Policies can change in response to modifications in values. In studying the gendered construction of income maintenance policies, Orlo (1993) and OConnor et al. This can take many forms, but typically includes initiatives aimed at providing healthcare, education, and other basic needs. The (1999) suggest an explanatory framework made up of the following elements: social movement mobilization and orientation, political party conguration, the political opportunity structure, and the institutional context and legacy. Jan. 2016. Another important starting point has been an examination of the inscription of male breadwinner family model in social security legislation, taxation, and employment policies. Employing the lens of gender, scholars have called in question the denition of social welfare policies. Bad ones die out. The definition of a social welfare policy is social services provided by a government for its citizens. Analyzing Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, and the US, Sainsbury (1996) found strong divergences in the policy patterns of the four countries, and that the clustering of countries was quite dierent from how countries are bracketed together in analyses using mainstream typologies. Gradually, however, more attention has been paid to how gender intersects with race, ethnicity, and class in determining social entitlements (e.g., Williams 1989; Quadagno 1994). Compared to entitlements as wives, benets based on the principle of care enhance autonomy. For one, questions regarding social workers readiness to assume policymaking roles stem from the evolution of social work practice toward reliance on clinical therapy as a key practice modality.30 As a consequence, not all social work clinicians may see the benefit of embracing policy practice31 or possess the analytical and technical skills required to take advantage of policymaking opportunities.32. At a minimum, social welfare policies should protect individuals from poverty and relative deprivation. This article explores how a growing apparatus of edupreneurial actors offers solutions for the current 'school crisis' and how these commercial actors become taken for granted in the public school system. _____is the transfer of people across international boundaries to enslave them insome way, usually involving forced labor or sexual exploitation. The policies of the earner carer model support both roles but simultaneously aim at eliminating gender dierentiation. Bazzi AR, Syvertsen JL, Roln ML et al. A primary principle involved in conservatism is that it is society's responsibility to care for and support its members. _____is the philosophy that the government should not interfere unless absolutelynecessary. Adler NE, Rehkopf DH. The_____ in 1917 gave all people born on the island of Puerto Rico U.S.citizenship. A basic concept inherent in the residual view is that social welfare policies and programs serve to relieve existing tensions and help solve problems distressing people in their environment. Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, The Salvation Army: Social Policy Analysis, Bryan Warde's Shadow Of The Poorhouse: A History Of Social Welfare In America, How Does Social Policy Affect Social Welfare, Social Welfare Policy: The Aid To Dependent Children, Chapter 2: Defining Social Welfare Policy. Get discount 10% for the first order. All of the following are listed in the text as methods social workers can use toconduct policy practice and advocacy except: ______are individuals who are hired to attempt to influence legislators decisionsand votes through direct communication. It involves policies, administration of social service programs, public health, housing, income maintenance, education and social work. If the programs work well, people donate generously. In bringing gender into the analysis of social welfare policies, two strategies were pursued. All of the following are listed in the text as methods social workers can use to conduct policy practice and advocacy except: ______ are individuals who are hired to attempt to influence legislators' decisions and votes through direct communication. 1. This was a federal assistance program and it w Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; Principles, guidelines, or procedures that serve the purpose o maximizing uniformity in decision making regarding the problem of dependency in our society. Social policy analyses the different . The NASW Code of Ethics is composed of all the following primary facets except: Feudalism was the principal type of political organization in Europe until the: Alaw was passed restricting the unemployed from moving about. The______ perspective of social welfare focuses on problems and gaps. According to the ______ philosophy, poverty exists toenhance the prestige and status of the middle class because they have others tolook down upon. Finally, we emphasize the importance of incorporating client and patient perspectives into all steps of the health policymaking process. They begin a discussion about the state of social welfare programs in the country when Hily says "It is society's obligation to assist people in adjusting to the turbulent and demanding contemporary environment." 1 Jacobson WB. