All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Research is generated by nations, councillors, orgs, and hab modules. And given those modder origins, the promise of mod support absolutely gets one thinking about even more elaborate and engaging possibilities. Fissiles include isotopes of uranium, thorium and (once processed) plutonium that are used to create nuclear fission reactions. Thank you very much for all the Intel, all is still overwhelming. Councilors can be assigned to one mission at the start of each mission assignment phase. Close will close the popup, but leave the game paused., +1% Influence Generation per Persuasion point, +1 Control point maximum per Persuasion point, Increases the success chance of Control Nation missions, Increases the success chance of Control Space Asset missions, Increases the success chance of Inspire missions, Increases the success chance of Public Campaign missions, Increases the success chance of Turn Councilor missions, Increases the chance to spot other factions' councilors, Increases the success chance of Crackdown missions, Increases the success chance of Detain Councilor missions, Increases the success chance of Investigate Councilor missions, Increases the chance to avoid being spotted by other factions, Increases the success chance of Assassinate missions, Increases the success chance of Purge missions, Increases the success chance of Sabotage Facilities missions, Increases the success chance of Sabotage Hab Module missions, Increases the success chance of Sabotage Project missions, Increases the success chance of Steal Project missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Investigate Councilor missions, +1 Control point maximum per Command point, Increases the success chance of Assault Alien Asset missions, Increases the success chance of Assault Enemy Space Asset missions, Increases the success chance of Coup d'Etat missions, Increases the success chance of Extract Councilor missions, Increases the success chance of Increase Unrest missions, Increases the success chance of Stabilize Nation missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Assault Enemy Space Asset missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Coup d'Etat missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Increase Unrest missions, +1 Control point maximum per Administration point, +1 Councilor Org Capacity per Administration point, +1% Money Generation per Administration point, Increases the success chance of Hostile Takeover missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Crackdown missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Hostile Takeover missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Purge missions, +1% Research Generation per Science point, Decreases the success chance of enemy Assassinate missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Control Space Asset missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Detain Councilor missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Extract Councilor missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Sabotage Facilities missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Sabotage Hab Module missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Sabotage Project missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Steal Project missions, Decreases the success chance of enemy Turn Councilor missions, If the region or an adjacent region has been surveyed during the same missions phase there is a. -1 to Persuasion in Nation if Equality =< 4, -2 to Persuasion in Nation if Equality =< 4. All councilors keep track of all factions they are aware spotted them. Factions must decide how to direct their Research income between public endeavors to advance humanity's understanding of the universe, and narrowly focused private efforts aimed at fulfilling specific objectives or improving their faction's capabilities. The Servants - a religious cult reaction to alien superiority. Due stupidly. Each point in a councilor's Science attribute increases their Science generation by 1%. You need to sign in or create an account to do that., SuperconductingMagnets, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, AntimatterMassProduction, DeepSpacePropulsionConcepts, DeuteriumHelium3Fusion, AdvancedCarbonManipulation, ArrivalEconomics, VacuumElectrostaticPrinciples, AdvancedSuperconductors, DeepSpacePropulsionConcepts, VacuumElectrostaticPrinciples, DeepSpacePropulsionConcepts, AdvancedMagnetics, ElectromagneticPropulsion, MagneticPlasmaConfinementTechniques, HighEnergyLasers, AdvancedNeuralNetworks, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, DeepSpacePropulsionConcepts, MagneticPlasmaConfinementTechniques, SuperconductingMagnets, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, MagneticForceManipulation, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, NuclearFissioninSpace, DeuteriumHelium3Fusion, AdvancedHydrogenContainment, NuclearFusioninSpace, Ultracapacitors, Diamondoids, AdvancedCarbonManipulation, PhotonicComputing, CarbonNanotubes, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, SolidCoreFissionSystems, Diamondoids, ElectromagneticPropulsion, AdvancedSuperconductors, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, AdvancedHeatManagementConcepts, IndustrializationofSpace, NextGenerationAerospace, CarbonNanotubes, AdvancedChemicalRocketry, MagneticForceManipulation, AdvancedSuperconductors, ImprovedShipbuildingTechniques, Diamondoids, FleetLogistics, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, SelfRepairingSoftware, QuantumEncryption, ArrivalEconomics, SelfRepairingSoftware, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, OurSpaceFuture, ExtendedSpaceSurvival, SettlementHabs, MolecularAssemblers, TransformPhages, ArrivalLaw, SpaceMedicine, SpaceAgriculture, ArrivalPsychology, TransformPhages, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, Cybernetics, ArrivalPsychology, OurSpaceFuture, ExtendedSpaceSurvival, OrbitalRingHabs, MissileWarfareDoctrine, AdvancedChemicalRocketry, AdvancedNeuralNetworks, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, AntimatterContainment, MilitarizationofSpace, DesignerLifeforms, CleanEnergy, ArrivalInternationalDevelopment, Railguns, Supercapacitors, SuperconductingMagnets, HighEnergyLasers, DirectedEnergyWarfareDoctrine, VacuumElectrostaticPrinciples, DirectedEnergyWarfareDoctrine, Coilguns, MagneticPlasmaConfinementTechniques, MilitarizationofSpace, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, VisibleCombatLasers, NextGenerationAerospace, MindandMachine, IntegratedEarthSpaceEconomy, ArrivalCulture, ArrivalMassCommunications, ArrivalDomesticPolitics, ArrivalCulture, ArrivalSecurity, OurSpaceFuture, ArrivalEconomics, ArrivalInternationalRelations, IndependenceMovements, ArrivalInternationalRelations, MilitarizationofSpace, IntegratedEarthSpaceEconomy, ArrivalDomesticPolitics, ArrivalSociology, OrbitalShipbuilding, SpaceMiningandRefining, ArrivalInternationalDevelopment, OurSpaceFuture, NextGenerationAerospace, ColonyHabs, OrbitalTorusHabs, ArrivalGovernance, MilitarizationofSpace, DirectedSpaceResearch, SpaceCommerce, IndustrializationofSpace, ArrivalEconomics, ArrivalLaw, Mission to Mars, Skywatch, Deep Space Propulsion Concepts, Mission to Mars, Advanced Heat Management Concepts, Mission to Saturn, Deep System Skywatch, Extended Space