His journey through Asia lasted 24 years. This development corresponds with the travels of the most famous merchant family to journey to China, the Polos. Kublai Khan and the Polos were friends for over 16 years. This expansion of enterprise, Marco Polo and His Travels "When a man is riding through this desert by night and for some reason -falling asleep or anything else, Essay Preview: Marco Polo and His Travels Through Asia, Marco Polo - Well-Known Heroic Travelers and Traders, Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers. For a Venetian merchant, even a young one, the products were exciting. Marco Polo began his long association with Cathay as a result of his father and uncle, Venetian merchants who raised him. It has been said . 2011-09-01 . Travels of the Polo family Marco Polo's travels to Asia (1271-95), immortalized in his Travels of Marco Polo. Important Route. Describe a Mongolian bow. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. When traveling in Asia, he became a favorite of Kublai Khan, the Mongol Emperor. The Genoese captured him, but he was in luck - sharing his prison cell was noted writer of romances Rustichello da Pisa, who became enthralled by the stories Marco told to pass the time. Ice cream was also brought to Europe, but this is also disputed. For safety's sake, the Polo's joined up with a larger caravan to travel with through the region. The Venetian wrote of five-masted ships, when in fact they had only three masts, said Prof Petrella. During his travels, Polo spent 17 years in China, spending much of his time traveling from Europe to Asia. His stories were the basis for what . Still, because it was so profitable, attempts were continually made to find a way of shortening the trip, as well as making it safer. However, exactly what role he played with Kublai Khan in these palaces is uncertain. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Marco had two sisters, Fantina and Moretta, and one brother, Matteo Polo. by Vallery - October 6, 2022 Marco Polo's travels to China were important for several reasons. What road did Marco Polo travel to Asia? . Long missions allowed Marco Polo to travel much of China and even the rest of the world. The silk road. When Marco was just six years old, his father sailed off to Istanbul(then called Constantinople) and didn't come back for nine years. Because Marco's family was wealthy, he received a good education, learning about classical authors, the theology of the Latin Church, and both French and Italian. Mosaic of Marco Polo. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. . He decided that he wanted to sail west all the way around the world to Asia. But Frances Wood, head of the Chinese Department at the British Library, argues that Marco Polo not only never went to China, he probably never even made it past the Black Sea, where his family conducted business as merchants.Marco Polo's travels from Venice to the exotic and distant East, and his epic book describing his extraordinary . East Asia, particularly China, offered valuable goods to be sold and traded in Europe. It has been around for a long time in Europe. Their journey then took them across a huge salt desert whose green water was too bitter and salty to drink. Kublai Khan, the Mongol leader, summoned them to his court in Beijing. He married a woman named Donata Badoer and they had three daughters. Mercantile Family. They expressed that there are problems of copyist's errors, which can be repeated or further confused in subsequent copying, and in every written culture there has been a long tradition of palaeographical search for accuracy (). The Venetian traveler and writer Marco Polo (ca. Those explorers did not find the ark, but later explorers found evidence of fossilized wood." Luckily, the Polo's escaped without any harm and continued their long journey. The story of his journey influenced mapmakers and inspired Christopher Columbus. Adapted to the harsh desert conditions of Central Asia and the Middle East camels made ideal pack animals for travel along the Silk Road. Marco Polo's journey to China was itself inspired by his father's and uncle's traveling to the country after listening to their stories. He told the tale of his adventures to fellow prisoners and one of them wrote it down. Camels could withstand the harsh desert conditions through central Asia and were also able to carry up to 500 pounds at a time! Polo would describe each of these lands as well, again increasing the knowledge of the world for his many European readers. He asked the king and queen several times for their finances to make the trip. The Straits of Malacca (Melaka) area was since at least the seventh century c.e. "No one did climb it until 1829. He would nearly be 42 years of age when he saw it again. His uncle Maffeo and his father Nicolo were both famous merchants. What were the four major trade cities of Italy? Marco Polo (1254-1324) was one of the greatest' explorers of the Middle Ages and the first person to make Europe aware China's extraordinary power and culture. Second, Polo's account of his travels helped to spark European interest in China and the Far East. Second, Polos account of his travels helped to spark European interest in China and the Far East. While in prison he writes his Travels, an account of his time in Mongol China . [CDATA[ The first place the Polo's reached was lesser Armenia where Marco had begun to observe new and different kinds of people. The cause of his death is unknown, but it is speculated that he may have died of natural causes or of malaria. Marco became famous because of his journey to Cathay and his worked with Kublai Khan and also his splendid book called "The travels of Marco Polo"., 2. About thirty years later, the invention spread and along with it was a letter (Doc. How does the crew seem to feel about this voyage? The journey was not easy. Between 1262 and 1269 two Venetian brothers, Niccolo and Maffeo Polo, almost by accident made their first trip to China. He travelled with his uncle and father. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Most surprising to Marco were the "stones that burn like logs." The Khan had found a source of fuel that nobody in Europe could have imagined. A well-known traveler and explorer, Marco Polo headed for China along the Silk Road in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). The next place the Polo's visited was probably the biggest obstacle thus far. After three and one-half years, Niccolo, Maffeo, and Marco Polo arrived in China, at Shangtu, the summer palace of Kublai Khan. HE BEGAN HIS ADVENTURES AS A TEENAGER. China was in a state of chaos at this time and needed someone civilized to lead them. So the journey to Asia had begun. His travels were covered in his reports, which serve as the basis for his famous account of his travels, and he contained details about local customs, business conditions, and events. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I think his reason for exploring new lands is not because he had dreams of conquest, but because he was in fact trying to find a new trading market. People were fascinated by his stories of the East. He wrote this to keep the king of Spain updated and to let the public know his findings. Cabeza de Vaca was uncertain of the route he traversed. His father Niccolo was a prosperous merchant who imported luxury goods from Asia. Marco Polos travels to Asia 127195 immortalized in his Travels of Marco Polo. Marco Polo had traveled along what would become known as the Silk Route. However, many skeptics believe that Marco Polo never actually set foot in China, but used other travelers accounts of China as his own. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. Was Marco Polo the first European to reach China? There was a desire on Marcos deathbed for him to admit that The Travels of Marco Polo was a forgery. The Polos traveled through Acre modern-day Israel Jerusalem Persia Armenia Anatola Georgia Baghdad Afghanistan and Tartary en route to the Far East. His mothers name was Maffeo Polo. . Polo was only 15 years old when he left Venice on a daring adventure that took him to Kublai Khans court. This opened up new trade routes between Europe and China because. The History Of Kites: From Ancient China To Modern Times. The king and queen granted him more money for his next voyage., In 1297, Marco with his companion started a long journey to visit a great Mongol ruler Khubilai Khan and as the ruler's ambassadors he visited to Japan and created a book called Travels. Author: Marco Post date: 11 yesterday Rating: 3 (920 reviews) Highest rating: 5 Low rated: 3 Summary: Marco Polo is known for traveling along the Silk Road to China, where he explored and documented much of Asia not yet explored by Europeans. It does not store any personal data. The next place the Polo's voyage took them to was Zorzania (today part of Georgia). Throughout Marco Polo's travels he collected new ideas and inventions from China, and back to Italy. First, Polo was able to document many aspects of Chinese culture and society that were unknown to Europeans at the time. Why did Marco Polo want to travel to Asia? They traveled the Silk Road to China where he met the great ruler Kublai Khan. "The European people had forgotten this method which their ancestors would be familiar with ." It was published in 1477 and was very popular. But at that time many people thought that the earth was flat. He claimed even to have been the governor of the large city of Yangchow. According to historians, he embellished or recounted other travelers stories. They entered a place in Persia overwhelmed with bandits known as "Karaunas". " Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Yet, whatever negative spirit such a display of Mongol violence, might have had on the young man was soon changed when he first encountered the Mongols and found them to live by trade and industry. They had orchards and vineyards; they grew cotton, flax, and hemp. They could carry more . Marco Polo, (born c. 1254, Venice [Italy]died January 8, 1324, Venice), Venetian merchant and adventurer who traveled from Europe to Asia in 1271-95, remaining in China for 17 of those years, and whose Il milione ("The Million"), known in English as the Travels of Marco Polo, is a classic of travel literature. After spending 17 years in China, Marco Polo and his father and uncle finally had an opportunity to return home. 1275 Marco Polo. He also found the air pure and fresh. Asian Experiences: Marco Polo and the Silk Road His adventures were recounted in a book that made him famous. He first set out at age 17 with his father and uncle, traveling overland along what later became known as the Silk Road. Marco Polo: Marco Polo was an Italian explorer who spent several years in China. His tales of the East opened the minds of the Europeans, and his tales were a catalyst for the Age of Exploration in Europe. When the first of these trips was made is not known. Why did Marco Polo travel to Asia and China? I would have been less surprised to learn that Marco Polo respectively meant me and you, or where and here in some obscure foreign language, fitting the two words purposes in the swimming pool game., Marco Polo was no doubt one of the most influential explorers in the world. Post navigation The author states this, These combined with the lapse of time between the events, the compilation of the work and earliest surviving versions, have led to the extreme variation in the contents of the 143 or 150 manuscripts (43). 9 Nov. 2022 . Among them was Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant who embarked on the Silk Road for trade and good fortune. ." Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy in 1254. What was the importance of Marco Polos visit to China? 