Asanas are a preliminary step that work on the body before the yogi progresses to working on the mind. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Asanas according to Vashishtha & Matsyendranath . It is important to bend forward from the hips and not the spine. In chapter 1, Svatmarama describes fifteen asanas, and recommends dietary habits. The purpose of this study is to compare Asanas or postures in two famous authentic traditional yoga texts Hathayoga pradipika and Gheranda samhitha. The main practices in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika The bulk of this text details the techniques of the main practices of Hatha Yoga: Asana (postures), Pranayama ( breathing exercises ), Shatkarma (internal cleansings), mudra (energy seal), and Bandha (energy locks). Bindu is representative of hormonal fluids secreted by the pituitary and pineal glands, also known as Soma. If its difficult to lift up in this position we can practice lifting only the knees five times and then the chest five times. (Chapter -1, Verse-34) (1). August 2019 distinction between the act of meditation and the object of meditation, Goes on to describe and instruct on different Pranayamas, The manifestations of a successful Pranayama practice, 300 Hour Residential Yoga Teacher Training. It also balances our doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) which when vitiated can cause many diseases. Swami Swatmarama, a disciple of Swami Goraknath, wrote the text, drawing upon previous texts and his own experiences. AryaMarga Yoga is pleased to present the teachings of Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the 14th century master-text that details the science of the Willful Union of the Sun & Moon disks. Yogin Swatmarama, after saluting his Guru Srinatha explains Hatha Yoga for the attainment of Raja Yoga. 10 Classic Hatha Yoga Poses 1. Their links are here:, Which of the correct name of the text",Hatha Yoga Pradeepika" or " Hatha Pradeepika". This is the first physical posture described in Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Hatha yoga, or hatha vidya (the science of hatha yoga) is commonly misunderstood and If youre a back-to-basics kind of person or a yogi interested in the origins of the practice, its worth knowing the poses described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. In the final version of Matsyendrasana, the foot of the bent leg is placed in half lotus position and not on the floor. Swastikasana (The Auspicious Pose) Gomukhasana (The Cow Face Pose) Veerasana (Hero's Pose) Koormasana (Tortoise Pose) Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose) Uttanakoormasana (Stretching Tortoise Pose) While the text describes asanas (postures), purifying practices (shatkarma), mudras (finger and hand positions), bandhas (locks), and pranayama (breath exercises . Weight should be balanced on both hands equally and lift off while inhaling. Hatha yoga pradipika is one of the ancient yoga books on hatha yoga. Praise of Siddhasana V 38 - 43 Just as Siddha Yogis consider moderation in diet to be foremost among the . Bhadrasana is the last posture or Asana described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. For instance, Patanjalis sadhana begins with very advanced practices involving the mind and subconscious whereas hatha yoga begins with learning how to sit equipoised. Uttanakoormasana is the lying down variation of Kukkutasan. April 2017 Did you know scriptures say there are potentially 8.4 Million Yoga Asanas? The Hatha Yoga Pradipika dedicates almost a third of its verses to meditation. October 2020 But thankfully we dont need to know all of them, for mortals only 84 are relevant. The most important benefit given in the text is that it digests all types of food and increases the digestive fire to such an extent that even the deadliest poison is destroyed. The entire body should be aligned in a straight line and not crooked. June 2017 In chapter 2, he establishes the connections between breath, mind, life, nadis, and prana, then describes the six . It is divided into five chapters, covering: Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Samadhi and Yoga therapy. 20. Hatha Yoga prescribes Asana with Mudra and Bandha for proper cleansing of Nadis; 61-62 Lists foods to avoid ; 64-65 Lists Beneficial . History 3. May 2022 Always sit comfortably in Siddhasana because it is the bestamong all the asanas. Hatha Yoga Pradipika, tr. F:_0#[74KksQLbn0})L Including Sivananda, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Kripalu, Jivamukti, Iyengar, Power Yoga all physical asana practices are derived from the teachings of Hatha Yoga. We specialize in certified Yoga Teacher Training Courses 200 hours Yoga TTC, as well as in Short Term intensive Yoga Course and Yoga workshops. April 2022 Along with Patanjalis Yoga Sutras, it remains one of the most important texts on classical yoga. It forms the basis to learn Raja yoga and samadhi. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika presents two contradictory models, one involving stopping the flow of Bindu, the other involving Kundalini and encouraging the flow of Amrita, to explain how Hatha Yoga leads to immortality, without attempting to harmonise them. Asanas are a preliminary step that work on the body before the yogi progresses to working on the mind. No specific benefits are mentioned in the text, however, this posture is considered good for the reproductive system. Salutation to adinatha (Siva) who expounded the knowledge of Hatha Yoga, which like a staircase leads the aspirant to the high pinnacled Raja Yoga. Most of us know about 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas which are the 1st and 2nd limbs of the 8 limbs of Yoga. The following postures are some of my favorites from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (some of these are also featured in the Postures to Open Chakras series): Gomukhasana Variation (go=cow - mukha=face) This is a wonderful posture to stretch the arms and chest, shoulders, and legs. The first position is called Kurmasana because the body resembles a tortoise. However, Hatha Yoga Pradipika versesdo not mention anything specifically about the hand position. But the second posture is called Kurmasana as it activates the Kurma Nadi a subtle energy channel. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Chapter 1 - On Asanas Chapter I - On Asanas 1. Swami Svatmarama goes on to say in the next verse that one should feel an energy boost after asana practice and not fatigue. Here general descriptions of each pose in Svatmaramas text. Even though this is the most popular meditative posture of our times, it is Siddhasana which is considered more useful. April 2020 August 2021 Mudras and Bandhas then help us manipulate shakti or the energy that flows through these channels. March 2019 Description. June 2019 I am going to describe certain asanas which have been adopted by Munis like Vasistha, etc., and Yogis like Matsyendra, etc. Gomukhasana is traditionally done by locking the fingers of both hands behind the back. If feeling tired, then it would mean the practices are being done incorrectly. November 2018 Where can I find the rest of the 15 postures? The meaning of pradipika is to cast light. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a medieval scripture written in 1350. Therapy Hatha is a tantric practice and Tantra believes in transforming and divinizing physical substances before pursuing transcendence. sanas (postures), various Kumbhakas, and other divine means, all should be practised in the practice of Haha Yoga, till the fruitRja Yogais obtained. Take the Dosha Quiz to find out -. Hatha Pradipika, authored by Swami Swatmarama, commonly known as Hatha Yoga Pradipika gives 15 asanas in detail that should be practiced by a Yoga aspirant. Pradipika means "light" or "to illuminate", ha means "sun", tha means "moon" and yoga or yug means to "join". 3. In the first chapter on asanas, Svatmarama describes 15 poses. In contrast to Patanjali's 8 limbs of yoga, Hatha yoga is called six-limbed yoga or Shadanga yoga. This makes it easier to bring the bottom foot toes on the opposite thigh. Which in turn brings equilibrium to the Bindu. Asana practice has proliferated in modern times, but a look at its early roots will help us reassess the purpose and potential of asana to reveal a deeper and more subtle experience in our current practice. In the final position, hands can either touch the shoulders or interlock behind the neck. %PDF-1.4 The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a medieval scripture written in 1350. August 2017 Hatha Yoga Pradipika Chapter 1 page 4 V 36 Placing one heel above the Linga and the other on top of that is Siddhasana according to others. Being the first accessory of Hatha Yoga, asana is described first. However, the posture as described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is Baddha Padmasana, with hands going around the back and holding the toes. A thoughtful, inspiring, January 2018 The text goes on to say that practicing this posture increases the digestive fire so much that it burns away all diseases and wakes up the Kundalini energy. Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh, and grasp the toes with the hands crossed over the back. The contents of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika have been organised into sections in order for the text to be read clearly and to maximise our understanding of the practice. July 2018 February 2019 The book is divided into four chapters in total. However, in India, the teachings of yoga were passed from student to teacher, one to one. March 2017 Relax each part of the body by ignoring the mental chatter and keeping the focus on the breath. November 2020 Practice June 2018 Alternatively, hands can rest on top of the knees or can be placed on the floor ahead for a forward bend. Chapter 2 Hatha yoga Pradipika 1.De Yogi should practice Pranayama himself perfectly in asana under the Teacher's instructions, with his senses under control as he observes a humble and good diet. An uncanny fact is that various versions of this symbol have been used by different civilizations since antiquity ~ this is considered as one of the symbols common to humanity that arises from our collective unconscious. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika starts with a discussion of asanathe physical practice of yoga. #|'knZIfv6{Ufp(fTrB\xS?NigC5,"-d;cIB__2Rm@Q+hwMH3O*8'Z$V AryaMarga Yoga is pleased to present the teachings of Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the 14th century master-text that details the science of the Willful Union of the Sun & Moon disks. They make us ready for Pranayama or breathing practices which purify the pranic channels called Nadis. Print length 128 pages Language English Publication date March 29, 2012 Dimensions 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches ISBN-10 0971646619 ISBN-13 978-0971646612 See all details The Amazon Book Review Subsequent texts most commonly have referred to it as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, so that has become the de facto name. 19. Note: Mayurasana can be very intense on the female reproductive system and individual precautions should be taken while practicing it. object shines back unmodified, When 47. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. No specific benefits are mentioned in the text, however, this posture is a great alternative meditative position for beginners. What is Bindu? In it, the toes of both feet are inserted between the thigh and calf muscle like in Swastikasana (covered earlier). Yoga, Ayurveda, Philosophy for everyday life. The well-known text on Hatha yoga - The Hatha Yoga Pradipika - can be thought of almost as an anthology of many Hatha texts combined. In all of these texts, meditation is the final goal of all the preparatory cleansing, postures, pranayama , and other steps. Paschimottanasana is like touching our toes but while sitting on the floor. Others you will already know and be able to do. Siddhasana (Adept's Pose) Yonisthanakam angghrimulaghatitam Krtva drdham vinyaset / Mendhre padam athaikameva hrdaye Krtva hanum susthiram // This affordable, definitive edition of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika contains the original Sanskrit, a new English translation, and full-page photographs of all the asanas. Swami Swatmarama, a disciple of Swami Goraknath, wrote the text in the 15th century CE, drawing upon previous texts and his own experiences. Asanas are spoken of first, being the first stage of hatha yoga. Gomukhasana January 2017, Hatha Yoga: The 15 Postures of the Hatha Pradipika, Part 1, - It Doesn't Matter If Your Head Is On Your Knee, - WhyTeaching Is Not a Personal Practice. Hatha Yoga Pradipika gives a very different explanation of Kurmasana compared to what we are used to seeing. 3. Prana becomes subtle and the mind steady, one attains the state of equilibrium, When inhalation and exhalation are performed very quickly, like a pair of bellows of a blacksmith, it dries up all the disorders from the excess of phlegm, and is known as Kapala Bhati. By holding prana in the central channel, yogis sought release from illusion and transformation into immortal beings of light. 35. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a classical text describing Hatha Yoga. May 2020 2 0 obj<>endobj This affordable, definitive edition of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika contains the original Sanskrit, a new English translation, and full-page photographs of all the asanas. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika goes on to list fifteen Asanas. 69. This branch of yoga is the foundation of all physical asana practices that are prevalent in the modern world. The book is believed to be written around fifteenth century by svatmarama. View Program Details Sandra Anderson Copyright 2021 Yoganama. 