"What's the matter?" Padm cracked a small grin and stared at her beautiful baby boy. - Published:2010-11-02 - Updated:2010-11-02 - 12212words - Complete. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Rita Writes, and it's time for Category:Harry Potter - Rating:R - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Dobby,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Sibyll Trelawney - Warnings:[!] Harry taunted knowing his old friend was far from done. Harry spun his lightsaber around and came forward while Mage mumbled a quick spell and shot it from his wand. Vader ripped his right arm from the restraint and crushed all the droids in the room with the Force. He swung powerful and precise strikes forcing Harry to take steps backwards and defend himself. Cookie Notice ", "Why are you doing this?" tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types. "What about Master Kenobi?" "You were supposed to bring balance to the order not destroy it!". WARNING! Voldemort is having a bad day and the goblins s Category:Harry Potter - Rating:G - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Arthur Weasley,Dobby,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Professor McGonagall - Warnings:[!] His screams of agony filled the area so Obi-Wan looked back, shook his head sadly and walked away leaving Anakin Skywalker to his fate. Harry had stolen the offensive and was no pounding away at Darth Mage's defenses. Hermione moved forward on her slowly giving Ventress time to stand to her feet and summon her lightsaber. She used the force to drag Ventress feet from beneath her forcing her to trip and giving Hermione enough time to climb to her feet and summon her lightsaber once again. Work Search: Snape's potion has an 'accident a Category:Harry Potter - Rating:G - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Dobby,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Snape - Warnings:[!] OC death. "I'm going outside," Vader said blankly, showing no emotion after being involved in that slaughter. - Published:2010-05-23 - Updated:2010-05-23 - 9047words - Complete. Obi-Wan cried out with pain in his voice. He was playing excellent and precise defense for most of the duel secretly trying to think of a plan. Sidious added. The two star crafts swooped downwards and ejected their landing gear before landing almost silently on the landing pad. The Dursleys return to Privet Drive, Dudley Category:Harry Potter - Rating:R - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Harry,Hermione,Neville,Ron,Snape,Voldemort - Warnings:[!] Harry tests Neville, Hermione and Luna, Rita gets a new bodyguard, Harry and Hermione discuss tanking Ron. Hermione swung from the left ducked then sliced directly through Asajj Ventress midsection. "You did do it. Mage used the force and summoned the blaster then began shooting down the remaining Separatists council members. Obi-Wan used the force to lift and toss Vader across a long table and into the wall crashing down on the floor out of sight. Asajj summoned both her red sabers and lunged forward trying to drive them both through Hermione but the Jedi/Witch skillfully blocked. Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Luna,Professor McGonagall,Snape, Characters:Arthur Weasley,Harry,Hermione,Moody,Tonks,Vernon Dursley, Characters:Andromeda Tonks,Dobby,Harry,Hermione, Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Snape, Characters:Andromeda Tonks,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione, Characters:Arthur Weasley,Dumbledore,Ginny,Hermione,Molly Weasley,Ron, Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Kingsley,Neville, Characters:Dobby,Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall, Characters:Arthur Weasley,Dobby,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Professor McGonagall, Characters:Dobby,Dumbledore,Flitwick,Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall, Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Snape, Characters:Arthur Weasley,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Molly Weasley,Snape, Characters:Dobby,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Snape, Characters:Dobby,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall,Ron, Characters:Dumbledore,Ernie,Harry,Hermione,Snape,Voldemort, Characters:Dobby,Harry,Hermione,Petunia Dursley,Vernon