Station. In three minutes, have students list whatever they know about both Ellis and Angel Islands. The twin responsibilities for welcome and policing symbolized by Ellis Island and Angel Island depended on terms set forth in immigration law. In contrast, starting in 1790, Asian immigrants were barred from citizenship by naturalization as aliens ineligible for citizenship, a racial restriction that was not entirely removed until 1953. Grades 3. The twenty-first century witnessed dramatic expansion of immigration enforcement institutions. Guiding Questions:How were Angel Island and Ellis Island similar and different as immigration stations? During World War II, the U.S. government negotiated with the Mexican government to recruit Mexican workers, all men and without their families, to work on short-term contracts on farms and in other war industries. Angel Islands primary function as a detention center resulted from the goal of sharply constricting, if not outright ending, immigration from Asia. Divide students into two groups (first names A-L and first names M-Z, for example) 2. We have created 12 lessons that each cover parts of that timeline. who holds some power in this process?) ADD TO CART. save to wishlist. In 1978, the law was further amended to establish a single worldwide annual ceiling of 290,000. Teach your students about . Court challenges such as Korematsu v. U.S. upheld the principle of military necessity, which still stands to this day. In which continent are most of the countries listed in source 2? To further limit immigration, this law established extended "national origins" quotas, a highly restrictive and quantitatively discriminatory system. During the 19th century, the United Statesaccused Irish immigrants of spreading cholera, or, what they termed the Irish disease. Although this law is best known for its creation of a barred zone extending from the Middle East to Southeast Asia from which no persons were allowed to enter the United States, its main restriction consisted of a literacy test intended to reduce European immigration. The Homeland Security Act created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by consolidating 22 diverse agencies and bureaus. Lesson plan Immigration Topic Immigration Aims To practise speaking skills, in the context of discussing immigration and emigration To practise writing skills, writing a poem about immigration and a postcard to a friend Age group 12 - adult Level B1 + Time 60 - 90 minutes Materials 1. How the government decided to handle each situation as it arosewith Congress passing laws, the executive branch carrying them out, and the judiciary evaluating the constitutionality of laws and practicesdepended on situations that varied over time. Immigration Lesson Plan for Elementary School. Beyond them, the Great Depression and an uncertain future awaits. Use this lesson plan to introduce several aspects of immigration to your students, specifically highlighting how they relate to contemporary American society. They are from charities working with refugee, established museums or credible educational websites. Immigrants and immigration play a vital role in the curricula of all subjects, from social studies and English language arts to STEM and art. Congress extended domestic authority over immigration to improve enforcement of the Chinese exclusion laws. Based on what students find, take the most listed country of origin and explore the historical context that may have led people to come to the United States during that time. Address immigration myths, research changing demographics and explore the value of a diverse society. 9-11 inflamed concerns about national security related to immigration and border control, leading to the establishing of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2002 to consolidate and expand security and policing operations, including the rounding up, detention, and deportation of unauthorized immigrants. Rates of denial reveal these differences of law and treatment with Ellis Island having very low percentages compared to Angel Island. Lesson Plan Immigration: Our Changing Voices [Detail] The Faro Caudill [family] eating dinner in their dugout Jump to: Preparation Procedure Evaluation Through dialogue, documentation, research, and interviews, students understand their role in society. We all had to gather your bags, and the place was crowded with people and talking, and crying, people were crying. Summary. The first challenge tackled by Congress concerned the crucial question of what immigrants could gain citizenship by naturalization and through what procedures and standards. (8) $6.00. -What does the pdf chartabove reveal about the priorities of immigration policies? Where do you think many of the people in the photographs are coming from? The ILC Public Education Institute compiled this collection of lesson plans, curricular units and resources to help you incorporate immigration into your existing curriculum. Enacting such laws required the renegotiation of the Burlingame Treaty. Lesson Plan Immigration: Ellis Island. -Based on the descriptions of department responsibilities (listed in the website above), what kinds of people would be involved in the U.S. immigration process? Wary of international obligations, President Truman refused to sign the U.S. government on to the convention. The immigration bureaucracy and a network of immigration courts hold primary authority over immigration matters. The Flores settlement resulted from the 1993 Supreme Court case Reno v. Flores, regarding the treatment of unaccompanied minors in immigration detention. During the economic and political crises of the 1920s and 1930s, the Border Patrol launched several campaigns to detain Mexicans, including some U.S.-born citizens, and expel them across the border.
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