1 0 obj<>endobj The Nath Yogi Swatmarama is the author. which is called Samadhi, Samadhi very nice information. The meaning of the title is interesting to consider if one wishes to begin to understand the book's content. Siddhasana is a very powerful meditative posture and is considered the best pose for higher meditation. The Pose Lie on your back with both eyes closed. July 2017 Breathing No specific benefits are mentioned in the text, however, this posture is considered excellent for the digestive and eliminatory system. August 2018 Thats why hatha yoga begins with the body unlike others forms of yoga that begin directly with the mind. Press the chin against the chest and gaze on the tip of the nose. Injuries Ive done a beginner variations here using a prop. Mountain Pose - Tadasana Step 1: Start with the feet hip-width apart on the Yoga mat Step 2: Raise the arms over the body toward the ceiling, with the hands parallel Step 3: Relax the shoulders, and draw them away from your ears Step 4: Open the chest by drawing the shoulder blades together Teaching August 2020 Care should be taken in its practice as it is also a leading cause of injury to knees and ankles; mostly due to impatience (Rajas Guna!). November 2017 Alternatively, we can simply bend the knee and rest our elbow on it, as shown in the second photo. In the context of the HYP, and as explained by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Hatha Yoga is the collection of practises that prepares oneself for meditation. It should be practiced for gaining steady posture, health and lightness of body. Ive shown two version, with and without thebind (Binding is not important and it is also a function of body proportion which can vary by ethnicity.). It is a very advanced posture and should be done under guidance. If you can, try and grab the ears with the fingers and roll back to lie down on the floor. by Pancham Sinh, [1914], full text etext at Sacred Texts Hinduism Yoga . Shavasana helps us remove any tension and reset our body and mind. However, in India, the teachings of yoga were passed from student to teacher, one to one. Often we tend to skip it, but it is very important to make time for these moments of peace and stillness. Sit in padmasana and slide the hands through the legs like in the previous posture. [6] A folded blanket can be placed under the hips to elevate the seat. Siddhasana, padmasana, simhasana and bhadrasana, these are the four essential Asanas. 2. March 2022 We now come . In the first chapter of the work, there is a salutation to previous masters of Yoga, and several Yogic postures are described. Because it opens up the chest and shoulders it improves breath capacity and helps in chest ailments. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a classic manual on Hatha Yoga, written by Yogi Svatmarama (15th century CE), a sadhu belonging to Gorakh panth. Typically in Gomukhasana, the hands are clasped behind the back in what is called the infinity formation. It consists of four chapters: asana, pranayama, mudras, and samadhi. Written in the 15th century by Swami Svatmarama, the " Hatha Yoga Pradipika " is the oldest surviving manual of Hatha yoga and one of the three most important texts about the discipline. By Svatmarama, translated by Brian Dana Akers 128 pages 6 x 9 Photos. 6 0 obj<>endobj Women Of Yoga, September 2022 The text describes asanas, purifying practices, shatkarma, mudras, finger and hand positions, bandhas, locks, and pranayama, breath exercises. How close to classical is your yoga practice? The different branches of hatha yoga, raja yoga, mantra yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and kriya yoga are progressively introduced with special emphasis on practice, theory and application in day to day life. Each does something to prepare the body for the goal of yoga, which in this case was to contain the life forcepranawithin the central channel of the body. El libro explica el propsito del Hatha Yoga, el despertar de la energa sutil kundalini . September 2021 Lower the body down and rest the forehead on the block. May 2018 El texto describe las asanas, las prcticas de purificacin, el shatkarma, los mudras, las posiciones de los dedos y las manos, los bandhas, los bloqueos y el pranayama, los ejercicios de respiracin. Hatha Yoga Pradipika; Shiva Samhita; Gheranda Samhita; Others Menu Toggle. Salutation to adinatha (Siva) who expounded the knowledge of Hatha Yoga, which like a staircase leads the aspirant to the high pinnacled Raja Yoga. . The picture shown is a variation (Ardhamatsyendrasana) of the actual pose. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. This is symbolic of a peacock who can eat a poisonous snake. The Also, ensure that the head does not go too far forward out of alignment. 