Trundle bites his opponent, dealing damage and sapping some of their attack damage. The pillar blocks movement within 62.5 range and slows enemies within 187.5 range every 1.25 seconds. You come here to fight me? said Yettu with a grin, putting up his fists that were, as Sligu had mentioned, like giant boulders. Right then, you rascal! said Trundle cheerfully. Trundle would be their king. Yeah. The brain that does your thinking!, Itd be a battle of wits, said Trundle, then, under his breath, Lucky for me it looks like youre unarmed., How do we fight wiv our squishy brains?. Between Yettus skull and Boneshivers True Ice, Trundle wasnt sure which would come out best. Though we took some power out of his Subjugation, Trundle is still the top troll in competitive play. We've cleaned up some champions' base stats over the years and are rounding out the remaining 99 champions. Then, his See More. Giant hunks of flesh torn from the bellies of giant sea creatures, ribs from hairy mammoths, slithering piles of rotten fish, giant wings from the flightless birds of the tundra, entire elnk heads, and squirming heaps of wriggling body parts that Trundle was glad he didnt recognize. Fixed a bug where it was not blocked by spell shields. Traditional Trundle This skin shares the Traditional theme with: Traditional Karma Traditional Lee Sin Traditional Sejuani This is his first incarnation before he was reworked. Manage Settings Trundle is an eleven-foot-tall ice troll who enjoys allying with evil wizards and biting people to death. Trundle drains 20/27.5/35% (+2% bonus Ability Power) of an enemy champion's maximum Health as Magic Damage and 40% of their Armor and Magic Resist, half immediately and half over 4 seconds. Trundle was not daunted by any of this; but the Ice Witch wanted to know how he had found his way here, into the very heart of her domain, and how he was able to walk upon her lake. Me? But turns out Im alive, and looks like you and your friend here got the dungy end of the stick, dont it?. Cookies Policies He left a deep trench in his wake, heavy clawed feet ripping up the loose shale beneath the snow with every step. No one get to see Yettu, declared the second guard, his beady eyes like two lumps of coal. Trundle coats target location with ice for 8 seconds, gaining 20/28/36/44/52% Movement Speed, 30/50/70/90/110% Attack Speed and 25% increased healing and regeneration from all sources. Didnt do to leave clever trolls alone for too long. Trundle creates an icy pillar at target location for 6 seconds, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units by 30/34/38/42/46%. The mountain of meat seemed to get no smaller, no matter how many chunks they ate. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. They passed caves with spiky roofs of ice and filled with trolls of all shapes and sizes. Nobody beats me, he snarled, and plunged the knife deep into his own stomach. Trundle bites his target dealing 175% of his Attack Damage, applying 50% AS Slow for 3 seconds, and stealing Attack Damage for the rest of combat. Trundle is a champion in League of Legends. Trundle is a champion in League of Legends.[1]. Trundle tried to follow the guards logic, but gave up when it began to hurt his brain. Then, he took Yettus knife and sliced it across his cloaked belly. Knowing a trolls thought processes could take a while, Trundle swung the large sack down from his shoulder and held it open before Sligus brother. Make sure to get out of his Pillar of Ice as quickly as possible, as it significantly slows you down. Soon as he eard that, it was king this and king that all the time!, I thought you northern trolls hated titles like that?, We do, but Yettu said if it were good enough for a warmskin southern troll like you, then he wanted to be a king as well. v8.16 E slow increased. To his surprise, the Ice Witch agreed, and handed him a mighty club of ice called Boneshiver. Fiercely territorial, he chases down anyone foolish enough to enter his domain. Trundle was smart. Troll King gotta look good, right? It is a strong ability that helps equalize the playing field. And in the span of time it took for him to notice the only dead troll was his fellow ambusher, Trundle had a meaty fist wrapped around his throat. Viewed:15hoursago. That supposed to be Yettu? asked Trundle, trying not to sound impressed. He has no AoE damage to help him burn down a camp, leading to the fact that he can't counter-jungle at all. If youre a king, a real king, you gotta use this., Yettu nodded. Fixed a bug where the particle could queue up in the fog of war. Big Sligu nodded. 02/15/2023 -. A beam of moonlight speared into the cavern through a hole in the roof that made the towering walls of ice shimmer with dancing lights and ghostly shapes. About Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki, Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki, Trolling the bot lane with Trundle support, Champion Sneak Peek: Trundle, the Cursed Troll. Also, every other auto reset in the game gains bonus range, so I don't see why trundle shouldn't. Cooldown: Same as current Scrap. Any travelers discovered in his domain are subjected to painfully theatrical displays of grandeurthen beatings, then death. Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for a percentage of their maximum health. Trundle grinned a toothy grin and upended the sack to spill out the rest of the animal carcasses between them in a stinking red pile of fur, bones, and rotten meat. Then, his massive club of True Ice at the ready, he chills his enemies to the bone and impales them with jagged, frozen pillars, laughing as they bleed out onto the tundra. Frozen Domain will cast at max range if cast beyond that. Bonus attack speed reduced to 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100% from 30 / 47. Chomp is good for lowering the physical damage of enemies; try to focus it on enemy physical damage dealers. Over the ages, surviving trolls have looked up to him as their fearsome leader in this world torn asunder by dragon fire. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Active: Trundle bites his target with this next basic attack, dealing modified physical damage equal to a base amount plus a percentage of his attack damage. So it may reduce the damage you are taking, but as a reactionary cast, it's probably too late. BODYGUARD/HEART - Trundle wears it. Use Chomp on enemy carries to decrease their physical damage output and provide your team an advantage in teamfights. This is King Yettus land, gasped the troll. And then he smoked out trolls of Ice Cave Glacier and took their lair., Ate a load of cave mushrooms and elnk dung, then blocked the cave entrance and let loose a bum-ripper down their air hole., Clever, said Trundle. Passive heal from nearby enemy death increased and now smoothly scales across levels. As your Resurrection skill level increases, the death penalty decreases. 67 likes. Mercury's Treads are the most bought Trundle boots by Pros. Q base damage decreased at later ranks. Trundle dropped the troll, who fell to the snow with a rasping wheeze of breath. However, our recent efforts to knock down systemic sustain (like Grasp of the Undying) have made Trundles passive sustain stand out even more. The base damage is pretty low and the AD ratio is okay. Trundle vs Rammus Matchup Summary. A troll with greenish skin like mossy tree bark rose unsteadily from his hiding place, the back of his skull a smashed-in crater. Trundle waited until he was a clubs length away from the mound before hauling out Boneshiver. It would get easier every time. 2187577318 That pepper is burning through their booking counter and sprinkle a bit nervous.218-757-7318 Hot design for writing in general? Can I borrow that big knife of yours?. Active: Trundle erects a pillar of ice at the target location for 6 seconds, which knocks back units hit to 225 units from its center. W cooldown now reduces with rank. Base health regeneration reduced to 6 from 9. Trundle Tips (Enemy) Trundle is very powerful at location-based combat. Patch 10.14 Howling winds billowed his patchwork cloak of stitched-together hides, and the figure pulled it tighter around his body. Then, getting points in W allows Trundle to scale into . Trundle watched the northern kings grin fade as his belly yawned open like a second mouth and all the half-digested food hed just eaten came spilling out in a torrent of his own blood and coiled guts. Slow strength reduced to 30 / 34 / 38 / 42 / 46% from 32 / 39 / 46 / 53 / 60%. Truly this was a feast fit for a king, but only one of them could walk away from it. Attempting to do so will cause the pillar to spawn in the nearest available spot of accessible terrain, similar to, Although the pillar does not deal any damage, it will trigger in-combat effects such as drawing, The total value of armor and magic resistance drained is determined. Tuning down the frequency and potency of Trundle's crowd control to reduce the troll king's effectiveness at setting up ganks and favorable fights, particularly in competitive play. Divine Sunderer and Frozen Heart. Base health, mana, and mana regen rounded. An irresistible stench of maggoty meat and rank, coagulated blood wafted from its ragged neck. Any troll that called himself king didnt get to stay that way for long without having a sense for when blood was about to be spilled. Also, he could see a foot sticking out of one, and a tuft of hair from the other. Frowning, Trundle stood up, and said this plan was no good. At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Chomp on Trundle.As the match progresses, it is best to maximise Frozen Domain into Chomp and at last Pillar of Ice. Only big trolls live.. Find out all the info, recommended items & builds, existing class, origins, synergies, hextech augments and much more . Cooldown reduced to 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds from 15 at all ranks. Cooldown reduced to 100 / 80 / 60 seconds from 110 / 90 / 70. Awed by Trundles newfound strength, the rest of the warband