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[150], The Terezn Ghetto Museum was inaugurated in October 1991, after the Velvet Revolution ended Communist rule in Czechoslovakia, as part of the fiftieth anniversary commemorations of the former ghetto. Theresienstadt Ghetto was established by the SS during World War II in the fortress town of Terezn, in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (German-occupied Czechoslovakia). [28] During the same month, the Jewish community leaders from Berlin and Vienna arrived, and the leadership was reorganized to include Paul Eppstein, a German Zionist, and Benjamin Murmelstein, an Austrian rabbi; Edelstein was forced to act as Eppstein's deputy. [47], Many musicians performed at the ghetto. [16][17][18][19] Many right-wing politicians and groups have characterized antifa as a domestic terrorist organization or use antifa as a catch-all term[20] for any left-leaning or liberal protest actions. [84][90] However, Ruth Bondy argues that the self-administration used its power over transports to save children and young people as much as possible, and the success of this policy is indicated by the fact that 20,000 such individuals remained at Theresienstadt until the deportations in fall 1944, when the SS directly selected individuals for deportation. Rudolf Kastner, the leader of the committee, forwarded the letter abroad, causing an unduly positive impression of Theresienstadt to develop outside German-occupied territory. Denmark is experiencing a modest economic expansion. "[15] Similarly, Bray argues that "[i]t's also important to remember that these are self-described revolutionaries. Battel was born in Klein-Pramsen (Prynka), next to Neustadt (Prudnik), Prussian Silesia in 1891. Following the Munich Agreement in September 1938, Germany annexed the Sudetenland (German-speaking region of Czechoslovakia). Many "prominent" prisoners and Danish Jews were re-housed in private, superior quarters. [33] France was unwilling to intervene militarily, and Sweden could not afford to violate the Peace of Westphalia by attacking the Habsburg and Brandenburgian possessions in the Holy Roman Empire, which would likely have driven several Germans into the anti-Swedish alliance. Ben-Ghiat argued that "[t]hrowing a milkshake is not equivalent to killing someone, but because the people in power are allied with the right, any provocation, any dissent against right-wing violence, backfires", with the effect that "[m]ilitancy on the left" can "become a justification for those in power and allies on the right to crack down" on the left. [104], Food was generally inadequate and its distribution was also inequitable. About 70 million people fought in World War II and, as of 2022[update], there are still approximately 167,000 surviving veterans in the United States alone. Wikipedia Story about deep friendship between three musically talented children. [202] Later in June 2020, a multiracial family on a camping trip in Forks, Washington, were accused of being antifa activists, harassed and trapped in their campsite when trees were felled to block the road. [46][139] A soccer game and performance of the children's opera Brundibr were also staged for the guests. [98][99] Hundreds of children made drawings under the guidance of the Viennese art therapist Friedl Dicker-Brandeis. Denmark [98], Although education was forbidden, the teachers continued to clandestinely teach general education subjects including Czech, German, history, geography, and mathematics. The first commandant was Siegfried Seidl, who was replaced by Anton Burger on 3 July 1943. [10], In 2007, Rose City Antifa, likely the first group to utilize the name antifa, was formed in Portland, Oregon by former ARA members. Aided by teachers and helpers recruited from former educators and students, the children lived in collectives of 200300 per house,[93] separated by language. [145] Before 20 April, 33,521 people died at Theresienstadt, and an additional 1,567 people died between 20 April and 30 June. The Brandenburgian garrisons in Royal Prussia were withdrawn, and when Marienburg (Malbork) surrendered in March, Danzig remained the only town not under Swedish control. denying their targets the opportunity to speak out in public; obstructing their events and defacing their propaganda; and, when antifa activists deem it necessary, deploying violence to deter them. Sweden, at that time an expansionist empire with an army designed to be maintained by the revenues of occupied territory, was conscious that a direct attack on her main adversary Russia could well result in a Dano-PolishRussian alliance. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania became a Swedish fief, the PolishLithuanian regular armies surrendered and the Polish king John II Casimir Vasa fled to the Habsburgs. This author explains why", "Distinguishing Between Antifa, the KKK, and Black Lives Matter", "Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a 'major gift to the right', "Calmer voices on the left must disavow antifa's tactics or else they will give rhetorical ammunition to Trump", "Pelosi Statement Condemning Antifa Violence in Berkeley", "Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned Antifa, violent protests", "GOP Sen. Tom Cotton calls for the US Army's toughest soldiers to quell 'domestic terrorism' and suggests protesters should be shown no mercy", "Ted Cruz says Antifa protesters are 'behaving like bigots', "Trump, social media, right-wing news stir up antifa scares", "Anti-Fascism Beyond the Headlines: Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore Interviews Mark Bray", "A Defense of the Charlottesville CounterProtesters", "Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years", "Trump, Barr, and the GOP present antifa as a major threat in the US, but they're not killing people unlike white supremacists", "U.S. Attorney General Barr says antifa 'flying around' U.S. to incite violence", "Right Wing Publications Can't Stop Getting Duped By Fake Antifa Accounts", "Far-right smear campaign against Antifa exposed by Bellingcat", "A Fake Antifa Account Was 'Busted' for Tweeting from Russia", "How Pro-Trump Forces Pushed a Lie About Antifa at the Capitol Riot", "Fake Boston Antifa group, which claimed credit for anti-racism banner at Red Sox game, is actually run by right wing trolls", "Trump, Lacking Clear Authority, Says U.S. Will Declare Antifa a Terrorist Group", "Trump tweets Antifa will be labeled a terrorist organization but experts believe that's unconstitutional", "Antifa isn't the problem. Some also worked on SS military projects. [129], According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), designating antifa as a domestic terrorist organization is dangerous and a threat to civil liberties. They're people that are controlling the streets." Key Findings. ", "Trump Campaign Sends Alarming Text to Supporters", "Antifa '#PunchWhiteWomen' campaign revealed as 4Chan hoax", "Fake 'antifa' campaign telling people to 'punch white women' is a 4chan hoax", "Antifa activist didn't beat cop in Charlottesville (Faked image has been around for years)", "After the Las Vegas shooting, 4chan and propagandists spread fake news", "Misinformation Is the New Normal of Mass Shootings", "Why the far right believes a US civil war will start on Saturday", "Antifa Is Clickbait for Conspiracy Theorists", "Why the Far Right Thinks a Second U.S. Civil War Launches Saturday", "Proteste in den USA: Die "Antifa-Soros-Verschwrung", "Louisiana Police Appear To Be Using A Hoax Antifa List Created By 8Chan To Open Criminal Investigations", "Louisiana State Police Circulated Fake Antifa Members List Taken from Neo-Nazi Websites: Lawsuit", "Lawsuit claims Louisiana State Police has 'antifa' roster from Neo-Nazi site", "41 Cities, Many Sources: How False Antifa Rumors Spread Locally", "White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter", "False Claims of Antifa Protesters Plague Small US Cities", "Lara Logan, the Fox 'Investigative Journalist' Who Keeps Falling for Antifa Hoaxes", "Rudy Giuliani says Black Lives Matter 'wants to come and take your house away from you' in Fox News rant", "Revealed: how California police chased a nonexistent 'antifa bus', "Family harassed in Forks after being accused of being members of Antifa", "Deputies investigate after family on camping trip harassed", "Family camping in Washington harassed by locals, accused of being antifa members", "Rightwing vigilantes on armed patrol after fake rumours of antifa threat", "Fact check: redirects to Joe Biden's website, but Biden campaign not involved", "Fact check: does redirect to, but this is not proof of a link between the two", "Antifa website redirected to Biden's campaign site causes right-wing conspiracy meltdown", "Senior Homeland Security leaders pushed unfounded antifa conspiracy at 2020 Portland protests, report states", "Pro-Russian Bots Sharpen Online Attacks for 2018 U.S. Vote", "Trump loyalists push evidence-free claims that antifa activists fueled mob", "A man who stormed the U.S. Capitol in a horned fur cap is an 'Antifa thug. "[102] Joseph Bernstein