1324) left Venice for Cathay, or China, in 1271, spent 17 years in Kublai Khan's realm, and, Melaka Marco Polo took part in the war against his rival city-state of Genoa in order to help Venice. It was stated that he published one that was 200 years after Marco Polo's death and how he added more, Merchants traveled majority of the time in history to produce money and do trade. On what evidence do you base that conclusion?, Once he had become greatly known for his navigation and sailing skills. World Eras. Marco Polo is a hero because he made great maps of Asia. He travelled with his uncle and father. They then made it to a place called Tunocain. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"Nc7ItC.IqlkvyEcLGEDukuBloVY6uoKSgBkkcWvGhJY-86400-0"}; Retrieved November 09, 2022 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/asian-experiences-marco-polo-and-silk-road. Marco Polo, a Venetian traveler and merchant had an immense impact on how the renaissance shaped, and personified the values of the renaissance in numerous ways. Along his travels, he learned about the wealth of exotic goods that this area had to offer, from silks and spices to new foods and ideas. Upon reaching China, Marco Polo entered the court of powerful Mongol ruler Kublai Khan, who dispatched him on trips to help administer the realm. Wiki User. Upon reaching China, Marco Polo entered the court of powerful Mongol ruler Kublai Khan, who dispatched him on trips to help administer the realm. By the time Niccolo and Maffeo made their first Chinese journey, the Polos were a well-established family of merchants who dealt in luxury goods acquired in far-off locales. He was not always impressed. Marco, his father, and his uncle Maffeo were welcomed by Kublai Khan in his court when they arrived in 1274/1275. This book inspired Christopher Columbus and many other travellers. Cut off from their normal trade route by war, the Polos were forced to travel east with the Mongols whom they had befriended. He first set out at age 17 with his father and uncle, traveling overland along what later became known as the Silk Road. The Italian Marco Polo is probably the world's most famous traveler and one of the world's first travel writers. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. The heat in these parts was so intense that some of the travelers died. Marco Polo was just 17 years old when he left Venice for the first time in his life . Kublai Khan. Marco Polos travels to China were important for several reasons. Christopher Columbus is one of the most well-known explorers in history. Marco Polo is captured and imprisoned by the Genoese. Why did Marco Polo return to Venice? Even though he did it more for the money and the fame, his travels are probably not as known as Christopher Columbus. Not only did the language change, but the content itself was as well. They traveled by sea, in a convoy of fourteen Chinese junks, making their way by means of Indonesia, Ceylon, and India. They seem also to have profited from it themselves, acquiring goods and knowledge from these European traders. What is Marco Polo best known for? The original wall had long since disintegrated, while the present structure a product of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was yet to be erected, said Vogel. His writings are credited with paving the way for world exploration. Through it all, Marco Polo marveled at Chinas cultural customs, great wealth and complex social structure. He easily learned new languages making him useful to the Mongol ruler. Before the Silk Road was established, the only method for Europeans to acquire Far Eastern items was from the Egyptian port of Alexandria. Once they came back, Marco was older, so they were able to take him with them. Why did Marco Polo receive a good education? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. On Marco Polo's first venture to the East with his father and uncle, they had to hurdle over the dangerous Gobi Desert. He respected all religions. Marco Polo is one of the most well-known heroic travelers and traders around the world. Italian explorer and merchant noted for travel to central and eastern Asia. Why was Marco Polo a hero? Of course, only a few could afford these items, and the travel was not only long and tedious but also risky. Marco wanted to travel with his father and his uncle. Christopher Columbus had many voyages that he had done throughout the years. January 8, 1324. Why did Marco Polo travel to Asia and China? To establish communication and commerce with the cultures of the for East. 1254-ca. He eventually returned to Venice in 1295.There are a number of reasons why Marco Polo may have decided to return to Venice. He. Another was his fourth voyage to Ferdinand and Isabella, in which he shows sorrow and regret for his discoveries. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. (Additionally, there was the adventure of it all, a reason for traveling to the East that should not be discounted.). Karaunas scoured the country and plunder everything in their reach" . Although he knew little or no Chinese, he did speak some of the many languages then used in East Asiamost probably Turkish (in its Coman dialect) as spoken among the Mongols, Arabized Persian, Uighur (Uygur), and perhaps Mongol. In my paper I will discuss with you Marco Polo's, Marco Island Getaway Most people think that a beach resort is just another hotel on the beach. These hardy creatures thrived on tough desert plants. Further, the Polos had financial reasons for their . As a prisoner of war in Pisa in the service of Venice, he dictated to a fellow prisoner his experiences in Asia that became his classic: The Travels of Marco Polo. Despite Marco Polos huge influence on Europe, the false and wildly exaggerated claims and the amount of Chinese Culture he failed to mention in his book made it evident that Marco Polo was really a fraud and never really made it to China., Marco Polos book was more widely read. Silk