Finally, "made" is ginomai, which means "to generate," "to cause to be," "to happen," or "to come to pass." In other places just enough rain fell to deceive the people into feeling a sense of hopethat it was not so bad after all. Healing is just too low-tech and pass. 1:13) and believers are edified (Phil. Would He have us live and work under such a person? Seeking God (Part Two): A Foundation. Consider Israel's roots, geographic location and history. It makes it easy to thinkand thus to liveas though God really is not sovereign in His creation. It never comes to mind that God may be telling him something. Verse 25 suggests, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." How long? Nevertheless, God intervened. Or, have we fallen from our past performance and profession? So the present passed on before him, while he himself spent that night in the camp. God is sovereign over His creation in all things. Suffering on this earth will not last, as He has promised to wipe away every tear from our eyes ( Revelation 21:4 ). It is true that many things in life - things like wars, economic depressions, and political revolutions - do recur in an inexorable manner. Help me to avoid conflict during this time and keep me focused on Your word. From this, we ought to be able to understand that God is greater than any emergency we might find ourselves in. Certainly not the children of Israel! . He made Paul an apostle. Most members hope that He will. He also informs Cyrus that he will do this job for Jacob's benefit, in this case for the Jews living under the Persian Empire. Those of us who walk by faith know that a great Unseen Hand guides, indeed overrules, events on this earth. Are we consigned to the same fate as Israel (in this prophecy) because we live in Israel? He can give us favor even before those who may be against us. "Cooked" would be better translated "boiled" or "seethed." Recall that in the last years of his reign, when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD did not answer him, either by dreams or by Urim or by the prophets (I Samuel 28:6). The meaning of the symbol contemplates, not only the force of character it would take to perform such a selfless act, but also the position of mastery to which it elevated Him due to its success. Notice, too, the humility the leper portrays in expressing his understanding of Christ's abilities. Can we take what he says here by faith? David is showing God on both sides here, in blessings and in trials. He took them and sent them across the stream. ", John W. Ritenbaugh If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. The prophet Amos receives credit for giving that "sometime" a general title, or at least the term is first used within his prophecy. The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Three). . Fasting can enhance our spiritual breakthrough (Daniel 10:13). But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance (Obadiah 1:17). John W. Ritenbaugh He cannot see wisdom; he cannot make a wise choice. This is how He will fulfill what He said in Malachi 3. "Word" is not logos but rhema, meaning "revealed words." Following Jesus' example, the apostles also laid hands on the sick, by which the power of God's Holy Spirit healed them (see Acts 10:38; I Corinthians 12:9). The Bible declares that, in all three of these examples, God will have the last word: He will humble them all. He does this by influencing the thinking of those He has put into positions to fulfill them. As Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 show, God's blessings would flow to them if they were obedientblessings that include the promise of protection. Nevertheless, you can see that we, as a nation, are facing very terrifying times. The Jews despised him for his harsh ways. It may be very unjustas the taking of Christ's life was very unjust. Use it for Your glory and make me stronger because of it. and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation. He said, "Certainly they will be my people, children who are not disloyal." He became their deliverer. After relating the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew brings the reader back into the story flow by reiterating how great multitudes followed Jesus. They may appear strong on the surface, but with our powerful, trustworthy Resource, we do not have to retaliate stupidly or be overwrought by anxiety. Considering the timeframe, Psalm 91 would have to be modified to apply it directly to us, because our understanding from other portions of God's Word is that He expects us to get out, to flee to some designated place called "your chamber" or "her place." Obviously, the latter idea fits this instance. Please click here to learn how. We feel he is denying us the liberty to do what we want. Our responsibility is to choose to put these facts to work in our specific circumstances. God is omnipotent. The fifth parable's hidden treasure solves the problem of the leaven in the fourth parable. If they had truly believed, nothing should have amazed them. There is no indication that Cyrus was aware that God was stirring him up. What is clear is that Genesis 30-31 are describing divine intervention, a miracle, an event that would not occur naturally apart from God's involvement. We continue living only at His pleasure! . He takes all his pain and rage out on this innocent donkey, which was only trying to obey God. The vast majority of Americans have become so far removed from God that they lack the eyes to see and the ears to hear the warnings He sends. But He did not intervene. Then Jacob asked him and said, Please tell me your name. But he said, Why is it that you ask my name? And he blessed him there. "Fall on us and hide us" is typical Hebrew parallelism, as can be seen from an Old Testament parallel in which Israelites "shall say to the mountains, 'Cover us!' The Scriptures are full of stories in which God's friends did exactly this. They got out because God wanted them out. This says clearly that God was able to stir the spirit of Cyrus. The Edomite challenge at the end of Obadiah 1:3 bears some scrutiny: "Who will bring me down to the ground?" The time for talk is over; God simply acts. These verses show God's supremacy over the nations. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. (Revelation 12:14, 17). God, however, is out to prove her wrong. It is as though He owns it; it is His to use and/or distribute as He alone sees fit. After being greatly chastened, he tells God that he understood what He was saying. There is much out there that is attractive to human nature and to true Christians, and we can see, despite two thousand years of preaching by the church, the overwhelming majority is still following the broad way. .?" It does not matter whether he is a good or a bad guy. Notice verse 8 especially. Divine healing works the same way today. We dread what's to come, and we'd do anything not to have to deal with it, but there's no way out. Many times, when the Israelites' faith broke down, God had to intervene in some way to save them. God's Sovereignty and the Church's Condition (Part One). "Foreknew" applies to that period before His calling of us. God had revealed Himself to the Hebrew descendants of Abraham, and some among them, like Moses, believed what He said. When He created Adam and Eve He said to them that He gives authority to rule earth and over all the animals. The situation has moved beyond Amos' ability to intercedeGod's time to act has come, and He will not relent. Proverbs 22:3 says, "A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished." We had better! Then, in chapter 6, He told them to "love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might" (verse 5). Fear not, for I am with you. The vision in Amos 9 is different from the four visions in chapters 7 and 8. 9. Amen. E.W. . John W. Ritenbaugh "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." (Psalm 16:11, KJV) 2. He is the One in control, moving things in whatever direction they need to go. The donkey who saw God would have avoided the trap and escaped, if it were not for Balaam controlling her. A Prayer for Divine Intervention - I will tell of the faithful acts of the LORD, of the LORD's praiseworthy deeds. However, the dumb donkey can! We must decide whether or not we are in God's hand. This root is translated "cooked" in Genesis 25:29, where Jacob cooked a stew that the famished Esau desired. Habakkuk is a good example of what a person of true faith does. They may think they believe it, but their lives do not show it. Through their spiritual harlotry, they abused gracethe free, unmerited pardon of Godand rejected His law. 8 He said, "Certainly they will be my people, So works are important to earning rewards, to building character, to providing a witness for God, but they still will not save us of and by themselves because, since we are imperfect, they are also terribly flawed. Something other than human remedies for disease is the factor that decides the life or death of the ailing faithful. We could almost compare it with Job's expression of faith in Job 42:2-6. This world is full of doubts and fears, but with You by my side, I know that all things are possible. God's Intervention Bible Verses About Letting God. Despite mountains moving, men and women of every origin, status, and creedfrom king to slaveflee for the caves under the mountains in a vain attempt to hide themselves from God (Revelation 6:15). This is not an occasion in which the authority figure demands submission, and in submitting, we must break the law of God. AM Verse Concepts Col 1:20 Tools I want things to change from how they are now, and only You can bring about that change. "Listen to the message! Through free will, we have the freedom to do what we want and whatever pleases us. They felt invulnerable, and this filled them with pride. God, please keep me safe. John W. Ritenbaugh God Himself demanded of Job. Even cry out to You, 'Violence!' The Bereans "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11). Such a succession of disturbances can be nothing other than divine anger. He turns them wherever He wants to.". It certainly does not give the impression that Godat any timelets His mind wander, unaware of what is happening in His children's lives. In addition, God would be guilty of at least gross generality when He claims He does this or that. Instead, they were perplexed or disturbed. In construction, the plumb line tests whether what was erected is perpendicular to the square, that is, if it is straight up and down, if it is upright. It is incumbent upon us, therefore, to use our time now to build on our present relationship with Him, making it stronger and more intimate. The encouraging lesson of this miracle is that faith is tested by the stormy trials in life, but despite our being tossed about on the waves of a troublesome world, Jesus is always near. Amos refers to Jeroboam I, after whom Jeroboam II was named, and worse, after whom he followed in his sins. The biblical definition of submission is clear. This is certainly true, but it was also so that, first, He could have a relationship with us, that we would seek Him. What makes this encounter so interesting is that, under Old Testament law, the leper was completely defiled in his uncleanness. John W. Ritenbaugh In them the people were taught to seek the material prosperity that characterized the nation, and in part they sought this physical abundance through cultic fornication and fertility rituals done in the name of the eternal God. . First, "Lamb" is only one title of this complex Individual, Jesus Christ, who is not a cute, cuddly, little