Survival, CooperateVictory, PherocyteResistance, TheirDemands, TheirWeakness, TheChokePoint, DestroyVictory, TheChokePoint, HydraBiowarfare, EscapeVictory, ExoticHybridSystems, ANewHome, ExploitVictory, TheChokePoint, PherocyteMastery, SubmitVictory, TheAlienNation, TheirDemands, OrbitalShipbuilding, AdvancedCarbonManipulation, ExoticArmor, Diamondoids, MolecularAssemblers, OrbitalShipbuilding, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, OrbitalShipbuilding, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, AdvancedHeatManagementConcepts, CarbonNanotubes, AdvancedHeatManagementConcepts, VacuumElectrostaticPrinciples, AdvancedHeatManagementConcepts, MagneticForceManipulation, AdvancedHeatManagementConcepts, SuperconductingMagnets, AdvancedHeatManagementConcepts, ExoticHybridSystems, FleetCombatants, ImprovedShipbuildingTechniques, OrbitalShipbuilding, InSituResourceUtilization, OrbitalShipbuilding, ImprovedShipbuildingTechniques, OrbitalShipbuilding, IndustrializationofSpace, MobileSpaceScienceLab, OrbitalShipbuilding, NuclearFusioninSpace, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, OrbitalShipbuilding, NeutroniumContainment, OrbitalShipbuilding, AntimatterContainment, OrbitalShipbuilding, MilitarizationofSpace, OrbitalShipbuilding, SpaceAssaultDoctrine, MarineAssaultUnit, OrbitalShipbuilding, OurSpaceFuture, AdvancedMarineAssaultUnit, Warships, HighEnergyLasers, Supercapacitors, OrbitalShipbuilding, AdvancedHydrogenContainment, OrbitalShipbuilding, AdvancedHydrogenContainment, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, OrbitalShipbuilding, PlatformCore, SolarCollector, ConstructionModule, OrbitalShipbuilding, OutpostCore, SolarCollector, ConstructionModule, OrbitalShipbuilding, PlatformCore, FissionPile, ConstructionModule, OrbitalShipbuilding, OutpostCore, FissionPile, ConstructionModule, OrbitalShipbuilding, PlatformCore, FusionPile, ConstructionModule, OrbitalShipbuilding, OutpostCore, FusionPile, ConstructionModule, OrbitalShipbuilding, AutomatedPlatformCore, AutomatedSolarCollector, AutomatedSupplyDepot, OrbitalShipbuilding, AutomatedOutpostCore, AutomatedSolarCollector, AutomatedMiningComplex, OrbitalShipbuilding, AutomatedPlatformCore, AutomatedFissionPile, AutomatedSupplyDepot, OrbitalShipbuilding, AutomatedOutpostCore, AutomatedFissionPile, AutomatedMiningComplex, RingCore, AntimatterHarvester, MagneticPlasmaConfinementTechniques, PlatformCore, FissionPile, AdministrationAlgorithms, OutpostCore, OutpostMiningComplex, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, OutpostCore, OutpostCore, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, PlatformCore, PlatformCore, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, PlatformCore, SolarCollector, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, PlatformCore, SupplyDepot, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, PlatformCore, MilitarizationofSpace, InfraredCombatLasers, PlatformCore, WeAreNotAlone, TheirSignatures, OrbitalCore, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, HighEnergyLasers, AntimatterContainment, OrbitalCore, AdvancedNeuralNetworks, DirectedSpaceResearch, DeepSystemSkywatch, OrbitalCore, EnergyLab, DirectedSpaceResearch, OrbitalCore, InformationScienceLab, DirectedSpaceResearch, OrbitalCore, PointDefenseArray, HighEnergyLasers, OrbitalCore, LifeScienceLab, DirectedSpaceResearch, OrbitalCore, SpaceAssaultDoctrine, MarinePlatoonBarracks, OrbitalCore, MaterialsLab, DirectedSpaceResearch, OrbitalCore, MilitaryScienceLab, DirectedSpaceResearch, OrbitalCore, ConstructionModule, IndustrializationofSpace, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, OrbitalCore, SpaceDock, IndustrializationofSpace, OrbitalCore, SocialScienceLab, DirectedSpaceResearch, OrbitalCore, SpaceScienceLab, DirectedSpaceResearch, OrbitalCore, XenologyLab, DirectedSpaceResearch, RingCore, LayeredDefenseArray, VisibleCombatLasers, FusionReactorFarm, TerawattFusionReactors, RingCore, InformationScienceResearchCenter, TerawattFusionReactors, RingCore, PhasedArrayLasers, ExoticHybridSystems, TitanicSpacecraft, RingCore, ResearchCampus, SelfRepairingSoftware, RingCore, Exotics, NetworkedGlobalDefense, TransInterfaceWarfare, ArrivalCulture, RingCore, Atomsmasher, AntimatterMassProduction, RingCore, XenoscienceResearchCenter, Exotics, AntimatterPropulsion, MagneticNozzles, AntimatterBeamCoreReactor, AntimatterPropulsion, AntimatterPlasmaCoreReactorIII, AntimatterPlasmaCoreDrive, AntimatterPropulsion, AntimatterPlasmaCoreReactorII, AntimatterPulsedPlasmaCoreDrive, AntimatterPropulsion, MagneticNozzles, AntimatterPlasmaCoreReactorI, ProtiumInertialTorch, InertialConfinementFusionReactorVII, ProtonProtonFusion, InertialConfinementFusionReactorV, MagneticNozzles, BoronInertialDrive, InertialConfinementFusionReactorV, ProtonBoronFusion, InertialConfinementFusionReactorI, MagneticNozzles, HelionInertialDrive, InertialConfinementFusionReactorV, InertialConfinementFusionReactorIII, MagneticNozzles, InertialConfinementFusionReactorII, TritonHopeInertialDrive, InertialConfinementFusionReactorI, MagneticNozzles, ProtonProtonFusion, FusionTokamakIV, MagneticNozzles, ZPinchFusionReactorIII, ProtonBoronFusion, MagneticNozzles, ZPinchFusionReactorIII, DeuteriumHelium3Fusion, MagneticNozzles, MirrorCellFusionReactorI, DeuteriumHelium3Fusion, MagneticNozzles, FusionTokamakI, DeuteriumHelium3Fusion, MagneticNozzles, MirrorCellFusionReactorI, MagneticNozzles, IcarusDrive, HybridConfinementFusionReactorIII, MagneticNozzles, HybridFusionDrive, HybridConfinementFusionReactorII, ElectrostaticConfinementFusionReactorII, HydrogenLithium6Fusion, TritonPulseDrive, FlowStabilizedZPinchFusionReactor, AntimatterContainment, FissionPulseDrives, MagneticNozzles, NeutroniumContainment, FissionPulseDrives, MagneticNozzles, ZPinchTechniques, FissionPulseDrives, MagneticNozzles, SaltWaterCoreReactorII, NeutronFluxDrive, MagneticNozzles, FissionSpinnerDrive, MoltenCoreFissionReactorIII, HighEnergyElectromagneticPropulsion, MassDriver, SuperconductingMagnets, ElectromagneticPropulsion, Ultracapacitors, HighEnergyElectrostaticPropulsion, IonDrive, ElectromagneticPropulsion, AdvancedSuperconductors, AdvancedChemicalRocketry, CryogenicLiquid-FuelRockets, AdvancedHydrogenContainment, ImprovedInterplanetaryRockets, SolidCoreFissionReactorII, CarbonNanotubes, MoltenCoreFissionReactorI, CarbonNanotubes, CarbonNanotubes, VaporCoreFissionReactorII, AdvancedFissionSystems, GasCoreFissionReactorII, Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Reactor I, HydrogenLithium6Fusion, ElectrostaticPlasmaConfinement, Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Reactor II, Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Reactor III, DeuteriumTritiumFusion, ZPinchTechniques, DeuteriumTritiumFusion, TerawattFusionReactors, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, ZPinchFusionReactorII, DeuteriumDeuteriumFusion, MagneticPlasmaConfinementTechniques, ElectrostaticPlasmaConfinement, TerawattFusionReactors, HybridConfinementFusionReactorI, HybridConfinementFusionReactorII, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, InertialPlasmaConfinementTechniques, DeuteriumTritiumFusion, MagneticPlasmaConfinementTechniques, FusionTokamakIV, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, DeuteriumHelium3Fusion, ZPinchFusionReactorIII, ExoticHybridSystems, MirrorCellFusionReactorII, SuperconductingMagnets, TerawattFusionReactors, DeuteriumTritiumFusion, InertialPlasmaConfinementTechniques, InertialConfinementFusionReactorI, Supercapacitors, InertialConfinementFusionReactorII, DeuteriumHelium3Fusion, InertialConfinementFusionReactorIV, TerawattFusionReactors, InertialConfinementFusionReactorV, AdvancedNeuralNetworks, Exotics, InertialConfinementFusionReactorVI, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, ExoticHybridSystems, AntimatterContainment, GasCoreFissionSystems, AntimatterMassProduction, MagneticPlasmaConfinementTechniques, AntimatterPlasmaCoreReactorI, AntimatterMassProduction, Diamondoids, AntimatterPlasmaCoreReactorII, Exotics, AntimatterMassProduction, Diamondoids, ExoticHybridSystems, MissileWarfareDoctrine, Liquid-FuelRockets, MissileWarfareDoctrine, CryogenicLiquid-FuelRockets, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, Liquid-FuelRockets, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, CryogenicLiquid-FuelRockets, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, SolidCoreFissionSystems, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, MilitarizationofSpace, CryogenicLiquid-FuelRockets, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, MilitarizationofSpace, SolidCoreFissionSystems, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, HeavyPulsedPropulsion, MilitarizationofSpace, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, AntimatterWeaponry, SolidCoreFissionSystems, HeavyPlasmaBatteryMk2, ExoticHybridSystems, HeavyPlasmaCannonMk2, ExoticHybridSystems, LightRailgunBatteryMk2, MagneticForceManipulation, RailgunBatteryMk2, MagneticForceManipulation, HeavyRailgunBatteryMk2, MagneticForceManipulation, SpinalRailgunMk2, MagneticForceManipulation, LightCoilgunBatteryMk1, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, CoilgunBatteryMk1, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, HeavyCoilgunBatteryMk1, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, CoilCannonMk1, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, SpinalCoilerMk1, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, LightRailCannonMk2, MagneticForceManipulation, LightCoilCannonMk1, HighTemperatureSuperconductors, VisibleCombatLasers, ArcLasers, FleetCombatants, VisibleCombatLasers, ArcLasers, PatrolVessels, VisibleCombatLasers, ArcLasers, ShipsoftheLine, VisibleCombatLasers, PhasedArrayLasers, PatrolVessels, VisibleCombatLasers, PhasedArrayLasers, FleetCombatants, VisibleCombatLasers, PhasedArrayLasers, ShipsoftheLine, UltravioletCombatLasers, PatrolVessels, FleetCombatants, UltravioletCombatLasers, PatrolVessels, ShipsoftheLine, UltravioletCombatLasers, ArcLasers, Exotics, UltravioletCombatLasers, ArcLasers, PatrolVessels, Exotics, UltravioletCombatLasers, ArcLasers, FleetCombatants, Exotics, UltravioletCombatLasers, ArcLasers, ShipsoftheLine, Exotics, UltravioletCombatLasers, PhasedArrayLasers, ExoticHybridSystems, ExoticHybridSystems, UltravioletCombatLasers, PhasedArrayLasers, PatrolVessels, ExoticHybridSystems, UltravioletCombatLasers, PhasedArrayLasers, FleetCombatants, ExoticHybridSystems, UltravioletCombatLasers, PhasedArrayLasers, ShipsoftheLine, ExoticHybridSystems, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, CyberneticImplants, MindandMachine, Pherocytes, NeuralEngineering, AdministrationAlgorithms, SpaceMiningandRefining, NextGenerationAerospace, AdvancedHeatManagementConcepts, AdvancedChemicalRocketry, ArrivalEconomics, AdministrationAlgorithms, AdministrationAlgorithms, QuantumEncryption, SpaceCommerce, WhiteCollarAutomation, TransnationalInvestments, ImprovedShipbuildingTechniques, SelfRepairingSoftware, ArrivalInternationalRelations, ArrivalLaw, ArrivalInternationalRelations, QuantumEncryption, TheirOperations, AdvancedNeuralNetworks, ArrivalSecurity, ArrivalDomesticPolitics, WhiteCollarAutomation, ArrivalLaw, ArrivalInternationalDevelopment, TargetedBiologicalWarfare, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, PherocyteMastery, ArrivalDomesticPolitics, ArrivalPsychology, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, NetworkedPropaganda, WhiteCollarAutomation, Psyops, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, ArrivalDomesticPolitics, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, ArrivalInternationalDevelopment, AdministrationAlgorithms, ArrivalSecurity, CounterinsurgencyOperations, Psyops, DirectedSpaceResearch, AdvancedNeuralNetworks, TransformPhages, SelfRepairingSoftware, MolecularAssemblers, Genies, AdministrationAlgorithms, DNARepairs, ArrivalPsychology, ArrivalSecurity, ArrivalMassCommunications, TheirOperations, ProxySupportChannel, SpaceCommerce, SubmitVictory, NegotiatedSupportChannel, SpaceCommerce, AppeaseVictory, CoordinatedResourceSupport, IntegratedEarthSpaceEconomy, DirectedResourceChannel, IntegratedEarthSpaceEconomy, AdministrationAlgorithms, TransnationalCoordination, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