listened to his tale of the Ice Witch, and the alliance she had promised. TFT set 6 Trundle. We're taxing the troll's mana pool to curb some of that non-stop aggression. Trundle creates an impassable plagued beacon at a target location for 6.5 seconds. League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends Riot Games, Inc. Frozen Domain. You not so big, said Yettu, tapping a thick finger on Trundles matted red hair. Animation speed scales with Trundle's attack speed. Add Braum and drop Yuumi or Janna depending on lobby. Trundles belly rumbled and he belched a stinking cloud of yellowed gas. The eyes inside the mound widened in surprise as Trundle sprang through the air and slammed his giant club down into the snow with a satisfying crunch. FEATHERWEIGHT - Cait carries most of this game and this makes her better. v7.13 Trundle is a good champion to split push with. Skill: Active. Slow changed to 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%. It looked like an upside-down storm cloud spitting bolts of bone lightning back at the sky. Previous nerfs took too big a bite out of the Troll King's strength so we're returning some of the dueling prowess we removed earlier in the season. Want to eat trolls. Patch 9.8 They were big, all right, orange-skinned and wiry, birds nest hair sprouting from the empty eye sockets of the dead animals. They ground their teeth and thumped the sides of their heads, trying to comprehend what Trundle was suggesting. Bonus Physical Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+ 15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55% AD) The heads of the trolls around them went back and forth as the two troll kings exchanged boasts, each one more outlandish than the last. Found these when boat made of trees wrecked on sea, said Yettu. Q bonus damage increased late. W's healing amp is now the same at all ranks, and R's been slightly buffed due to a bugfix. Patch 10.12 Yettu popped a shovel-like handful of tiny skulls into his mouth, crunching them and rolling the pieces around his mouth like they were some kind of delicacy. He shoved it toward his mouth, but instead of eating it he tipped most of it down his front and into the sack. Trundle had planned to smash Yettus head in with Boneshiver the moment he came face to face with him. Whos Me? said the second guard. Abilities. So where does he get off on calling himself a king? asked Trundle. Constable Trundle's definition of keeping the peace translates to barking insults at jaywalkers, haphazardly placing cones in the street, and perhaps worst of all, plundering doughnuts from all the local bakeries. This means they can endure extremes of climate and scarce resources merely by out-surviving their rivals, and this is the most likely reason some of the largest known tribes still call the mountains of the Freljord home. Innate: Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he absorbs its life force and heals for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (based on level)% of its maximum health. All would fear them. I fink e said summat about them being too smelly. Youre clever.. No trolls had cut these passageways, but something about them didnt strike Trundle as being natural. Hungary, Budapest. Trundles Passive - King's Tribute makes it so that when enemies die near him he heals for a percentage of their maximum health. Trundle nodded. The clever little troll must have seen him hide the sack under his cloak. He clever one.. Steal: 20/25/40 Trundle Stats Health 700 / 1260 / 2268 Armor 40 MR 40 Damage 70 / 126 / 227 Speed 0.75 Range DPS 53 / 95 / 170 Mana 40 / 70 Recommended Items It burned his throat as it went down, and he felt it light a fire in his belly he knew was going to wreak havoc on his backside when he was forced to empty himself out. Trundle forces his opponents between a rock and a hard place with Pillar of Ice, softly restricting their movement. Summoner Spells Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Why you not say so? In his splash artwork . Want to contribute to this wiki?Sign up for an account, and get started!You can even turn off ads in your preferences.Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! v5.9 When Trundle arrived, the chieftain laughed in his face until Trundle bashed him over the head with Boneshiver. He heard you was walkin about calling yourself king and that everyone gave you all the best food first, said Sligu. Trundle's dueling potential is too high, even if he isn't building damage. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. If Trundle or his target is killed mid-drain, the drain is regarded as complete and will begin to to return the gained / lost stats immediately. Q bonus damage ratio increased. Not that Trundle had ever seen a desert, but he knew what one was. He pretended like he was having a big, wide-fanged yawn as he scanned the lumpy snowbanks ahead of him. Trundle took a closer look at the great mass of moss on Yettus head, now seeing that woven into the wiry thatch of thorny briars and ice were various bloodstained animal bones, horns, and antlers. Which made the need for this journey all the more strange, because hed heard stories of a giant troll called Yettu who was going about telling the other clan-trolls that he was the troll king. Sounded a bit far-fetched to Trundle, and what was the point of snow that didnt melt? Sea monsters in ice, yes, thatd be a good story to tell when he got back. Czech Republic, Prague. Animations: New animation for his laugh. Cooldown changed to 22 / 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 seconds from 23 / 20 / 17 / 14 / 11. But Trundle did not want this, and told her how he had been cast out by the chieftain, and that he wanted to find a great weapon and become a troll king like Grubgrack and all the others. Available Skins Available Skins Trundle Lil' Slugger Trundle Junkyard Trundle Traditional Trundle Constable Trundle Worldbreaker Trundle Dragonslayer Trundle . Trundle the Troll King., I heard of you, said Sligus brother. Patch 10.2 Trundle slapped his bulging midriff and shook his head. Nasty, but clever all the same., And then he ate the biggest troll of the Night Soilers from the knees up., Why the knees? said Trundle. Smoothing out this pillar-punching princes passive so he doesnt hit arbitrary power spikes at various levels, and throwing in a small buff at every level to help him bash down enemies. The chieftain beat Trundle with a rock, and threw him away down the mountainside. Phone Numbers 218 Phone Numbers 218757 Phone Numbers 2187577318 Jeneuddy Falepouono. Trundle is weak against champions with CC, use them to your advantage. Were reverting the patch 9.6 buff in the hopes that this will ice down his early game clear speed and dueling prowess. Trundle creates an ice pillar at target location, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units. Sligu might only be little, but sooner or later he might get some big ideas. Trundle's been clobbering all his opponents, regardless of health or risk, especially in pro play. Real king needs the biggest belly, and Yettus bigger and meaner. He carried a giant leather sack slung over one massive shoulder, bulging with the carcasses of elnk, drvasks, feral hogs, and clumsy mountain goats. Also rounding some base stats out because those decimals are as ugly as he is. Base attack damage increased to 68 from 60. Initial damage and drain over time changed to 10 / 11 / 12. Pillar of Ice. W bonus attack speed increased. Attack Range ChangesA few champions are getting increased range. My names Trundle, the Troll King, an I want you to take me to Yettu, he said. Costa could try this thread! Is Trundle weak? We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Chomp + Auto + Tiamat Active + Auto or Chomp or Chomp or Auto Blade of the Ruined King Combo . USD1,414*. Had the cold got into his brain and turned it to slush? Little Sligu came forward and Trundle eyed the smaller troll with a mixture of suspicion and respect. Damage adjusted to 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100. PHONY FRONTLINE - Always take this no matter what basically. I erd you was biggest troll ever. Q attack damage sap duration decreased. Theres good eating on feet., Sligu shrugged, and a tiny rodent poked its head out from the dense knot of fur at the back of his neck with an annoyed squeak. Trundle\'s next Attack deals an additional physical damage and briefly Slows by 75%, then Trundle gains 20/25/30/35/40 Attack Damage for 5 seconds and the enemy loses {{ effect 3 amount* 0.5}} Attack Damage for the same duration.This Ability triggers spell effects upon dealing damage.d While they were looking up, Trundle stuffed the now empty sack beneath his patchwork cloak and pulled it tight around his body. Then, his massive club of True Ice at the ready, he chills his enemies to the bone and impales them with jagged, frozen pillars, laughing as they bleed out onto the tundra. W bonus movement speed decreased. This guide is about TFT Trundle items and comps set 6: Trundle bites his target dealing 175% of his Attack Damage. W bonus attack speed decreased early. Time for a plan so cunning it would make the Ice Witchs hair melt. Trundle thought it looked pretty until he remembered how Yettu had won these caves, and tried not to imagine his warty backside pressed through that hole and disgorging the foggy contents of his guts. Original Trundle It started out as a new skin (Ice Troll Trundle) but eventually evolved into his VU Classic Skin. ". Trundle bites his opponent, dealing damage, briefly slowing and sapping some of their Attack Damage. Make sure to get out of his Pillar of Ice as quickly as possible, as it significantly slows you down. High base health regeneration on top of his passive prevents most top laners from forcing him out of lane before his ultimate is back up again. Q can damage turrets. Well, I once drank so much that when I had to pass water I made the sea at Rakelstake.. (Please note that fares may vary based on availability, tax and