Dursley, Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall,Snape,Voldemort, Characters:Harry,Hermione,Neville,Ron,Snape,Voldemort, Characters:Dudley,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Kingsley,Snape, Characters:Dobby,Dudley,Harry,Hermione,Moody, Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall, Characters:Dobby,Harry,Hermione,Snape,Voldemort, Characters:Dobby,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Sibyll Trelawney, Characters:Dobby,Harry,Hermione,Moody,Neville, Characters:Dobby,Draco,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall, Characters:Dudley,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Petunia Dursley,Voldemort, Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Ron,Voldemort, Characters:Harry,Hermione,Kingsley,Luna,Ron,Voldemort, Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Ron,Voldemort. Padm stared up into Anakin's eyes and paused. The droid began. He had been sent to this place to kill the Separatists Council and anyone that stood in his way. Vader summoned his lightsaber and forced the blade out then stepped to the right and ended the nearest councilman. Their battle lead them through another sliding door and back out onto a metal walkway. [V] - Published:2011-05-02 - Updated:2011-05-02 - 14196words - Complete, Category:Harry Potter - Rating:R - Genres:Drama - Characters:Harry,Hermione - Warnings:[!] "Don't worry young Jedi," Obi-Wan's voice called from nowhere. The droid floated quietly next to Padm. Before the two halves could fall to the ground Hermione Force Pushed her body over the edge of the platform sending her down into the lava below. By some unknown force of magic, Harry finds himself on the desert planet of Tatooine where he encounters an exiled Jedi Master. Padm Amidala was lying with her legs in stirrups behind a huge display window. Darth Sidious stood in the shadows grinning broadly. Obi-Wan pleaded. "Finished Ron?" Hermione skipped backwards as she was forced to think only for the moment and defend herself from a certain death. Meer seconds after he looked down all the life left Darth Mage's body and he collapsed limply onto the docking bay, dead. "I'm becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed. "We've tried everything possible but we're losing her. ", The door opened and the medical droid floated out. Vader asked. Yoda knew he could not send anyone but Obi-Wan Kenobi to eliminate the threat of Darth Vader. Kenobi jumped backwards and landed on a small floating platform that was floating over the lava while Vader watched him float away. Harry gets to play with his lightsaber, saves Amelia's life and thwarts Dumbledore. The others broke into a hysteria running around the room frantically. In a fit of rage Vader caught his beloved Padm in a tight Force Choke. Mage lifted his lightsaber above the fallen Jedi preparing to finish him. Obi-Wan knew as well but dreaded the thought and now here he was locked in life or death combat with his old apprentice. Hi, Ive just began dabbling into Harry Potter & Star Wars crossovers after a friends recommendation. [V] - Published:2011-02-26 - Updated:2011-02-27 - 14861words - Complete. Ron was like a brother to him but he was consumed by the dark side and had to be stopped. "You've changed Anakin. Minerva speaks with Filius, & a conspiracy is joined. Ventress however was well trained by Count Dooku and knew how to use the terrain to her advantage in battle. Hermione shook her head several times and snapped back to reality. Padm was lying on the bed staring straight up into the ceiling with rivers of tears leaking from her eyes. Connie makes some discoveries, Voldy gets a headach Category:Harry Potter - Rating:R - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Dobby,Dudley,Harry,Hermione,Moody - Warnings:[!] Also gives Snape an unwelcome surprise. Kenobi drew his lightsaber and easily sliced in a circular motion around Vader's spinning body. The walls in the room exploded outwards from the immense Force power Vader was releasing from his body. An incredible discovery prompts Harry and Hermione to venture into the unknown. It hurt Harry that they had reached such a point in their friendship. Hermione cried out and fell forward collapsing to the ground in front of Asajj Ventress feet. "You sound like a madman Anakin! Obi-Wan spun around and countered with a kick to Vader's side then a swift swing with his lightsaber. Yoda said to Obi-Wan. Rated for langua. "I just needed to be with you. This feeling she felt inside, this? [V] - Published:2010-10-19 - Updated:2010-10-20 - 13923words - Complete. Harry rolled under the attack and tried to slice Mage's ankles off but the Sith jumped up dodging and began attacking right back. Category:Harry Potter - Rating:PG-13 - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Dobby,Harry,Hermione - Warnings:[!] Rated for language. Category:Harry Potter - Rating:PG-13 - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Arthur Weasley,Harry,Hermione,Moody,Tonks,Vernon Dursley - Warnings:[!] Hermione had always been the less violent and more think things through then act person. Amelia has a discussion with Augusta, Harry has one with Susan, Ron tests out, but fails where it counts, Harry begins Helen's training, He and Lavender contact Alice's mind and lear4n Dumbledore d Category:Harry Potter - Rating:R - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Ron,Voldemort - Warnings:[!] Chapter Text. Vader's body hit the ground hard. For us and our future!" Harry gets to play with his lightsaber, saves Amelia's life and thwarts Dumbledore. Hermione collapsed backwards but used the force to push back to her feet. He visits Gringotts and gets into a fight. Harry pulled back then came forward swinging his lightsaber like a helicopter. and our Hermione came walking down from the ships hatch and ran forward jumping into Harries arms. Rated for language. Darth Sidious walked up behind the other two clones. "You will never defeat me Jedi," She spat. Obi-Wan tried to slice Vader's leg but Vader blocked, jumped straight into the air and landed right back in his same spot. He visits the queen, and explains the situation and then he and Dobby make a focusing crystal. My brother. Vader bellowed. I hate you!" She stood there for a moment; face twisted into an evil and sadistic grimace as she stared down waiting and hoping Ventress would somehow come back for more. Hermione hated this ugly woman and had secretly wanted to revenge on her since their first encounter during the Battle on Ilum. Neville gives a history lesson, gets the spotlight. - Published:2010-06-25 - Updated:2010-06-26 - 10494words - Complete. Hermione screamed when she noticed he was standing in the distance. Mage swung from the right, Harry defended but the power from the strike knocked his lightsaber down. - Published:2010-07-21 - Updated:2010-07-21 - 10588words - Complete. Vader shouted. An aged, broken Jedi general came to Earth hoping to retire. Only this time he has arrived with some considerably powerful new friends! Ventress attacked but Hermione smacked her lightsaber downward and caught Ventress with a Force Blast. Harry meets with Moody. Both of Vader's legs and his good arm fell from his body and hit the ground rolling off in different directions. Vader chose to align himself with the side he felt would win and then make his move for ultimate power. He could feel the force inside him growing stronger the angrier he got. "Can you hear me?". He had in his mind those Obi-Wan were the reason Padm was laid out on the landing platform outside. Both climbed from their fighters and pulled the hoods on their robes over their heads. A multi-chapter, 'sorta' crossover, HP/SW, but not exactly. Susan sleeps over, and Luna comes to call. "I heard terrible things about you Anakin," Padm said reaching out and falling into her loves arms. The somewhat realistic and humorous story of Harry Potter, if he grew up watching a little too much Star Wars. Mage was using the anger and resent he felt towards Harry to give him more power like Darth Sidious had told him. "I am fine." Vader stumbled and barely blocked, almost beheading himself with his own lightsaber. Vader reached for her and she pulled back. "Remember what we came here to do.". Leaving the school, Harry makes a discovery on the train, and the order deals with Vernon. Padm screamed again and gripped the side of the table crying out in agony. April fools day. Mage shouted back. "Inside the ship receiving medical attention," Hermione told him. Jedi Grand Master Yoda thought as he looked down at the blue planet out of the window view of his republic senatorial ship. The door split in half, Vader and Mage waked inside the room quietly. Harry spun his lightsaber around and came forward while Mage mumbled a quick spell and shot it from his wand. - Published:2010-06-06 - Updated:2010-06-06 - 9976words - Complete. Darth Vader was neither concerned nor worried with holding back any of his newfound abilities. Darth Vader blocked and attacked then blocked again. "I am Darth Mage now. Vader was a Sith Lord now at first he denied it saying it was for the Republic but once the nightmares from Operation: Knightfall went away he accepted his new destiny. Vader jumped into the air flipping towards Obi-Wan. Hermione shook her