lamb. Genesis 1: Fact or Fiction? God is our inheritance, but He is also with him in these trials. I made it rain on one city, I withheld rain from another city. Those who are to be spared will depart from the main body and be protected from the great time of trouble just ahead. How carefully crafted are His plans? It was part of His purpose. This is not to say that works are unimportant. Jesus' miracles of healing are instructive in that they give us kinds and actions of faith. God requires us to give thanks because it is good for us. A small-scale fulfillment of this occurred under Ezra and Nehemiah, but the greater fulfillment will not take place until the Great White Throne Judgment. Please take control of my life and change the situation I am facing. Sometimes he gives us the strength to cope with what we need to face. Even so, do not get the impression that He does not react to how we use our free moral agency. Perhaps we could make a case for saying that some things occur out in the world that are of no significance to God's purpose, but what about in His church, the apple of His eye, the focus of His attention? Will You forget me forever?") The snake bit him unexpectedly, in front of others, and God protected him as promised. . In other words, the imagery of the lamb contains both the Suffering Servant and the Exalted Lord and Judge of all (John 5:22). So the present passed on before him, while he himself spent that night in the camp. He waits patiently for God's answer to his dilemma, and he receives understanding. As a culture, the Greeks have become known as a people sensitive to the rhythms of time, and this, though written by Solomon, a Hebrew, is a decidedly Greek view of life and of time's movement. And, if He will not pass by them, He must pass through them. Acts 10 relates the story of the conversion of Cornelius and his house. Verse 29 says, "For whom He foreknew." Isaiah writes, "Then I said, 'Lord, how long?' Esau became heated and angry, and it manifested itself as haughtiness, arrogance, pridethe major trait he passed on to his descendants. Or we're faced with a situation we can't see a way through. Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Come on, let's go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised men. This verse means that the historical events we read of in God's Word were not chance occurrences, but God was working behind the scenes to bring His purpose to the conclusion He has foreordained. Amen. God is superintending or managing events on this earth. The main body went on and eventually blended back into the world. O God of intervention, please come and intervene in my education and please help me to excel and come out in flying colors in the name of Jesus. Carnally, it seems as if He had every right to rebel. Throughout His Word, God has promised us His protection. External objects like branches of trees with white strips in them cannot influence the markings of the next generation of sheep and goats. He obeys God by listening. Submission is an act of faith. This time is so bad that even the elect would die, except for God's intervention. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God (Romans 13:1 ESV). No one really knows. In the mid-eighth century BC when Amos preached, Israel's economic base was largely in agriculture, but a drought had begun to destabilize that foundation. He had directed the little ark into the hands of the Pharaoh's daughter. Does God still want us to submit? is a New Testament echo of the Old Testament prophets, many of whom were persecuted and slain for their testimony. They believed that nothing could be done about it because such events will happen eternally. (II Thessalonians 1:6-10). God said to Israel, "You only have I known of all the families of the earth" (Amos 3:2). The Bible says that Satan comes only to kill, steal and destroy, but God came so we can enjoy our lives (see John 10:10). Otherwise, they could feel secure because their fortresses were carved out of the rock, so they could either hunker down for long periods or engage in guerilla warfare. John W. Ritenbaugh The Sovereignty of God: Part Five. That the leper came to Christ - amongst a great multitude, no less - was in itself an act of faith in response to what he heard (Romans 10:17). Not that everything was being directed by Him in the sense that He was causing it to occur, but that Jesus believed with every fiber of His being that God was with Him all the time, everywhere, and at every moment. Instead, He says, in paraphrase, "You would not have the power to do anything except that My Father passed on this. Exodus 15:6 "Your right hand, O lord, is glorious in power. The church's conception of time blends the cyclical concepts of the Greeks and the linear concepts of the Hebrews. It is the ability for us humans to make our own choices. God has the necessary powers to do as He sees fit for His purpose and us. Just as stew boils up under heat, so Edom puffs herself up thinking that she is self-reliant and invincible. . Just like a man, His power resides there too, only He does not have to use steam shovels and power tools to get things done. Are we living righteously each day? No matter how much we fail to understand, God is still wonderful and working hard to bring us blessing. These pronouns refer to those who understand the prophecies and are alive at the time these things are taking place. If their lives showed it, it would prove that they really were listening to the Word of God. This thought comes in the midst of a paragraph in which some commentators believe Paul reflects on how God arranged every detail to bring Israel out of a seemingly impossible situation in Egypt and into the Promised Land. The context of the chapter is "literal and physical." Events do not just happen in a