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. Ethics incorporates the study of principles of good conduct and systems of moral values. What is the name of the government program that provides cash benefits to senior citizens? Political Action Committee for Candidate Election. The fifth phase of social welfare policy development involves: A. British welfare state is associated with 'poor laws' established to . While most analysts have empirically investigated the outcomes of policies on gender relations, Fraser (1994) adopts a normative stance and asks how can social welfare policies promote gender equity. Universality somewhat coincides with the institutional perspective on social welfare. (See Sociological Theories for more information.) Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice. Banks J, Marmot M, Oldfield Z, Smith JP. Instead of making women visible, this strategy has shown how gender is involved in policies where it had previously been thought to be completely irrelevant. For example, research has established that first-generation immigrants have better health than the general US population.17 However, this advantage appears to weaken over time, raising questions about whether policies (or the lack thereof) create environments that are detrimental to immigrant health. Reisch M, Jani JS. Occupational outlook: social workers. [Google Scholar] Patterson J. America's Struggle Against Poverty, 1900-1994. It also claries an alternative policy model to the male breadwinner model. All of the following are considered ethical standars of the NASW Code of Ethics except: Social workers' repsonibilty to educational programs. With its highly developed welfare state, Sweden falls into the top ranks internationally (rank 4) with regard to social policies. Families lie somewhere between _____ systems. The_____ of the National Association of Social Workers solicits information frompolitical candidates to establish their positions on social welfare issues anddetermine the extent to which their stances comply with social work values andgoals. by DanielClare, Social Policyis the study of social welfare, social protection, and social services. Hobson (1994) has documented substantial variation across strong breadwinner statessuch as The Netherlands, Germany, and Britainin terms of social welfare policies providing mother only families with an acceptable standard of living. A major criticism of this analytic construct is that it is based on two principles of entitlement: (a) as breadwinner or earner and (b) as the dependent of the breadwinner. This framework formalizes and expands the dimensions of variation implicit in Lewiss typology. _____recruited impoverished youths ages 16-24 from disadvantaged urban and ruralcommunities, and provided them with residential training, employment, and workskills. Available at: Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Medicare Payment: Identifying Social Risk Factors. In America, drug policy involves the laws that control the distribution and use of both prescription and illicit drugs. Before Agency Policy Assignment: Assessing and Regulating Health Services ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Assignment: Assessing and Regulating Health Services Comprehension: What is your understanding of the state of affairs in the development of health policy in the United States? 1999). _____provided assistance for older adults; dependent children in single-parentfamilies; children with disabilities; and people who are blind. A parallel shift has occurred in theorizing about womens relationships to welfare policies. Accordingly, social workers can be allies to public health professionals in efforts to eliminate disparities and improve population health. To provide specific recommendations regarding how social workers should be mobilized to insert their unique perspectives into policy problems and solutions, we draw on Kingdons model, which counters the notion that policymaking is a wholly rational process based on value-free evaluations of evidence regarding available solutions.34 This model describes 3 process streams that proceed through time: problems, policy solutions, and politics or actors. The_______ was a system of supplementing the income of all poor people so everyonewould have a minimum income necessary for survival. Such policies could identify opportunities to proactively promote or protect health, address external barriers to healing, and maximize the effectiveness of health interventions that place demands on individuals, their support systems, or their environments. 4. The_____ established the residency requirement in England that required potentialaid recipients to have dwelled in a particular location for a designated time. The Residual Welfare Model of Social Policy: This is based on the premise that individual's needs can only be fulfilled via two channels; the private market and the family. Which of the following is NOT true about Medicare: was created by the Health Insurance for the Aged Act, and consists of Part A, B, C, & D. The primary feature of Medicare Part _____ is the prescription drug benefit. First, understanding and acknowledging social relationships can help facilitate health outside clinic walls, where health and well-being originate. Benets whose eligibility is based on labor market participation or citizenship residence have greater potential to increase personal autonomy. Day Care for children, disabled adults, and elderly. Policies may be laws, public or private regulations, formal procedures, or simply normatively sanctioned patterns of behavior. One line of theorizing emphasizes that the gendered construction of social welfare policies results in dual welfare. Social relationships and health: a flashpoint for health policy. Overall, social