from BuzzFeed News says that antifa activists also wear masks because "they fear retribution from the far right and the cops, whom they believe are sympathetic if not outright supportive to fascists. [120] The library was criticized for the high proportion of Hebrew-language works and the lack of fiction, but prisoners were desperate for any kind of reading material. The Polish king John II Casimir left Warsaw the same month to confront the Swedish army in the west, but after some skirmishes with the Swedish vanguard retreated southwards to Krakw. [107], In August 2017, antifa counter-protesters at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, reported The New York Times, "used clubs and dyed liquids against the white supremacists. The waterworks often broke down during the first months due to inadequate capacity. [153][154][155] Legal experts, among others, believe that designating antifa as a terrorist group would be unconstitutional, raising First Amendment and due process issues. [23] In the same month, John II Casimir with the Lww Oath proclaimed Virgin Mary queen of Poland, and promised to lift the burdens inflicted on the peasantry if he regained control. This is a list of cities in the world by gross domestic product (GDP).The United Nations uses three definitions for what constitutes a city, as not all cities may be classified using the same criteria. "[41], The pronunciation of the word in English is not settled as it may be stressed on either the first or the second syllable. Documentary film using archived and colorized footage of, Jusqu'au dernier, La destruction des Juifs d'Europe. 2021. It consists of a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups that use both nonviolent direct action and violence to achieve their aims. While everyone expected him to head for Royal Prussia, he disembarked on Zealand on 17 August, and headed for Copenhagen,[36] which was defended by 10,650 Danes and 2,000 Dutch. After entering Jutland from the south, a Swedish army of 7,000 veterans undertook the March across the Belts; on 9 February 1658, the Little Belt was crossed and the island Funen (Fyn) captured within a few days, and soon thereafter Langeland, Lolland and Falster. A guerilla force attacked a small Swedish garrison at Koscian in October 1655 and killed Frederick of Hesse, brother-in-law of the Swedish king. [37], In 1659, the war was characterized by Swedish forces defending their strongholds on the southern Baltic coast against allied assaults. At the Wannsee Conference on 20 January 1942, Heydrich announced that Theresienstadt would be used to house Jews over the age of 65 from the Reich, as well as those who had been severely wounded fighting for the Central Powers in World War I or won the Iron Cross 1st Class or a higher decoration during that war. The Swedish colonists were the preferred trading partners of the Susquehannock, who at that time were the most powerful indigenous group in the Delaware Valley and rivals to the Iroquois Confederacy further north. Nafeesa Syeed of Bloomberg News reported that "[t]he most-tweeted link in the Russian-linked network followed by the researchers was a petition to declare Antifa a terrorist group". 4.6 hours long. On 24 November, Sweden had to abandon Funen and Langeland after the defeat in the Battle of Nyborg. Explaining the Movement to Confront the Far Right", "Here's what antifa is and its connection to Portland", "Are Antifa Members Domestic Terrorists? Many of those have been convicted. Those who survived were hidden. [49] The inmates were free from the usual rules of Nazi censorship and the ban on "degenerate art". We try to be very clear and precise with how we use these terms. ", "Meet Antifa's Secret Weapon Against Far-Right Extremists", "Antifa: Left-wing militants on the rise", "The history, theory and contradictions of antifa", "Antifa violence is ethical? The Germans provided the materials for these improvements, largely to reduce the chance of communicable disease spreading beyond the ghetto, but Jewish engineers directed the projects. [46][51], On 23 September, Eppstein, Zucker, and Murmelstein were told that Theresienstadt's war production was inadequate and as a consequence 5,000 Jews would be deported to a new labor camp run by Zucker. It was reconstituted several times and comprised 420 men at its peak in February 1943. [7][8] Another transport of 1,000 men arrived on 4 December; this included Jakob Edelstein and the original members of the Council of Elders. Edelstein and his deputy, Otto Zucker, initially planned to convert Theresienstadt into a productive economic center and thereby avoid deportations; they were unaware that the Nazis already planned to deport all the Jews and convert Theresienstadt into a German settlement. 