7 0 obj<>stream Hatha yoga pradipika is one of the original classics that has survived till date. Traditionally, in this pose, one should be sitting on the ankles with heels together or turning the feet such that heels are facing upwards. Practicing Yoga Can Change Your Life: 6 Reasons to Keep Going, Sharpen Your Mind With These Yoga and Aromatherapy Tips, Losing Weight With Yoga Even When Its Not Your Goal, Why Flexible Shoulders Matter in Yoga and in Everyday Life, svastikasana easy sitting pose with one ankle crossed over the other, kukkutasana a pose in which you place the hands between the knees and thighs while seated in a cross-legged position and lift the body, uttanakurmasana turtle pose on your back, mayurasana like plank or a pushup with the legs off the ground extended straight out behind you, siddhasana a seated pose known as accomplished pose done by pressing the heel of the foot against the perineum and gazing is between the eyebrows, padmasana a seated pose in which hands are clasped together and the chin is placed against the chest, simhasana a seated pose with on the knees, mouth open, and the gaze at the tip of the nose, bhadrasana like bound angle pose with the ankles pressed into the groin and the hands clasped around the feet. Sit up straight." This is a great posture for breathing and meditation practice, stable but less challenging than the full Lotus. . This posture is so named as Sage Matsyendranath was said to practice this pose. It is said to be the oldest surviving text on hatha yoga, and is one of the three classic texts of hatha yoga. Sukshma Yoga; Standing Asanas; Sitting Asanas; Supine Pose Asana; Prone Pose Asana; Surya Namaskar; Pranayama Menu Toggle. The primary purpose of Hatha Yoga is to induce deep relaxation and restore balance to the body, so the yogi can sit in meditation. It's pretty much the foundational book if want to become an enlightened being Extend the tongue as far out as possible and while exhaling make a roaring sound like a lion. Ive demonstrated an easier variation which can be practiced comfortably and also shared the image of actual asana (Image credit: Bihar School of Yoga). 5 0 obj<>endobj The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is the most comprehensive Sanskrit text for yoga technique. astonishing 2,100 yoga poses through photographs and descriptions for optimal benefit including adaptations for all levels of expertise and ages. Once youve developed the strength work on lifting the forehead. It drips down from the head and burns away in the digestive fire. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a well-known Hatha yoga text that includes fifteen primary postures, seven of which are seated and eight non-seated, as well as an amalgamation of additional postures totaling 84 asanas, can be thought of as an anthology of many Hatha texts combined. Once in padmasana, slide the hands through the gaps between the legs as far back as possible. Breath can either be retained internally in the final position or normal breathing is done. Anatomy Some of them are sitting and some are standing postures. Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes 15 asanas, whose names are as follows Swastikasana Gomukhasana Virasana Kurmasana Kukkutasana Uttankumin Dhanurasana Matsyendrasana Parichamottasana Mayurasana Shavasana Siddhasana Padmasana Throne Bhadrasana Swami Swatmaram Ji- has also considered 4 out of 15 main ones Siddhasana Padmasana Bhadrasan Throne Kukkutasana begins with Padmasana, hence should only be practiced if we are very comfortable in the lotus posture (discussed below). One for each species in the universe! And thats what we will be focusing on in this article. December 2021 All Rights Reserved. No specific benefits are mentioned in the text, however, this posture is considered good for stammering or throat issues. The second version is similar to Vajrasana except that the feet are everted instead of sitting on the toes we are sitting on the heels with toes pointing out. It discusses 84 Asanas which cleanse the impurities of 72,000 nadis (energy channels). The swastika is also the mystical cross symbol of Vedic times it denotes something auspicious or mark of goodness. The text lists a mere 15 poses of classical yoga. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Chapter 1: Asana. Slowly start combining both movements. No specific benefits are mentioned in the text, however, this posture is said to give some of the same benefits as other meditative postures. Hatha Yoga can be traced back to Gorakhnath, the fabled 11th-century . Learn how your comment data is processed. There are many variations for this posture. Book Excerpts This is called the Padmasana, the destroyer of the diseases of the Yamis. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Karuna Yoga Vidya Peetham, is an international organization promoting and teaching Yoga in India as well as overseas. Explore the 15 asanas of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the best known pre-modern text on hatha yoga. So one should practice the asanas, which give [the yogi . This concludes the first section of Hatha Yoga Pradipika on Asanas. June 2022 Your email address will not be published. February 2018 October 2019 Yogin Swatmarama, after saluting his Guru Srinatha explains Hatha Yoga for the attainment of Raja Yoga. Hatha yoga Pradipika 2. V 37 This Asana some Yogis call 'Siddhasana, ' some 'Vajrasana. In this posture, the tongue should be pressed against the roof of the upper teeth which is said to create a pranic circuit in our body. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika mentions that the toes are held with the hands and pulled up to the ears just like a warrior draws his bow before releasing the arrow. Bihar School of Yoga gives two ways to do this asana ~ The first one is as described in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the second one is a more common version called Simhagarajnasana or Roaring Lion Pose. For this article, we will go through the teachings of a text called Hatha Yoga Pradipika which gives details about 15 of these 84 asanas. Place a block in front of you and the elbows on either side of the waist and stretch the legs back one by one. The first chapter consisting of asana, the second of shatkrama and pranayama, the third of mudra and bandha, and the fourth is about Samadhi, which we will of course recognise . There are not many surviving texts on Hatha Yoga Asanas. Current Topics The chakras . !Hatha yoga is good for your overall body. The bend should come from the hips. Within the fundamental principles of yama and niyama, one important aspect is Ishwara pranidhyana, which means to constantly acknowledge an intelligence beyond yourself. February 2022 Compassionate Swtmrma composes the Hatha Yoga Pradipik like a torch to dispel it. The meaning of the title is interesting to consider if one wishes to begin to understand the book's content. Hatha simply refers to the practice of physical yoga postures, meaning your Ashtanga, vinyasa, Iyengar and Power Yoga classes are all Hatha Yoga. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika was written around the year 1350 and is the first book ever written about Yoga. Adjust the position so that the ankles are not grating against each other. The spine must be straight so nervous impulses can freely travel to the brain. Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Chapter 3: Mudra and Bandha Hatha Yoga is the six-limb yoga (Shatanga Yoga). . The word "pradipika" means light. March 2018 Hatha is a tantric practice and Tantra believes in transforming and divinizing physical substances before pursuing transcendence. represents the stage where the mediator merges with its object of focus and Slide your legs apart until your legs are positioned hip's width apart or wider, and let your big toes fall outward toward the sides of the room. Inhale to come up. The book is well illustrated with photographs that depict a model demonstrating the postures. December 2019 3 0 obj<>endobj This course is part of the 4 Yoga Teacher Training Course, which comprises of Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Samkhya Yoga, Pancha Tattva Asana Kriya and Pancha Tattva Pranayama . The Hatha yoga pradipika of Svatmarama is one of the most important yoga texts, and HansUlrich Rieker's translation and commentary have long been valuable to yoga students as a complement to their practice and study. To the best of my knowledge, the original name of the text is the Hathapradipika. September 2020 October 2017 Its author, Svami Svatmarama, was a disciple of Svami Gorakhnath. 2. February 2020 (If youre seeking enlightenment and immortality, knowing these poses may be essential!). April 2019 Hatha Yoga Pradipika Chapter 1, On Asanas 1. February 2021 December 2020 In India, it is normally used at the entrance of most houses and even temples. January 2020 "Yoga succeeds by these six: enthusiasm, openness, courage, knowledge of the truth, determination, and solitude." - 1.16 The four chapters of the Haha Yoga Pradpik The text is based on the manipulation of energy: sana to stimulate, pryma to retain, and mudr to shift pra and finally to reach samdhi. Pradipika means "light" or "to illuminate", ha means "sun", tha means "moon" and yoga or yug means to "join". `.B[X_M4cE Explore the 15 asanas of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the best known pre-modern text on hatha yoga. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No specific benefits are mentioned in the text, however, this posture is considered great for relaxing and calming the nerves. January 2021 In the beginning, you can oil or water (after rolling up the leggings) to reduce friction while sliding the hands. May 2019 The picture shown is a variation of the actual pose. June 2020 July 2022 It consists of four chapters: asana, pranayama, mudras, and samadhi When Svatmarama wrote the text, yogis had already been practicing for centuries.
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