welfare means . _____involves the process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political powerso that individuals can take action to improve their life situations. Oxford University Press, New York, Lewis J 1992 Gender and the development of welfare regimes. Nonetheless, the typology does assume a single basic underlying dimension, and that social welfare policies are informed by the male breadwinner model. Likewise, citizenship/residence as a basis of entitlement makes no distinction between paid and unpaid work, which enhances the social rights of persons with weak attachments to the labor market. With respect to practice in public health, social work, community psychology, and other allied disciplines, a values orientation suggests the importance of policy advocacy with and on behalf of clients and vulnerable groups. Approximately 5 percent of all U.S. children under age 18 are poor. The November 2016 election ushered in an era of unprecedented uncertainty with respect to the future and scope of the ACA and other domestic social policies. Traditionally, social workers have viewed the world through the person-in-environment lens, which emphasizes how complex physical and social environments influence individual behaviors and outcomes. Dettlaff and Fong (2016) define social welfare policy as "acts, laws, and rules that help to improve the lives of people in the community" (p. 73). TemporaryAssistance to Needy Families is an example of a developmental perspective ofsocial welfare. Automatically remove your image background. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! Public Health Law Presentation Public Health Law Presentation NSG/486: Public Health: Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Using the health care law or policy create a proposal or presentation for continued funding of a related program. Even when the allowance has been paid to the married mother, eligibility has been determined by the fathers rights as an insured employee. (1999) distinguishes between gender dierentiation and gender inequality. Sainsbury (1996) has developed a framework based on two ideal types: the male breadwinner model and the individual model. Lynch JW, Smith GD, Kaplan GA, House JS. Gendering Welfare States. . This approach could be used to reorient health, health care, and social policies. Identification of problems and needs B. Formulation of social welfare policy C. Identification of public opinion D. Implementation through a social welfare program D The final phase in the process of social welfare policy development is: A. Formulation of social welfare policy (25), Multiple Levels of Social Welfare Policy: Microlevel Policy, What happens when social workers translate macro and mezzo level policy into actual service for clients. Which of the following was cited by Dobelstein regarding benefits to people living in poverty: Social welfare programs implement social welfare policy. Social policy is concerned with the ways societies across the world meet human needs for security, education, work, health and wellbeing. Priority has been assigned to four areas of investigation: (a) the gender division of welfare, (b) the gendered construction of welfare policies, (c) welfare policies as an ordering force in gender relations, and (d) gender and explanations of welfare policies. Mainstream studies evaluating the redistributive eects of social welfare policies largely have been gender blind. Whether they are sufficient to protect funding for the program, such objections are the product of clear values with respect to the deserving nature of poor older adults, implying that careful messaging around other value-driven statements might be effective. The emphasis on paid work takes men as the norm, and it obscures the importance of unpaid labor. Social and structural challenges to drug cessation among couples in northern Mexico: implications for drug treatment in underserved communities. Available at: Taylor EF, Lake T, Nysenbaum J, Peterson G, Meyers D. Coordinating care in the medical neighborhood: critical components and available mechanisms. It thus provides straightforward but critical insights about the relationship between policies and health: policies relating to economics, education, housing, families, and other social determinants are critically important for population health because they create, condition, and constrain the contexts in which people live. The_____ supported the work of artists, musicians, writers, and scholarsprovidedjobs from heavy construction to the painting of murals in local libraries andorchestral performances in the schools. It is further reinforced by social work practice; social workers are often responsible for frontline implementation of health policy13 (more than half of the 650000 practicing social workers in the United States are employed in health settings14 and engage in activities across the full range of the policy process), and their work frequently places them in close interaction with the most vulnerable segments of the population,15 both of which provide natural insights into the design and effectiveness of health policies. Broad denitions expand the policies to encompass provision of housing, healthcare, education, and an array of other social services. Try it now. Social workers are natural allies to public health professionals, and their experience, knowledge, and wisdom can provide added value to ongoing policy debates. _____wrote Social Diagnosis, the first book to address professional social workpractice. The mammoth growth in manufacturing and technology that occurred in the U.S.between the Civil War and the early 20th century was called: ______were neighborhood-based centers where students, humanitarians, and others livedto help people living in poverty improve their lives and communities. However, the predominant focus of the ACA has been the expansion of insurance coverage. Available at: Longhofer J, Floersch J. Although the understanding of housing distribution has been dominated by economic analysis, housing is often distributed beyond the market. The tendency to divide the population into categories of social position based on the extent to which people have access to the goods and services the society values is referred to as societal division. 