21 is the second studio album by English singer-songwriter Adele.It was released on 24 January 2011 in Europe by XL Recordings and on 22 February 2011 in North America by Columbia Records.The album was named after the age of the singer during its production. The film reports from a chapter of the Nazi regime - eugenics - that has not been covered extensively from a subjective perspective, due to a lack of eloquent witnesses and a forum for their few voices. Denmark [47][71] Bray states that "[t]he vast majority of antifa militants are radical anti-capitalists who oppose the Democratic Party" and that Democratic Party leaders, including Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, have condemned antifa and political violence more broadly. "[103], When antifa became prominent in the news during the George Floyd protests and was under attack for being responsible for much, if not most of the violence, a report in Vox stated that "[m]embers of antifa groups do more conventional activism, flyer campaigns, and community organizing, on behalf of anti-racist and anti-white nationalist causes", quoting Mark Bray as saying that this was the "vast majority" of what they did. The films span a range of genres, with documentary films including footage filmed both by the Germans for propaganda and by the Allies, compilations, survivor accounts and [97][98][99] According to Natasha Lennard in The Nation, antifa groups as of January 2017 were working with interfaith groups and churches "to create a New Sanctuary Movement, continuing and expanding a 40-year-old practice of providing spaces for refugees and immigrants. [5] In July 2020, The Guardian reported that "a California-based organizer and anti-fascist activist" stated she saw "Trump's claims about antifa violence, particularly during the George Floyd protests, as a message to his 'hardcore' supporters that it was appropriate to attack people who came out to protest. [31], This article is about the war between 1655 and 1660. Here's what actually happened", "Responding to the Fascist Creep: An Interview With Alexander Reid Ross It's Going Down", "Cornel West & Rev. List of suicides [142] Completed on 28 March 1945, the film was intended to discredit reports of the genocide of Jews reaching the Western Allies and neutral countries, but it was only screened four times and did not achieve its objective. [28][30] In the Treaty of Radnot on 6 December, Charles X Gustav promised to accept George II Rkczi of Transylvania as king of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania in return for his entrance into the war. Denmark wants to tighten policy aimed at reducing the concentration of non-Western residents in disadvantaged areasa policy that has drawn lawsuits, accusations of xenophobia. [148] In 2015, former United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright unveiled a plaque at the former ghetto commemorating her 26 relatives who had been imprisoned there. "[22] Alexander Reid Ross, a lecturer in geography and an author on the contemporary right, has argued that antifa groups represented "one of the best models for channeling the popular reflexes and spontaneous movements towards confronting fascism in organized and focused ways. Charles X Gustav then granted Frederick William full sovereignty in the Duchy of Prussia in return for military aid, and in the Treaty of Radnot allied himself with the Transylvanian George II Rkczi who invaded PolandLithuania from the southeast. List of Holocaust films Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. [c] The Danish government also pressured the Nazis to allow a visit, because of the Danish Jews who had been deported there in late 1943. Battels stand against the SS came to be recognised only a while after his death; most notably, through the tenacious efforts of the Israeli researcher and lawyer Dr. Zeev Goshen. News Versions of the ghetto appear across the world, each with their own names, classifications, and groupings of people. Sweden had been at peace with Russia since the Treaty of Stolbovo had ended the Ingrian War in 1617. In the 1930s, he joined the Nazi Party. Theresienstadt was the only Nazi ghetto liberated with a significant population of survivors. [87] After the deportations in 1944, the number of nurses was severely reduced and each nurse had to care for 65 or more prisoners. The