Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. According to the National Center for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP), only 494 state government buildings in 15 states were accessible by persons with disabilities. On February 3, industrial workers across the country observed a day of protest against the governments plans to privatize state-owned companies and to press for the repeal of labor codes passed by parliament in September 2020. Daniel Greenfield, Jihad Watch is a registered trademark of Robert Spencer in the United States and/or other countries - Site Developed and Managed by Free Speech Defense. More than 30 million unorganized workers registered on the portal as of October 8, nearly half of them women. Officials noted the victims mother was a former devadasi and insisted her daughter join the practice. The Reporters without Borders 2021 World Press Freedom Index described the country as very dangerous for journalists, with press freedom violations by police, political activists, criminal groups, and local officials. Media reported criminal charges were filed against individuals who posted requests for oxygen supplies via social media during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A Bhubaneswar-based transgender activist welcomed the move as one of the several protransgender policy decisions taken by the Odisha government in recent years. According to the 2011 census, Scheduled Caste members constituted 17 percent of the population (approximately 200 million persons). According to a recent study, 65 percent of the child marriage cases were related to so-called romantic marriages, another 30 percent were arranged, and 5 percent were forced. The Human Rights Law Network observed most state committees had few or no minority, civil society, or female representatives. You will receive a daily mailing containing links to the stories posted at Jihad Watch in the last 24 hours. [51] In 2016 deal between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was criticized. India also extended its first ever defence-related line of credit to a neighboring country, by providing Bangladesh with $500 million to purchase defence equipment. In May the Odisha Directorate of Prisons set up an exclusive ward in Bhubaneswar to house up to 10 transgender persons. Approximately 1.9 million residents of the state of Assam, which borders Bangladesh, were left off the Supreme Court-mandated National Register of Citizens (NRC) register in Assam. This practice was found in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, and almost always targeted girls from Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities. The states and union territories have primary responsibility for maintaining law and order, with policy oversight from the central government. The law and regulations do not protect informal-sector workers (industries and establishments that do not fall within the purview of the Factories Act), who made up an estimated 90 percent of the workforce. Policies and guidelines that penalized families with more than two children were not widely enforced but remained in place in various states. Implementation of the guidelines was uneven, however, due to limited resources and social stigma. For example, according to Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society, Jammu and Kashmir experienced 19 instances of internet shutdown as of August. Contacts reported a few Kashmiri academics attempting to travel internationally to attend academic conferences or pursue professional assignments were prohibited from leaving the country. Some claimed the NHRC did not register all complaints, dismissed cases arbitrarily, rerouted complaints back to the alleged violator, and did not adequately protect complainants. Access to education continued to be a challenge for students with disabilities. RECENT. The suspects were charged with insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace and violation of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act. The story of how one such group university students just barely survive, because the government has been steadily diminishing its support of students for years, while the costs of living have [], Nov 10, 2022 8:00 am By Christine Douglass-Williams, Pakistan and other developing countries have been pushing for climate reparations at the upcoming international climate conference in Egypt, not just from the UK, but from all the wealthier nations of the West. West Bengal and Odisha reported the highest increase in crimes against women while Uttar Pradesh recorded a 17 percent decline in registered cases. Commercial sexual exploitation of children occurred (see section 6, Children). The law also provides security forces immunity from civilian prosecution for acts committed in regions under the AFSPA. According to media reports, fear of giving birth to a girl child drove some women toward sex-selective abortion or attempts to sell baby girls. Additionally, children with disabilities faced additional challenges with online education. The court remanded Ponnaiah to judicial custody for 15 days, and the Madras High Court granted conditional bail on August 10. So-called honor killings remained a problem, especially in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana; they were usually attributable to the victim marrying against his or her familys wishes. Im also thankful that the clown who threw his White Claw had a noodle for an arm. The law prohibits employment of children younger than 14. All the worst forms of child labor were prohibited. In March the Ministry of Home Affairs informed parliament that 3,800 Kashmiri Pandit migrants had returned to Jammu and Kashmir since the 1990s, 520 of whom had returned after August 2019. Questia. The Supreme Court issued a similar ruling in March 2020, which ordered states and union territories to release certain prisoners on parole or interim bail. The NCRB Crime in India 2020 report released in September revealed that 796 new UAPA cases were registered in 2020. On February 23, two workers were killed, and 26 others injured in a blast at the United Phosphorous Limited plant in Jhagadia, Gujarat. [43] Later, minister Shahriar Alam also cancelled his visit to India. In 2019 parliament passed an amendment to the UAPA that allows the government to designate individuals as terrorists and provides new authorities to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to seize properties acquired from proceeds of terrorism. The government delayed issuance