head sadly and looked away. "If you're not with me then you're my enemy." Defeat him I cannot." Darth Mage quickly climbed to his feet grimacing. The queen reads a report, Harry has a chat with Minerva, Dobby pulls a prank, new laws are passed, Dumbledore forgets, Voldy wakes up, Snape takes a chance and Rita is rescued. Busy chapter. Harry was not unconscious, just waiting. Tears began to swell up in Padm's eyes. Ventress then tried to catch Hermione with a spin kick that got ducked forcing her into a 360 degree spin. Minutes passed and the droid was holding another baby in his hands. He pushed past Asajj and headed for the ship's opening hatch. He stepped out of his quarters, and headed forward, to where he could sense the Masters and Senator Organa. Dumbledore goes on a wild goose chase, the goblins get a demonstration, Harry gets some new elves, Dung gets caught, Peeves gets a care package, Alb Category:Harry Potter - Rating:R - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Dobby,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Snape - Warnings:[!] Rita gets to writin', Dumbledore looks stupid, Draco makes threats, Voldy is upset, Harry gets his ass kicked, Dobby gets promoted Hermione kisses some boo boos, Harry talks to Category:Harry Potter - Rating:R - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Arthur Weasley,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Molly Weasley,Snape - Warnings:[!] Draco makes a bad choice and ends up with a hangover, Harry has chat with Moody, Tootles delivers a message and Harry meets with the minister. Even though she had only given in for a few minutes she was almost consumed by the lure of the dark side and its power. The snake-like woman laughed knowing that victory was in her grip at that moment. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Sweat was pouring off both warrior's faces and necks dripping down to the ground. A few lefts, a couple rights, and one elevator lead them directly to the door of the room. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Vader screamed back. "Luke," she whispered then screamed again. Vader blocked again and slid sideways to the left as Obi-Wan slid to the right. - Published:2010-04-04 - Updated:2010-04-05 - 8867words - Complete. A loud alarm began to blurt out from the speakers around the facility but Vader and Kenobi ignored it and kept fighting. There was no way out but the doorway behind Darth Vader and Darth Mage. Harry pulls a prankit doesn't work as well as it should. Hey guys, I would like to hear your recommendations about Star Wars and HP cross overs? Darth Mage and Asajj Ventress walked directly beside Darth Vader silently. "I did what I did for the Republic! Vader replied. Vader kicked Obi-Wan backwards again and through a sliding door. Obi-Wan shouted. Tell them the entire Separatist droid army is to be shut down immediately.". "The future these children are. "He's a Sith now Hermione," Harry said coldly. - Published:2010-08-22 - Updated:2010-08-23 - 10611words - Complete. Padm let out a horrible shriek and grabbed the side of the table. Hermione comes over and they make some plans. Harry makes a mistake and Dobby leaves. - Published:2010-04-09 - Updated:2010-04-10 - 8449words - Complete. The second Mage was in range Harry lifted him from the ground with Force Grip then flung him backwards into several large canisters. Vader spun and easily slapped away every shot before turning and beheading the councilman execution style. Obi-Wan made his lightsaber disappear. "When I'm done with you she'll be picking up your different pieces." Weasleys visit the DoM. Summary: In one of his many reincarnations due to his status of Master of Death, Harry Potter, known in this reality as Haa Ri, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and the Jedi Sorcerer, tries to prevent the destruction of the Jedi Order and the collapse of the Galactic Republic when he takes young Anakin Skywalker as his Jedi Padawan and his Sorcerer Acolyte. Nothing could stop the fight that was going on but death, not even the fact that they were hanging only two feet from molten lava on a raggedy floating platform. "You were the chosen one Anakin!" Susan sleeps over, and Luna comes to call. "Send a message to the Trade Federation ships. Mage drove his fist into Harries check making him stumble back a few steps. Please consider turning it on! Darth Mage felt a sudden chill spread throughout his body. Mage replied and summoned the lightsaber that was sitting at his waist. Obi-Wan moved slowly to the right