Czech gendarme commander, Theodor Janeek, died in prison in 1946 while awaiting trial. [37], Meanwhile, the anti-Swedish alliance had deployed an army to Denmark, to confront Charles X Gustav with a force of 14,500 Brandenburgers commanded by Frederick William, 10,600 Austrians commanded by Raimondo Montecuccoli, and 4,500 Poles commanded by Czarniecki. Amon Leopold Gth (German: (); alternative spelling Goeth; 11 December 1908 13 September 1946) was an Austrian SS functionary and war criminal.He served as the commandant of the Krakw-Paszw concentration camp in Paszw in German-occupied Poland for most of the camp's existence during World War II.. Gth was tried after the war by the Supreme National Tribunal of invading Norway, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium. A Czech court in Litomice found a perimeter guard, Miroslaus Hasenkopf, guilty of treason and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment; he died in prison in 1951. [87] Although nurses, who were in short supply, were exempt from deportation until October 1944,[88] they faced the danger of contracting disease[89] and had to work 18- to 20-hour days. [27], On 4 October, John II Casimir stormed czyca in Greater Poland before heading for Royal Prussia,[28] and on 8 October, Wincenty Korwin Gosiewski with 12,000 to 13,000 Lithuanian and Crimean Tartar cavalry overran a Brandenburgian-Swedish force in the Battle of Prostken in Ducal Prussia. We felt forgotten and forsaken. Background on Antifa and Federal Classification of Their Actions InFocus IF10839", "What Antifa Is, What It Isn't, and Why It Matters", "Neo-Nazis Face a New Foe Online and IRL: the Far-Left Antifa", "Fact Check: Is Left-Wing Violence Rising? What make neocons most dangerous are not their isolated ghetto hang-ups, like hating Germans and Southern whites and calling everyone and his cousin an anti-Semite, but the leftist revolutionary fury they express. On 25 February, the Swedish army continued across the Great Belt to Zealand where the Danish capital Copenhagen is located. After the Yugoslav Wars, an international Court was formed to try war criminals (ICTY). [46] This contradicted President Trump's remarks about antifa and put Wray at odds with the Trump administration. Named after an Ernest Hemingway novel, it was released in August 1983 as the first single from Rogers's album Eyes That See in the Dark. As of August 2017, approximately 200 groups existed, of varying sizes and levels of activity. The next day, after determining that it was linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, Twitter suspended the fake account. The methodology of calculating GDP may differ between the studies and are widely "[9] The idea of direct action is central to the antifa movement. Aware of the military superiority of the well-trained Swedish army, the nobles of Greater Poland surrendered to Wittenberg on 25 July in Ujcie after the Battle of Ujcie, and then pledged loyalty to the Swedish king. This is a list of last surviving veterans of World War II (19391945) among various groups of veterans, as identified by reliable sources. [176] Some of the opposition to antifa activism has also been artificial in nature. [126], The ICRC, having come under increasing pressure from Denmark,[127] Jewish organizations and the Czechoslovak government-in-exile to intervene in favor of Jews, requested to visit Theresienstadt in November 1943. Throughout 1659, Sweden was defending her strongholds in Denmark and on the southern Baltic shore, while little was gained by the allies and a peace was negotiated. Overview. [32] On 24 August 1943, 1,200 Jewish children from the Biaystok Ghetto in Poland arrived at Theresienstadt. Wolf (Tyler, the Creator album [51][62][69] On 8 May, Red Army troops skirmished with German forces outside the ghetto and liberated it at 9 pm. In 1949, former concentration camp inmate and Berlin native Hans Muller immigrates to Israel where, due to psychological problems, he cannot adjust to peacetime life. [143], Approximately 141,000 Jews, mostly from the Protectorate, Germany, and Austria, were sent to Theresienstadt before 20 April 1945. [9] Seeing the great success on the Russian side, Sweden also decided to intervene, among other reasons using the explanation that it was to protect the Protestant population in Poland. [94], The leadership of the Youth Welfare Office, including its head, Egon Redlich[he], and Redlich's deputy Fredy Hirsch, were left-wing Zionists with a background in the youth movements.
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