and renewal of passports to citizens from Jammu and Kashmir, sometimes for up to two years. The designation as a disturbed area under the AFSPA remained in effect in Nagaland, parts of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, and Assam, and a version of the law was in effect in Jammu and Kashmir. The law does not permit authorities to admit coerced confessions into evidence, but nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) alleged authorities used torture to coerce confessions. International Child Abductions: The country is not a party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Andrew Harrod The assistance will support refugee housing, cooking gas subsidies, and education allowances for refugee children. The NCPEDP reported the government allowed persons with disability to access COVID-19 vaccination services using the Unique Disability ID cards. The Public Safety Act (PSA), which applies only in Jammu and Kashmir, permits authorities to detain persons without charge or judicial review for up to two years without visitation from family members. On June 15, Uttar Pradesh police filed charges against Twitter; online news platform The Wire; journalists Rana Ayyub, Saba Naqvi, and Mohammad Zubair; and Congress leaders Salman Nizami, Masqoor Usmani, and Sama Mohammad for stoking communal unrest by posting video footage of the assault of an elderly Muslim man. There were government restrictions on access to the internet, disruptions of access to the internet, censorship of online content, and there were reports the government occasionally monitored users of digital media, such as chat rooms and person-to-person communications. In June the countrys anticorruption ombudsman reported it had received 110 corruption complaints, including four against members of parliament, during the year. Since 1997, nearly 37,000 Brus have lived in six relief camps after they fled Mizorams Mamit, Kolasib, and Lunglei Districts. Disappearances attributed to government forces, paramilitary forces, and terrorists occurred in areas of conflict during the year (see section 1.g.). Muslim communities in certain areas remained vulnerable to communal violence and discrimination. The law mandates a minimum rest period of 30 minutes after every four hours of work and premium pay for overtime, but it does not mandate paid holidays. Guy Who Threw Hard Seltzer Cans at Ted Cruz Says What Every Leftist Should Say in the Mirror Every Morning, Pope Praises Muslim Group for Dispelling Erroneous Interpretations of Islam, Turkeys Erdogan issues orders to Finland and Sweden that they must take before joining NATO, India: Muslims, wanting to erect mosque at temple site, force Hindus to flee in Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, India: Muslims beat Hindu man to death for drawing water from their well, India: Muslims beat accused lesbians, burn their private parts, try to rape them, Denmark charges Islamic State brides for promoting a terrorist organization, Philippines: Muslims murder one, injure 11 in jihad attack on bus, Christians and Muslims condemn attack, Iran: Islamic Republic forces murder man who honked his car horn in support of the protests, Mali: Thousands of demonstrators protest against video containing criticism of Islam, Quran, and Muhammad, Australia: 15-year-old Muslim pledged allegiance to Islamic State, provided guidance on bomb-making. Authorities considered persons born outside the country on or after December 10, 1992, citizens if either parent was a citizen at the time of birth, but authorities do not consider those born outside the country after December 3, 2004, citizens unless their birth was registered at a consulate within one year of the date of birth. The law provides for the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association, and the government generally respected these rights. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964. By law parents confer citizenship, and birth in the country does not automatically result in citizenship. On March 31, UN special rapporteurs asked the central government to provide details regarding allegations of arbitrary detention, extrajudicial killings, and disappearances in Jammu and Kashmir, including the status of Naseer Ahmad Wani, who disappeared in 2019 after being questioned by army soldiers. I am happy to be able to offer you a 5% discount on becoming a VIP member at PJ Media. The press reported that the number of PSA detentions rose to 331 from 134 in 2020. Authorities allegedly also used torture to extort money or as summary punishment. Defendants enjoy the presumption of innocence, except as described under UAPA conditions, and may choose their counsel. The law prohibits any nontribal person, including citizens from other states, from crossing a government-established inner boundary without a valid permit. Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The law sets the legal age of marriage for women at 18 and men at 21, and it empowers courts to annul early and forced marriages. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts, In France, the generous welfare state can no longer meet the needs of the many impoverished French people who need its help. LGBTQI+ persons faced physical attacks, and rape. According to IndustriALL, the 14 accidents reported during the year resulted in 42 workers deaths and approximately 100 workers being injured. FCRA licenses were also reportedly canceled periodically based on confidential investigations by the Intelligence Bureau. A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people, in two or more separate events over a period of time, for primarily psychological reasons. Tamil Nadu has 107 refugee camps across the state, including one detention camp for refugees with criminal records. There were also reports some teachers refused to correct the homework of Dalit children, refused to provide midday meals to Dalit children, and asked Dalit children to sit separately from children of upper-caste families. A social activist filed a petition alleging 36 honor killings took place in the state in recent years. Police arrested the perpetrator. In other instances the government canceled or declined to renew Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) registrations. The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo announced a series of Read More. On March 5, journalists Shafat Farooq and Saqib Majeed said they were beaten by police during a protest in Srinagar. State governments set a separate minimum wage for agricultural