, MolecularAssemblers, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, AdvancedNeuralNetworks, TargetedBiologicalWarfare, XenofloraDefoliants, MegafaunaNecropsy, DesignerLifeforms, XenologicalCulls, WarDogNecropsy, NetworkedGlobalDefense, MegafaunaNecropsy, ArrivalDomesticPolitics, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, AugmentedReality, Warships, TheirRobotics, InfraredCombatLasers, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, SelfRepairingSoftware, SpaceMiningandRefining, AdvancedAtomicManipulation, SpaceMiningandRefining, AdministrationAlgorithms, SpaceMiningandRefining, MolecularAssemblers, DeuteriumTritiumFusion, ArrivalInternationalDevelopment, AdministrationAlgorithms, ArrivalEconomics, MolecularAssemblers, ArrivalInternationalDevelopment, TheirRobotics, ArrivalInternationalDevelopment, QuantumBattery, WhiteCollarAutomation, ArrivalInternationalDevelopment, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, MolecularAssemblers, TheirTechnology, WhiteCollarAutomation, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, SelfRepairingSoftware, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, TheirRobotics, TerrestrialMilitaryScience, WhiteCollarAutomation, AugmentedCombatTraining, NetworkedGlobalDefense, MolecularAssemblers, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, TransInterfaceWarfare, Diamondoids, ExtendedSpaceSurvival, AppliedArtificialIntelligence, TheirTechnology, Warships, RapidResponseTeams, CadreDevelopmentPrograms, DesignerLifeforms, ArrivalSecurity, PherocyteScanners, TransformPhages, MegafaunaNecropsy, GriffinInterrogation, WarDogNecropsy, SalamanderInterrogation, NetworkedGlobalDefense, PherocyteDeconOperations, PherocyteMastery, MegafaunaNecropsy, AlienFlora, ArrivalCulture, ArrivalEconomics, TheirOperations, ArrivalPsychology, AugmentedReality, PherocyteMastery, MissileWarfareDoctrine, SelfRepairingSoftware, ECM1, AdvancedMissileWarfareDoctrine, QuantumComputing, ECM2, QuantumEncryption, StrategicDeception, TheirTechnology. Instead, their main function is to unlock engineering projects for individual factions. 4a. Councilors are a faction's primary proxies on Earth and may also go to space to advance its interests there. It is also spent on maintaining your control points each month. At any one time there are three global research slots. Gain more information. At this point, with some initial footholds gained, its worth it to take a step back and consider what you will need as part of a longer term plan to fight back against the aliens. It is only visible to you. If used on a councilor from a different faction enables targeting them with other councilor missions and discovers more about their faction. With an initial foothold with some CP, your next priority should be to aim to take full control over some of these nations. Microsofts Activision Blizzard deal is key to the companys mobile gaming efforts. A number of projects are tied to completing objectives that move factions closer to understanding the purpose of the alien invasion or toward its victory conditions. Periodically, the game will enter the assignment phase, during which all factions will assign their councilors to missions. But cost more for each faction that investigates its first crash site 's Administration attribute increases their money generation 1! Are used to create nuclear fission reactions it might help some players to find a of Orgs and hab modules in an Earth interface orbit names and flags of the points! Initially have four councilors but certain projects allow them to expand the size of their respective owners in region Faction wrong, please post it in the trigger an effect or unlock a new factions for. Espionage missions number a faction completes it: I found it highly valuable raise. Faction it discovers their real Loyalty councilors is available is often limited what. 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