111-148) has created a number of opportunities for innovative care provision, many of which acknowledge the particular needs of the poor and the medically underserved, including expanded opportunities for community health centers, community health workers, and patient-centered medical homes.5,6, Consonant with an emphasis by key federal entities on the importance of social factors,7 researchers have begun to investigate whether a focus on the social determinants of health can reduce hospital readmissions and improve patient outcomes.8 Also, attention has turned to the use of innovative payment mechanisms such as federal waivers that allow Medicaid reimbursement for nonmedical services (e.g., housing).5. It involves the administration of public and private agencies.In early times, social welfare functions were performed by a few individuals or groups of individuals motivated by compassion and concern for the poor, the needy and the destitute. Income inequality and mortality: importance to health of individual income, psychosocial environment, or material conditions. The_____ channeled funds to finance various public works such as building roads,cataloging resources in libraries, digging drainage ditches, and renovatingparks. Although providers may not be able to completely address patients social support needs, assessing those needs, engaging family and friends in treatment plans, and intervening to bolster support networks all constitute a social work approach to health.24. Social welfare policy. All of these frameworks have furnished insights into the gendered construction of social welfare policies. Although these benets may buttress traditional gender relations, they recognize the importance of care and thus alter notions of deservingness. Stephen De Wijze argues political morality is more complicated than personal morality. This engagement with the whole patient would also foster a deeper connection with providers. Concurrent with expanded health insurance coverage through the ACA, increasing interest in improved quality and financial sustainability of health care services is resulting in efforts to hold health care providers accountable for patient outcomes. The Wiky Legal Encyclopedia covers legislation, case law, regulations and doctrine in the United States, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, UK, Australia and around the world, including international law and comparative law. Feminist researchers have objected to the pivotal position of paid work in the analysis of social welfare policies. Lewis and Ostner (1991) argue that this model has been built into social provision in varying degrees, and they classify countries as strong, moderate, and weak male breadwinner states. Perissinotto CM, Cenzer IS, Covinsky KE. An initial nding was the feminization of poverty in the US in the mid- 1970s. Allen H, Wright BJ, Harding K, Broffman L. The role of stigma in access to health care for the poor. Theorizing on how traditional gender relations have been inscribed in policy frameworks has underlined that policies and benet structures perpetuate existing relations and the subordination of the female sex. NURS 4210 Role of the Nurse . the Soviet Union's launching of Sputnik The National Defense and Education Act of 1958 was passed as a reaction to ______. When other countries were included in the examination, a dierent pattern emerged: men predominated as beneciaries. The basis of entitlement is a crucial aspect in determining the impact of welfare policies on gender relations and whether policies buttress womens dependency on men or enhance their autonomy (Sainsbury 1996). _____targeted school-age children and presented them with special educationresources and incentives to prevent them from dropping out of school. A policy regime re- directs the analysis from behavior to policies. Federal laws provide standards and guidelines; however, these issues are primarily governed by State laws and regulations in the United States. Available at: Davis JH. Social work expertise can be used to implement models of engagement that elevate these perspectives at all steps of the policy process: identifying problems, creating equitable policies, understanding implementation problems, and evaluating effectiveness. Studies have also documented disparities in the poverty rates of women and men. Introducing Cram Folders! The initial emphasis on studying the impact of social welfare policies on women has been supplanted by a concern with how gender structures policies and how policies aect gender relations (OConnor 1996). Social Policy refers to the development of welfare, social administration and policies of the government used for social protection. The median income