workers. [69] Due to a second wave of COVID-19 in India, the vaccine export was halted. In November parliament passed a law to repeal three agricultural reform laws after farmers largely concentrated in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh protested for their repeal. The Criminal Investigation Department of the Karnataka police arrested Honkera on September 2. In May the NCPCR reported a total of 99 sexual abuse cases relating to children with disabilities had been registered from 2017 to 2020. Some women, particularly poor and lower-caste women, were reportedly pressured to have tubal ligations, hysterectomies, or other forms of sterilization. India is also looking to export electricity from its north-eastern region with potential to generate some 58,971 MW to its eastern States through Bangladesh. Apni Party leader Ghulam Hassan Lone was killed by terrorists on August 19 in Kulgam District. National policy or legislation did not address the matter of internal displacement resulting from armed conflict or from ethnic or communal violence. Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra have legislation that prohibits the devadasi system and provides rehabilitation services to women and girls affected by the practice. [60] India has offered scholarships for meritorious Bangladeshi under and post graduate students and PhD researchers to undertake studies in traditional systems of medicines like Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy, according to Indian High Commission in Dhaka. Equipment for the plant was sent through Bangladesh which waived most of the transit fees. On February 21, the Bombay High Court granted conditional bail on medical grounds for six months to Varvara Rao, an 81-year-old human rights activist, following his hospitalization for COVID-19 in June 2020. Potable water was not universally available. According to UNHCR an April 2020 moratorium on the repatriation of Sri Lankans remained in effect since the COVID-19 pandemic forced the suspension of commercial flight operations. Mexican journalists gather around pictures of murdered colleagues as they protest the recent killings of journalists Margarito Martinez and Lourdes Maldonado, in Veracruz, Mexico, on January 25, 2022. Enforcement of these laws remained lax. Rape and Domestic Violence: The law criminalizes rape in most cases, but marital rape is not illegal when the woman is older than 15. Nations that have the requirement Albania. Three states abolished the death penalty for murder during the 19th century: Michigan (which has never executed a prisoner since achieving statehood, and which is the first government in the English-speaking world to abolish capital punishment), in 1847, Wisconsin, in 1853 and Maine, in 1887. In September approximately 25 million workers across the country went on a day-long strike in support of the farmers protest demanding the repeal of farm reform legislation. In July the Ministry of Home Affairs reported to parliament that 1,997 candidates from the Kashmiri Pandit community had been selected for jobs in Jammu and Kashmir. Foreign Travel: The government may legally deny a passport to any applicant for engaging in activities outside the country prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of the nation.. The historic Ganges Water Sharing Treaty was concluded in 1996. Madhya Pradesh reported the largest number of domestic violence cases while Rajasthan reported the highest number of rapes. Insurgent groups reportedly recruited teenagers for support roles. Rape of minors is covered by the gender-neutral Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act (POCSO). According to media reports, more than 500 cases of child marriage took place in West Bengal between March and June 2020 during the COVID-19 national lockdown. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, a. Madhya Pradesh registered 17 cases of murder against those accused of witchcraft. On August 6, police arrested 23 tribal farmers for attempted murder when tribal members forcefully tried to recover farmland that the villagers have been cultivating for decades. Tribal leaders criticized the arrests as persecution for defending their rights. The minimum mandatory punishment for rape is 10 years imprisonment. CHRI lawyers believe the enforcement action was taken as retribution for CHRIs human rights work. Activist Sudha Bharadwaj was released on bail in December. In October the Supreme Court ordered an independent probe on these allegations. In Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, and Manipur, security officials have special authorities to search and arrest without a warrant. In some instances police used information provided by anonymous social media users as a pretext to initiate criminal proceedings against journalists. Labor groups reported that some employers continued to refuse to recognize established unions, and some instead established workers committees and employer-controlled unions to prevent independent unions from organizing. A better term would be anti-Muslim, which makes clear that the view or action is against Muslims as individuals, rather than Islam as a religion. On March 13, the Ministry of Women and Child Development published new rules to protect children from sexual offenses. The government maintained a monopoly on AM radio stations, limiting broadcasting to the state-owned All India Radio, and restricted FM radio licenses to entertainment and educational content. NGOs claimed law enforcement officials harassed and intimidated Rohingya refugees, including by confiscating UNHCR-issued refugee cards and government identification documents. [23][24], Indian officials visiting Bangladesh including the Indian foreign ministers and BSF chiefs numerously vowed to stop BSF shootings, but Bangladeshi nationals, comprising mostly illicit border crossers, have continued to be shot dead by the Indian troops. In January 2020 the Supreme Court declared access to the internet a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution. In January the Bombay High Court ruled that groping a child is not considered sexual assault if there is no skin-to-skin contact or sexual intent. The National Commission for Women criticized the ruling and appealed to the Supreme Court. According to UNHCR, obtaining formal employment was difficult for refugees because they did not possess government-issued documents such as long-term visas, which the government stopped issuing to refugees in 2017.
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