surcharge.) You gonna let him beat you like that? said Little Sligu. Big Sligu led him deeper into the glacier, a sparkling network of smooth tunnels carved deep into the ice. Dug it out to make a hole big enough to pee in.. Innate: Whenever a nearby enemy dies, Trundle heals himself for 1.8% 5.5% (based on level) of the target's maximum health. One who says he troll king?. Me? he grinned through a mouthful of crunching bone and dripping fat. Fiercely territorial, he chases down anyone foolish enough to enter his domain. His head was like a boulder that had rolled down from a mountain top, gathering up all the frozen moss and gorse along the way before landing on an even larger boulder. Nah, just got to make room for next course.. Full? Right, lets get to climbin then, said Trundle. Healing amplification increased to 20% at all ranks from 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20%. Trundle Stats Abilities Chomp Trundle bites his dealing 175% of his Attack Damage, applying 50% AS slow for 3 seconds, and stealing Attack Damage for the rest of combat. Abilities Abilities Passive King's Tribute When an enemy unit dies near Trundle, he heals for a percent of its maximum Health. Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a particularly vicious streak, and there is nothing he cannot bludgeon into submissionnot even the Freljord itself. The knife dropped from his hand and his knees buckled. Chomp carries Trundle's early game with its strong self-buff and base damage. Unable to let go of being rejected from the major and minor leagues, Trundle has joined a little league team after saying he was thirteen years old on an admission form. Even among trollkind, Trundle was huge; his muscles like rocks rolling beneath thick blue skin that was the texture of leather left out under the desert sun. Sligus brother, it turned out, was also called Sligu, so Trundle came up with the bright idea of calling one Big Sligu, and the other Little Sligu. You supposed to be dead, gurgled the troll. The second ambusher leapt out with a throaty roar, lifting a giant stone club over his head and slamming it down where Trundle had been standing a moment ago. Pillar of Ice can be used to block off enemy's passages, slow them down or interrupt dashes and a lot more! He took his time, taking slow bites here and there, all the while stuffing entire wings, heads, and racks of blackened ribs into the sack until it was full and he could fit no more in. When an enemy unit dies near Trundle, he heals for a percent of its maximum Health. When do we get properly started?. As well as food, giant stone bowls of frothed liquid were brought out, stuff that made the hairs in Trundles nose curl up. We dig the uniqueness of his passive, but theres no need for him to have so much additional extra health regeneration on top of that. Yettu wiped his blood-greasy chin and belched. This Trundle Build will totally increase your chances to gain LP and to climb the leaderboard in LoL.. Trundle Abilities. Slim tops the tables! Trundle Ability (LoL): Chomp Chomp Trundle Q Cooldown: 3.5 Cost: 30 Trundle enhances his next basic attack, dealing 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55% of attack damage) physical damage and slowing its target by 75% for 0.1 seconds. Whatcha want ere?. v5.23 A long black-bladed knife of smooth stone from the steaming haunches of a fire mountain was sheathed across his chest in a fold of his skin. But the cunningest of kings? We'll be back relatively soon for a follow-up, but at least now Trundle won't look so goofy as he punches you with his enormous iceclub. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Teenage nightmare Trundle leaves everything distressed. He avoided other troll tribes scattered across the tundra, and was careful to keep his distance from the feral yetis that roamed the highlands. Yettus eyes widened and he snatched the carcass from Trundles hands to stuff it whole down his gullet. Trundles stat-sapping abilities make him very hard to fight 1-on-1. Attack speed bonus increased to 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60%. 25 seconds. You see any other troll here wearing a crown?. Once ate two whole mammoths when yawned and didnt even notice., That so? said Trundle. The armor and magic resist is returned 4 seconds after the drain ends. Initial armor and magic resist steal and drain over time adjusted to 20% from 15 / 20 / 25%. And with Trundle leading the charge, the time of the trolls is surely coming. Day. . Chomp is good for lowering the physical damage of enemies; try to focus it on enemy physical damage dealers. I meant to hit you with me club., I saw that, said Trundle, squeezing the trolls neck until his face turned a pretty shade of purple. I suppose youre Yettu then?, Who else I be? The giant icy face was the second biggest thing Trundle had ever seen, with giant eyes that still managed to look beady and cunning, fat lips and jutting tusks below a giant, warted nose. Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a particularly vicious streak, and there is nothing he cannot bludgeon into submissionnot even the Freljord itself. Trundle counters, best voted builds and more tips @ (Active) Trundle drains a percentage of an enemy champion's health as magic damage and 20% of their armor and magic resist, half immediately and half over 4 seconds. Attack Damage Stolen: 20 / 30 / 50. Blessed with the ability to command the raw power of mountain ice, he defends his realm from death and destruction. The second of four titans prophesied to shatter the world, it has been foretold that Trundle will appear when the moon smothers the sun. A hulking figure trudged through the waist-deep snow of the canyon, lumbering uphill with a purposeful gait that dared the blizzard to stop him. More meat was brought up and placed in the pile between the two seated troll kings. Chomp chomp. Trundle's stat-sapping abilities make him very hard to fight 1-on-1. This attack increases Trundle's attack damage for 8 seconds, with his opponent losing half of this amount for the same duration. Most trolls didnt have much rattling around in their skulls anyway, and would believe pretty much any tale he told. Trundle immediately steals a percent of his target's Health, Armor and Magic Resistance. Practice has been interesting. Q Chomp Cooldown: 3.5 Cost: 30 mana Range: 300 Trundle Q Trundle lunges at his opponent with his next basic attack, dealing 20/40/60/80/100 (+15/25/35/45/55% Attack Damage) physical damage and briefly slowing his target. Dere she cut inside. Sligu nodded. Bonus movement speed increased to 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% from 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%. Yettu sank to the ground, trying in vain to hold the sliced flaps of his belly together. On and on they ate, their audience cheering with every rotten mouthful of food and every bowl of frustbogga they drank. Bonus movement speed changed to 20 / 28 / 36 / 44 / 52% from 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%. He told us he got it from an ice-wyrms belly wot he walked through like a big smelly tunnel, but my mate, Regi, says it looks like he made it from some teef and antlers wot he found in a dung pile.. Trundle pushed himself carefully to his feet, holding the bulge of his cloak and letting out a thunderous fart that swiftly cleared the space behind him. From. Headbutts. While he is within the area, he gains bonus attack speed, bonus movement speed, and 25% increased healing from all sources. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Trundle had needed to bash a few heads together when some uppity trolls heard those stories and got to saying stupid stuff out loud. Needless to say, this behavior results in some very stern browbeatings from Piltover Yard. E cooldown increased. His eyes watered at the noxious flavor of it, somewhere between corpse-blood swamp runoff and the red rock that flows. Big trolls hang out here with king, said Big Sligu. Maybe they had, Trundle didnt know. Enemies caught in the center of the eruption are briefly knocked back. Chomp. Wait, you said you dug land to make sea at Rakelstake, Trundle retorted without missing a beat. Now I think I know how a little troll like yous managed to survive up here among all these big boys, said Trundle. I see fire in belly. Bonus attack damage duration reduced to 5 seconds from 8. Feel free to build this if their team is stacking health. Ah, thats better, he said, handing the knife to Little Sligu with a sly wink, who returned the blade to Yettu. It was a troll, and somehow it managed to get even bigger when it turned around, catching wind of the sack Trundle was carrying. Trundle knew trolls were, by and large, not exactly imaginative, so when Sligu described Yettu as a mountain with eyes, a fighter with fists like boulders, and a belly as deep as a ravine, he began to get an idea of what he might be up against. Q W E R Fighter 0 / 1 Win / Loss <1% Pick Rate 0% Ban Rate KR Won Build Probuilds Runes Counters More Trundle Builds Details Abilities Spell Skill Priority W Q E 33% 28 Q W E 27% 23 W E Q 21% 18 Q W E R Abilities until Level 5 Q 1 Trundle leaned back and yawned, stretching like he was ready to go for a nap. Fools had no place in his warband. Except Nunu and Tahm Kench. Download the League app to stay connected to friends and the latest game and esports news. Trundle infects a target location with his curse, gaining attack speed, movement speed, and crowd control reduction while on it. Sign up for an account, and get started! Just because hed newly thought of becoming a king like Grubgrack and the other ancient troll lords, didnt mean anyone else got to think like that! This site uses cookies. Ability. It is also the second . Q - Chomp. What you want?, Sligu jerked a yellowed thumb in Trundles direction and said, This ones ere to see Yettu.. Trundle grinned a wide, gap-toothed grin and shook his mane of ragged red hair free of frost.
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