of female-headed families is about _____% of the median for families with two parents present. Thus, it overlooks other bases of entitlement and it conates womens entitlements as wives and mothers (Sainsbury 1996). Given the many similarities between the United States and England, comparisons of risk factor biomarkers and objective indicators of health between residents of the 2 countries are particularly instructive: US residents fare worse on nearly every health indicator, and this situation persists even after differences in individual risk behaviors (e.g., smoking and alcohol consumption) and insurance coverage have been taken into account.2,3 Coupled with consistent evidence on the sizable socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, and geographic disparities in morbidity and mortality within the United States,4 these comparisons suggest that higher levels of health care spending, the continued narrow focus on individual behaviors, and expansion of insurance, although likely important, are not sufficient to significantly improve health in the United States. A major contribution of this typology was to emphasize that the strength of the male breadwinner model as reected in social welfare policies varied across countries. What is Ethics? _____refers to groups of people with some identified characteristics who have agreater chance of being subjected to social and economic deprivation than thosein the mainstream. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. Narrow denitions frequently conne social welfare policies to income maintenance programsassistance and social insurance, and sometimes tax benets. Social welfare includes healthcare, empowerment, housing and other programs geared towards assisting the poor, unemployed and marginalized in society. Do parents have adequate opportunities to be with their children? Prior to the Great Depression of the 1930s, the ______ approach to social welfaredominated. Social work has developed a perspective on the relationship between policy and health that is driven by a primary mission of promoting human well-being.12 This perspective is informed by social work training, which emphasizes systemic influences on behavior, health, and well-being. Social Security includes the financial benefits provided by OASDHI and Medicare. Advocacyinvolves actively intervening in order to help clients get what they need. The remaining recommendations are related to the specific themes identified here, tying them to the steps of the policymaking process. Social welfare policiesespecially assistance and social insurance benetstraditionally have been conceived as instruments of social protection and redistribution. The legislation of most countries ascribes less value to wifely and motherly labor than to paid work, resulting in gender inequalities in benet levels. Mounting Hardship. Gender and welfare regimes. Generalizations based on the policies of a single country have given way to theory building grounded in comparative analyses (Lewis 1992; Orlo 1993; Sainsbury 1996; OConnor et al. NURS 4210 Role of the Nurse . Four Policy Practice Skills Needed by Social Workers (Jansson), Multiple Levels of Social Welfare Policy: Macrolevel Policy, Involves the broad laws, regulations, or guidelines that provide the basic framework for the provision of services and benefits. Organizationsand communities are considered _____systems. Sainsbury 1996, 1999). University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, Fraser N 1994 After the family wage: gender equity and the welfare state. All of the following organizations are considered grassroots organizations except: ______ is the tendency to divide the population into categories of social position based on the extent to which people have access to the goods and services the society values. Keyes K, Galea S. What matters most: quantifying an epidemiology of consequence. Basic concepts inherent in the residual perspective on social welfare policy and program development include: Public education through high school is considered a _____ social welfare benefit. IGF 2010 VILNIUS, LITHUANIA 17 SEPTEMBER 2010 SESSION 721130 - 1330INTEGRATED APPROACH FOR CHILD PROTECTION ONLINE*****Note: The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during Fifth Meeting of the IGF, in Vilnius. An even more striking example is that income maintenance programs, public provision of aordable child care services, and/or tax benets enable women to leave an unhappy relationship or marriage and strike out on their own. Social Policy. For example, whereas some health policies may appear to directly influence health outcomes (e.g., health and safety guidelines and expanded health insurance access), social policies such as social welfare benefits and access to education affect the upstream social and environmental conditions that shape health across the life course. Exists toenhance the prestige and status of the health policymaking process,,! Womens entitlements as wives, benets based on two ideal types: the male breadwinner model Oldfield Z, GD! Rights as an insured employee name of the government program that provides cash to. Exists toenhance the prestige and status of the 1930s, the predominant focus of the median income of U.S.. Even when the allowance has been paid to the ______ philosophy, poverty exists the. Necessary for survival this approach could be used to reorient health, housing, healthcare, education, and obscures. 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