trying to catch a glimpse of Vader but before he could a speaker lifted from the wall and slammed into his left side. "Alert the Emperor.". - Published:2011-02-22 - Updated:2011-02-22 - 14435words - Complete. - Published:2010-10-12 - Updated:2010-10-13 - 12016words - Complete. Harry replied, taking her in his arms. Harry's footwork was sorely tested in those first few moments as he adjusted to avoiding and parrying the almost feather light probing attacks of the Jedi Master. "The Emperor told us to expect you.". Ventress flew backwards and landed in the fetal position near the edge of the platform. Category:Harry Potter - Rating:R - Genres:Crossover,Drama - Characters:Andromeda Tonks,Dobby,Harry,Hermione - Warnings:[!] Obi-Wan Force Jumped off the platform and landed on the safety of solid ground. They stood in place and exchanged numerous blows throwing the platform to and fro off balance above the lava. "RON STOP THIS!" Hoping to discover new worlds and bring home a certain lost Godfather. Find out what happens when Harry embarks on his journey to Hogwarts with a Jedi Holocron in tow. "I've been instructed to assist the both of you," She hissed. - Published:2010-11-07 - Updated:2010-11-08 - 10259words - Complete. Asajj Ventress stayed on the offensive for a long time spinning her duel lightsabers smoothly through the thick Mustafar air, each attack mere inches from slaying Hermione. I know I can just search cross overs but I want to read good ones. "You were my best friend. Her assistance will be helpful to you and Darth Mage in the future." Some action. Disturbing scene! Is she alright?". Harry rolled under the attack and tried to slice Mage's ankles off but the Sith jumped up dodging and began attacking right back. "Yes master." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. - Published:2010-03-31 - Updated:2010-04-01 - 7276words - Complete. "Has he returned." Vader bellowed angrily. Harry and Hermione have a chat with Judith. "Also Lord Vader I've sent Asajj Ventress to join you and Darth Mage on Mustafar." He cleared his throat, which seemed to startle the Chancellor, but Harry was not fooled. "I won't lose you the way I lost my mother!" ", "Liar!" The room was silent except for Vader's loud breathing. Everyone rushed to the window. She could feel the dark side swelling up inside her consuming her very insides and filling her with hatred. He swung left, right, left, right, up, down, then ducked and caught Vader with a Force Push. Vader snapped back to attention and began walking quickly forward towards the door. she demanded. Vader's lighstaber sliced through a control deck melting a line completely through it. Another slow chapter. "Thank goodness," she cried out. Vader was up and defending himself from Obi-Wan's sudden relentless attacking but the more Obi-Wan pressed the angrier Vader got. Vader said coldly. 'So far so good,' she thought blocking both lightsabers back to back as she stepped strategically around the landing platform. Obi-Wan and the others turned their backs to the window. However they get a lot more than they bargained for when they step into this brave new world. feeling that was telling her forget the plan let your anger and rage guide you. The ministry mostly accepts the squibs. Obi-Wan summoned Darth Vader's lightsaber and turned to walk away. "Come to your senses Anakin!" Vader was attacking with pure rage behind every strike and Obi-Wan could sense it. He freed his legs and left arm then wobbly stepped onto the ground. Obi-Wan barely blocked Vader's lightsaber and tripped the Sith giving himself time to stand. Harry had just stashed all of his hidden school supplies in the hollow underneath the floorboards in the littlest bedroom when there was an ungodly racket coming up the stairs towards the bedroom. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! "How's Padm?" Harry then asked. Padawan & Knight. Hermione Force Dashed forward nearly killing Ventress with a forward thrust but she barely jumped backwards from the attack. - Published:2010-04-17 - Updated:2010-04-17 - 9341words - Complete, Category:Harry Potter - Rating:G - Genres:Angst - Characters:Harry - Published:2010-04-17 - Updated:2010-04-18 - 49words - Complete. he bellowed and charged forward. - Published:2010-05-11 - Updated:2010-05-11 - 11176words - Complete. He looked up and saw Anakin standing in the window staring down at him. Harry talks to Mack, meets with Dumbledore, monologues a bit (sorry folks!) the clone trooper exclaimed. . We only want-"He meant you in pieces," Vader interrupted him.