Road. Marco Polo may be the most storied Far East traveler, but he certainly was not the first. "Marco had high Praise for Persia, including horses, donkeys, grain fruits, wild game, military equipment, beautiful embroidery done by women and young people, and turquoises(Turkish stone)" . Polo wrote a book about his travels, which was called The Travels of Marco Polo. The young man spent seventeen years in China until he, his father, and his uncle left in 1292. He met the Emperor Kublai Khan and became a close friend. Columbus was a skilled voyager. With having the roads open, they were able to travel to different places. The Travels of Marco Polo, dictated by him, described Chinese politics, economy, and culture in detail, which greatly aroused the desire of westerner to go to China and had a great effect on the European navigation. His father, Niccolo Polo, was a successful merchant who traded with the East. Polos journey from Venice to the Holy Land spanned the Mediterranean Sea. Marco Polo was a Venetian explorer who became famous for his travels to Asia. 1292 - 1295. It was Marco Polo's knowledge of Yuan . Marco Polo (born c. 1254 Venice [Italy]died January 8 1324 Venice) Venetian merchant and adventurer who traveled from Europe to Asia in 1271-95 remaining in China for 17 of those years and whose Il milione ("The Million") known in English as the Travels of Marco Polo is a classic of travel literature. Some Westerners accompanied the Mongols when they traveled to their recently conquered lands in China, thus becoming the first Europeans to visit that Far Eastern land in more than a millenium. 9. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. A citizen of the Republic of Venice, Polo grew up in a family where both his father Niccol and uncle Maffeo were merchants. Marco Polo and His Travels through Asia The Question I am asking in my essay is, ?Why did Marco Polo go?? Polos book was one of the first European accounts of China and other Asian countries, and it was very popular in Europe. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Nonetheless, at the end of his life, he declared that he had not disclosed half of what he saw. Marco Polo remained abroad for 24 years. Of course, I figured there was some significance to the phrase beyond its use as a swimming pool game, where a blindfolded individual closes their eyes, calls out, Marco, and tries to tag other players by tracking down their mandatory responses of, Polo. That the significance was a name, however, surprised me indeed. After more than 20 years spent exploring China and other Asian countries, Marco finally returned to Venice in 1295 with a lot of fortune in the form of gemstones. Explorer. Everyone of them suffocated. For example, Marco Polo brought back the idea of paper money and some think his descriptions of coal, eyeglasses and a complex postal system eventually led to their widespread use in Europe. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. These goods had been brought either overland or by sea by Muslim traders, and thus their availability (and cost) depended on the good will of Muslim merchants toward Christians. According to The Travels of Marco Polo, they passed through much of Asia, and met with Kublai Khan, a Mongol ruler and founder of the Yuan dynasty. Marco Polo returned to China with his father because they had orders that the emperor gave. 2). Marco Polo (now China) spent 17 years as Kublai Khans assistant in the empire he founded in 1241. He also had a good knowledge of Italian and French. Kublai didn't try to force conquered people to change their religion. Marco Polo spent 24 years abroad, 17 of them in China. His voyage was not an easy one. The cultural impact of The Travels of Marco Polo cannot be overstated, but it has also been a major influence upon generations of travelers and merchants keen to replicate its adventurous and boundary-breaking spirit. Where did Marco Polo . He excelled all the other travelers in his determination, his writing, and his influence. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. His exact birth date and birthplace are unknown. Marco Polo died on January 8, 1324 at the age of 69. In, Columbus's journey was brought on by the blocking of the Silk Road trade route by the "Ottoman Empire." Marco Polos travels to Asia (127195), immortalized in his Travels of Marco Polo. As a result, only Marco Polo accompanied his family members when they returned to the Far East. In the letters that Christopher Columbus had written his tones were very distinct and different. He explored a lot of countries and lands all over the world, he sailed threw the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Caspian, My ignorance and general distaste for history are likely to blame, but I, for one, was surprised to learn that Marco Polo is an actual person. His account of his travels is one of the most important travel documents ever written. Polo Brothers. Marco Polo travels by land and sea from China to Venice. Marco Polo is known for traveling along the Silk Road to China, where he explored and documented much of Asia not yet explored by Europeans. Marco Polo is known. 6). What did Marco Polo bring back from Asia? But Pope Gregory X was suspicious of these messages and refused to send the large number of men requested to accompany the Polos on a return journey to China. According to Marco Polo, his father and uncle had returned to the West in 1269 bearing diplomatic messages and a request for Christian missionaries to the Pope from Kublai Khan. "In my opinion, this place has the most beautiful women in the world" said Marco. However, they eventually reached their goal, and after attending to their various duties in Iran, which delayed them for several more months, the Polos all returned to Venice, where they arrived in 1295. Wrote it down of Georgia ) through it all, Marco Polo & # ;. 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