vacuum; they are moving in a definite direction. Amos proclaims that the drought is the result of God's judgment. Amen. But you do not intervene! This question continues in both the major and minor prophets. He may have also adjusted the tilt of the earth's axis to cause seasons to occur. The theme here is protection. It would appear that these verses apply to all believers, all Christians, regardless of when they live. 4. Psalm 147:15-20 shows God actively exercises His sovereignty daily in good times and bad. Beginning with Verse 4 through the rest of the chapter, you get his final argument which is nothing but repetition of what he has said over and over again: the wicked are always punished. Bring solutions into my life that only You can provide. Nations act in their national interest. How detailed are they? What is so maddening is that they justify their waysseeing them as goodand they will turn around and blame the innocent for the evils that occur. Now I am sure that the Lord will deliver his chosen king; he will intervene for him from his holy heavenly temple, and display his mighty ability to deliver. 3:16-17). through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people." What form will His intervention take? (Part 4). Our part in this is to trust God. God's Promises Are Sure! 2. It involves segregating ourselves away from something. When sin came into the world, Satan took authority away from man. God was building the man's faith toward his real conversion moment, wrestling with the Man at Peniel (Genesis 32:22-30). Any reader of the gospels cannot help but be struck by the number of accounts of healings done by Jesus during His ministry. 6. All of the things Paul writes here are wonderful, but the key to this particular subject is the answer to the question he asks in verse 31: "If God be for us who can be against us?" Certainly! Prayer for Desperate Times O God, my strength, shield my life with Your deliverance, guidance, and control and remove me from my desperation and hopelessness. I will tell about all the Lord did for us, the many good things he did for the family of Israel, because of his compassion and great faithfulness. Save me by Your loving-kindness. Christians are by definition followers of Jesus Christand how unpopular that is even among those who profess Christianity! . Who knows how He may have intervened because He "foreknew" us? The world gives every impression that God has either gone far off, and that His whole creation is nothing more than a kind of cosmic joke. Is it possible that, if we always received what we prayed for and set our minds upon, it would also lead to death? They are vital to maintaining and developing a relationship with God. To bring about His purpose, God is active in His creation, especially among His people, whether physical or spiritual Israel. Perhaps He will not come to our aid as dramatically as He did for Israel in I Chronicles 14, but if we follow David's example of humble inquiry and faithful service, He will fight our battles for us. (Psalm 141:8-10). Albert Barnes, commenting on Leviticus 13:45, notes, "The leper was to carry about with him the usual signs of mourning for the dead. "Design better levies to protect us from floods," they cry. Bullinger shows that God, unseen and sovereign, is not only Creator, but also actively shapes events within the expanses of time. Fires rage over thousands of acres after periods of drought, destroying forests and homes. . What if the person is sexually immoral or financially greedy? That is a part of the explanation. He reminds them that He miraculously provided in their time of need due to the unusual circumstance He devised. Many faithful Christians have died trusting in God to heal them, and whether or not they availed themselves of medical help during their illness does not seem to be all that much of a factoror whether they chose to follow a "natural" cure or some new, experimental treatment. This same pride will lead Edom into trouble. (The Book of Amos) (Part Two). This verse also suggests that our spirit can be communicated with without our being aware of it happening. Indeed, I brought you up from the land of EgyptAnd ransomed you from the house of slavery,And I sent before you Moses, Aaron and Miriam. This is the Bible's second-millennium BC way of saying that God Himself was manipulating the gene-pool of Jacob's flocks, causing the recessive coloring genes to dominate for Jacob's sake. In verses 5-7, David turns his attention back to himself, trying to encourage himself by resolving to wait patiently upon God as his only trustworthy hope. The implication is that, even if the minister's counsel is wrong, God will smooth it over and make it work simply because he is God's minister and they are God's people. Verse 15, "Therefore when you." The verb here is phuego, and it means to flee, to escape danger. NET Isa 30:30 Tools The Lord will give a mighty shout and intervene in power, with furious anger and flaming, destructive fire, with a driving rainstorm and hailstones. Our God has a multifaceted personality. (verses 19-20). Jesus immediately replies, showing him that he had misapplied it: God does not guarantee He will protect us "in all our ways.". Give me thoughts of Your glory, constantly paint pictures of heaven in my mind, and fill my heart with wonderful images of the future. As He did with Abraham, He must know what kind of witness we will make (see Genesis 22). Thus, David calls the place Baal Perazim or Lord of Outbursts. We do not normally think of God in this way, but we are instructed by this passage in Scripture to consider it. Predestined means "marked out in advance" or "appointed beforehand." Gradually, these spots grow to cover the entire body. Earl L. Henn (1934-1997) In Matthew 4, Satan tempts Christ in various ways. We find a manifestation of Israel's problemfalse reliance that the covenant would save themin modern-day "Christianity." Our relationship with Him through Jesus Christ is the key that gives us access to the deliverance He provides. The Spiritual Hard Hat Zone. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. The disease progresses slowly at first, deeply seated in the bones and joints, essentially undetectable until spots appear on the skin. . Amen. His angels will always be there to help You. Their cry, "Fall on us!" Sovereignty and Its Fruit: Part Ten. The nation's overall problem was a lack of faith, produced by a twisted, demonic belief system that left many citizens in direct opposition to their King and Savior. From this, because His mind permeates the entirety of His creation, we ought to derive great confidence that God is always with us. Show Your magnificence and intercede! Stay up to date with the latest Christian news! In addition, He claims to have the power to control all our ways. The most frequently repeated command, charge, or exhortation of Jesus Christ during His ministry can be reduced to one word: "listen"! This does not mean that they were conflicted about Jesus, but simply that they were slow to recognize His omnipotence. There is perhaps nothing more absolute than the power God holds over us, yet we do not seem disposed to acknowledge it. And have compassion on Your servants"). Paul is saying indirectly that even as Israel's history is no accident, and since the church has succeeded Israel as God's inheritance, God has a far grander purpose that He will just as surely work out in His sovereignty. Sudden earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, and extreme temperatures destroy homes, businesses, and lives. Jacob is speaking to his wives, Leah and Rachel, reminding them of how their father, Laban, had deceived him and changed his wages ten times. We must believe that God's care of His children is absolutely loving and that His promise of eternal life is surethat death is only temporary rest before a vibrant and abundant life in His Kingdom. (1997). We see this in the United States. John W. Ritenbaugh How little we recognize this! It is not the word normally used to indicate God is creating. God did! . Yet it is what the apostle Paul means when he tells the Athenians, "[I]n Him we live and move and have our being." Using the system in place in Judah, he counterfeited the holy days, the priesthood, and the temple ritual. Should Christians Handle Snakes? Nobody will ever come before God and say, "I did it by the strength of my own hands." Suddenly the fingers of a mans hand emerged and began writing opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall of the kings palace, and the king saw the back of the hand that did the writing. . For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. God is not interested in past actions but in present performance. Proverbs 3:5. Psalm 100:5: "For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations." Psalm 12:6-7: " [6] The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7. In Jesus name, I pray. . Verse 7 presents a challenging proposition regarding prophecy and God's active involvement in the governance of His creation. Take my thoughts into Your hands and fill them with positivity and optimism. Not very much! 4. Before He caused us to turn to Him, before He actually extended the invitation, He knew us. In verse 2, God is our rock, meaning our foundation and source of stability, who keeps us grounded and free from unreasonable anxieties. An attacking army could in no way pry them out, and they knew it. God intends this section to give us some encouragement. A cursory reading of these verses might give a person the impression that God was just sitting on His throne, twiddling His fingers, and waiting for Israel to do something. He catches us in a place where we can turn around and gives us an opportunity to make a right decision. From this temptation of Jesus, we can see that He does not believe that. to Moses in Psalm 90:13 ("Return, O LORD! Life, then, is not out of control. Zodhiates agrees that aiones indicates ages or times, in contrast with kosmos, often translated as "world," which indicates people as a society. Rather than heed the warning and repent, Americans turn to their other false godsscience and technologyto bail them out. It reveals His attitude, His approach, to every circumstance of His life. Peter comments on God's operations in this sphere of His work. He is quoting back to Jesus the very words that He had inspired, but he does it without quoting the entirety of the two verses. Lord, I want to take Your hand and follow You. . John W. Ritenbaugh The psalmists use it most frequently: from David in Psalm 13:1 ("How long, O LORD? They were not upright; they failed the test. If we do not understand His purpose, what He is working out in us? If we do not do what He wants us to do, He will go a little further down the patha little bit later in our lifeto catch us in a place where the answer is obvious, and we can do nothing except stop, and say, "God help me! God's promises are sure (Isaiah 46:11; 55:11; Matthew 24:35; John 10:35). Daylight comes and passes, and night arrives only to be followed by daylight again. He could have replied, "Do you not know to whom you are doing this?" He has been personally involved with us. Will He protect us if we are downright foolish? Amen. Balaam and the End-Time Church (Part 2). The donkey is the "prudent man" here, and blind Balaam is "the simple." (Part One). He contemplates and judges what we do. Nevertheless, it is there. Christ was quoting from Deuteronomy 6:16, where hundreds of years earlier, He Himself had said this very same thing to the Israelites.
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